9 research outputs found

    IBtkα Activates the β-Catenin-Dependent Transcription of MYC through Ubiquitylation and Proteasomal Degradation of GSK3β in Cancerous B Cells

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    The IBTK gene encodes the IBtkα protein that is a substrate receptor of E3 ubiquitin ligase, Cullin 3. We have previously reported the pro-tumorigenic activity of Ibtk in MYC-dependent B-lymphomagenesis observed in Eμ-myc transgenic mice. Here, we provide mechanistic evidence of the functional interplay between IBtkα and MYC. We show that IBtkα, albeit indirectly, activates the β-catenin-dependent transcription of the MYC gene. Of course, IBtkα associates with GSK3β and promotes its ubiquitylation, which is associated with proteasomal degradation. This event increases the protein level of β-catenin, a substrate of GSK3β, and results in the transcriptional activation of the MYC and CCND1 target genes of β-catenin, which are involved in the control of cell division and apoptosis. In particular, we found that in Burkitt’s lymphoma cells, IBtkα silencing triggered the downregulation of both MYC mRNA and protein expression, as well as a strong decrease of cell survival, mainly through the induction of apoptotic events, as assessed by using flow cytometry-based cell cycle and apoptosis analysis. Collectively, our results shed further light on the complex puzzle of IBtkα interactome and highlight IBtkα as a potential novel therapeutic target to be employed in the strategy for personalized therapy of B cell lymphoma

    IBTK contributes to B-cell lymphomagenesis in Eμ-myc transgenic mice conferring resistance to apoptosis

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    Abstract Increasing evidence supports the involvement of IBTK in cell survival and tumor growth. Previously, we have shown that IBTK RNA interference affects the wide genome expression and RNA splicing in cell-type specific manner. Further, the expression of IBTK gene progressively increases from indolent to aggressive stage of chronic lymphocytic leukemia and decreases in disease remission after therapy. However, the role of IBTK in tumorigenesis has not been elucidated. Here, we report that loss of the murine Ibtk gene raises survival and delays tumor onset in Eμ-myc transgenic mice, a preclinical model of Myc-driven lymphoma. In particular, we found that the number of pre-cancerous B cells of bone marrow and spleen is reduced in Ibtk −/− Eμ-myc mice owing to impaired viability and increased apoptosis, as measured by Annexin V binding, Caspase 3/7 cleavage assays and cell cycle profile analysis. Instead, the proliferation rate of pre-cancerous B cells is unaffected by the loss of Ibtk. We observed a direct correlation between Ibtk and myc expression and demonstrated a Myc-dependent regulation of Ibtk expression in murine B cells, human hematopoietic and nonhematopoietic cell lines by analysis of ChIP-seq data. By tet-repressible Myc system, we confirmed a Myc-dependent expression of IBTK in human B cells. Further, we showed that Ibtk loss affected the main apoptotic pathways dependent on Myc overexpression in pre-cancerous Eμ-myc mice, in particular, MCL-1 and p53. Of note, we found that loss of IBTK impaired cell cycle and increased apoptosis also in a human epithelial cell line, HeLa cells, in Myc-independent manner. Taken together, these results suggest that Ibtk sustains the oncogenic activity of Myc by inhibiting apoptosis of murine pre-cancerous B cells, as a cell-specific mechanism. Our findings could be relevant for the development of IBTK inhibitors sensitizing tumor cells to apoptosis

    Pharmacologic screen identifies active combinations with BET inhibitors and LRRK2 as a novel putative target in lymphoma

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    Inhibitors of the Bromo- and Extra-Terminal domain (BET) family proteins have strong preclinical antitumor activity in multiple tumor models, including lymphomas. Limited single-agent activity has been reported in the clinical setting. Here, we have performed a pharmacological screening to identify compounds that can increase the antitumor activity of BET inhibitors in lymphomas. The germinal center B-cell like diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) cell lines OCI-LY-19 and WSU-DLCL2 were exposed to 348 compounds given as single agents at two different concentrations and in combination with the BET inhibitor birabresib. The combination partners included small molecules targeting important biologic pathways such as PI3K/AKT/MAPK signaling and apoptosis, approved anticancer agents, kinase inhibitors, epigenetic compounds. The screening identified a series of compounds leading to a stronger antiproliferative activity when given in combination than as single agents: the histone deacetylase (HDAC) inhibitors panobinostat and dacinostat, the mTOR (mechanistic target of rapamycin) inhibitor everolimus, the ABL/SRC (ABL proto-oncogene/SRC proto oncogene) inhibitor dasatinib, the AKT1/2/3 inhibitor MK-2206, the JAK2 inhibitor TG101209. The novel finding was the benefit given by the addition of the LRRK2 inhibitor LRRK2-IN-1, which was validated in vitro and in vivo. Genetic silencing demonstrated that LRRK2 sustains the proliferation of lymphoma cells, a finding paired with the association between high expression levels and inferior outcome in DLBCL patients. We identified combinations that can improve the response to BET inhibitors in lymphomas, and LRRK2 as a gene essential for lymphomas and as putative novel target for this type of tumors

