71 research outputs found

    Aktivált T-limfociták, dendritikus sejtek és immunreguláló mechanizmusok kimutatása melanómás és fej-nyaki daganatos betegek őrszemnyirokcsomóiban - klinikai jelentőség és immunterápiai vonatkozások = Prevalence of activated T lymphocytes and dendritic cells as well as immune regulatory mechanisms in sentinel lymph nodes of melanoma and head and neck cancer patients - clinical impact and immunotherapeutic approaches

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    Bár a szentinel nyirokcsomók (SLN) a tumorellenes immunválasz kialakulásának fontos színterei, immunológiai sajátosságaikat kevesen tanulmányozták. Vizsgálatainkban melanómás betegek SLN-mintáin meghatároztuk az OX40+ aktivált T-limfociták, FOXP3+ regulátor T-sejtek, DC-LAMP+ érett dendritikus sejtek (DC) és CD123+ plazmacitoid DC-k mennyiségét, és összevetettük nem-szentinel csomókban (NSLN) talált értékekkel, valamint elemeztük a beteg- és tumorjellemzők, illetve a betegség kimenetele függvényében. A markerek megjelenése az SLN-ekben magasabb szintű volt az NSLN-ekhez viszonyítva, ami az őrszemnyirokcsomók immunológiai kompetenciájára utal. Pozitív SLN-státus esetén a FOXP3+ sejtek magas denzitása a betegség progressziójával és rövidebb túléléssel járt. A többi marker esetén nem találtunk szignifikáns összefüggést a betegség kimenetelével. A primer melanómákat infiltráló immunsejtek közül (a korábbi vizsgálataink szerint prognosztikus értékű aktivált T-sejt- és DC-szám mellett) a B-sejtek magas denzitása önmagában, illetve az aktivált T-sejtek nagy mennyiségével együttesen kedvező prognózisra utalt, míg a FOXP3+ limfociták mennyisége nem mutatott összefüggést a túléléssel. Eredményeink arra utalnak, hogy az immunaktivációra jellemző markerek megjelenése a primer tumorban erősebben befolyásolja a betegség kimenetelét, mint az SLN-ekben mért prevalenciájuk. Az őrszemnyirokcsomók magas FOXP3+ T-sejtdenzitása ugyanakkor az SLN-pozitív esetekben rossz prognózissal járt együtt. | Sentinel lymph nodes (SLNs) are critical sites of the development of antitumor immune response, still only few studies have aimed at investigating their immunological status. We determined the prevalence of OX40+ activated T cells, FOXP3+ regulatory T cells, DC-LAMP+ mature dendritic cells (DCs) and CD123+ plasmacytoid DCs in melanoma SLNs. Cell density values were compared to those in non-sentinel nodes (NSLNs), and analyzed with regard to associations with clinicopathological parameters and disease outcome. SLNs contained higher amount of all cell types compared to NSLNs, indicating the functional competence of sentinel nodes. High density of FOXP3+ T lymphocytes showed association with disease progression and shorter survival in SLN-positive patients, while the other cell types studied did not prove of prognostic importance. Of immune cells infiltrating primary melanomas, high amount of B lymphocytes, alone or in combination with high activated T-cell density, correlated with favorable outcome, similarly to DCs and activated T cells found of prognostic importance in our previous studies. Infiltration of FOXP3+ cells in primary melanomas, on the other hand, showed no association with survival. Our results suggest that immune activation-associated markers in the primary tumor may have a higher impact than those in SLNs on the prognosis of melanoma patients. On the other hand, FOXP3+ cell density in sentinel nodes of SLN-positive cases was found predictive of disease outcome

    Metasztatikus progresszió kezelése primer cutan és ocularis melanoma szinkrón előfordulását követően = Treatment of metastatic progression following the synchronous occurrence of cutaneous and ocular primary melanomas

