20 research outputs found

    Buccal mucosa is a promising graft in Peyronie's disease surgery. Our experience and a brief literature review on autologous grafting materials.

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    Aim: Peyronie's Disease (PD) is an under reported acquired benign condition that, at the moment, is not curable with medical therapy. Surgery represent the gold standard of treatment. Surgical approaches are several and they consist in "plication techniques" or plaque incision/excision with grafting of resulting albuginea defect. Among grafting procedures, albuginea defect substitution with autologous materials demonstrated over the years not inferior results respect to heterologous grafts. Buccal mucosa graft (BMG) is not usually emphasized in many review articles and clinical series are yet limited. Methods: We present our experience with seventeen plaque incision procedures and BMG in surgical correction of complex penile curvatures due to PD performed in a period of 30 months. Our analyses was focused on buccal mucosa graft characteristics as major determinant of the surgical success. We also conducted a brief literature review on autologous grafting materials used in reconstructive penile surgery for PD. Results: Our cosmetics and functional results consists in a 100% of functional penile straightening with no relapses and 5,8% of de novo erectile dysfunction. Mean age was 56.4 years, mean follow-up of 22.5 (6-36) months. No complications graft related were observed. Operative time was 115.3 minutes in mean. Over 94% of patients referred they were "really much better" and "much better" satisfied based on PGI-I questionnaire administrated at the last follow- up visit. Conclusion: BMG is revealing as an optimal choice for reconstructive surgery in PD. Anatomical characteristics consisting in the great elasticity, the quick integration time and the easy harvesting technique lead to high cosmetics and functional success rate, without omitting economical and invasiveness aspects

    Explorative surgery for acute scrotal pain: The importance of patient age, side affected, time to surgery and surgeon

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    Introduction and objective: Testicular torsion must be diagnosed quickly and accurately. The delay of the diagnosis and the subsequent delay of surgery may lead to loss testicular viability and orchidectomy. Aim of our retrospective evaluation was to define which element should be considered as major support to the clinician in distinguishing spermatic cord torsion from the other diseases mimicking this clinical emergency requiring surgical exploration. Material and methods: We retrospectively reviewed all clinical and instrumental data of emergency scrotal exploration performed for acute scrotal pain at two different Urological Department in a 10 year period. Results of surgical exploration represented the four diagnostic categories in which patients were divided for statistical evaluation. We evaluated the relationship between diagnosis performed by testicular surgical exploration and the all clinical data available including surgeon involved in the procedures. Results: A total of 220 explorative scrotal surgery were considered. We divided the cases in 4 categories according to the diagnostic results of each surgical procedure. Of all, spermatic cord torsion was diagnosed in 45% (99/220). The total testis salvage rate was of 78.8%. The patients with a diagnosis of spermatic cord torsion were older than patients with appendix torsion (15 vs 11 years in mean). When the affected side was the left, the probability to have a diagnosis of spermatic cord torsion was higher than the right side [χ2 (2, N = 218) = 11.77, p < 0.01]. Time elapsing between onset of symptoms and testicular salvagewas significantly lower even than in case of appendix torsion/necrosis (p < .0001), and of others pathologies diagnosed (p = .0383). Conclusion: In case of spermatic cord torsion, in addition to the clinical data, patient age and left side affected may represent an independent diagnostic predicting factor. The time elapsing between onset of symptoms and explorative surgery remain the only still prognostic factor for testicular viability

    Lemma fondamentale per il calcolo approssimato delle radici di una equazione

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    Sopra una notevole proprieta delle curve di Ribaucour

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    Penile plaque as predictor of an advanced anorectal carcinoma: A case report

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    The secondary involvement of the penis by tumors from others organs is a rare event representing only 0.8% of overall metastasis in the genitourinary tract. The most frequent clinical findings is priapism, but occasionally, solitary metastases to the penile skin, mucosa of the glans, corpus spongiosum or lesions of the albuginea mimicking an induratio penis have been reported. We report a case of penile plaque predicting the relapse of an anorectal carcinoma. The precise etiology of this particular manifestation is not well understood and the prognosis is poor. There are no individual treatments with curative intent

