177 research outputs found

    High-resolution VLA observations of FR0 radio galaxies: properties and nature of compact radio sources

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    We present the results of Karl G. Jansky Very Large Array (VLA) observations to study the properties of FR0 radio galaxies, the compact radio sources associated with early-type galaxies which represent the bulk of the local radio-loud AGN population. We obtained A-array observations at 1.5, 4.5, and 7.5 GHz for 18 FR0s from the FR0CAT sample: these are sources at z<0.05z<0.05, unresolved in the FIRST images and spectroscopically classified as low excitation galaxies (LEG). Although we reach an angular resolution of ∼\sim0.3 arcsec, the majority of the 18 FR0s is still unresolved. Only four objects show extended emission. Six have steep radio spectra, 11 are flat cores, while one shows an inverted spectrum. We find that 1) the ratio between core and total emission in FR0s is ∼\sim30 times higher than in FRI and 2) FR0s share the same properties with FRIs from the nuclear and host point of view. FR0s differ from FRIs only for the paucity of extended radio emission. Different scenarios were investigated: 1) the possibility that all FR0s are young sources eventually evolving into extended sources is ruled out by the distribution of radio sizes; 2) similarly, a time-dependent scenario, where a variation of accretion or jet launching prevents the formation of large-scales radio structures, appears to be rather implausible due to the large abundance of sub-kpc objects 3) a scenario in which FR0s are produced by mildly relativistic jets is consistent with the data but requires observations of a larger sample to be properly tested.Comment: accepted for publication on MNRAS (12 pages, 8 figures

    X-ray study of a sample of FR0 radio galaxies: unveiling the nature of the central engine

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    FR0s are compact radio sources that represent the bulk of the Radio-Loud (RL) AGN population, but they are still poorly understood. Pilot studies on these sources have been already performed at radio and optical wavelengths: here we present the first X-ray study of a sample of 19 FR0 radio galaxies selected from the SDSS/NVSS/FIRST sample of Best & Heckman (2012), with redshift ≤\leq 0.15, radio size ≤\leq 10 kpc and optically classified as low-excitation galaxies (LEG). The X-ray spectra are modeled with a power-law component absorbed by Galactic column density with, in some cases, a contribution from thermal extended gas. The X-ray photons are likely produced by the jet as attested by the observed correlation between X-ray (2-10 keV) and radio (5 GHz) luminosities, similar to FRIs. The estimated Eddington-scaled luminosities indicate a low accretion rate. Overall, we find that the X-ray properties of FR0s are indistinguishable from those of FRIs, thus adding another similarity between AGN associated with compact and extended radio sources. A comparison between FR0s and low luminosity BL Lacs, rules out important beaming effects in the X-ray emission of the compact radio galaxies. FR0s have different X-ray properties with respect to young radio sources (e.g. GPS/CSS sources), generally characterized by higher X-ray luminosities and more complex spectra. In conclusion, the paucity of extended radio emission in FR0s is probably related to the intrinsic properties of their jets that prevent the formation of extended structures, and/or to intermittent activity of their engines.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRAS (18 pages, 4 figures

    Molecular gas and nuclear activity in early-type galaxies: any link with radio-loudness?

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    Aims. We want to study the amount of molecular gas in a sample of nearby early-type galaxies (ETGs) which host low-luminosity Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN). We look for possible differences between the radio-loud (RL) and radio-quiet (RQ) AGN. Methods. We observed the CO(1-0) and CO(2-1) spectral lines with the IRAM 30m and NRO 45m telescopes for eight galaxies. They belong to a large sample of 37 local ETGs which host both RQ and RL AGN. We gather data from the literature for the entire sample. Results. We report the new detection of CO(1-0) emission in four galaxies (UGC0968, UGC5617, UGC6946, and UGC8355) and CO(2-1) emission in two of them (UGC0968 and UGC5617). The CO(2-1)/CO(1-0) ratio in these sources is ∼0.7±0.2\sim0.7\pm0.2. Considering both the new observations and the literature, the detection rate of CO in our sample is 55 ±\pm 9%, with no statistically significant difference between the hosts of RL and RQ AGNs. For all the detected galaxies we converted the CO luminosities into the molecular masses, MH2M_{H_2}, that range from 106.5^{6.5} to 108.5^{8.5} M⊙_{\odot}, without any statistically significant differences between RL and RQ galaxies. This suggests that the amount of molecular gas does not likely set the radio-loudness of the AGN. Furthermore, despite the low statistical significance, the presence of a weak trend between the H2_{2} mass with various tracers of nuclear activity (mainly [O III] emission line nuclear power) cannot be excluded.Comment: Accepted for publication on A&A, 9 pages, 5 figure