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    Absztrakt: A melanoma előfordulási gyakorisága az életkorral nő, legnagyobb arányban a nem hispániai fehérekben fordul elő. Bár az ocularis melanoma gyakorisága a töredéke a cutan melanomáénak – az összes melanomás eset mintegy 4%-a, éves incidenciája 0,6 : 100 000 –, a szemtumorok között a leggyakrabban előforduló malignitás. Az ocularis és a cutan melanoma együttes előfordulása irodalmi ritkaságnak számít. Közleményünkben egy 80 éves férfi esetét prezentáljuk, akinél 2008-ban cutan nodularis melanomát excindáltak. Szemészeten 2013-ban fokozódó visuscsökkenés miatt uvealis melanomát diagnosztizáltak, amelyet brachytherapiával kezeltek. Képalkotó vizsgálatokkal és biopsziával 2015-ben melanoma hepaticus propagatiója igazolódott. A primer cutan laesio mutációanalízise BRAF V600 K típusú funkciónyerő mutációt igazolt, míg az áttétben a vad típusú gén jelenlétét mutattuk ki. Onkoteam javaslata alapján 2015 augusztusában intraarterialis májkemoterápia kezdődött, melyből 11 ciklust kapott meg, 21 napos időintervallumokkal. A beteg a kezelést jól tolerálta, mellékhatás nem jelentkezett. A 2016. februári CT a májban lévő laesio parciális regresszióját igazolta; a tizenegyedik ciklus intraarterialis májkemoterápiáját követően a beteg komplett remisszióba került, amely több mint egy évig tartott. Az ocularis és a cutan melanoma szinkrón előfordulása igen ritka, metasztatikus progresszió esetén ugyanakkor az optimális onkoterápia kiválasztása komoly kihívást jelent. A két melanomatípus molekuláris patológiai háttere eltérő, amely segítheti a metasztatikus laesiók eredetének azonosítását és az optimális, személyre szabott kezelés megválasztását. Orv Hetil. 2018; 159(16): 642–647. | Abstract: The incidence rates of cutaneous melanoma in non-Hispanic whites show an increasing tendency with age. While uveal melanoma in general is a rare disease, representing only 4% of all melanomas with an incidence rate of 0.6 per 100 000, it is still the most frequent malignancy of the eye. Synchronous occurrence of ocular and cutaneous melanoma is an exceptional rarity, due to the distinct genetic background of the diseases. We report the case of a 80-year-old man who underwent total excision of a cutaneous melanoma in 2008. In 2013, he was diagnosed with uveal melanoma as part of a routine work-up for reduced vision. The uveal melanoma was treated by brachytherapy. In 2015, liver metastases were suspected by routine ultrasonography. Core biopsy was carried out, and the histology confirmed melanoma metastases. The molecular analysis of the cutaneous lesion showed gain of function mutation of the BRAF V600 K gene, while we found a wild-type BRAF gene in the metastatic lesion. Based on the recommendation of the oncoteam, hepatic intra-arterial Epirubicin-Platidiam therapy was introduced. He received 11 doses of intra-arterial chemotherapy (IAC), in 21 cycles. IAC was well tolerated without any catheter-related complications or toxicities. Partial regression of the hepatic metastases were documented in February 2016. After completing the eleventh cycle of intrahepatic chemotherapy, the disease remained in complete remission for over a year. The parallel occurrence of cutaneous and ocular melanoma is rare, however, the metastatic progression in such cases make the selection of optimal medical therapy challenging. The distinct genetic background of two melanoma types may help the identification of the source of the metastatic lesions, in order to guide the treatment decisions. Orv Hetil. 2018; 159(16): 642–647

    Significant improvement in melanoma survival over the last decade: A Hungarian nationwide study between 2011 and 2019

