53 research outputs found

    Artificial neural networks improve the prediction of Kt/V, follow-up dietary protein intake and hypotension risk in haemodialysis patients

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    Background. Artificial neural networks (ANN) represent a promising alternative to classical statistical and mathematical methods to solve multidimensional non-linear problems. The aim of the study was to compare the performance of ANN in predicting the dialysis quality (Kt/V), the follow-up dietary protein intake and the risk of intradialytic hypotension in haemodialysis patients with that predicted by experienced nephrologists. Methods. A combined retrospective and prospective observational study was performed in two Swiss dialysis units (80 chronic haemodialysis patients, 480 monthly clinical observations and biochemical test results). Using mathematical models based on linear and logistic regressions as background, ANN were built and then prospectively compared with the ability of six experienced nephrologists to predict the Kt/V and the follow-up protein catabolic rate (PCR) and to detect a Kt/V < 1.30, a follow-up PCR < 1.00 g/kg/day and the occurrence of hypotension. Results. ANN compared with nephrologists gave a more accurate correlation between estimated and calculated Kt/V and follow-up PCR (P<0.001). The same superiority of ANN was also seen in the ability to detect a Kt/V < 1.30, a follow-up PCR < 1.00 g/kg/day and the occurrence of hypotension expressed as a percentage of correct answers, sensitivity, specificity and predictivity. Conclusions. The use of ANN significantly improves the ability of experienced nephrologists to estimate the Kt/V and the follow-up PCR and to detect a Kt/V < 1.30, a follow-up PCR < 1.00 g/kg/day and the occurrence of intradialytic hypotensio

    Haemodynamic consequences of changing bicarbonate and calcium concentrations in haemodialysis fluids

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    Background. In a previous study we demonstrated that mild metabolic alkalosis resulting from standard bicarbonate haemodialysis induces hypotension. In this study, we have further investigated the changes in systemic haemodynamics induced by bicarbonate and calcium, using non-invasive procedures. Methods. In a randomized controlled trial with a single-blind, crossover design, we sequentially changed the dialysate bicarbonate and calcium concentrations (between 26 and 35 mmol/l for bicarbonate and either 1.25 or 1.50 mmol/l for calcium). Twenty-one patients were enrolled for a total of 756 dialysis sessions. Systemic haemodynamics was evaluated using pulse wave analysers. Bioimpedance and BNP were used to compare the fluid status pattern. Results. The haemodynamic parameters and the pre-dialysis BNP using either a high calcium or bicarbonate concentration were as follows: systolic blood pressure (+5.6 and −4.7 mmHg; P < 0.05 for both), stroke volume (+12.3 and +5.2 ml; P < 0.05 and ns), peripheral resistances (−190 and −171 dyne s cm−5; P < 0.05 for both), central augmentation index (+1.1% and −2.9%; ns and P < 0.05) and BNP (−5 and −170 ng/l; ns and P < 0.05). The need of staff intervention was similar in all modalities. Conclusions. Both high bicarbonate and calcium concentrations in the dialysate improve the haemodynamic pattern during dialysis. Bicarbonate reduces arterial stiffness and ameliorates the heart tolerance for volume overload in the interdialytic phase, whereas calcium directly increases stroke volume. The slight hypotensive effect of alkalaemia should motivate a probative reduction of bicarbonate concentration in dialysis fluid for haemodynamic reasons, only in the event of failure of classical tools to prevent intradialytic hypotensio

    Would artificial neural networks implemented in clinical wards help nephrologists in predicting epoetin responsiveness?

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    BACKGROUND: Due to its strong intra- and inter-individual variability, predicting the ideal erythropoietin dose is a difficult task. The aim of this study was to re-evaluate the impact of the main parameters known to influence the responsiveness to epoetin beta and to test the performance of artificial neural networks (ANNs) in predicting the dose required to reach the haemoglobin target and the monthly dose adjustments. METHODS: We did a secondary analysis of the survey on Anaemia Management in dialysis patients in Switzerland; a prospective, non-randomized observational study, enrolling 340 patients of 26 centres and in order to have additional information about erythropoietin responsiveness, we included a further 92 patients from the Renal Services of the Ente Ospedaliero Cantonale, Bellinzona, Switzerland. The performance of ANNs in predicting the epoetin dose was compared with that of linear regressions and of nephrologists in charge of the patients. RESULTS: For a specificity of 50%, the sensitivity of ANNs compared with linear regressions in predicting the erythropoietin dose to reach the haemoglobin target was 78 vs. 44% (P < 0.001). The ANN built to predict the monthly adaptations in erythropoietin dose, compared with the nephrologists' opinion, allowed to detect 48 vs. 25% (P < 0.05) of the patients treated with an insufficient dose with a specificity of 92 vs. 83% (P < 0.05). CONCLUSION: In predicting the erythropoietin dose required for an individual patient and the monthly dose adjustments ANNs are superior to nephrologists' opinion. Thus, ANN may be a useful and promising tool that could be implemented in clinical wards to help nephrologists in prescribing erythropoietin

