11 research outputs found

    Estilos de liderança e compatibilidade entre treinadores e jovens atletas de futebol

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    It is important to analyze whether the way soccer players perceive the leadership of their coaches is related to the compatibility they assume about coaches. Studies on Brazilian soccer about this topic are still few in number. Thus, this study has three objectives: (a) analyze whether the compatibility between coaches and players differs depending on the coaches' leadership styles; (b) analyze whether the compatibility between coach and players differs depending on the closer approximation between the current and preferred behaviors of coaches perceived by players, and (c) analyze if players’ perception about the leadership styles of the coaches changes according to the age of the players. The evaluation protocol included the Multidimensional Scale of Leadership in Sport and the Coach-Athlete Compatibility Measure. One hundred and eighteen young players from five elite Brazilian football clubs participated in the study. Players who evaluated more positively the leadership styles of their coaches assumed higher compatibility with the coaches, and this result did not change according to the players’ age. In conclusion, the way players perceive their coaches' leadership is related to their compatibility with the coaches, being necessary to improve coaches’ leadership styles.É importante analisar se a forma como os jogadores de futebol percebem a liderança dos seus treinadores está relacionada com a compatibilidade que assumem relativamente aos treinadores. Os estudos sobre este tema no futebol brasileiro ainda são incipientes. Assim, este estudo tem três objetivos: (a) analisar se a compatibilidade entre treinador e jogadores difere em função dos estilos de liderança dos treinadores; (b) analisar se a compatibilidade entre treinador e jogadores difere em função dos atletas perceberem maior aproximação entre os comportamentos atuais e preferidos dos treinadores e (c) analisar se a perceção dos jogadores sobre os estilos de liderança dos treinadores muda de acordo com a idade dos jogadores. O protocolo de avaliação incluiu a Escala Multidimensional de Liderança no Desporto e a Medida de Compatibilidade Treinador-Atleta. Participaram no estudo jogadores de cinco clubes da elite do futebol brasileiro. Os atletas que avaliaram mais positivamente os estilos de liderança dos treinadores assumiram maior compatibilidade relativamente aos treinadores, sendo que este resultado não variou em função da idade dos atletas. Em conclusão, a forma como os jogadores percebem a liderança dos seus treinadores está relacionada com a compatibilidade com os treinadores, sendo importante melhorar os estilos de liderança dos treinadores

    Tendência secular dos indicadores de aptidão física relacionados à saúde em crianças

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    Introduction: The health-related physical fitness (HRPF) show an inverse association with several cardiovascular risk factors in young people, however, a few studies have investigate the changes of HRF indicators throughout a determined period. Objective: To check the secular trend of HRPF indicators in children of seven to 10 years old. Methods: were analyzed 1.136 subjects with seven to 10 years in three-time period (2002, 2005, 2010-2011). The HRPF tests were: sit-and-reach (SR), abdominal resistance (AB), 9 min walk/run test (9min) and the body adiposity by skinfold sum (?SF). The classification of the HRPF indicators were made by the Physical Best cut off point. The ANCOVA test (controlled by BMI, height, ?SF) compared the difference of the HRPF indicators amongst the three-time period. Results: The boys presented 6% of decrease in the flexibility between 2010 and 2002 period; no significance was found in the AB test; children of both sexes presented higher values in the 9min test on 2005 period. Conclusion: It was concluded that there was a negative secular trend for an HRPF, and gifts were the results in 2010 were compared as their peers (2002-2005) to an HRPF group, in both sexes, except for abdominal strength and endurance.Introdução: A aptidão física relacionada à saúde (AFRS) apresenta associação inversa com diversos fatores de risco cardiovascular em jovens, no entanto, poucos estudos têm investigado as alterações ocorridas ao longo de um determinado período nesses indicadores em crianças. Objetivo: Analisar a tendência secular de indicadores da AFRS em crianças de sete a 10 anos de idade. Método: A amostra foi composta de 1.136 sujeitos com idade sete a 10 anos avaliados em três períodos do tempo (2002, 2005, 2010-11). Os testes de AFRS incluíram o teste de sentar-e- alcançar (SA), resistência abdominal (ABDO), corrida/caminhada de 9 min (9min) e para a adiposidade corporal utilizou-se o somatório de dobras cutâneas (?DC). A classificação desses indicadores foi realizada através dos pontos de corte da Physical Best. O teste de ANCOVA (controlado pelo índice de massa corporal (IMC), estatura, ?DC) comparou a diferença nos indicadores de AFRS entre os três períodos do tempo. Resultados: Meninos apresentaram um declínio da flexibilidade de 6% entre os anos de 2010 e 2002; não ocorreram alterações significativas para teste de ABDO; crianças de ambos os sexos apresentaram maiores valores para o teste de 9 min no ano de 2005. Conclusão: Ocorreu tendência secular negativa para a AFRS, sendo que os indivíduos estudados em 2010 apresentaram resultados inferiores comparados aos seus pares (2002-2005) para a AFRS, em ambos os sexos, com exceção para força e resistência abdominal

