19 research outputs found
Incidencija, faktori rizika i protektivni faktori ozljeÄivanja kod nogometnih sudaca : doktorska disertacija
OzljeÄivanje nogometnih sudaca je polje koje je slabo istraživano. Cilj ovog rada je utvrditi i
obrazložiti razinu i karakteristiÄnost ozljeda i miÅ”iÄno-koÅ”tanih tegoba meÄu hrvatskim
nogometnim sucima razliÄitih nivoa natjecanja, te odrediti faktore rizika i protektivne
faktore ozljeÄivanja kod hrvatskih sudaca. Metode rada: Uzorak ispitanika Äinilo je 342
nogometna suca (svi muÅ”karci, dob AS 32.9 Ā± 5.02god) od Äega: glavni suci (MR; N=159; dob
AS 31.4Ā±4.9god) i pomoÄni suci (AR; N=183; dob AS 34.1Ā±5.1god) podijeljeni na:
meÄunarodne (Union of European Football Associations-UEFA) suce (N=18; 6 MR; 12 AR);
1st (N=79; 32 MR; 47 AR), 2nd (N=90; 45 MR; 45 AR); or 3rd national level referees (N=155; 76
MR; 79 AR). Retrospektivna studija provedena je primjenom upitnika kojem je u prvoj fazi
istraživanja provjerena pouzdanost, test-retest metodom. Upitnik je omoguÄio uvid u skup
morfoloÅ”kih varijabli, varijabli vezanih za suÄenje i treninge, te varijabli ozljeda i koÅ”tano-
miÅ”iÄnih tegoba i drugih medicinskih pitanja. Rezultati: 29% MR i 30% AR zadobili su ozljedu
kroz posljednjih 12 mjeseci, dok je 13% MR i 19% AR ozljedu zadobilo na sudaÄkim
testiranjima. UÄestalost ozljeda raste, kako raste rang natjecanja (suÄenja), dok su UEFA suci
najmanje ozljeÄivani. Lokalitet ozljeda vezanje za gornji dio natkoljenice kada su sudaÄke
norme u pitanju, a donji dio natkoljenice i gležanjsu najuÄestalije ozljeÄivani tijekom suÄenja
utakmica. MR kao tegobu, uÄestalije su prijavljivali gležanj, dok su AR prijavljivali bol donjeg
dijela natkoljenice i donjeg dijela leÄa kao najuÄestalije tegobe. UÄestalost ozljeÄivanja je
podjednaka za oba subuzorka, 5.29 MR i 4.58 AR po 1000 sati suÄenja. Tip ozljede koju su
najuÄestalijezadobivali tijekom utakmica su istegnuÄe miÅ”iÄa (43% od ukupnog ozljeÄivanja),
zatim uganuÄe (10%), te ruptura miÅ”iÄa, ozljeda ligamenta i meniska (8-9%). Tijekom
sudaÄkih testiranja najzastupljeniji tip ozljede je istegnuÄe miÅ”iÄa/tetive (64% ukupnog
ozljeÄivanja tijekom normi). Ozljede koje su nastupile u posljednjem susretu su u 39%
sluÄajeva ponovljene ozljede, dok se to kod ozljeda pretrpljenih u posljednjih 12 mjeseci
dogaÄa u 33% sluÄajeva, a svaka Äetvrta ozljeda na normama je recidiv (23%). Hrvatski
nogometni suci posljedice ozljede u prosjeku osjeÄaju od 43.07 dana do 50.81, bez treninga
su prosjeÄno od 28.75 do 38.70 dana, te u konaÄnici bez utakmica su u prosjeku od 43.77 do
67.72 dana.Podjednak broj sudaca konzumira (n=165) i ne konzumira (n=169) prehrambenu
suplementaciju, a znaÄajnih razlika u incidenciji ozljeÄivanja nogometnih sudaca ovisno o
koriŔtenju prehrambenih suplemenata ima u varijabli ozljede i tegobe tijekom karijere gdje
Äe koriÅ”tenje prehrambenih suplemenata smanjiti incidenciju ozljeÄivanja. TakoÄer, vidljiva
je povezanost veÄe konzumacije alkohola s veÄim brojem ozljeda. SuÄenje samih utakmica
pokazalo je relativno nisku stopu ozljeÄivanja, za razliku od sudaÄkih testiranja, koja se
pokazuju kao faktor rizika ozljeÄivanja hrvatskih nogometnih sudaca. Posebnu pažnju bi
trebalo obratiti na ozljeÄivanje donjeg dijela natkoljenice tijekom utakmica, te gornjeg dijela
natkoljenice za vrijeme testiranja nogometnih sudaca. Bolja fiziÄka pripremljenost je
prepoznata kao protektivni faktor ozljeÄivanja hrvatskih nogometnih sudaca. BuduÄe studije
bi trebale istražiti specifiÄne prediktore ozljeÄivanja nogometnih sudaca.Injury among soccer referees is rarely studied, especially with regard to differences in the
quality level of the refereeing. Additionally, we have found no study that has reported injury
occurrence during official physical fitness testing for soccer referees. The aim of this study
was to investigate the frequency, type and consequencesof match-related and fitnesstesting related injuries among soccer referees of different competitive levels. Methods. We
studied 342 soccer referees (all males; mean age 32.9 Ā± 5.02years). The study was
retrospective, and a self-administered questionnaire was used. In the first phase of the
study, the questionnaire was tested for its reliability and applicability. The questionnaire
included morphological/anthropometric data, refereeing variables, and musculoskeletal
disorders together with the consequences. Results: The sample comprised 159 main
