248 research outputs found
Arguments to the norm in the discourses of V. V. Putin and D. A. Medvedev
The article presents arguments to the normin the discourse of V. V. Putin and D. A. Medvedev. Such argumentsappeal to the norm,custom,rule as the criterion of the correctness of judgments.The material for research is served by the official speeches made byRussian political leaders, and which cover the period from 2014 to 2016. The author gives the examples of examined arguments and analyzes norms, standards to which Russian politicians are referring. The article also stresses the functions of arguments to the normin the political texts of V. V. Putin and D. A. Medvedev. The paper shows that both Russian leaders appeal tointernational law, Russian legislation, public practice and economic rules as to the norms justifying the thesis. Therefore Putin and Medvedev build the image of politicians who pay attention to principles of public life. The main purpose of these arguments is to function as unarguable facts andpersuade voters to accept decisions discussed
Rhetorical devices in president Andrzej Duda’s speech of 24 February 2022
The purpose of this article is to present the rhetorical means in the speech of the President of Poland, Andrzej Duda, of February 24, 2022. The title speech is one of the messages delivered in crisis states and was broadcast in response to the armed aggression of the Russian Feder-ation against Ukraine. The conducted analysis showed that the most frequently used rhetorical mechanisms in the examined text are repetitions, of which six types were counted. The use of metaphors (artifact and sociomorphic), rhetorical question with enumeration and rhetorical definition was also observed. The rhetorical means used facilitate the reception and memorization of the most important transmitted content. They also make the speech pathos, imaginative and emotional
On the manifestations of rituality in political discourse (based on the speeches of V.V. Zhirinovsky)
This article focuses on the problem of rituality in contemporary political discourse. It describes the specificity of manifestations of rituality in political discourse on the example of the Russian variant. The material for research is served by the official public texts of utterances made by V.V. Zhirinovsky published in the party newspapers of the Liberal Democratic Party of Russia in year 2021. The study was carried out using discourse analysis. In the theoretical part definitions of ambiguous terms are given, which undoubtedly include discourse, political discourse, and ritual. Their accepted definitions and concepts are indicated. Observations are made on the linguistic forms of ritual expression in politics, which are mainly associated with the performance of a specific political function. It has been proven that rituality in political discourse is opposed to informativeness and manifested in the fulfilment of the assigned specific political role and tasks in society
The category of the enemy in the discourse of Russian power (as exemplified by V.V. Putin’s message of February 24, 2022)
The subject of research in this article is the figure of the enemy, which is identified in numerous studies as one of the basic components of the world of propaganda, including communist propaganda. The aim of the analysis is to characterize the language exponents of the category of enemy in V. V. Putin’s message and to indicate their functions in the contemporary discourse of the Russian authorities. It should be emphasized that we treat the discourse of the Russian authorities as modern newspeak, that is, as a contemporary variant of the communist propa
ganda discourse used by the political elite of today’s authoritarian Russia. In the examined message, two types of enemies were distinguished: real, i.e. actually existing in the world around us, to which the United States belongs, along with its allies from the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, and invented enemies, i.e. ones that are a kind of creation of Russian propaganda. These created enemies include neo-Nazis allegedly supported by the NATO organization, who supposedly form the current government in Kiev. They are portrayed as posing the most se