    Patch bulging after plaque incision and grafting procedure for Peyronie’s disease. Surgical repair with a collagen fleece

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    The incision/excision and grafting techniques (PIG) for surgical therapy of Peyronie’s disease (PD) have gained popularity in recent years. Several different graft materials have been used but the ideal graft has yet to be established. The use of grafting materials could cause complications. In the daily clinical practice it will always be more frequent to manage complications arising from their use. We present herein the case of a patch bulging repaired with a ready-to-use collagen fleece (Tachosil®, Takeda, Linz, Austria, Europe) in a 61 years old man subjected to intervention of geometric corporoplasty with Paulo Egydio technique using an acellular collagen material (Xenform® patch, Boston Scientific, Natick, MA, USA) as graft. We also discuss the possible implications of PIG procedure

    Painful ultrasound detected lesion in the proximal part of the corpus cavernosum: A case of so called “partial priapism”?

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    Partial priapism is a rare disorder generally described in literature as related to an idiopathic etiology leading to the thrombosis of the corpus cavernosum. Despite his rarity, this condition has been described in the last years with an increased frequency. It is characterized by thrombosis of the proximal segment of one corpus cavernosum with perineal pain as the more frequent clinical manifestation. Few cases were associated with perineal trauma. Instrumental appearance suggests for an hematoma in the interstitium of the proximal part of corpus cavernosum. Therapy is still controversial. We report a case of a 52-years old man referred to our Section of Urology suffering from a perineal pain occurred without trauma, sexual arousal or sexual intercourse, during the working office time. Laboratory revealed a slightly elevated white blood cells count. The full blood count, protein C reactive, electrolytes, international normalized ratio, activated partial thromboplastin time and urinalysis were within normal range. Tunica albuginea was normal. The partial thrombosis of the right corpus cavernosum was hypothesized. Treatment was conservative with non steroidal anti-inflammatory drug. Only the clinical presentation of symptoms and perineal ultrasound scan performed with color sonography leaded to the diagnosis. Eleven days later, at the clinical and ultrasonographic follow-up visit, the patient was asymptomatic with a total clinical and instrumental disappearance of signs of the corpus cavernosum involvement previously described. Considering the rarity of the condition, we performed a literature review

    Adenomatous hyperplasia of the rete testis: A rare intrascrotal lesion managed with limited testicular excision

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    Introduction: Testicular cancer is one of the most frequent in young men and its incidence is increasing in recent years because of incidental finding during routine ultrasound exams. Adenomatous hyperplasia of the rete testis is one of the benign and rare pathological types incidentally detected and very few cases are described in the literature. Case report: A 40 years old man come to our attention for a balanoposthitis without testicular pain. During andrological examination we performed palpation of the testes and we noticed a palpable nodule of hard consistency in the left testicle. We then performed an ultrasound exam of the testis which highlighted the presence of an intra-didymus neoformation with diameters of 1.2 x 1.6 cm and with the presence of cysts inside. We also performed blood tests to check tumor markers alpha fetoprotein, beta hCG and LDH which resulted inside the normal range. We then conducted a chest and abdomen CT scan that showed no pathological elements. Therefore, as we suspected that this tumor was benign, we performed an enucleation of the neoplasm. The definitive histological examination revealed the presence of dilated ducts lined with epithelial cubic-columnar cells with clear cytoplasm rich in glycogen and the pathologist so concluded that the tumor could be classified as adenomatous hyperplasia of the rete testis. At three months of follow up, the patient doesn’t have any recurrent lesion to either testicles. Discussion: Adenomatous hyperplasia of the rete testis is a very rare intrascrotal lesion. This histological type is the most frequent between benign lesion of the ovary, but few works in literature reported this histological type in the male gonad and, in most of these works, authors described these lesion at epididymis. Conclusion: We believe that a conservative approach must be considered mandatory in case of testicular lesions 1.5 cm in diameter. A radical approach might have alterate fertility of the patient and also have caused psychological trauma more than an enucleation. However a longer follow up is needed to understand if this was the right decision for the oncological point of view