    IBTK Differently Modulates Gene Expression and RNA Splicing in HeLa and K562 Cells

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    The IBTK gene encodes the major protein isoform IBTKα that was recently characterized as substrate receptor of Cul3-dependent E3 ligase, regulating ubiquitination coupled to proteasomal degradation of Pdcd4, an inhibitor of translation. Due to the presence of Ankyrin-BTB-RCC1 domains that mediate several protein-protein interactions, IBTKα could exert expanded regulatory roles, including interaction with transcription regulators. To verify the effects of IBTKα on gene expression, we analyzed HeLa and K562 cell transcriptomes by RNA-Sequencing before and after IBTK knock-down by shRNA transduction. In HeLa cells, 1285 (2.03%) of 63,128 mapped transcripts were differentially expressed in IBTK-shRNA-transduced cells, as compared to cells treated with control-shRNA, with 587 upregulated (45.7%) and 698 downregulated (54.3%) RNAs. In K562 cells, 1959 (3.1%) of 63128 mapped RNAs were differentially expressed in IBTK-shRNA-transduced cells, including 1053 upregulated (53.7%) and 906 downregulated (46.3%). Only 137 transcripts (0.22%) were commonly deregulated by IBTK silencing in both HeLa and K562 cells, indicating that most IBTKα effects on gene expression are cell type-specific. Based on gene ontology classification, the genes responsive to IBTK are involved in different biological processes, including in particular chromatin and nucleosomal organization, gene expression regulation, and cellular traffic and migration. In addition, IBTK RNA interference affected RNA maturation in both cell lines, as shown by the evidence of alternative 3′- and 5′-splicing, mutually exclusive exons, retained introns, and skipped exons. Altogether, these results indicate that IBTK differently modulates gene expression and RNA splicing in HeLa and K562 cells, demonstrating a novel biological role of this protein

    Therapeutic afucosylated monoclonal antibody and bispecific T-cell engagers for T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia

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    Background T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia (T-ALL) is an aggressive disease with a poor cure rate for relapsed/resistant patients. Due to the lack of T-cell restricted targetable antigens, effective immune-therapeutics are not presently available and the treatment of chemo-refractory T-ALL is still an unmet clinical need. To develop novel immune-therapy for T-ALL, we generated an afucosylated monoclonal antibody (mAb) (ahuUMG1) and two different bispecific T-cell engagers (BTCEs) against UMG1, a unique CD43-epitope highly and selectively expressed by T-ALL cells from pediatric and adult patients. Methods UMG1 expression was assessed by immunohistochemistry (IHC) on a wide panel of normal tissue microarrays (TMAs), and by flow cytometry on healthy peripheral blood/bone marrow-derived cells, on 10 different T-ALL cell lines, and on 110 T-ALL primary patient-derived cells. CD43-UMG1 binding site was defined through a peptide microarray scanning. ahuUMG1 was generated by Genetic Glyco-Engineering technology from a novel humanized mAb directed against UMG1 (huUMG1). BTCEs were generated as IgG1-(scFv)(2) constructs with bivalent (2+2) or monovalent (2+1) CD3 epsilon arms. Antibody dependent cellular cytotoxicity (ADCC), antibody dependent cellular phagocytosis (ADCP) and redirected T-cell cytotoxicity assays were analysed by flow cytometry. In vivo antitumor activity of ahUMG1 and UMG1-BTCEs was investigated in NSG mice against subcutaneous and orthotopic xenografts of human T-ALL. Results Among 110 T-ALL patient-derived samples, 53 (48.1%) stained positive (24% of TI/TII, 82% of TIII and 42.8% of TIV). Importantly, no expression of UMG1-epitope was found in normal tissues/cells, excluding cortical thymocytes and a minority (<5%) of peripheral blood T lymphocytes. ahUMG1 induced strong ADCC and ADCP on T-ALL cells in vitro, which translated in antitumor activity in vivo and significantly extended survival of treated mice. Both UMG1-BTCEs demonstrated highly effective killing activity against T-ALL cells in vitro. We demonstrated that this effect was specifically exerted by engaged activated T cells. Moreover, UMG1-BTCEs effectively antagonized tumor growth at concentrations >2 log lower as compared with ahuUMG1, with significant mice survival advantage in different T-ALL models in vivo. Conclusion Altogether our findings, including the safe UMG1-epitope expression profile, provide a framework for the clinical development of these innovative immune-therapeutics for this still orphan disease