    Study on the Effect of Inter-Layer Cooling Time on Porosity and Melt Pool in Inconel 718 Components Processed by Laser Powder Bed Fusion

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    This paper investigates the effects on the material microstructure of varying the Inter-Layer Cooling Time (ILCT) during the printing process in laser powder bed fusion (L-PBF) multi-laser machines. Despite these machines allowing higher productivity rates compared to single laser machines, they are affected by lower ILCT values, which could be critical for material printability and microstructure. The ILCT values depend both on the process parameter sets and design choices for the parts and play an important role in the Design for Additive Manufacturing approach in L-PBF process. In order to identify the critical range of ILCT for this working condition, an experimental campaign is presented on the nickel-based superalloy Inconel 718, which is widely used for the printing of turbomachinery components. The effect of ILCT on the microstructure of the material is evaluated in terms of porosity and melt pool analysis on printed cylinder specimens, considering ILCT decreasing and increasing in the range of 22 to 2 s. The experimental campaign shows that an ILCT of less than 6 s introduces criticality in the material microstructure. In particular, at an ILCT value of 2 s, widespread keyhole porosity (close to 1‰) and critical and deeper melt pool (about 200 microns depth) are measured. This variation in melt pool shape indicates a change in the powder melting regime and, consequently, modifications of the printability window promoting the expansion of the keyhole region. In addition, specimens with geometry obstructing the heat flow have been studied using the critical ILCT value (2 s) to evaluate the effect of the surface-to-volume ratio. The results show an enhancement of the porosity value (about 3‰), while this effect is limited for the depth of the melt pool

    The eMERLIN and EVN view of FR0 radio galaxies

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    We present the results from high-resolution observations carried out with the eMERLIN UK-array and the European VLBI network (EVN) for a sample of 15 FR0s, i.e. compact core-dominated radio sources associated with nearby early-type galaxies (ETGs) which represent the bulk of the local radio galaxy population. The 5-GHz eMERLIN observations available for 5 objects exhibit sub-mJy core components, and reveal pc-scale twin jets for 4 out of 5 FR0s once the eMERLIN and JVLA archival visibilities data are combined. The 1.66-GHz EVN observations available for 10 FR0s display one- and two-sided jetted morphologies and compact cores. The pc-scale core emission contributes, on average, to about one tenth of the total extended radio emission, although we note a increasing core contribution for flat/inverted-spectrum sources. We found an unprecedented linear correlation between the pc-scale core luminosity (∼\sim1021.3^{21.3}-1023.6^{23.6} W Hz−1^{-1}) and [O III] line luminosity, generally considered as proxy of the accretion power, for a large sample of LINER-type radio-loud low-luminosity active nuclei, all hosted in massive ETGs, which include FR0s and FRIs. This result represents further evidence of a common jet-disc coupling in FR0s and FRIs, despite they differ in kpc-scale radio structure. For our objects and for other FR0 samples reported in the literature, we estimate the jet brightness sidedness ratios, which typically range between 1 and 3. This parameter roughly gauges the jet bulk Lorentz factor Γ\Gamma, which turns out to range between 1 and 2.5 for most of the sample. This corroborates the scenario that FR0s are characterized by mildly-relativistic jets, possibly as a result of lower spinning black holes (BHs) than the highly-spinning BHs of relativistic-jetted radio galaxies, FRIs

    A Supervised Machine Learning Model for Regression to Predict Melt Pool Formation and Morphology in Laser Powder Bed Fusion

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    In the additive manufacturing laser powder bed fusion (L-PBF) process, the optimization of the print process parameters and the development of conduction zones in the laser power (P) and scanning speed (V) parameter spaces are critical to meeting production quality, productivity, and volume goals. In this paper, we propose the use of a machine learning approach during the process parameter development to predict the melt pool dimensions as a function of the P/V combination. This approach turns out to be useful in speeding up the identification of the printability map of the material and defining the conduction zone during the development phase. Moreover, a machine learning method allows for an accurate investigation of the most promising configurations in the P-V space, facilitating the optimization and identification of the P-V set with the highest productivity. This approach is validated by an experimental campaign carried out on samples of Inconel 718, and the effects of some additional parameters, such as the layer thickness (in the range of 30 to 90 microns) and the preheating temperature of the building platform, are evaluated. More specifically, the experimental data have been used to train supervised machine learning models for regression using the KNIME Analytics Platform (version 4.7.7). An AutoML (node for regression) tool is used to identify the most appropriate model based on the evaluation of R2 and MAE scores. The gradient boosted tree model also performs best compared to Rosenthal's analytical model

    The Role of Major Salivary Gland Ultrasound in the Diagnostic Workup of Sicca Syndrome: A Large Single-Centre Study

