28 research outputs found

    Global immunization: status, progress, challenges and future

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    Vaccines have made a major contribution to public health, including the eradication of one deadly disease, small pox, and the near eradication of another, poliomyelitis.Through the introduction of new vaccines, such as those against rotavirus and pneumococcal diseases, and with further improvements in coverage, vaccination can significantly contribute to the achievement of the health-related United Nations Millennium Development Goals.The Global Immunization Vision and Strategy (GIVS) was developed by WHO and UNICEF as a framework for strengthening national immunization programmes and protect as many people as possible against more diseases by expanding the reach of immunization, including new vaccines, to every eligible person.This paper briefly reviews global progress and challenges with respect to public vaccination programmes

    Bayesian hierarchical modelling approaches for combining information from multiple data sources to produce annual estimates of national immunization coverage

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    Estimates of national immunization coverage are crucial for guiding policy and decision-making in national immunization programs and setting the global immunization agenda. WHO and UNICEF estimates of national immunization coverage (WUENIC) are produced annually for various vaccine-dose combinations and all WHO Member States using information from multiple data sources and a deterministic computational logic approach. This approach, however, is incapable of characterizing the uncertainties inherent in coverage measurement and estimation. It also provides no statistically principled way of exploiting and accounting for the interdependence in immunization coverage data collected for multiple vaccines, countries and time points. Here, we develop Bayesian hierarchical modeling approaches for producing accurate estimates of national immunization coverage and their associated uncertainties. We propose and explore two candidate models: a balanced data single likelihood (BDSL) model and an irregular data multiple likelihood (IDML) model, both of which differ in their handling of missing data and characterization of the uncertainties associated with the multiple input data sources. We provide a simulation study that demonstrates a high degree of accuracy of the estimates produced by the proposed models, and which also shows that the IDML model is the better model. We apply the methodology to produce coverage estimates for select vaccine-dose combinations for the period 2000-2019. A contributed R package {\tt imcover} implementing the No-U-Turn Sampler (NUTS) in the Stan programming language enhances the utility and reproducibility of the methodology.Comment: 31 pages (main), 4 figure

    State of inequality in diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis immunisation coverage in low-income and middle-income countries: a multicountry study of household health surveys

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    Background Immunisation programmes have made substantial contributions to lowering the burden of disease in children, but there is a growing need to ensure that programmes are equity-oriented. We aimed to provide a detailed update about the state of between-country inequality and within-country economic-related inequality in the delivery of three doses of the combined diphtheria, tetanus toxoid, and pertussis-containing vaccine (DTP3), with a special focus on inequalities in high-priority countries. Methods We used data from the latest available Demographic and Health Surveys and Multiple Indicator Cluster Surveys done in 51 low-income and middle-income countries. Data for DTP3 coverage were disaggregated by wealth quintile, and inequality was calculated as diff erence and ratio measures based on coverage in richest (quintile 5) and poorest (quintile 1) household wealth quintiles. Excess change was calculated for 21 countries with data available at two timepoints spanning a 10 year period. Further analyses were done for six high-priority countries—ie, those with low national immunisation coverage and/or high absolute numbers of unvaccinated children. Signifi cance was determined using 95% CIs. Findings National DTP3 immunisation coverage across the 51 study countries ranged from 32% in Central African Republic to 98% in Jordan. Within countries, the gap in DTP3 immunisation coverage suggested pro-rich inequality, with a diff erence of 20 percentage points or more between quintiles 1 and 5 for 20 of 51 countries. In Nigeria, Pakistan, Laos, Cameroon, and Central African Republic, the diff erence between quintiles 1 and 5 exceeded 40 percentage points. In 15 of 21 study countries, an increase over time in national coverage of DTP3 immunisation was realised alongside faster improvements in the poorest quintile than the richest. For example, in Burkina Faso, Cambodia, Gabon, Mali, and Nepal, the absolute increase in coverage was at least 2·0 percentage points per year, with faster improvement in the poorest quintile. Substantial economic-related inequality in DTP3 immunisation coverage was reported in fi ve high-priority study countries (DR Congo, Ethiopia, Indonesia, Nigeria, and Pakistan), but not Uganda. Interpretation Overall, within-country inequalities in DTP3 immunisation persist, but seem to have narrowed over the past 10 years. Monitoring economic-related inequalities in immunisation coverage is warranted to reveal where gaps exist and inform appropriate approaches to reach disadvantaged populations

    HPV vaccination introduction worldwide and WHO and UNICEF estimates of national HPV immunization coverage 2010–2019

