28 research outputs found

    The Role Of Local Authorities In Health Issues: A Policy Document Analysis

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    Prior to the passing of the Health and Social Care Act 2012 the Communities and Local Government (CLG) Select Committee conducted an investigation into the proposed changes to the Public Health System in England. The Committee considered 40 written submissions and heard oral evidence from 26 expert witnesses. Their report, which included complete transcripts of both oral and written submissions, provided a rich and informed data on which to base an analysis of the proposed new public health system. This report analyses the main themes that emerged from the evidence submissions and forms part of our preliminary work for PRUComm’s PHOENIX project examining the development of the new public health system

    Evaluability assessments as an approach to supporting healthy weight

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    Evaluability assessment (EA) is a low-cost pre-evaluation activity that can make the best use of limited evaluation resources by improving both the quality and usefulness of evaluations, and the quality and effectiveness of the programmes being evaluated. We conducted seven EAs as part of an evaluation of Medway Council's Supporting Healthy Weight services. This article describes the processes we went through, outlines some of the lessons learned, and shares the benefits of such an approach. We created logic models using programme information and interviews with the Supporting Healthy Weight team. We examined differences between the intended programme and the actual programme, and identified key issues and changes made during implementation. This allowed us to speculate about whether the programme was likely to reach the target audience and achieve the desired impact. From this we identified key information needs and priority evaluation questions. The EAs allowed Medway's public health team to prioritise which programmes needed to be fully evaluated as well as how, why and when. This enabled more cost-effective targeting of limited evaluation resources. The EAs culminated in recommendations for programme improvement, data improvement and capacity strengthening that will have an impact across the whole suite of healthy weight services

    PHOENIX: Public Health and Obesity in England – the New Infrastructure eXamined First interim report: the scoping review

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    The PHOENIX project aims to examine the impact of structural changes to the health and care system in England on the functioning of the public health system, and on the approaches taken to improving the public’s health. The scoping review has now been completed. During this phase we analysed: Department of Health policy documents (2010-2013), as well as responses to those documents from a range of stakeholders; data from 22 semi-structured interviews with key informants; and the oral and written evidence presented at the House of Commons Communities and Local Government Committee on the role of local authorities in health issues. We also gathered data from local authority (LA) and Health and Wellbeing Board (HWB) websites and other sources to start to develop a picture of how the new structures are developing, and to collate demographic and other data on local authorities. A number of important themes were identified and explored during this phase. In summary, some key points related to three themes - governance, relationships and new ways of working - were: The reforms have had a profound effect on leadership within the public health system. Whilst LAs are now the local leaders for public health, in a more fragmented system, leadership for public health appears to be more dispersed amongst a range of organisations and a range of people within the LA. At national level, the leadership role is complex and not yet developed (from a local perspective). Accountability mechanisms have changed dramatically within public health, and many people still seem to be unclear about them. Some performance management mechanisms have disappeared, and much accountability now appears to rely on transparency and the democratic accountability that this would (theoretically) enable. The extent to which ‘system leaders’ within PHE are able to influence local decisions and performance will depend on the strength of relationships principally between the LA and the local Public Health England centre. These relationships will take time to develop. Many people have faced new ways of working, in new settings, and with new relationships to build. Public health teams in LAs have faced the most profound of these changes, having gone from a position of ‘expert voice’ to a position where they must defend their opinions and activities in the context of competing demands and severely restricted resources. Public health staff may require new skills, and may need to seek new ‘allies’ to thrive in the new environment. HWBs could be crucial in bringing together a fragmented system and dispersed leadership. The next phase of data collection will begin in March with the initiation of case study work. National surveys will be conducted in June/July this year (2014), and at the same time the following year. In this work, we will further explore the following themes: relationships, governance, decision making, new ways of working, and opportunities and difficulties

    NHS Health Check programme: a protocol for a realist review

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    Introduction: The NHS Health Check aims to identify individuals at increased risk of cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) among the adult population in England. The Health Check includes calculation of CVD risk and discussion of pharmacological and lifestyle approaches to manage risk, including referral to lifestyle support services. The programme is commissioned by Local Authorities (LAs) and is delivered by a range of different providers in different settings. There is significant variation in activity, with uptake ranging from 25% to 85% in different areas, and clear evidence of variation in implementation and delivery practice. Methods and analysis: We aim to understand how the NHS Health Check programme works in different settings, for different groups, so that we can recommend improvements to maximise intended outcomes. To do so, we will undertake a realist review and a survey of LA public health teams. Our review will follow Pawson’s five iterative stages: (1) locate existing theories, (2) search for evidence, (3) article selection, (4) extract and organise data and (5) synthesise evidence and draw conclusions. Our review will include documents describing local implementation alongside published research studies. We will recruit a stakeholder group (including Public Health England, commissioners and providers of Health Checks, plus members of the public and patients) to advise us throughout. Our survey will be sent to all 152 LAs in England to gather detailed information on programme delivery (including COVID-19-related changes) and available referral services. This will enable us to map delivery across England and relate these data to programme outcomes. Ethics and dissemination: Ethical approval is not required for this review. For the survey, we have received approval from the University of Kent Research Ethics Committee. Our findings will be used to develop recommendations on tailoring, implementation and design strategies to improve delivery of the NHS Health Check in different settings, for different groups