77 research outputs found

    In vivo reorganization of the actin cytoskeleton in leaves of Nicotiana tabacum L. transformed with plastin-GFP. Correlation with light-activated chloroplast responses

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The actin cytoskeleton is involved in the responses of plants to environmental signals. Actin bundles play the role of tracks in chloroplast movements activated by light. Chloroplasts redistribute in response to blue light in the mesophyll cells of <it>Nicotiana tabacum</it>. The aim of this work was to study the relationship between chloroplast responses and the organization of actin cytoskeleton in living tobacco cells. Chloroplast movements were measured photometrically as changes in light transmission through the leaves. The actin cytoskeleton, labeled with plastin-GFP, was visualised by confocal microscopy.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The actin cytoskeleton was affected by strong blue and red light. No blue light specific actin reorganization was detected. EGTA and trifluoperazine strongly inhibited chloroplast responses and disrupted the integrity of the cytoskeleton. This disruption was reversible by Ca<sup>2+ </sup>or Mg<sup>2+</sup>. Additionally, the effect of trifluoperazine was reversible by light. Wortmannin, an inhibitor of phosphoinositide kinases, potently inhibited chloroplast responses but did not influence the actin cytoskeleton at the same concentration. Also this inhibition was reversed by Ca<sup>2+ </sup>and Mg<sup>2+</sup>. Magnesium ions were equally or more effective than Ca<sup>2+ </sup>in restoring chloroplast motility after treatment with EGTA, trifluoperazine or wortmannin.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The architecture of the actin cytoskeleton in the mesophyll of tobacco is significantly modulated by strong light. This modulation does not affect the direction of chloroplast redistribution in the cell. Calcium ions have multiple functions in the mechanism of the movements. Our results suggest also that Mg<sup>2+ </sup>is a regulatory molecule cooperating with Ca<sup>2+ </sup>in the signaling pathway of blue light-induced tobacco chloroplast movements.</p

    The effect of UV-B on Arabidopsis leaves depends on light conditions after treatment

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    BACKGROUND: Ultraviolet B (UV-B) irradiation can influence many cellular processes. Irradiation with high UV-B doses causes chlorophyll degradation, a decrease in the expression of genes associated with photosynthesis and its subsequent inhibition. On the other hand, sublethal doses of UV-B are used in post-harvest technology to prevent yellowing in storage. To address this inconsistency the effect of short, high-dose UV-B irradiation on detached Arabidopsis thaliana leaves was examined. RESULTS: Two different experimental models were used. After short treatment with a high dose of UV-B the Arabidopsis leaves were either put into darkness or exposed to constant light for up to 4 days. UV-B inhibited dark-induced chlorophyll degradation in Arabidopsis leaves in a dose-dependent manner. The expression of photosynthesis-related genes, chlorophyll content and photosynthetic efficiency were higher in UV-B -treated leaves left in darkness. UV-B treatment followed by constant light caused leaf yellowing and induced the expression of senescence-related genes. Irrespective of light treatment a high UV-B dose led to clearly visible cell death 3 days after irradiation. CONCLUSIONS: High doses of UV-B have opposing effects on leaves depending on their light status after UV treatment. In darkened leaves short UV-B treatment delays the appearance of senescence symptoms. When followed by light treatment, the same doses of UV-B result in chlorophyll degradation. This restricts the potential usability of UV treatment in postharvest technology to crops which are stored in darkness. ELECTRONIC SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL: The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/s12870-015-0667-2) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users

    Blue light-dependent changes in loosely bound calcium in Arabidopsis mesophyll cells : an X-ray microanalysis study

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    Calcium is involved in the signal transduction pathway from phototropins, the blue light photoreceptor kinases which mediate chloroplast movements. The chloroplast accumulation response in low light is controlled by both phot1 and phot2, while only phot2 is involved in avoidance movement induced by strong light. Phototropins elevate cytosolic Ca(2+) after activation by blue light. In higher plants, both types of chloroplast responses depend on Ca(2+), and internal calcium stores seem to be crucial for these processes. Yet, the calcium signatures generated after the perception of blue light by phototropins are not well understood. To characterize the localization of calcium in Arabidopsis mesophyll cells, loosely bound (exchangeable) Ca(2+) was precipitated with potassium pyroantimonate and analyzed by transmission electron microscopy followed by energy-dispersive X-ray microanalysis. In dark-adapted wild-type Arabidopsis leaves, calcium precipitates were observed at the cell wall, where they formed spherical structures. After strong blue light irradiation, calcium at the apoplast prevailed, and bigger, multilayer precipitates were found. Spherical calcium precipitates were also detected at the tonoplast. After red light treatment as a control, the precipitates at the cell wall were smaller and less numerous. In the phot2 and phot1phot2 mutants, calcium patterns were different from those of wild-type plants. In both mutants, no elevation of calcium after blue light treatment was observed at the cell periphery (including the cell wall and a fragment of cytoplasm). This result confirms the involvement of phototropin2 in the regulation of Ca(2+) homeostasis in mesophyll cells