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    Recent real-world studies have reported significant improvements in the survival of malignant melanoma in the past few years, mainly as a result of modern therapies. However, long-term survival data from Central Eastern European countries such as Hungary are currently lacking.This nationwide, retrospective study examined melanoma survival in Hungary between 2011-2019 using the databases of the National Health Insurance Fund (NHIF) and Central Statistical Office (CSO) of Hungary. Crude overall survival and age-standardized 5-year net survival as well as the association between age, sex, and survival were calculated.Between 2011 and 2019, 22,948 newly diagnosed malignant melanoma cases were recorded in the NHIF database (47.89% male, mean age: 60.75 years (SD: ±16.39)). 5-year overall survival was 75.40% (women: 80.78%; men: 69.52%). Patients diagnosed between 2017-2019 had a 20% lower risk of mortality compared to patients diagnosed between 2011-2012 (HR 0.80, 95% CI 0.73-0.89; p<0.0001). Age-standardized 5-year net survival rates in 2011-2014 and 2015-2019 were 90.6% and 95.8%, respectively (women: 93.1% and 98.4%, men: 87.8% and 92.7%, respectively). The highest age-standardized 5-year net survival rates were found in the 0-39 age cohort (94.6% in the 2015-2019 period).Hungary has similar melanoma survival rates to Western European countries. Based on net survival, the risk of dying of melanoma within 5 years was cut by more than half (55%) during the study period, which coincides with the successful implementation of awareness campaigns and the wide availability of modern therapies

    Urogenitalis lokalizációjú mucosamelanoma primer és áttétes esetei klinikánkon = Mucosal melanoma primary and metastatic cases with urogenital localization in our department

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    Absztrakt: Bevezetés: Az urogenitalis lokalizációban előforduló mucosamelanomáknak mind a primer, mind az áttétes esetei ritka daganatok. A primer melanomás esetek mindössze 4–5%-a extracutan eredetű, melyek általában későn kerülnek felismerésre, ezért prognózisuk rossz. Betegek és módszer: Intézetünkben az elmúlt években húgy-ivar szervi melanomát 7 esetben észleltünk. Egy amelanoticus húgycső, egy húgyhólyag, két hímvessző melanomás esetet és három metasztatikus daganatot. A megjelenésről, a kezelésről és a klinikai kimenetelről rendelkezésre álló adatokat retrospektív módon értékeltük. Eredmények: Három inoperábilis áttétes esetben palliatív, urológiai-sebészeti beavatkozás és szisztémás daganatellenes terápia történt. Négy primer urogenitalis tumorból kettő lokalizálódott a péniszre. Az egyik esetben helyi recidíva alakult ki műtéti ellátás után, azonban radikális, ismételt műtéttel a beteg másfél éve tünetmentes. A másik, igen elhanyagolt hímvessző-melanoma radikális műtét és inguinalis blokkdissectio után két évvel disszeminálódott. A nőbeteg primer húgycsőmelanomájánál az első szövettani vizsgálat primer mesenchymalis tumort írt le, a másfél évvel később kialakult recidív tumorból igazolódott a melanoma diagnózisa. A húgycsőérintettség miatt elvégzett radikális műtét 5 év tünetmentességet eredményezett, ezt követően alakult ki helyi recidíva és távoli áttét. A negyedik, először primer húgyhólyag eredetű melanomának tartott esetben a rapid progressziót mutató kórlefolyás és a tumor BRAF-pozitivitása alapján felmerült, hogy nem az elsőként húgyhólyagban diagnosztizált melanoma volt a primer tumor. Következtetés: A húgy-ivar szervi melanoma előfordulása igen ritka. Felfedezése sokszor már disszeminált állapotban történik, ezért az esetek várható prognózisa is rossz. A terápiás hatékonyságot növelő legfontosabb tényezők a korai diagnózis és a radikális műtéti beavatkozás. A cutan melanomához képest prognózisuk rosszabb, aminek hátterében a klinikai és patológiai diagnosztikus nehézség állhat. A legújabb célzott és immunterápiás szerek az áttétes betegek túlélését lényegesen javíthatják. Orv Hetil. 2019; 160(10): 378–385. | Abstract: Introduction: Both primary and metastatic cases of mucosal melanoma in urogenital localization are rare tumors. Only 4–5% of all primary melanomas do not arise from the skin. Extracutaneous melanomas have a complex clinical presentation, but these aggressive tumors have a poor prognosis. Materials and method: In our department, we found 7 patients with malignant melanoma of the genitourinary tract in the past few years. The 7 cases were: primary amelanotic melanoma of the female urethra, a primary melanoma of the bladder, two primary melanomas of the penis, a metastatic melanoma of the urethra and another to the testis and a metastatic melanoma of the bladder with melanuria. We retrospectively analyzed the available data to describe the presentation, management, and clinical outcome of the patients. Results: In the three inoperative cases, palliative, urologic surgical procedures and systemic antitumor therapy were performed. Two of the four primary urogenital tumors were localized to the penis. In one case, local recurrence developed after surgical treatment, but with a radical, repeated surgery, the patient has been asymptomatic for a year and a half. In the other, neglected case, the penis melanoma spread through the urethra and the inguinal lymph nodes two years after radical surgery and inguinal block dissection. In the female primary urethral melanoma case, the first histological study reported a primary mesenchymal tumor, and the recurrent tumor that occurred one and a half years later showed melanoma diagnosis. Radical surgery performed because of urethral involvement resulted in a 5-year asymptomatic state, followed by local recurrence and distant metastasis. In the fourth case of a primary bladder melanoma, the rapid progression of the disease and the BRAF positivity of the tumor suggested that not the firstly diagnosed bladder melanoma was the primary tumor. Conclusion: The occurrence of urinary tract melanoma is very rare and its discovery happens often in a disseminated state, so the expected prognosis of the cases is also poor. The most important factors for increasing therapeutic efficacy are early diagnosis and radical surgical intervention. Tumors appearing in different localizations require different urological surgical approaches. The literature recommendations for treatment are not uniform. Their prognosis is worse compared to the cutaneous melanoma, which may be due to clinical and pathological diagnostic difficulties. The latest targeted and immunotherapeutic agents can significantly improve the survival of metastatic patients. Orv Hetil. 2019; 160(10): 378–385