referees (MR; mean age 31.4Ā±4.9years) and 183 assistant referees (AR; mean age
34.1Ā±5.1years) divided into: international level (Union of European Football Associations-
UEFA) referees (N=18; 6 MRs; 12 ARs); 1st (N=78; 31 MRs; 47 ARs), 2nd (N=91; 45 MRs; 46
ARs); or 3rd national level referees (N=155; 75 MRs; 80 ARs). In total, 29% of the MRs and
30% of the ARs had experienced an injury during the previous year, while 13% of the MRs,
and 19% of the ARs suffered from an injury that occurred during fitness-testing. There was
an obvious increase in injury severity as the refereeing advanced at the national level, but
the UEFA referees were the least injured of all referees. The results showed a relatively high
prevalence of injuries to the upper leg (i.e., quadriceps and hamstrings) during physical
fitness-testing for all but the UEFA referees. During game refereeing, the ankles and lower
legs were the most commonly injured regions. The MRs primarily injured their ankles. The
ARs experienced lower leg and lower back disorders. However, the overall injury rate was
equal for both groups, with 5.29 and 4.58 injuries per 1000hours of refereeing for MRs and
ARs, respectively. Most common type of injuries during match were muscle strains (43%),
calf sprains (10%), muscle ruptures and meniscus lesions (8-9%), while muscle strains was
most common injury type during fitness-testing (64%). Injuries which occurred during last
match were previously reported (39% of injuries), while 33% previously reported injuries
occurred over last 12 month. During fitness-testing almost one-quarter of injuries were
previously reported (23%). Referees felt negative consequences of injuries in average 43.07-
50.81. They were out of training in average 28.75-38.7 days, and not refereeing in average
43.77-67.72 days.
Conclusion: In addition to the reported risk of injury during soccer games, physical fitness
testing should be classified as a risk for injury among soccer referees. Special attention
should be given to (I) lower leg injuries during games and (II) upper leg injuries during
physical fitness tests. A higher physical fitness level and a qualitative approach to training
are recognized as protective factors against injury. Subsequent studies should investigate
the specific predictors of injuries among referees
Match Outcome and Running Performance Among UEFA Champions League Soccer Players
This study aimed to examine position-specific differences in running performance (RP) according to the match outcome in UEFA Champions League (UCL). The playersā RPs (n=244) were collected during UCL group stage matches (n=20) in the 2020/21 season using semiautomatic optical system InStat Fitness, and classified according to their playing positions as: central defenders (CD; n=79), fullbacks (FB; n=65), central midfielders (CM; n=55), wide midfielders (WM; n=28) and forward (FW; n=17). The RP variables included: total distance covered, low-intensity (LIR) (<14.3km/h), running (14.4ā19.7 km/h), high-speed running (HSR) (19.8ā25.1 km/h), and sprinting (>25.2 km/h). Match outcome was observed as win, draw and loss. One-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used to examine differences in RP according to the match outcome. Significant differences in TD (F-test=4.16, p=0.02) and LIR (F-test=4.51, p=0.01) among match outcomes were observed for FBs. Specifically, FBs covered significantly greater TD when their team won than when lost (p=0.03, d=0.79). In addition, FBsā LIR was significantly greater in won matches than in drew (p=0.04, d=0.92) and lost matches (p=0.03, d=0.77). The RP of players on all other playing position were similar irrespective to the match outcome (F-test=0.08 to 2.84, all p>0.05). These results indicated that winning UCL matches is not strongly influenced by playersā physical performance, except for FBs who tended to covered greater total- and low- distance when their teams won. This study indicated limited overall influence of RP on success in matches at elite-level soccer. The findings from this study may help soccer coaches to ensure optimal physical preparation of players in elite soccer
The Training Effects of Dance Aerobics: A Review with an Emphasis on the Perspectives of Investigations