    Two types of GLR channels cooperate differently in light and dark growth of Arabidopsis seedlings

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    Background GLutamate Receptor-like (GLR) channels are multimeric, ionotropic, ligand-gated plant transmembrane receptors. They are homologous to mammalian glutamate receptors, iGLuRs, which are critical to neuronal function. GLRs have been reported several times to play a role in photomorphogenesis. However, to date, no study has looked at the mechanism of their involvement in this process. Here we focused on examining the impact of GLRs on the regulation of early seedling growth in blue light, red light, and in the dark. Results Wild type and six photoreceptor mutant seedlings were grown on media supplemented with known iGLuR/GLR channel antagonists: MK-801, which non-competitively blocks NMDA channels in mammalian cells, and CNQX, known for competitive blocking of AMPA channels in mammalian cells. The lengths of hypocotyls and roots were measured in seedlings of phyA, phyB, phot1, phot2, cry1, and cry2 mutants after 7 days of in vitro culture. Changes in growth parameters, both in light and in darkness upon application of chemical antagonists, show that both types of GLR channels, NMDA-like and AMPA-like, are involved in the regulation of seedling growth irrespective of light conditions. Analysis of seedling growth of photoreceptor mutants indicates that the channels are influenced by signaling from phot1, phot2, and cry1. To extend our analysis, we also evaluated the elicitation of a calcium wave, which is likely to be partially driven by GLRs, in Arabidopsis seedlings. The changes in cellobiose-induced calcium waves observed after applying GLR inhibitors suggest that both types of channels likely cooperate in shaping Arabidopsis seedling growth and development. Conclusions Our work provides the first experimental evidence that two types of GLR channels function in plants: NMDA-like and AMPA-like. We also demonstrate that the channels are involved in seedling growth and development, at least partially through modulation of calcium signaling, but they are unlikely to play a major role in photomorphogenesis

    Blue-light-activated phototropin2 trafficking from the cytoplasm to Golgi/post-Golgi vesicles

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    Phototropins are plasma membrane-localized UVA/blue light photoreceptors which mediate phototropism, inhibition of primary hypocotyl elongation, leaf positioning, chloroplast movements, and stomatal opening. Blue light irradiation activates the C-terminal serine/threonine kinase domain of phototropin which autophosphorylates the receptor. Arabidopsis thaliana encodes two phototropins, phot1 and phot2. In response to blue light, phot1 moves from the plasma membrane into the cytosol and phot2 translocates to the Golgi complex. In this study the molecular mechanism and route of blue-light-induced phot2 trafficking are demonstrated. It is shown that Atphot2 behaves in a similar manner when expressed transiently under 35S or its native promoter. The phot2 kinase domain but not blue-light-mediated autophosphorylation is required for the receptor translocation. Using co-localization and western blotting, the receptor was shown to move from the cytoplasm to the Golgi complex, and then to the post-Golgi structures. The results were confirmed by brefeldin A (an inhibitor of the secretory pathway) which disrupted phot2 trafficking. An association was observed between phot2 and the light chain2 of clathrin via bimolecular fluorescence complementation. The fluorescence was observed at the plasma membrane. The results were confirmed using co-immunoprecipitation. However, tyrphostin23 (an inhibitor of clathrin-mediated endocytosis) and wortmannin (a suppressor of receptor endocytosis) were not able to block phot2 trafficking, indicating no involvement of receptor endocytosis in the formation of phot2 punctuate structures. Protein turnover studies indicated that the receptor was continuously degraded in both darkness and blue light. The degradation of phot2 proceeded via a transport route different from translocation to the Golgi complex