    Qu'avons-nous appris de la pandémie de COVID-19 en Suisse latine?

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    Expérience de différents acteurs de la santé de cantons particulièrement exposé

    Prevalence of obesity and overweight and associated nutritional factors in a population-based Swiss sample: an opportunity to analyze the impact of three different European cultural roots

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    Purpose: Obesity represents a growing public health concern worldwide. The latest data in Switzerland rely on self-reported body mass index (BMI), leading to underestimation of prevalence. We reassessed the prevalence of obesity and overweight in a sample of the Swiss population using measured BMI and waist circumference (WC) and explored the association with nutritional factors and living in different linguistic-cultural regions. Methods: Data of 1,505 participants of a cross-sectional population-based survey in the three linguistic regions of Switzerland were analyzed. BMI and WC were measured, and a 24-h urine collection was performed to evaluate dietary sodium, potassium and protein intake. Results: The prevalence of overweight, obesity and abdominal obesity was 32.2, 14.2 and 33.6%, respectively. Significant differences were observed in the regional distribution, with a lower prevalence in the Italian-speaking population. Low educational level, current smoking, scarce physical activity and being migrant were associated with an higher prevalence of obesity. Sodium, potassium and protein intake increased significantly across BMI categories. Conclusions: Obesity and overweight affect almost half of the Swiss adolescents and adults, and the prevalence appears to increase. Using BMI and WC to define obesity led to different prevalences. Differences were furthermore observed across Swiss linguistic-cultural regions, despite a common socio-economic and governmental framework. We found a positive association between obesity and salt intake, with a potential deleterious synergistic effect on cardiovascular risk

    Haemodynamic consequences of changing potassium concentrations in haemodialysis fluids

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>A rapid decrease of serum potassium concentrations during haemodialysis produces a significant increase in blood pressure parameters at the end of the session, even if effects on intra-dialysis pressure are not seen. Paradoxically, in animal models potassium is a vasodilator and decreases myocardial contractility. The purpose of this trial is to study the precise haemodynamic consequences induced by acute changes in potassium concentration during haemodialysis.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>In 24 patients, 288 dialysis sessions, using a randomised single blind crossover design, we compared six dialysate sequences with different potassium profiles. The dialysis sessions were divided into 3 tertiles, casually modulating potassium concentration in the dialysate between the value normally used K and the two cut-off points K+1 and K-1 mmol/l. Haemodynamics were evaluated in a non-invasive manner using a finger beat-to-beat monitor.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Comparing K-1 and K+1, differences were found within the tertiles regarding systolic (+5.3, +6.6, +2.3 mmHg, p < 0.05, < 0.05, ns) and mean blood pressure (+4.3, +6.4, -0.5 mmHg, p < 0.01, < 0.01, ns), as well as peripheral resistance (+212, +253, -4 dyne.sec.cm<sup>-5</sup>, p < 0.05, < 0.05, ns). The stroke volume showed a non-statistically-significant inverse trend (-3.1, -5.2, -0.2 ml). 18 hypotension episodes were recorded during the course of the study. 72% with K-1, 11% with K and 17% with K+1 (p < 0.01 for comparison K-1 vs. K and K-1 vs. K+1).</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>A rapid decrease in the concentration of serum potassium during the initial stage of the dialysis-obtained by reducing the concentration of potassium in the dialysate-translated into a decrease of systolic and mean blood pressure mediated by a decrease in peripheral resistance. The risk of intra-dialysis hypotension inversely correlates to the potassium concentration in the dialysate.</p> <p>Trial Registration Number</p> <p><a href="http://www.clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT01224314">NCT01224314</a></p

    Swiss general internal medicine board examination: quantitative effects of publicly available and unavailable questions on question difficulty and test performance.