The training effects of contemporary aerobics programmes (hi lo, dance aerobics, step aerobics, aqua aerobics etc.) have been frequently investigated. However, we found no recent paper which reviewed aerobic programmes with regard to their training effectiveness, characteristics of the subjects involved, variables of interest and experimental design. In this paper we summarise the findings of more than 40 studies published in the 2000ā2011 period that investigated the training effects of different forms of contemporary aerobics. In this review, the studies are grouped according to their characteristics (sample of subjects, variables of interest, study design, effects, etc.). Around 80% of the investigations dealt with females, with adults being most commonly observed. In the majority of investigations, the authors studied different variables at the same time (morphological anthropometric, motor, cardiovascular, biochemical indices, etc.). In recent studies
a trend toward a psychological status examination is evident. In most instances positive training effects on motor-endurance and varsity of physiological variables are declared throughout a training period of 8 to 12 weeks. However, the positive changes in anaerobic endurance are not evidenced. Knowing the tendency of the overall increase of certain psychological disorders in population (including depression) there are indications that future, potentially highly interesting
studies will deal with the psychological status of adults and older subjects
E-learning lessons ā studentsā opinions and attitudes
Rad je usmjeren k ispitivanju stavova studenata doktorskog studija KinezioloÅ”kog fakulteta u Splitu vezanih uz āuÄenje putem internetaā te njihovoj usporedbi s klasiÄnim naÄinom pouÄavanja. Povezanost varijabli testirana je Spearmanovim koefi cijentom korelacije i hi-kvadrat testom. Rezultati istraživanja pokazali su da, premda nema bitnih razlika u stavovima prije i nakon uÄenja, ispitanici generalno preporuÄuju āuÄenje putem internetaā, no ipak ga ne doživljuju jednako efi kasnim kao klasiÄno uÄenje koje se realizira putem predavanja. TakoÄer, dokazano je da su viÅ”a razina poznavanja rada na raÄunalu i uspjeÅ”nost upotrebe internetskih usluga negativno povezane sa stavovima prema āpredavanju putem internetaā. Pitanjima otvorenog tipa dobivena su miÅ”ljenja ispitanika o prednostima i nedostacima āpredavanja putem internetaā. S obzirom na limitirani udio ispitanika u istraživanju, prezentirani zakljuÄci moraju se uzeti s rezervom, te stoga ekstenzivnije istražiti u buduÄim istraživanjima.This paper is focused on attitudes of postgraduate students of the Faculty of kinesiology in Split towards e-learning, and on their comparison with the traditional inclass learning. The relationship between variables was tested by means of the Spearmanās correlation coeffi cient as well as the chi-square test. Although the results havenāt revealed statistically signifi cant differences in attitudes before and after the lessons, subjects in general tend to recommend e-learning, but do not fi nd it as effi cient as traditional inclass learning in the form of lectures. The results have shown that there was a negative correlation between computer-based knowledge, including experience in searching information on the World Wide Web, and attitudes towards e-learning lessons. Subjectsā opinions about advantages and disadvantages of e-learning lessons were discovered by open-end questions. Since this study encloses a limited sample of subjects, presented fi ndings cannot be generalized and should therefore be extensively studied in future
Efekti 5-tjednog funkcionalnoga i tradicionalnoga treninga s optereÄenjem na antropometrijske karakteristike i motoriÄke sposobnosti
Functional training (FT) refers to exercise training programs designed to imitate the activities and movement patterns that occur in an athleteās characteristic activity. Its purpose is to make training adaptations more specific and applicable. There is a lack of studies on the effects of FT in young and previously trained subjects. The aim of this study was to determine the training-specific effects of FT and traditional strength training (TRT) on a subset of anthropometric measures, explosive strength, agility, and sprint performance in young (22-25 years of age), previously trained male subjects (N=23) that were divided randomly into two groups (FT, n=11; TRT, n=12). The variables included anthropometric measures (body height, body weight, body fat percentage, lean body mass, and total body water), two agility tests (5-10-5 meter shuttle run and the hexagon test ā HEXAGON), jumping