    UV-B Induces Chloroplast Movements in a Phototropin-Dependent Manner

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    We examined the impact of UV-B irradiation on chloroplast movements in Arabidopsis leaves. Directional chloroplast movements induced by blue light have been described in multiple plant species. In weak light, chloroplasts accumulate at periclinal cell walls to increase light capture. In strong light, chloroplasts exhibit the avoidance response, as they move towards anticlinal walls to protect the photosynthetic apparatus from light-induced damage. In Arabidopsis, chloroplast movements are triggered by phototropins, phot1 and phot2, which are known as blue/UV-A photoreceptors. We found that irradiation with UV-B of 3.3 µmol·m−2·s−1 induced chloroplast accumulation in wild-type plants. UV-B-triggered accumulation was dependent on the presence of phototropins, especially phot1, but not on UVR8 (the canonical UV-B photoreceptor). Irradiation with strong UV-B of 20 µmol·m−2·s−1 did not induce substantial chloroplast relocations in wild-type leaves. However, in the jac1 mutant, which is defective in chloroplast accumulation, strong UV-B elicited chloroplast avoidance. This indicated that UV-B can also activate signaling to the avoidance response. To assess the possibility of indirect effects of UV-B on chloroplast movements, we examined the impact of UV-B on the actin cytoskeleton, which serves as the motile system for chloroplast movements. While irradiation with UV-B of 3.3 µmol·m−2·s−1 did not affect the actin cytoskeleton, strong UV-B disrupted its structure as shown using an Arabidopsis line expressing Lifeact-green fluorescent protein (GFP). In wild-type plants, pretreatment with strong UV-B attenuated chloroplast responses triggered by subsequent blue light irradiation, further indicating that this UV-B intensity also indirectly affects chloroplast movements. Taken together, our results suggest that the effect of UV-B on chloroplast movement is twofold: it directly induces phototropin-mediated movements; however, at higher intensities, it attenuates the movements in a nonspecific manner

    Fine tuning chloroplast movements through physical interactions between phototropins

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    Phototropins are plant photoreceptors which regulate numerous responses to blue light, including chloroplast relocation. Weak blue light induces chloroplast accumulation, whereas strong light leads to an avoidance response. Two Arabidopsis phototropins are characterized by different light sensitivities. Under continuous light, both can elicit chloroplast accumulation, but the avoidance response is controlled solely by phot2. As well as continuous light, brief light pulses also induce chloroplast displacements. Pulses of 0.1s and 0.2s of fluence rate saturating the avoidance response lead to transient chloroplast accumulation. Longer pulses (up to 20s) trigger a biphasic response, namely transient avoidance followed by transient accumulation. This work presents a detailed study of transient chloroplast responses in Arabidopsis. Phototropin mutants display altered chloroplast movements as compared with the wild type: phot1 is characterized by weaker responses, while phot2 exhibits enhanced chloroplast accumulation, especially after 0.1s and 0.2s pulses. To determine the cause of these differences, the abundance and phosphorylation levels of both phototropins, as well as the interactions between phototropin molecules are examined. The formation of phototropin homo- and heterocomplexes is the most plausible explanation of the observed phenomena. The physiological consequences of this interplay are discussed, suggesting the universal character of this mechanism that fine-tunes plant reactions to blue light. Additionally, responses in mutants of different protein phosphatase 2A subunits are examined to assess the role of protein phosphorylation in signaling of chloroplast movements

    Phototropin interactions with SUMO proteins

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    The disruption of the sumoylation pathway affects processes controlled by the two phototropins (phots) of Arabidopsis thaliana, phot1 and phot2. Phots, plant UVA/blue light photoreceptors, regulate growth responses and fast movements aimed at optimizing photosynthesis, such as phototropism, chloroplast relocations and stomatal opening. Sumoylation is a posttranslational modification, consisting of the addition of a SUMO (SMALL UBIQUITIN-RELATED MODIFIER) protein to a lysine residue in the target protein. In addition to affecting the stability of proteins, it regulates their activity, interactions and subcellular localization. We examined physiological responses controlled by phots, phototropism and chloroplast movements, in sumoylation pathway mutants. Chloroplast accumulation in response to both continuous and pulse light was enhanced in the E3 ligase siz1 mutant, in a manner dependent on phot2. A significant decrease in phot2 protein abundance was observed in this mutant after blue light treatment both in seedlings and mature leaves. Using plant transient expression and yeast two-hybrid assays, we found that phots interacted with SUMO proteins mainly through their N-terminal parts, which contain the photosensory LOV domains. The covalent modification in phots by SUMO was verified using an Arabidopsis sumoylation system reconstituted in bacteria followed by the mass spectrometry analysis. Lys 297 was identified as the main target of SUMO3 in the phot2 molecule. Finally, sumoylation of phot2 was detected in Arabidopsis mature leaves upon light or heat stress treatment