2 research outputs found

    Additional file 1: of DNA methylation loci associated with atopy and high serum IgE: a genome-wide application of recursive Random Forest feature selection

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    Boxplots of the distributions of methylation levels within the male ( bright red and bright blue ) and female ( dark red and dark blue ) samples, stratified by atopy status ( red = atopic; blue = non-atopic) for the 33 CpGs sites present in both the male and female samples that were not significantly associated with atopy in stage 2 analyses. (PDF 20 kb

    RAD tag (SgrAI) derived SNPs from Bombus impatiens

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    RAD tag (SgrAI) derived SNPs from Bombus impatiens from Sadd et al. (2015) "The genomes of two key bumblebee species with primitive eusocial organisation