    Contribution of MEK Inhibition to BRAF/MEK Inhibitor Combination Treatment of BRAF-Mutant Melanoma: Part 2 of the Randomized, Open-Label, Phase III COLUMBUS Trial

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    PURPOSE In COLUMBUS part 1, patients with advanced BRAFV600^{V600}-mutant melanoma were randomly assigned 1:1:1 to encorafenib 450 mg once daily plus binimetinib 45 mg twice a day (COMBO450), vemurafenib 960 mg twice a day, or encorafenib 300 mg once daily (ENCO300). As previously reported, COMBO450 improved progression-free survival (PFS) versus vemurafenib (part 1 primary end point) and ENCO300 (part 1 key secondary end point; not statistically significant). Part 2, requested by the US Food and Drug Administration, evaluated the contribution of binimetinib by maintaining the same encorafenib dosage in the combination (encorafenib 300 mg once daily plus binimetinib 45 mg twice daily [COMBO300]) and ENCO300 arms. METHODS In part 2, patients were randomly assigned 3:1 to COMBO300 or ENCO300. ENCO300 (parts 1 and 2) data were combined, per protocol, for PFS analysis (key secondary end point) by a blinded independent review committee (BIRC). Other analyses included overall response rate (ORR), overall survival, and safety. RESULTS Two hundred fifty-eight patients received COMBO300, and 86 received ENCO300. Per protocol, ENCO300 arms (parts 1 and 2 combined) were also evaluated (n = 280). The median follow-up for ENCO300 was 40.8 months (part 1) and 57.1 months (part 2). The median PFS (95% CI) was 12.9 months (10.9 to 14.9) for COMBO300 versus 9.2  months (7.4 to 11.1) for ENCO300 (parts 1  and  2) and 7.4  months (5.6 to 9.2) for ENCO300 (part 2). The hazard ratio (95% CI) for COMBO300 was 0.74 (0.60 to 0.92; two-sided P = .003) versus ENCO300 (parts 1  and  2). The ORR by BIRC (95% CI) was 68% (62 to 74) and 51% (45 to 57) for COMBO300 and ENCO300 (parts 1  and  2), respectively. COMBO300 had greater relative dose intensity and fewer grade 3/4 adverse events than ENCO300. CONCLUSION COMBO300 improved PFS, ORR, and tolerability compared with ENCO300, confirming the contribution of binimetinib to efficacy and safety

    Dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans multidiszciplináris kezelésével szerzett hosszú távú eredmények 26 betegnél = Long-term experiences with multidisciplinary therapy of twenty-six patients with dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans and review of the literature

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    A dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans alacsony vagy közepes malignitású, ritka, rosszindulatú daganat. A tumort a lassú, de agresszív lokális növekedés, az alacsony áttétképzési és a magas helyi kiújulási arány jellemzi. Az elsődleges kezelés a radikális sebészi eltávolítás hagyományos kimetszéssel vagy Mohs-féle sebészi technikával. Pozitív sebészi szél, recidív tumor esetén radio-, kemoterápia, illetve újabban imatinib mesylat alkalmazható. Célkitűzés: A szerzők 26, dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans miatt onkológiai centrumban multidiszciplinárisan kezelt beteg hosszú távú klinikopatológiai utánkövetését végezték. Módszer és eredmények: A betegek átlagéletkora 44,7 év volt. Az utánkövetés átlagideje 60,57 hónap volt. Tizenöt betegnél (57,7%) sikerült R0 eltávolítást végezni, míg 11 betegnél (42,3%) csak R1 reszekciót. Az R0 reszekciók eléréséhez átlagosan 1,87 kimetszésre volt szükség. Adjuváns kezelésként a primer tumor eltávolítását követően 6 beteg (23%) részesült radioterápiában és 2 (7,6%) beteg kemoterápiában. Tizenhat betegnél nem észleltünk kiújulást. Tíz betegnél (38,4%) alakult ki recidíva, amely miatt további kezeléseket folytattunk. Egy beteg távoli áttétek miatt elhunyt. Statisztikai módszerekkel vizsgáltuk az irodalomban prognosztikai faktornak számító 50 év feletti életkor és a sebészi radikalitás hatását a helyi kiújulásra. Következtetések: A dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans multidiszciplináris kezeléssel eredményesen kezelhető daganat. Pontosabb következtetések levonásához nagyobb esetszám és multicentrikus randomizált vizsgálatok szükségesek. | Dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans is a low or moderate grade malignant, uncommon soft tissue tumor. The tumor is characterized by slow, but locally aggressive growth, low metastatic potential and high recurrence rate. Initial treatment is the radical surgical excision, using traditional wide excision or Mohs surgery. In case of positive surgical margin or local recurrence, radio-chemotherapy and recently imatinib mesylate is used as adjuvant therapy. Aims: Twenty-six patients treated multidisciplinary for dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans were followed up. Methods and Results: Mean age of the patients was 44.7 years; mean follow-up time was 60.57 months. In fifteen cases (57.7%) R0 resection was performed, while eleven patients (42,3%) received only R1 resection. An average of 1.87 resections was necessary in order to achieve R0 resection. Six patients (23%) received adjuvant radiotherapy and two patients (7.6%) adjuvant chemotherapy following the removal of the primary tumor. Sixteen patients had no local recurrence. Ongoing treatments were needed in the case of ten patients (38.4%) who developed local recurrence. One patient has deceased due to distant metastases. Using statistical methods we examined the effects indicated as prognostic factors in the literature on local recurrence, precisely, the effect of age above 50 years and surgical radicalism. Conclusions: Dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans can be successfully treated with multidisciplinary therapy. A larger number of cases and randomized multicenter investigations are needed in order to reach more accurate conclusion

    Improving Quality Indicator of Melanoma Management – Change of Melanoma Mortality-to-Incidence Rate Ratio Based on a Hungarian Nationwide Retrospective Study