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    BACKGROUND Formerly, a substantial number of the 120 multiple-choice questions of the Swiss Society of General Internal Medicine (SSGIM) board examination were derived from publicly available MKSAP questions (Medical Knowledge Self-Assessment Program®). The possibility to memorise publicly available questions may unduly influence the candidates' examination performance. Therefore, the examination board raised concerns that the examination did not meet the objective of evaluating the application of knowledge. The society decided to develop new, "Helvetic" questions to improve the examination. The aim of the present study was to quantitatively assess the degree of difficulty of the Helvetic questions (HQ) compared with publicly available and unavailable MKSAP questions and to investigate whether the degree of difficulty of MKSAP questions changed over time as their status changed from publicly available to unavailable. METHODS The November 2019 examination consisted of 40 Helvetic questions, 40 publicly available questions from MKSAP edition 17 (MKSAP-17) and 40 questions from MKSAP-15/16, which were no longer publicly available at the time of the examination. An one factorial univariate analysis of variance (ANOVA) examined question difficulty (lower values mean higher difficulty) between these three question sets. A repeated ANOVA compared the difficulty of MKSAP-15/16 questions in the November 2019 examination with the difficulty of the exact same questions from former examinations, when these questions belonged to the publicly available MKSAP edition. The publicly available MKSAP-17 and the publicly unavailable Helvetic questions served as control. RESULTS The analysis of the November 2019 exam showed a significant difference in average item difficulty between Helvetic and MKSAP-17 questions (71% vs 86%, p <0.001) and between MKSAP-15/16 and MKSAP-17 questions (70% vs 86%, p <0.001). There was no significant difference in item difficulty between Helvetic and MKSAP-15/16 questions (71% vs 70%, p = 0.993). The repeated measures ANOVA on question use and the three question categories showed a significant interaction (p <0.001, partial eta-squared = 0.422). The change in the availability of MKSAP-15/16 questions had a strong effect on difficulty. Questions became on average 21.9% more difficult when they were no longer publicly available. In contrast, the difficulty of the MKSAP-17 and Helvetic questions did not change significantly across administrations. DISCUSSION This study provides the quantitative evidence that the public availability of questions has a decisive influence on question difficulty and thus on SSGIM board examination performance. Reducing the number of publicly available questions in the examination by introducing confidential, high-quality Helvetic questions contributes to the validity of the board examination by addressing higher order cognitive skills and making rote-learning strategies less effective

    Development of an erythropoietin prescription simulator to improve abilities for the prescription of erythropoietin stimulating agents: Is it feasible?

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    BACKGROUND: The increasing use of erythropoietins with long half-lives and the tendency to lengthen the administration interval to monthly injections call for raising awareness on the pharmacokinetics and risks of new erythropoietin stimulating agents (ESA). Their pharmacodynamic complexity and individual variability limit the possibility of attaining comprehensive clinical experience. In order to help physicians acquiring prescription abilities, we have built a prescription computer model to be used both as a simulator and education tool. METHODS: The pharmacokinetic computer model was developed using Visual Basic on Excel and tested with 3 different ESA half-lives (24, 48 and 138 hours) and 2 administration intervals (weekly vs. monthly). Two groups of 25 nephrologists were exposed to the six randomised combinations of half-life and administration interval. They were asked to achieve and maintain, as precisely as possible, the haemoglobin target of 11-12 g/dL in a simulated naïve patient. Each simulation was repeated twice, with or without randomly generated bleeding episodes. RESULTS: The simulation using an ESA with a half-life of 138 hours, administered monthly, compared to the other combinations of half-lives and administration intervals, showed an overshooting tendency (percentages of Hb values &gt; 13 g/dL 15.8 ± 18.3 vs. 6.9 ± 12.2; P &lt; 0.01), which was quickly corrected with experience. The prescription ability appeared to be optimal with a 24 hour half-life and weekly administration (ability score indexing values in the target 1.52 ± 0.70 vs. 1.24 ± 0.37; P &lt; 0.05). The monthly prescription interval, as suggested in the literature, was accompanied by less therapeutic adjustments (4.9 ± 2.2 vs. 8.2 ± 4.9; P &lt; 0.001); a direct correlation between haemoglobin variability and number of therapy modifications was found (P &lt; 0.01). CONCLUSIONS: Computer-based simulations can be a useful tool for improving ESA prescription abilities among nephrologists by raising awareness about the pharmacokinetic characteristics of the various ESAs and recognizing the factors that influence haemoglobin variability