    Characterization and Agreement Between Application of Mobile Ecological Momentary Assessment (mEMA) and Accelerometry in the Identification of Prevalence of Sedentary Behavior (SB) in Young Adults

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    New technologies able to identify the sedentary behavior (SB), such as the Mobile Ecological Momentary Assessment (mEMA) still need to be investigated. The aim of this study was to describe SB in the physical, social, and environmental contexts and verify the agreement between the mEMA and accelerometry in the identification of SB in young adults. During 7 days, 123 young adults used concomitant mEMA and Actigraph wGT3xBT accelerometer. Data of 2262 mEMA prompts and respective count values in each minute (5 min previous to prompt) were included in the analyses. Descriptive and comparative statistics were used in analyses using the SPSS 20.0 software. The physical context (PC) at home was the highest occurrence of SB (46.3%) and the main activity was “watching TV/movies” (29.7%). The main social context (SC) related to SB was “staying alone” (49.6%). The main assertions related to the participants’ environmental context (EC) were: “I appreciate the comfort of electronic devices when I am at home” (86.2%). mEMA identified the presence of SB in 78.1% of prompts, while accelerometry identified 70.9% (PABAK = 0.42). High values for the presence of SB were observed (sensitivity = 84%) and lower in the absence of SB (specificity = 38%). The study demonstrates the viability of mEMA use to obtain information about the occurrence of SB in contextual factors and good sensitivity to identify the presence of SB in young adults. The combined use of these methods is suggested in future studies about SB in young adults


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    There is evidence that Functional training (FT) improves the functional, physical and health capacities in older adults. However, no review study has grouped this information. The objective was to describe the importance of FT for maintaining and improving functional, physical and health capacities in older adult. Our study was a narrative review. FT improves the functional (mobility, balance, and basic and instrumental activities of daily living) and physical capacities of older adults. In older adults with chronic diseases, e.g. arterial hypertension, diabetes and cancer, TF helps as a complementary therapy to improve hemodynamic parameters, metabolic control and quality of life. This type of physical exercise also acts as a preventive therapy for cardiovascular problems. FT is an alternative of physical exercise with proven efficiency for health aspects that can be used by Physical Education Professionals.Há evidências de que o Treinamento Funcional (TF) melhora as capacidades funcionais, físicas e de saúde em idosos. Todavia, nenhum estudo de revisão agrupou essas informações. O objetivo foi descrever a relevância do TF para manutenção e melhoria das capacidades funcionais, físicas e de saúde em idosos. Tratou-se de um estudo de revisão narrativa de cunho qualitativo. O TF melhora as capacidades funcionais (mobilidade, equilíbrio nas atividades básicas e instrumentais da vida diária) e físicas de idosos. Em idosos com doenças crônicas, e.g., hipertensão arterial, diabetes e câncer, o TF também auxilia como terapia complementar para melhora de parâmetros hemodinâmicos, do controle metabólico e da qualidade de vida. Essa modalidade de exercício físico também atua como terapia preventiva para problemas cardiovasculares. Conclui-se que o TF é uma alternativa de exercício físico para ser utilizado pelos Profissionais de Educação Física de comprovada eficiência para aspectos da saúde

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    ObjectivesThe aim of the present study was to analyze the association between sports participation in childhood and adolescence and the practice of physical activity at different intensities in adulthood, and to verify if some sports participation characteristics such as number of sports; type of sport (individual, collective or a combination of both) and total estimated sports participation time are associated with the different physical activity intensities in adulthood.DesignThis is a cross-sectional study.MethodsThis study included 129 young adults of both sexes aged 18–25 years. Sports participation in childhood (7–10 years) and adolescence (11–17 years) was retrospectively estimated through specific questionnaire. Light, moderate, vigorous and moderate to vigorous intensity physical activity was objectively estimated by accelerometers. To verify the association between SP in childhood and adolescence and BP intensities in adults, multiple linear regression was adopted, with 5% significance.ResultsAnalyses showed that, in females, sports participation in childhood (β = 0.315; R2 = 0.14; P = 0.020) and persistence in sports participation (β = 0.364; R2 = 0.18; P = 0.007) were positive predictors of vigorous physical activity in adulthood. In addition, the comparison according to the specificities of the sport practice, indicated that participation in two or more sports in childhood, one sport and collective sports in adolescence and at least one year of sports participation throughout childhood and adolescence were associated with longer time in vigorous physical activity intensity and MVPA (minutes/day) in adult females (P ConclusionsIt could be concluded that sports participation indicators in childhood and adolescence were considered predictors of vigorous physical activity in adult females. In addition, number of sports, type of sport and practice time in childhood and adolescence seem to predict vigorous and moderate to vigorous levels of physical activity for adult females.</div

    Comparison of physical activity at different intensities in adulthood according to sports participation in childhood and adolescence by sex (males n = 65; females n = 64).

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    Note: Both = sports participation in childhood and adolescence; Any = sports participation only in one phase: childhood or adolescence; None = Did not participate in sports in childhood or adolescence. ☨ = P <0.05, both is different from any none; ** = P<0.05, none is different from any and both. All comparisons by GEE were controlled by the total time of accelerometer use (min/day).</p