ability (air time, peak power ā PEAKPWR, jump height, ground contact time ā GCT), throwing ability tests (standing overarm medicine ball throw (SMB) and lying medicine ball throw), and sprint variables (10m and 20m dash and 10-20m split time results). The training program consisted of tree either FT or TRT training sessions per week through 5 weeks. Pre- and post-training intragroup differences were established using the dependent samples t-test. The independent samples t-test was calculated to detect inter-group differences. Anthropometric variables did not change significantly during the training period. Intra-group comparisons revealed significant improvements in the SMB and HEXAGON values for FT group, whereas TRT significantly improved GCT, PEAKPWR, and HEXAGON performance but decreased achievement in SMB. In conclusion, FT and TRT influenced differently the explosive strength and agility variables. More precisely, the results demonstrated that TRT increased the energetic potential of trained musculature, which resulted in an overall increase in power qualities, while FT improved postural control and precise coordination. Certain limitations of the study are noted.Funkcionalni trening je trenažni program oblikovan tako da imitira aktivnosti i kretne strukture koje se pojavljuju u karakteristiÄnoj sportskoj aktivnosti. Cilj mu je izazvati adaptaciju na trening Å”to specifiÄniju za sport te zato primjenjiviju u konkretnom sportu. Evidentan je nedostatak znanstvenih studija koje su prouÄavale efekte funkcionalnoga treninga u mladih, treniranih ispitanika. Cilj je ovoga istraživanja bio utvrditi specifiÄne efekte funkcionalnoga
treninga (FT) i tradicionalnoga treninga snage (TTS) na sklopu antropometrijskih varijabli, varijabli eksplozivne snage, agilnosti i na rezultatima sprinta mladih (22-25 godina), prethodno treniranih muÅ”kih ispitanika (N=23) koji su nasumiÄno bili podijeljeni u dvije grupe (FT, n=11; TTS, n=12). Uzorak varijabli je ukljuÄivao varijable antropometrijskih karakteristika (tjelesna visina, tjelesna težina, postotak masnoga tkiva, bezmasna masa i ukupna tjelesna voda), dvije varijable za procjenu agilnosti (5-10-5 metara shuttle run i heksagon test - HEXAGON), varijable za procjenu skakaÄkih sposobnosti (vrijeme leta, vrÅ”na snaga - PEAKPWR, visina skoka i
vrijeme kontakta sa tlom - GCT), testove snage tipa bacanja (bacanje medicinske lopte jednom rukom stojeÄi - SMB, bacanje medicinske lopte iz ležanja) te varijable za procjenu eksplozivne snage tipa sprinta (sprint na 10m i 20m te meÄuvrijeme trÄanja
izmeÄu 10. i 20. metra). Eksperimentalni program treninga trajao je 5 tjedana, a obje grupe provodile su 3 eksperimentalne trenažne jedinice tjedno. Razlike izmeÄu inicijalnih i finalnih stanja unutar grupa utvrÄene su t-testom za zavisne uzorke. Za utvrÄivanje razlika izmeÄu grupa koriÅ”ten je t-test za nezavisne uzorke. Varijable antropometrijskih karakteristika nisu se statistiÄki znaÄajno promijenile tijekom primjene eksperimentalnog trenažnog programa. ZnaÄajni pozitivni efekti uoÄeni su unutar grupe FT za varijable SMB i HEXAGON, dok su unutar grupe TTS uoÄeni pozitivni efekti u varijablama GCT, PEAKPWR i HEXAGON, ali i negativni efekti za varijablu SMB. ZakljuÄno, FT i TTS utjeÄu diferencijalno na eksplozivnu snagu i agilnost. TTS poveÄava energetske potencijale trenirane muskulature, Å”to rezultira ukupnim poveÄanjem parametara snage, dok FT trening pretežno djeluje na posturalnu kontrolu i poboljÅ”anje koordinacije. OdreÄena ograniÄenja ovoga istraživanja su zabilježena u Älanku
A retrospective survey on injuries in Croatian football/soccer referees
BACKGROUND: Injury among soccer referees is rarely studied, especially with regard to differences in the quality level of the refereeing. Additionally, we have found no study that has reported injury occurrence during official physical fitness testing for soccer referees. The aim of this study was to investigate the frequency, type and consequences of match-related and fitness-testing related injuries among soccer referees of different competitive levels. METHODS: We studied 342 soccer referees (all males; mean age 32.9āĀ±ā5.02āyears). The study was retrospective, and a self-administered questionnaire was used. In the first phase of the study, the questionnaire was tested for its reliability and applicability. The questionnaire included morphological/anthropometric data, refereeing variables, and