11 research outputs found

    The internationalisation of higher education: A paradigm for global citizenry

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    This article presents internationalisation as a new educational vision able to provide global society with an education that meets current needs and that can respond efficiently to contemporary demands and challenges, which are characterized by globalisation, interdependence, and multiculturalism. � 2005 Association for Studies in International Education

    Computational model of motor planning for virtual creatures: A biologically inspired model

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    The Latin American tertiary education (TE) sector is nowadays facing demands from globalisation and a knowledge-based society, while still dealing with challenges in terms of access, equity, quality and relevance. This new context has prompted a greater demand for TE and is forcing institutions to reconsider their mission, tasks and responsibilities, as well as to develop innovative approaches to improve their relevance and function, among which comprehensive internationalisation is considered a key strategy. The aim of the present article is therefore to assess the status of the internationalisation process of the Latin American TE sector through a piecemeal analysis of empirical findings and data coming from the most recently published research and studies on rationales, benefits, obstacles, policies, strategies and programmes. The findings will be put in perspective with international trends and progress achieved in different regions, thus making it possible to draw some conclusions for our region. As background information, the main achievements and challenges of the Latin American sector will be depicted. " 2012 International Association of Universities 0952-8733/12.",,,,,,"10.1057/hep.2012.9",,,"http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12104/40265","http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-84868568797&partnerID=40&md5=d7189bb43cf8769f66ea8a5c515f9bd2",,,,,,"4",,"Higher Education Policy",,"49

    The impact of the Bologna Process on higher education in Latin America [Impacto del proceso de Bolonia en la educación superior de América Latina]

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    The feasibility of establishing a common higher education area in Latin America, by means of a process similar to the Bologna Process or a variant thereof, is a subject of debate in the region. Despite widespread recognition of the benefits of the Bologna Process in terms of modernisation, innovation and internationalisation, the prevailing notion is that such a process would be unfeasible for Latin America. The arguments at the heart of that idea centre on the risk of homogenising all Latin America's higher education systems, which would endanger regional diversity and distinctiveness; on the intra-regional asymmetries among those systems; and on inter-regional asymmetries, specifically the lack of a macro-level project for economic, political and social integration in Latin America, and the differences between European and Latin American higher education. This article examines the validity of those arguments and concludes that, far from having standardised Europe's education systems, the Bologna Process has paved the way for their convergence within a common framework of reference and entailed innovation in and the modernisation of European higher education thanks to a new education model. Those aspects of the European process thus ought to be borne in mind in the current debate on how to reform Latin American higher education systems in order to bridge gaps and overcome the challenges identified in various international reports

    Students’ perception of an engineering program on student mobility and its impact on integral formation

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    Student mobility is considered as one of the strategies used in universities for the internationalization of higher education, an important factor within the program accreditation model defined by the National Accreditation Council. In this context, the following study sought to understand students' perception of mobility processes and the significant experiences generated within the academic and multicultural process, becoming an opportunity to analyze the main variables that students take into account in order to participate in this mechanism of internationalization in Universities. This article analyses the students' perception of an engineering program in the period 2013-2018, on student mobility and its impact within integral formation. Based on the results obtained, strategies are generated to encourage mobility among engineering students, highlighting the importance of internationalization as an enriching tool for professional training