rious threat to the Russian Federation. The category of enemy serves V. V. Putin for officially explaining to the Russian people the reasons for beginning the socalled “special military operation” in Ukraine, which is supposed to be “self-defence against threats to Russia”[email protected] Jagiellońskihttp://www.kremlin.ru/events/president/news/67843 [30.01.2023] – Обращение Президента Российской Федерации, 24 февраля 2022 года.Bralczyk J., 2007, O języku propagandy i polityki, Warszawa.Czyżniewski M., 2006, Propaganda polityczna władzy ludowej w Polsce 1944–1956, Toruń.Dawidziak - Kładoczna M., 2014, Obraz Rzeczypospolitej w wypowiedziach posłów sejmu 1793 roku jako przejaw słabości władzy ustawodawczej, „Oblicza Komunikacji”, nr 7 (Język polityki – historia i współczesność), s. 9–26.Dubisz S. (red.), 2018, Wielki słownik języka polskiego PWN, Warszawa.Dudek -Waligóra G., 2018, „Propaganda” jako termin naukowy polskiej politolingwistyki, „Studia z Filologii Polskiej i Słowiańskiej”, nr 53, s. 12–24.Dudek - Waligóra G., 2022, Środki retoryczne w orędziu prezydenta Andrzeja Dudy z dnia 24 lutego 2022 roku, „Studia Neofilologiczne. Rozprawy Językoznawcze”, nr 18 (Znaczenie – Język – Forma), s. 113–129.Dunaj B. (red.), 2007, Język polski. Współczesny słownik języka polskiego, Warszawa.Fateev A.V., 1999, Obraz vraga v sovetskoj propagande. 1945–1954 gg., Moskva. [Фатеев А.В., 1999, Образ врага в советской пропаганде. 1945–1954 гг., Москва].Gogol B., 2019, Obrazy wroga. Propaganda a ludobójstwo w XX wieku na wybranych przykładach. Garść refleksji, „Colloquium Wydziału Nauk Humanistycznych i Społecznych AMW”, nr 1, s. 23–58.Kamińska -Szmaj I., 1994, Judzi, zohydza, ze czci odziera. Język propagandy politycznej w prasie 1919–1923, Wrocław.Kamińska -Szmaj I., 2004, Propaganda, perswazja, manipulacja – próba uporządkowania pojęć, [w:] Manipulacja w języku, red. P. Krzyżanowski, P. Nowak, Lublin, s. 13–27.Kamińska -Szmaj I., 2017, Język polskiej lewicy. Od Wielkiego Proletariatu do końca PRL, Wrocław.Kuznecov S.A. (red.), 2004, Bolʹšoj tolkovyj slovarʹ russkogo âzyka, Sankt -Peterburg. [Кузнецов С.А. (ред.), 2004, Большой толковый словарь русского языка, Санкт -Петербург].Labocha J., 2008, Tekst, wypowiedź, dyskurs w procesie komunikacji językowej, Kraków.Lubocha -Kruglik J., 2001, Językowe środki perswazji (na materiale polskich i rosyjskich tekstów reklamowych), [w:] Języki słowiańskie dziś. Nowe fakty. Nowe spojrzenia, red. H. Fontański przy współpr. E. Straś, Katowice, s. 135–150.Maslova V.A., 2008, Političeskij diskurs: âzykovye igry ili igry v slova?, „Političeskaâ lingvistika”, No. (1)24, s. 43–47. [Маслова В.А., 2008, Политический дискурс: языковые игры или игры в слова?, «Политическая лингвистика», № (1)24, с. 43–47].Mazur R., 2021, Telewizyjne orędzie do narodu jako narzędzie komunikacji kryzysowej, „LingVaria”, nr 1/31, s. 55–67.Olaszek J., 2010, „Ekstremiści, chuligani, politykierzy”. Obraz podziemnej „Solidarności” w propagandzie stanu wojennego, „Pamięć i Sprawiedliwość”, nr 2(16), s. 105–137.Osęka P., 1999, Syjoniści, inspiratorzy, wichrzyciele. Obraz wroga w propagandzie marca 1968, Warszawa.Polkowska L., 2014, Drugie exposé Donalda Tuska, czyli próba utrzymania władzy. Strategie perswazyjne, „Oblicza Komunikacji”, nr 7 (Język polityki – historia i współczesność), s. 163–171.Scruton R., 2002, Słownik myśli politycznej, przeł. T. Bieroń, Poznań.Szmyd J., 2014, Poczucie bezpieczeństwa jako wartość społeczna, etyczna i egzystencjalna. Rozważania podstawowe, „Państwo i Społeczeństwo”, nr 2, s. 9–19.Taranenko O., 2017, Konflikt rosyjsko ukraiński: wojna znaczeń, „Oblicza Komunikacji”, nr 10 (Obrazy wojny w mediach, pamięci i języku), s. 139–151.Trembicka K., 2014, Kategoria wroga w komunistycznej Polsce w latach 1956-1989, „Annales Universitatis Mariae -Curie Skłodowska”, sectio K, Politologia, nr XXI/2, s. 105–120.Vajs D., 2008, Parazity, padalʹ, musor. Obraz vraga v sovetskoj propagande, „Političeskaâ lingvistika”, No. (1)24, s. 16–22. [Вайс Д., 2008, Паразиты, падаль, мусор. Образ врага в советской пропаганде, «Политическая лингвистика» № (1)24, с. 16–22].Wojsław J., 2017, Figura wroga w ideologii i propagandzie XX wiecznych totalitaryzmów – przyczynek do dyskusji, „Media – Biznes – Kultura. Dziennikarstwo i komunikacja społeczna”, nr 2, s. 47–63.2315116
Design of polymer membrane morphology with prescribed structure and diffusion properties
We study the possibility of using numerical modelling in the process of design a membrane of prescribed morphology and transport properties. We started from a real example of the cross-section of alginate membrane cross-linked by glutaraldehyde containing 25 wt% magnetite particles and searched for a numerical model that will resemble its morphological properties like amount of polymer matrix, sizes of polymer matrix domains, fractal dimension and others. Two different methods of generating models of such were proposed. After choosing the best models based on its morphological similarities to the real membrane, we study their transport properties in terms of Brownian diffusion. We showed that there is a good agreement of diffusion type and diffusion constant between the models and the real membrane
Numerical study of drift influence on diffusion transport through the hybrid membrane
