34 research outputs found

    Clinical signs, diagnostic imaging and histopathology in a dog with granulomatous meningoencephalitis manifested as a polyneuropathy

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    An 11-year-old, female, neutered labrador retriever with a history of chronic and progressive right hindlimb lameness and facial asymmetry was referred for brain and lumbosacral magnetic resonance imaging and cerebrospinal fluid analysis. Multifocal non-enhancing T2-weighted images of hyperintense lesions were observed in the caudate nuclei and medulla oblongata. The right oculomotor nerve was markedly enlarged and showed marked enhancement on T1-weighted images after contrast injection, and there was diffuse enlargement of the sciatic and femoral nerves in the right hindlimb. Cerebrospinal fluid analysis showed a mixed pleocytosis. Histopathology revealed granulomatous inflammation affecting the brain, oculomotor and pelvic limb nerves, consistent with a diagnosis of granulomatous meningoencephalomyelitis

    Morphine with or without Acepromazine in Horses: A Kinematic Evaluation

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    Morphine is an opioid agonist drug and produces a significant analgesic effect in horses but besides the evidenced analgesic effect, the use of morphine is not routine due to the potential excitatory effects described in the literature. To minimize these effects, neuroleptanalgesia, or the combination of opioids and sedative drugs, is encouraged. Our aim was to describe changes occurring in the locomotor pattern after co-administration of a tranquilizer, acepromazine, and morphine in horses. Six mature horses were used and received four different treatments with saline solution, morphine, acepromazine, or a combination of morphine and acepromazine. A three-dimensional accelerometric device was used to collect data and objectivize those findings moreover the sedative effect of the treatments was also measured. Significant differences were observed when comparing all the treatments in the majority of accelerometric variables, except the regularity of the pattern, some energetic parameters, and tranquilization. An evident counteraction of the effects caused by both morphine and acepromazine was observed. Due to these effects, the possibility of adding acepromazine to an additional analgesic treatment with morphine in the clinical setting ensures the absence of the supplemental instability caused by other sedatives and minimizes the potential opioid excitatory effects

    Atlas QR de procedimientos básicos en clínica hospitalaria equina

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    Los códigos QR se utilizan actualmente como herramienta docente de gran utilidad ya que permiten al alumno emplear las nuevas tecnologías para el aprendizaje. Con este proyecto pretendemos acercar la actividad clínica equina al alumno de veterinaria

    Aplicación de técnicas de diagnóstico por imagen avanzadas en el estudio de la cabeza del caballo

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    La cabeza del caballo es una muy compleja anatómicamente lo que dificulta su diagnóstico. Por tanto las técnicas de diagnóstico por imagen son fundamentales.Las técnicas de diagnóstico por imagen avanzadas, resonancia magnética o RM y tomografía computarizada o TC, generan imágenes tomográficas, evitando la superposición de estructuras. La TC se basa en la rotación de un generador de rayos x y una matriz de detectores alrededor del paciente, mientras que la RM se basa en la excitación de tejidos magnetizados por ondas de radiofrecuencia. El paciente es examinado bajo anestesia general. La aplicación de un contraste intravenoso mejora la detección de lesiones. En general, la TC valora con mayor detalle estructuras óseas, mientras que la RM es superior en tejidos blandos.Ante el dilema que surge en la práctica clínica en la elección de la técnica de imagen más indicada en la cabeza, se plantean los siguientes objetivos: estudiar la utilidad de la RM y la TC para el estudio de la cabeza del caballo. Se realizaron 3 estudios independientes.En el primero se describieron las lesiones por RM de 84 caballos con alteraciones neurológicas, sinonasales y de tejidos blandos. La RM identificó la lesión primaria y los cambios asociados en cada caso, con una buena correlación con los resultados intraoperatorios o post-mortem Asimismo fue posible la localización, determinación del tamaño y relación con las estructuras circundantes de cada lesión La RM fue particularmente útil en alteraciones del sistema nervioso central y de los tejidos blandos, así como para la identificación de masas de la cavidad nasal y senos paranasales. También fue posible evaluar los dientes, tanto la pulpa como el espacio periodontal.En el segundo artículo se describieron los hallazgos por TC en 59 caballos con alteraciones dentales, nasales y de los senos paranasales óseas y/o articulares y de los tejidos blandos Además se compararon los hallazgos por TC y radiográficos en casos de patología dental nasal sinusal y ósea La TC mostró una sensibilidad y especificidad superior a la radiografía en el diagnóstico de alteraciones dentales En comparación con la TC la radiología presentó una baja sensibilidad para la detección de afectación de los senos paranasales, principalmente en los senos conchal ventral y esfenopalatino. La TC permitió identificar un mayor número de fragmentos óseos y líneas de fracturas que no fueron identificados en las radiografías. También fue posible evaluar las articulaciones temporohioidea y temporomandibular. La TC aportó información adicional sobre múltiples proyecciones radiográficas.En el tercer estudio se describió una técnica angiográfica sin contraste por RM en 5 caballos sanos. Las imágenes de RM se compararon con imágenes de TC de un molde vascular. Esta técnica proporcionó una buena visualización de los principales vasos sanguíneos intra y extracraneales con un diámetro superior a los 2 mm, tanto en alto como en bajo campo Además fue posible la evaluación de la morfología, simetría y tamaño de los vasos sanguíneos. La visibilidad de las arterias fue superior a la de las venas. En general, el alto campo proporcionó mejor visualización de las arterias, especialmente de las pequeñas ramas arteriales.La RM es adecuada para la valoración de la cabeza del caballo, siendo de elección en el encéfalo y los tejidos blandos extracraneales. Es apta en el estudio de la cavidad nasal y los senos paranasales, resultando muy útil en casos de masas. Sin embargo, en casos de patología dental es más limitada.La angiografía por RM es un excelente método para evaluar los vasos sanguíneos de la cabeza, tanto intra como extracraneales.La TC es apta para la valoración de la cabeza del caballo, siendo de elección en el sistema musculoesquelético y los dientes. En la cavidad nasal y los senos paranasales es muy útil en la identificación de lesiones sutiles de las paredes Sin embargo su uso en el encéfalo y os tejidos blandos es limitado

