269 research outputs found

    Algorithms for the workflow satisfiability problem engineered for counting constraints

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    The workflow satisfiability problem (WSP) asks whether there exists an assignment of authorized users to the steps in a workflow specification that satisfies the constraints in the specification. The problem is NP-hard in general, but several subclasses of the problem are known to be fixed-parameter tractable (FPT) when parameterized by the number of steps in the specification. In this paper, we consider the WSP with user-independent counting constraints, a large class of constraints for which the WSP is known to be FPT. We describe an efficient implementation of an FPT algorithm for solving this subclass of the WSP and an experimental evaluation of this algorithm. The algorithm iteratively generates all equivalence classes of possible partial solutions until, whenever possible, it finds a complete solution to the problem. We also provide a reduction from a WSP instance to a pseudo-Boolean SAT instance. We apply this reduction to the instances used in our experiments and solve the resulting PB SAT problems using SAT4J, a PB SAT solver. We compare the performance of our algorithm with that of SAT4J and discuss which of the two approaches would be more effective in practice

    Projecting habitat of the nonbreeding Prothonotary Warbler (Protonotaria citrea) under various climate scenarios

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    Understanding a species’ range, and how it may change over time, allows researchers to develop more robust species management plans and to identify vital habitat for conservation planning. For migratory bird species, different habitats are utilized during different times of year. While a neotropical migratory species’ breeding grounds may be adequate, its wintering ground or various stopover areas may be under threat. In what is known as a carry over effect, the degradation of wintering grounds can lead to poor quality individuals in the breeding range (Rockwell et al., 2012), thus reduced fitness. The tropics are predicted to experience changes in temperature and precipitation as a result of climate change (Neelin et al., 2006). These changes may result in the decline of food resources required by migratory species wintering in the tropics. Resource rich mangrove ecosystems and riparian habitats are highly threatened by climate-induced sea level rise and storm surges (Şekercioğlu et al., 2012). The Prothonotary warbler (Protonotaria citrea) is a habitat specialist that relies on the endangered mangrove forests of coastal wetlands. The effects of climate change may cause species with narrow environmental niches, such as the Prothonotary warbler, to shift their ranges to less suitable habitat (Şekercioğlu et al., 2008)

    Pattern backtracking algorithm for the workflow satisfiability problem with user-independent constraints

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    The workflow satisfiability problem (WSP) asks whether there exists an assignment of authorised users to the steps in a workflow specification, subject to certain constraints on the assignment. (Such an assignment is called valid.) The problem is NP-hard even when restricted to the large class of user-independent constraints. Since the number of steps k is relatively small in practice, it is natural to consider a parametrisation of the WSP by k. We propose a new fixed-parameter algorithm to solve the WSP with user-independent constraints. The assignments in our method are partitioned into equivalence classes such that the number of classes is exponential in k only. We show that one can decide, in polynomial time, whether there is a valid assignment in an equivalence class. By exploiting this property, our algorithm reduces the search space to the space of equivalence classes, which it browses within a backtracking framework, hence emerging as an efficient yet relatively simple-to-implement or generalise solution method. We empirically evaluate our algorithm against the state-of-the-art methods and show that it clearly wins the competition on the whole range of our test problems and significantly extends the domain of practically solvable instances of the WSP


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    Given the essential characteristic of competence; criteria of development of competence. Disclosure of psycho-akmeological content of such development.Раскрыта сущность информационно-коммуникационной компетентности личности, критерии и содержание ее развития в психолого-акмеологической системе