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    Introduction The incidence of melanoma has been increasing in the last decades. A retrospective Hungarian epidemiological study provided real-world data on incidence and mortality rates. There have been changing trends in incidence in Hungary in the last decade and mortality decreased, shifting mortality-to-incidence rate ratios (MIR). MIR is an indicator of cancer management quality. Objectives Our aim is to show the changes of melanoma MIR in Hungary between 2011 and 2018 and to compare the real-world evidence-based results of our Hungarian nationwide retrospective study with other European countries. Methods MIR is calculated from the age-specific standardized incidence and mortality rates from our study. Annual MIR values are presented for the total population and for both sexes between 2011 and 2018, along with 95% confidence intervals. Comparison with European countries are shown for 2012 and 2018 based on the GLOBOCAN database and Eurostat health care expenditure per capita data. Results MIR decreased by 0.035 during the study years. The decrease was same in both sexes (0.031). Male had higher MIRs in all study years. In both 2012 and 2018, Hungarian MIR in both sexes was lower than the European Union average (males: 0.192 vs. 0.212 and 0.148 vs. 0.174 respectively, women: 0.107 vs. 0.129 and 0.083 vs. 0.107 respectively). Discussion Hungarian mortality-to-incidence ratio is the lowest in Central and Eastern Europe and is close to the level of Western and Northern European countries. The results are driven by the high number of new diagnosed melanoma cases

    Tumor-Associated Disialylated Glycosphingolipid Antigen-Revealing Antibodies Found in Melanoma Patients' Immunoglobulin Repertoire Suggest a Two-Direction Regulation Mechanism Between Immune B Cells and the Tumor

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    There is far less information available about the tumor infiltrating B (TIL-B) cells, than about the tumor infiltrating T cells. We focused on discovering the features and potential role of B lymphocytes in solid tumors. Our project aimed to develop innovative strategies to define cancer membrane structures. We chose two solid tumor types, with variable to considerable B cell infiltration. The strategy we set up with invasive breast carcinoma, showing medullary features, has been introduced and standardized in metastatic melanoma. After detecting B lymphocytes by immunohistochemistry, VH-JH, Vκ-Jκ immunoglobulin rearranged V region genes were amplified by RT-PCR, from TIL-B cDNA. Immunoglobulin variable-region genes of interest were cloned, sequenced, and subjected to a comparative DNA analysis. Single-chain variable (scFv) antibody construction was performed in selected cases to generate a scFv library and to test tumor binding capacity. DNA sequence analysis revealed an overrepresented VH3-1 cluster, represented both in the breast cancer and the melanoma TIL-B immunoglobulin repertoire. We observed that our previously defined anti GD3 ganglioside-binder antibody-variable region genes were present in melanoma as well. Our antibody fragments showed binding potential to disialylated glycosphingolipids (GD3 ganglioside) and their O acetylated forms on melanoma cancer cells. We conclude that our results have a considerable tumor immunological impact, as they reveal the power of TIL-B cells to recognize strong tumor-associated glycosphingolipid structures on melanomas and other solid tumors. As tumor-derived gangliosides affect immune cell functions and reduce the B lymphocytes' antibody production, we suspect an important B lymphocyte and cancer cell crosstalk mechanism. We not only described the isolation and specificity testing of the tumor infiltrating B cells, but also showed the TIL-B cells' highly tumor-associated GD3 ganglioside-revealing potential in melanomas. The present data help to identify new cancer-associated biomarkers that may serve for novel cancer diagnostics. The two-direction regulation mechanism between immune B cells and the tumor could eventually be developed into an innovative cancer treatment strategy

    Combined Vemurafenib and Combimetinib in BRAF-Mutated Melanoma

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    Background The combined inhibition of BRAF and MEK is hypothesized to improve clinical outcomes in patients with melanoma by preventing or delaying the onset of resistance observed with BRAF inhibitors alone. This randomized phase 3 study evaluated the combination of the BRAF inhibitor vemurafenib and the MEK inhibitor cobimetinib.Methods We randomly assigned 495 patients with previously untreated unresectable locally advanced or metastatic BRAF V600 mutation-positive melanoma to receive vemurafenib and cobimetinib (combination group) or vemurafenib and placebo (control group). The primary end point was investigator-assessed progression-free survival.Results The median progression-free survival was 9.9 months in the combination group and 6.2 months in the control group (hazard ratio for death or disease progression, 0.51; 95% confidence interval [CI], 0.39 to 0.68;