987 research outputs found

    Adverse reactions from consumption of oral rabies vaccine baits in dogs in Finland

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    Background Oral rabies vaccination of wildlife has effectively reduced the incidence of rabies in wildlife and has led to the elimination of rabies in large areas of Europe. The safety of oral rabies vaccines has been assessed in both target (red fox and raccoon dog) and several non-target species. Case presentation Since 2011, the competent authority in Finland has received a few reports of dogs experiencing adverse reactions that have been assumed to be caused by the consumption of baits containing oral rabies vaccine. The dogs usually exhibited gastrointestinal symptoms (vomiting, inappetence, constipation or diarrhoea) or behavioral symptoms (restlessness, listlessness and unwillingness to continue hunting). Conclusions Nevertheless, these adverse reactions are transient and non-life threatening. Even though the adverse reactions are unpleasant to individual dogs and their owners, the benefits of oral rabies vaccination clearly outweigh the risks

    Molecular characterisation of infectious pancreatic necrosis viruses isolated from farmed fish in Finland

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    Abstract Infectious pancreatic necrosis virus (IPNV) has been isolated annually since 1987 from salmonids without clinical signs at coastal fish farms in Finland. In the inland area, viral isolations were rare until 2012, when IPNV was detected at several freshwater fish farms. Between 2013 and 2015, the infection spread and IPNV was continuously isolated from several farms, both inland and on the coast. The aim of this study was to genetically characterise the IPNV isolates collected from Finnish coastal and inland fish farms over the last 15 years, and to detect genetic changes that may have occurred in the virus populations during the study period. The partial VP2 gene sequence from 88 isolates was analysed. In addition, a complete genomic coding sequence was obtained from 11 isolates. Based on the genetic analyses, Finnish IPNV isolates belong to three genogroups: 2, 5 and 6. The genetic properties of the isolates appear to vary between inland farms producing juveniles and food fish farms in the coastal region: the inland farms harboured genogroup 2 isolates, whereas at coastal farms, all three genogroups were detected. Little genetic variation was observed within the Finnish genogroup 2 and 5 isolates, whereas among the genogroup 6 isolates, two subgroups were detected. All isolates studied demonstrated amino acid patterns in the viral VP2 gene previously associated with avirulence. However, increased mortality was detected at some of the farms, indicating that more research is needed to clarify the relationship between the pathogenicity and genetic properties of IPNV isolates from different genogroups

    Second case of European bat lyssavirus type 2 detected in a Daubentonā€™s bat in Finland

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    European bat lyssavirus type 2 (EBLV-2) was detected in Finland in a Daubentonā€™s bat (Myotis daubentonii) found in the municipality of Inkoo (60Ā°02ā€²45ā€³N, 024Ā°00ā€²20ā€³E). The bat showed neurological signs and was later found dead. The laboratory analysis revealed the presence of lyssavirus, and the virus was characterized as EBLV-2. This isolation of EBLV-2 was the second time that the virus has been detected in a Daubentonā€™s bat in Finland. This provides additional proof that EBLV-2 is endemic in the Finnish Daubentonā€™s bat population

    A Parallel Study of mRNA and microRNA Profiling of Peripheral Blood in Young Adult Women

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    Background: Aging is a complex process that involves the interplay of genetic, epigenetic, and environmental factors. Identifying aging-related biomarkers holds great potential for improving our understanding of complex physiological changes, thereby providing a means to investigate the mechanism by which aging influences various diseases. Method and Results: We performed a parallel study of microRNA and gene expression profiling of peripheral blood in a group of healthy young adult women, among which 13 were aged 22ā€“25 and 9 were aged 36ā€“39ā€‰years old. We identified a significantly distinct pattern of microRNA, but not gene expression profiling, between these two young adult women groups. We also performed correlation analysis of expression levels between all pairs of age-associated microRNAs and genes and identified a weak global correlation between these two types of expression levels. A significant involvement of estrogen regulation was observed by pathway analysis of the most differentially expressed microRNAs that included miR-155, -18a, -142, -340, -363, -195, and -24. Conclusion: Our results suggest that the change in global microRNA expression in the peripheral blood is associated with normal aging in young adult women. This change may precede global gene expression changes. Future studies are needed to investigate the regulatory mechanism of the estrogen-related microRNAs and associated diseases

    MLLT1 YEATS domain mutations in clinically distinctive Favourable Histology Wilms tumours.

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    Wilms tumour is an embryonal tumour of childhood that closely resembles the developing kidney. Genomic changes responsible for the development of the majority of Wilms tumours remain largely unknown. Here we identify recurrent mutations within Wilms tumours that involve the highly conserved YEATS domain of MLLT1 (ENL), a gene known to be involved in transcriptional elongation during early development. The mutant MLLT1 protein shows altered binding to acetylated histone tails. Moreover, MLLT1-mutant tumours show an increase in MYC gene expression and HOX dysregulation. Patients with MLLT1-mutant tumours present at a younger age and have a high prevalence of precursor intralobar nephrogenic rests. These data support a model whereby activating MLLT1 mutations early in renal development result in the development of Wilms tumour

    Metabolic synergies in the biotransformation of organic and metallic toxic compounds by a saprotrophic soil fungus

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    The saprotrophic fungus Penicillium griseofulvum was chosen as model organism to study responses to a mixture of hexachlorocyclohexane (HCH) isomers (Ī±-HCH, Ī²-HCH, Ī³-HCH, Ī“-HCH) and of potentially toxic metals (vanadium, lead) in solid and liquid media. The P. griseofulvum FBL 500 strain was isolated from polluted soil containing high concentrations of HCH isomers and potentially toxic elements (Pb, V). Experiments were performed in order to analyse the tolerance/resistance of this fungus to xenobiotics, and to shed further light on fungal potential in inorganic and organic biotransformations. The aim was to examine the ecological and bioremedial potential of this fungus verifying the presence of mechanisms that allow it to transform HCH isomers and metals under different, extreme, test conditions. To our knowledge, this work is the first to provide evidence on the biotransformation of HCH mixtures, in combination with toxic metals, by a saprotrophic non-white-rot fungus and on the metabolic synergies involved
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