118 research outputs found

    Разработка способов ремонта трубопроводов, проложенных способов ННБ

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    Plant and Fungal Food Components with Potential Activity on the Development of Microbial Oral Diseases

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    This paper reports the content in macronutrients, free sugars, polyphenols, and inorganic ions, known to exert any positive or negative action on microbial oral disease such as caries and gingivitis, of seven food/beverages (red chicory, mushroom, raspberry, green and black tea, cranberry juice, dark beer). Tea leaves resulted the richest material in all the detected ions, anyway tea beverages resulted the richest just in fluoride. The highest content in zinc was in chicory, raspberry and mushroom. Raspberry is the richest food in strontium and boron, beer in selenium, raspberry and mushroom in copper. Beer, cranberry juice and, especially green and black tea are very rich in polyphenols, confirming these beverages as important sources of such healthy substances. The fractionation, carried out on the basis of the molecular mass (MM), of the water soluble components occurring in raspberry, chicory, and mushroom extracts (which in microbiological assays revealed the highest potential action against oral pathogens), showed that both the high and low MM fractions are active, with the low MM fractions displaying the highest potential action for all the fractionated extracts. Our findings show that more compounds that can play a different active role occur in these foods

    Metodo RP-HPLC per la determinazione della degradazione ossidativa dei lipidi alimentari

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    I lipidi sia cellulari che alimentari vanno soggetti alla degradazione ossidativa che ne altera le caratteristiche funzionali, biologiche ed organolettiche e porta alla formazione di numerosi composti, alcuni dei quali tossici per il nostro organismo. Sono stati messi a punto numerosi metodi che attraverso la determinazione delle diverse classi di composti quali i perossidi, derivati carbonilici, dieni coniugati, idrocarburi, composti fluorescenti o polari, permettono di seguire l'andamento di questo processo, ma nessuno è in grado di dare un quadro esauriente dello stato di perossidaizone di un lipide. E' tuttavia generalmente riconosciuto che la determinazione dei composti polari fornisce la misura più attendibile dell'estensione del processo degradativo. Per questo abbiamo pensato di analizzare l'olio perossidato in seguito a trattamento termico, mediante cromatografia HPLC in fase inversa, utilizzando una miscela eluente polare che permette di studiare questa frazione. Sono stati analizzati campioni di olio di arachidi, soia, girasole, vinaccioli e oliva. Nelle condizioni applicate ogni olio mostra un profilo cromatografico caratteristico, tuttavia dopo trattamento termico, tutti gli olii mostrano un picco con lo stesso tempo di ritenzione rilevabile dopo un periodo di riscaldamento variabile dipendentemente dall'olio analizzato e dalla temperatura applicata. Ulteriori analisi condotte sull'olio di girasole e arachidi, hanno mostrato che l'area di tale picco aumenta all'aumentare della temperatura e del periodo di riscaldamento. Gli incremente dell'area del picco cromatografico in funzione di queste variabili seguono lo stesso andamento del numero di p-anisidina e dell'assorbività dei dieni coniugati determinati sugli stessi campioni di olio. Questo sembra indicare che tale picco sia da porre in relazione con i prodotti secondari della perossidazione piuttosto che con i perossidi che per temperature superiori a 145°C, per uno stesso tempo di riscaldamento, diminuiscono con l'aumentare della temperatura. L'analisi più approfondita dei componenti responsabili di questo picco permetterà di individuare uno o più composti che potranno essere utilizzati come indici dello stato di perossidazione di un lipidie

    Free alpha-dicarbonyl compounds in coffee, barley coffee and soy sauce and effects of in vitro digestion