musculoskeletal disorders together with the consequences. RESULTS: The sample comprised 157 main referees (MR; mean age 31.4āĀ±ā4.9āyears) and 185 assistant referees (AR; mean age 34.1āĀ±ā5.1āyears) divided into: international level (Union of European Football Associations-UEFA) referees (Nā=ā18; 6 MRs; 12 ARs) ; 1(st) (Nā=ā78; 31 MRs; 47 ARs), 2(nd) (Nā=ā91; 45 MRs; 46 ARs); or 3(rd) national level referees (Nā=ā155; 75 MRs; 80 ARs). In total, 29% (95%CI: 0.23ā0.37) of the MRs and 30% (95%CI: 0.22ā0.36) of the ARs had experienced an injury during the previous year, while 13% (95%CI: 0.05ā0.14) of the MRs, and 19% (95%CI: 0.14ā0.25) of the ARs suffered from an injury that occurred during fitness testing. There was an obvious increase in injury severity as the refereeing advanced at the national level, but the UEFA referees were the least injured of all referees. The results showed a relatively high prevalence of injuries to the upper leg (i.e., quadriceps and hamstrings) during physical fitness testing for all but the UEFA referees. During game refereeing, the ankles and lower legs were the most commonly injured regions. The MRs primarily injured their ankles. The ARs experienced lower leg and lower back disorders. However, the overall injury rate was equal for both groups, with 5.29 (95%CI: 2.23ā8.30) and 4.58 (95%CI: 2.63ā6.54) injuries per 1000āhours of refereeing for MRs and ARs, respectively. CONCLUSION: In addition to the reported risk of injury during soccer games, physical fitness testing should be classified as a risk for injury among soccer referees. Special attention should be given to (I) lower leg injuries during games and (II) upper leg injuries during physical fitness tests. A higher physical fitness level and a qualitative approach to training are recognized as protective factors against injury. Subsequent studies should investigate the specific predictors of injuries among referees
Acute Effects of Different Plyometric and Strength Exercises on Balance Performance in Youth Weightlifters
Background: High-intensity muscle actions have the potential to temporarily improve the performance which has been denoted as postactivation performance enhancement. Objectives: This study determined the acute effects of different stretch-shortening (fast vs. low) and strength (dynamic vs. isometric) exercises executed during one training session on subsequent balance performance in youth weightlifters. Materials and Methods: Sixteen male and female young weightlifters, aged 11.3Ā±0.6years, performed four strength exercise conditions in randomized order, including dynamic strength (DYN; 3 sets of 3 repetitions of 10 RM) and isometric strength exercises (ISOM; 3 sets of maintaining 3s of 10 RM of back-squat), as well as fast (FSSC; 3 sets of 3 repetitions of 20-cm drop-jumps) and slow (SSSC; 3 sets of 3 hurdle jumps over a 20-cm obstacle) stretch-shortening cycle protocols. Balance performance was tested before and after each of the four exercise conditions in bipedal stance on an unstable surface (i.e., BOSU ball with flat side facing up) using two dependent variables, i.e., center of pressure surface area (CoP SA) and velocity (CoP V). Results: There was a significant effect of time on CoP SA and CoP V [F(1,60)=54.37, d=1.88, p<0.0001; F(1,60)=9.07, d=0.77, p=0.003]. In addition, a statistically significant effect of condition on CoP SA and CoP V [F(3,60)=11.81, d=1.53, p<0.0001; F(3,60)=7.36, d=1.21, p=0.0003] was observed. Statistically significant condition-by-time interactions were found for the balance parameters CoP SA (p<0.003, d=0.54) and CoP V (p<0.002, d=0.70). Specific to contrast analysis, all specified hypotheses were tested and demonstrated that FSSC yielded significantly greater improvements than all other conditions in CoP SA and CoP V [p<0.0001 (d=1.55); p=0.0004 (d=1.19), respectively]. In addition, FSSC yielded significantly greater improvements compared with the two conditions for both balance parameters [p<0.0001 (d=2.03); p<0.0001 (d=1.45)]. Conclusion: Fast stretch-shortening cycle exercises appear to be more effective to improve short-term balance performance in young weightlifters. Due to the importance of balance for overall competitive achievement in weightlifting, it is recommended that young weightlifters implement dynamic plyometric exercises in the fast stretch-shortening cycle during the warm-up to improve their balance performance