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    WHO/UNICEF estimates for HPV vaccination coverage from 2010 to 2019 are analyzed against the backdrop of the 90% coverage target for HPV vaccination by 2030 set in the recently approved global strategy for cervical cancer elimination as a public health problem. As of June 2020, 107 (55%) of the 194 WHO Member States have introduced HPV vaccination. The Americas and Europe are by far the WHO regions with the most introductions, 85% and 77% of their countries having already introduced respectively. A record number of introductions was observed in 2019, most of which in low- and middle- income countries (LMIC) where access has been limited. Programs had an average performance coverage of around 67% for the first dose and 53% for the final dose of HPV. LMICs performed on average better than high- income countries for the first dose, but worse for the last dose due to higher dropout. Only 5 (6%) countries achieved coverages with the final dose of more than 90%, 22 countries (21%) achieved coverages of 75% or higher while 35 (40%) had a final dose coverage of 50% or less. When expressed as world population coverage (i.e., weighted by population size), global coverage of the final HPV dose for 2019 is estimated at 15%. There is a long way to go to meet the 2030 elimination target of 90%. In the post-COVID era attention should be paid to maintain the pace of introductions, specially ensuring the most populous countries introduce, and further improving program performance globally

    Assessing the quality and accuracy of national immunization program reported target population estimates from 2000 to 2016.

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    BackgroundA common means of vaccination coverage measurement is the administrative method, done by dividing the aggregated number of doses administered over a set period (numerator) by the target population (denominator). To assess the quality of national target populations, we defined nine potential denominator data inconsistencies or flags that would warrant further exploration and examination of data reported by Member States to the World Health Organization (WHO) and UNICEF between 2000 and 2016.Methods and findingsWe used the denominator reported to calculate national coverage for BCG, a tuberculosis vaccine, and for the third dose of diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis-containing (DTP3) vaccines, usually live births (LB) and surviving infants (SI), respectively. Out of 2,565 possible reporting events (data points for countries using administrative coverage with the vaccine in the schedule and year) for BCG and 2,939 possible reporting events for DTP3, 194 and 274 reporting events were missing, respectively. Reported coverage exceeding 100% was seen in 11% of all reporting events for BCG and in 6% for DTP3. Of all year-to-year percent differences in reported denominators, 12% and 11% exceeded 10% for reported LB and SI, respectively. The implied infant mortality rate, based on the country's reported LB and SI, would be negative in 9% of all reporting events i.e., the country reported more SI than LB for the same year. Overall, reported LB and SI tended to be lower than the UN Population Division 2017 estimates, which would lead to overestimation of coverage, but this difference seems to be decreasing over time. Other inconsistencies were identified using the nine proposed criteria.ConclusionsApplying a set of criteria to assess reported target populations used to estimate administrative vaccination coverage can flag potential quality issues related to the national denominators and may be useful to help monitor ongoing efforts to improve the quality of vaccination coverage estimates

    National And Global Options For Managing The Risks Of Measles And Rubella

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    Countries currently choose from several different measles and rubella containing vaccine options and use a wide range of vaccination schedules as they control the transmission of measles only or measles and rubella viruses within their borders and cooperate and coordinate to achieve regional and/or global goals. This paper discusses the current national options that countries use or could use for national measles and/or rubella control or elimination and existing associated regional goals to characterize the expected current global path and identify alternative paths. With highly effective, relatively inexpensive, and safe vaccines available we can potentially end indigenous measles and rubella virus transmission. The Pan American Health Organization eliminated endemic transmission of both measles and rubella, which demonstrated the possibility of global eradication, and four other regions of the World Health Organization are now pursuing targets for regional elimination. We discuss the choice of a global strategy of control compared to eradication to highlight the choices, opportunities, issues, and challenges that will ultimately determine the magnitude of human and financial costs of measles and rubella globally over the next several decades and beyond. © 2012 Thompson KM, et al

    Rubella and congenital rubella syndrome: global update

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    Worldwide, it is estimated that there are more than 100 000 infants born with congenital rubella syndrome (CRS) each year. In 1998, standard case definitions for surveillance of CRS and rubella were developed by the World Health Organization (WHO). In 2001, 123 countries/territories reported a total of 836 356 rubella cases. In the future more countries are expected to report on rubella as a global measles/rubella laboratory network is further developed under the coordination of the WHO. Operational research is being conducted to improve rubella surveillance. This includes projects on initiating CRS surveillance, comparative studies on diagnostic laboratory methods, and molecular epidemiology research to expand the global understanding of patterns of rubella virus circulation. In 1996 a WHO survey found that 78 of 214 reporting countries/territories (36%) were using rubella vaccine in their routine immunization services. By the end of 2002 a total of 124 of the 214 counties/territories (58%) were using rubella vaccine. Rubella vaccine use varies by stage of economic development: 100% for industrialized countries, 71% for countries with economies in transition, and 48% for developing countries. A safe and effective rubella vaccine is available, and there are proven vaccination strategies for preventing rubella and CRS. A WHO position paper provides guidance on programmatic aspects of rubella vaccine introduction. The introduction of rubella vaccine is cost-effective and cost-beneficial but requires ongoing strengthening of routine immunization services and surveillance systems