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    alpha-dDicarbonyl (alpha-DC) compounds were characterised in roasted (coffee, barley coffee) and in fermented (soy sauce) food matrices. Glyoxal (GO), methylglyoxal (MGO), diacetyl (DA) and 3-deoxyglucosone (3-DG) were found in all samples, and hydroxypyruvaldehyde and 5-hydroxypentane-2,3-dione in barley and soy. Cis and trans 3,4-dideoxyglucosone-3-ene (3,4-DGE) isomers and 4-glucosyl-5,6-dihydroxy-2-oxohexanal (4-G,3-DG) were found only in barley, and 3,4-DGE only in soy sauce with molasses. GO, MGO, and DA were quantified. Findings indicate that i) alpha-DC profiles depend on the food matrix and any technological treatments applied; ii) alpha-DC quantitation by HPLC requires matrix-specific, validated methods; iii) GO and MGO were the most abundant alpha-DCs; and iv) barley coffee was the matrix richest in alpha-DCs both qualitatively and quantitatively. In vitro simulated digestion reduced (coffee) or strongly increased (barley, soy sauce) free alpha-DC content. These findings suggest that alpha-DC bioavailability could actually depend not on food content but rather on reactions occurring during digestion

    Food components with anticaries activity

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    Caries is the most common oral infectious disease in the world. Its development is influenced also by diet components that interfere with pathogen mutans group Streptococci (MGS) activity. A very active research to identify functional foods and their components that are generally recognised as safe has been ongoing, with the aim of developing alternative approaches, to the use of synthetic chlorhexidine, and at the reduction or prevention of caries. Until now convincing evidence exists only for green tea as a functional food for oral health, partly owing to its high content of catechins, especially epigallocatechin-gallate. A number of other foods showed potential anticaries activity. Some other foods able to act against MGS growth and/or their virulence factors in in vitro tests are: apple, red grape seeds, red wine (proanthocyanidins), nutmeg (macelignan), ajowan caraway (nafthalen-derivative), coffee (trigonelline, nicotinic and chlorogenic acids, melanoidins), barley coffee (melanoidins), chicory and mushroom (quinic acid). In vivo anticaries activity has been shown by cranberry (procyanidins), glycyrrhiza root (glycyrrhizol-A), myrtus ethanolic extract, garlic aqueous extract, cocoa extracts (procyanidins), and propolis (apigenin, tt-farnesol)

    Chemical characterization of bio-active compounds.

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    Functional foods are common foods, consumed as part of a varied diet in their naturally-occurring form, that provide beneficial effect on health, beyond the traditional nutrients they contains. The term nutraceutical indicates those functional food components responsible for healthy biological activities. Therefore, nutraceuticals, most of which are natural products that can be obtained from plants and animals, may include both nutrients and non-nutrients, belonging to many different chemical classes, such as lipids (that include plant sterols and stanols, long chain polyunsaturated fatty acids), carbohydrates (such as dietary soluble and insoluble fiber), vitamins, minerals and polyphenols. Among chronic diseases whose development can be influenced by the consumption of specific foods, there are oral diseases, such as caries and gingivitis. It is well known that oral pathogens virulence can be strengthened or conversely inhibited by dietary factors (1). For a long time the negative role of diet sucrose in inducing caries formation has been recognized. As regards nutraceuticals with beneficial effect on oral health, many classes of food components can be considered, such as minerals, mainly fluoride, certain dietary sugar alcohols, notably xylitol and sorbitol (2), and different classes of polyphenols, such as catechins, and tannins (3). The aim of this presentation is to point out the main nutraceuticals active in protecting oral health and to describe the most recent analytical methods used for their chemical characterization

    Food components with anticaries activity

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    Caries is the most common oral infectious disease in the world. Its development is influenced also by diet components that interfere with pathogen mutans group Streptococci (MGS) activity. A very active research to identify functional foods and their components that are generally recognised as safe has been ongoing, with the aim of developing alternative approaches, to the use of synthetic chlorhexidine, and at the reduction or prevention of caries. Until now convincing evidence exists only for green tea as a functional food for oral health, partly owing to its high content of catechins, especially epigallocatechin-gallate. A number of other foods showed potential anticaries activity. Some other foods able to act against MGS growth and/or their virulence factors in in vitro tests are: apple, red grape seeds, red wine (proanthocyanidins), nutmeg (macelignan), ajowan caraway (nafthalen-derivative), coffee (trigonelline, nicotinic and chlorogenic acids, melanoidins), barley coffee (melanoidins), chicory and mushroom (quinic acid). In vivo anticaries activity has been shown by cranberry (procyanidins), glycyrrhiza root (glycyrrhizol-A), myrtus ethanolic extract, garlic aqueous extract, cocoa extracts (procyanidins), and propolis (apigenin, tt-farnesol)