Sodium alginate membranes filled with iron oxide nanoparticles consist of a mixture of organic and inorganic phases. This design offers the possibility to combine the polymer’s easy processability and superior separation performance. For a better understanding of the mechanisms of mixture separation, we analyze the diffusion motion of a particle in the hybrid membrane environment. We model structures of two-dimensional heterogenic membranes, which resemble real membrane structures, and then we simulate a random walk on them. We investigate how the additional action of drift changes the motion properties of the diffusing particles through the polymeric membrane filled with inorganic powder. We test the effect of two parameters: the distribution of obstacles (filling) in the membrane and the value of drift on the nature of diffusion. It appears that the synergy between drift, the diffusion, and the membrane structure affect the occurrence of the superdiffusive and subdiffusive character of particle motion as measured by the time-averaged mean square displacement. An important point is the observation that the strong drift supports subdiffusive motion as it increases the chances of particle trapping. Moreover, there exists the optimal value of drift, for which the transport through a membrane speeds up and does not cause trapping
Anomalous diffusion on fractal structure of magnetic membranes
The concept of diffusion on fractal structure of polymeric membrane with magnetic powder is presented. The fractal characteristics, i.e. static fractal dimension df and fractal dimension of the trajectory of the random walk dw, were evaluated for qualitative and quantitative description of membrane structures. The way of introducing the fractal dimension and anomalous-diffusion exponent into the generalized diffusion equation on fractal geometries obtained by Metzler et al. has been shown. The results showed that the random walk within the membranes of the smallest granulation of magnetic powder was of the most subdiffusive character
Comprehensive Wheat Straw Processing with Deep Eutectic Solvent to Deliver Reducing Sugar
ABSTRACT: Pretreatment is one of the bottlenecks in the cost and energy-efficient biomass valorization. Deep eutectic solvents are potential candidates for being used to address these challenges. In this work, the deep eutectic solvent composed of choline chloride, and acetic acid was studied for its use in wheat straw fractionation. The pretreated biomass was assessed concerning the lignin and glucan content. Under optimized time and temperature conditions, defined using Doehlert matrix chemometric tool, of 3 h 47 min and 139.6 degrees C, the processed wheat straw contained as much as 42.5 +/- 0.42 wt.% and 38.59 +/- 1.26 wt.% of glucan and lignin contents, respectively. The need for biomass washing after the pretreatment with deep eutectic solvents and before the enzymatic hydrolysis step was also evaluated. The obtained enzymatic hydrolysis results, i.e., glucan to glucose yield of 27.13 +/- 0.25 vs. 25.73 +/- 0.08 for washed or unwashed biomass correspondingly, are equally good substrates. Fractal kinetic analysis of the data showed similar values of k and h for both glucose and xylose reactions between washed and unwashed biomass. This confirmed that biomass washing is an unnecessary step, which in turn opens room for biomass processing intensification.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
Diagnostic performance of point-of-use ultrasound of resuscitation outcomes: A systematic review and meta-analysis of 3265 patients
Background: Echocardiography in the setting of resuscitation can provide information as to the cause of the cardiac arrest, as well as indicators of futility. This systematic review and meta-analysis were performed to determine the value of point-of-care ultrasonography (PoCUS) in the assessment of survival for adult patients with cardiac arrest.
Methods: This meta-analysis was performed in adherence to the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) guidelines. PubMed, EMBASE, Web of Science, Cochrane have been searched from databases inception until March 2nd 2021. The search was limited to adult patients with cardiac arrest and without publication dates or country restrictions. Papers were chosen if they met the required criteria relating to the sensitivity, specificity, accuracy, positive predictive value, and negative predictive value of this diagnostic technique concerning resuscitation outcomes.
Results: This systematic review identified 20 studies. Overall, for survival to hospital discharge, PoCUS was 6.2% sensitivity (95% confidence interval [CI] 4.7% to 8.0%) and 2.1% specific (95% CI 0.8–4.2%). PoCUS sensitivity and specificity for return of spontaneous circulation were 23.8% (95% CI 21.4–26.4%) and 50.7% (95% CI 45.8–55.7%) respectively, and for survival to admission 13.8% (95% CI 12.2–15.5%) and 20.1% (95% CI 16.2–24.3%), respectively.
Conclusions: The results do not allow unambiguous recommendation of PoCUS as a predictor of resuscitation outcomes and further studies based on a large number of patients with full standardization of operators, their training and procedures performed were necessary
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