    Концепция образования Макса Шелера в свете его философской антропологии

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    In modern pedagogy, the educational ideal of knowledge is gradually being established as a special property of a person included in the existence of the world. The formation of a person comes to the fore here, not just the process of transferring a certain amount of knowledge. One of the founders of this approach is Max Scheler. Materials and methods. The general foundations for the study of his concept of education were the method of philosophical and anthropological reconstruction and the method of meaningful and semantic interpretation, as well as dialectical, hermeneutic, comparative, ascent from the abstract to the concrete, systemic and other methods. The main results of the study. The German thinker developed his theory of education on the basis of philosophical anthropology and the sociology of knowledge, the component parts of which are phenomenology and axiology. The main task of philosophical anthropology is to analyze the essence and essential structure of man, the sources of his being, which combines a powerful but blind energetic-vital “impulse” and a seeing, but weak content-semantic “spirit” axiologically striving towards the Divine. First of all, a person is a loving creature, and then - a knowing and willing. Scheler identified three types of knowledge - practical, positive, aimed at achieving pragmatic goals; essential, educational, aimed at the formation and development of the individual, and metaphysical, salvific, striving to comprehend the higher basis of being, which can be used in the process of education and spiritual development of a person, where the second type of knowledge plays the main role. Education is the process of self-creation of a person through love for other people, God and the whole world, the philosopher emphasizes. The metaphysical prerequisite for the self-formation of a personality is freedom as the spontaneity of its spiritual center. The goal of education is the realization of the ideal of the whole human as a comprehensively and spiritually developed personality, consistently revealing all its essential capabilities. In the absolute sense, the “whole human” is the “guiding idea” of a person who, in infinite form and finite variety, consistently reveals all his essential capabilities. In a relative sense, this ideal is embodied in the idea of a “well-formed human” striving for self-development in specific historical conditions and life circumstances. The comprehensive and holistic worldview of the individual, the philosopher comes to the conclusion, is possible through the acquisition and assimilation of essential, educational and other types of knowledge that determine the structure of ordering and understanding the facts of the possible experience of people. © 2020 LLC Ecological Help. All rights reserved

    Ninja data analysis with a detection pipeline based on the Hilbert-Huang Transform

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    The Ninja data analysis challenge allowed the study of the sensitivity of data analysis pipelines to binary black hole numerical relativity waveforms in simulated Gaussian noise at the design level of the LIGO observatory and the VIRGO observatory. We analyzed NINJA data with a pipeline based on the Hilbert Huang Transform, utilizing a detection stage and a characterization stage: detection is performed by triggering on excess instantaneous power, characterization is performed by displaying the kernel density enhanced (KD) time-frequency trace of the signal. Using the simulated data based on the two LIGO detectors, we were able to detect 77 signals out of 126 above SNR 5 in coincidence, with 43 missed events characterized by signal to noise ratio SNR less than 10. Characterization of the detected signals revealed the merger part of the waveform in high time and frequency resolution, free from time-frequency uncertainty. We estimated the timelag of the signals between the detectors based on the optimal overlap of the individual KD time-frequency maps, yielding estimates accurate within a fraction of a millisecond for half of the events. A coherent addition of the data sets according to the estimated timelag eventually was used in a characterization of the event.Comment: Accepted for publication in CQG, special issue NRDA proceedings 200

    A study on the utility of preventive health check-up in early detection of disease states

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    Background: Because of the current lifestyle and food habits, people are becoming more vulnerable to many diseases like diabetes, hypertension, dyslipidemia and coronary artery disease. Early detection of disease in its latent phase helps in timely therapeutic interventions, thereby significantly reducing the morbidity and mortality. Preventive health check-up is widely adopted by many hospitals towards this goal. The aim of the study was to analyze the utility of master health check-up in early detection of disease states.Methods: Retrospective study of 262 asymptomatic individuals attending Master Health Checkup section was done. Patients with significant symptoms were excluded. Descriptive analysis was used in the processing and analysis of data.Results: In the study population, 12.8% had diabetic range of blood sugar values and 21.7% had BP in the hypertensive range. Dyslipidemia was detected in 89.2% of asymptomatic individuals. Thyroid function abnormalities were detected in 10.7% of the population. Among other newly detected diseases, detection rates were 40.9% for NAFLD, 4.2% for renal impairment and 26.7% for anemia.Conclusions: The study results are encouraging to educate the society to utilize preventive health services, as significant number of disease states were newly detected in the preventive health check-up