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    (1) Objective: To determine the diagnostic accuracy of major salivary gland ultrasonography (SGUS) in primary Sjogren's syndrome (SS), we used the Outcome Measures in Rheumatology Clinical Trials (OMERACT) scoring system on a large single-centre cohort of patients with sicca syndrome. (2) Method: We retrospectively collected the clinical, imaging and serological data of all the patients referred with a suspicion of SS who underwent SGUS and minor salivary glands biopsy. (3) Results: A total of 132 patients were included. The SGUS scores were correlated between the two sides (p &lt; 0.001). The diagnostic cut-off for SS (AUROC: 0.7408) was 6 for the SGUS-global sum (sensitivity: 32.43%; specificity: 96.84%). The cut-off with the highest specificity for SS diagnosis was 7. In the patients with a final diagnosis of SS, the mean SGUS score was significantly higher (p &lt; 0.001) than that of the non-SS patients (3.73 vs. 1.32 for the SGUS-global sum). A significant correlation was demonstrated between the SGUS scores and final SS diagnosis (p &lt; 0.001), biopsy positivity (p &lt; 0.001), ANA positivity (p = 0.016), Ro-SSA positivity (p = 0.01), and gland fibrosis (p = 0.02). (4) Conclusions: SGUS, using the OMERACT scoring system, has moderate sensitivity and high specificity for the diagnosis of SS. The scoring showed a strong and direct correlation with all the clinical hallmarks of SS diagnosis, such as the positivity of a labial salivary gland biopsy, ANA and Ro-SSA statuses, and salivary gland fibrosis. Because of its high specificity, a SGUS-global score &gt; 6 could be therefore employed for the diagnosis of SS in the case of ANA negativity or the unavailability of a biopsy

    Nuove possibilità di valutazioni psichiatriche con sistemi web-based: uno studio pilota

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    Introduction. Telepsychiatry has raised to a role of growing importance, promoting experiments to provide rural areas clinical services and consultations, and to determine its reliability and feasibility to different clinical situations. In this study we describe a pilot experiment of psychiatric assessment of subacute patients via teleconferencing systems. Methods. 8 patients have been evaluated via web-based telecommunication systems. A general psychopathological assessment has been performed by a psychiatrist connected in videoconference to patients, using the Expanded version of BPRS (Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale). A second and original instrument, a toolbox called PERPS (Panama EmeRgency Psychiatric Scale), has been used to summarize urgency, severity, treatment strategy and need for involuntary commitment. Evaluations have been compared with those made by "control" psychiatrists and ICCs (Intraclass Correlation Coefficients) between couples of measures have been calculated. A second couple of evaluations has been performed by a normal face-to-face examination and used as a general comparison between ICCs. Results. For some BPRS factors and for all PERPS items, almost no differences have been found between ICCs from online and teleconferencing examinations. A slight difference has been found for thought disturbance and mood disturbance, and this could be hypothesized as a light bias of the instrument. Conclusions. Our study suggests that it may be possible and easy to perform psychiatric evaluations of mixed subacute patients by a web-based teleconferencing system

    Diagnostic accuracy of OGUS, Southend halo score and halo count in giant cell arteritis

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    Objectives: Ultrasound has a paramount role in the diagnostic assessment of giant cell arteritis (GCA); Southend halo score (HS), halo count (HC), and OMERACT GCA Ultrasonography Score (OGUS) are the first quantitative scores proposed in this setting. The aim of this study was therefore to assess the diagnostic accuracy of these scores in a real-life scenario, as well as to evaluate their optimal cutoff, also with respect to disease extent, sex, and age. Methods: We retrospectively collected clinical, serological, and US findings of all patients referred for the first time to our vasculitis clinic in the suspicion of GCA. Results: A total of 79 patients were included, and a definite diagnosis of GCA was made in 43 patients. For OGUS, the ROC curve showed an optimal cut point of 0.81 (sensitivity 79.07% and specificity 97.22%). For HC and HS, the optimal cutoff values were &gt; 1.5 (sensitivity 76.7% and specificity 97.2%) and &gt; 14.5 (sensitivity 74.4% and specificity 97.2%), respectively. No relevant differences were assessed when patients were stratified according to disease extent, age, and sex. Compression sign (CS) was positive in 34 of 38 patients with cranial GCA and negative in all controls and LV-GCA. Conclusion: All three scores display good sensitivity and excellent specificity, although the cutoff was slightly different than proposed. In particular, for OGUS, a threshold of 0.81 could be employed for diagnostic purposes, although it was developed solely for monitoring. Due to its high sensitivity and specificity, CS should be always assessed in all patients referred with a suspicion of cranial GCA
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