    Treatments and Prognosis for Subchondral Cystic Lesions in the Distal Extremities in Thoroughbred Prospect Racehorses

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    Subchondral cystic lesions (SCLs) in equines and their treatments have been mainly studied in the medial femoral condyle of the femur. SCLs in the distal extremities affecting the fetlock or interphalangeal joints are frequent, but treatment or prognosis studies in horses are currently sparse. Our objective was to compare four treatments for SCLs in the distal extremities (intralesional injection of corticosteroids, transcortical drilling, cortical screw placement, and absorbable hydroxyapatite implant placement) and report the racing prognoses for affected thoroughbred yearlings. Data from 113 thoroughbred yearlings treated for SCLs in the distal extremities were collected from 2014 to 2020. Age at surgery, sex, bone affected, radiographic SCL measurements, SCL shape, and type of treatment were recorded. Sale data and racing performance were collected for the operated horses and for 109 maternal siblings that were free of SCLs. An analysis was conducted to assess if SCL size affected racing prognosis and to detect differences in sale value and selected racing parameters between the cases and controls. The outcomes for the different treatments, the different bones affected, and the SCL shape type were also analyzed. There was no difference in the ability to start in a race between the cases and controls (60.2% vs. 69.7%, respectively). The auction value of the treated horses was significantly lower than that of their siblings. The bone affected did not impact any of the racing variables studied, whereas the height of the SCLs negatively affected the number of wins and placed races. The type of treatment for the horses affected by SCLs did not have an impact on sale prices, ability to start a race, race starts, wins, and places, or age at the time of the first start. In conclusion, yearlings diagnosed with an SCL in the distal extremities had lower auction prices and decreased racing performances, with lower numbers of wins correlated with larger SCL heights compared to the siblings. Similar racing performance was found regardless of the treatment received

    Magnetic resonance dacryocystography in the horse: A feasibility study

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    Objective: To provide a comprehensive anatomical description of the normal equine nasolacrimal duct using magnetic resonance imaging, and to develop a practical protocol for performing magnetic resonance dacryocystography (MRD) in horses. Animal studied: The heads of ten fresh horse cadavers with no history of sinonasal or ophthalmologic disorders were used for this study. Procedure: An MRD technique was developed in this study, which consisted of two parts. In the first part, olive oil and gadolinium were compared as contrast medium, using five horses. Two concentrations of gadolinium were used: 0.25 mmol/mL and 0.5 mmol/mL. In the second part, the influence of different head recumbencies using olive oil as the sole contrast medium was studied in the remaining five horses. Results: Injection with olive oil resulted in better distention and a complete filling of the nasolacrimal duct (ND) in all horses. Injection of 0.25 mmol/mL of gadolinium resulted in incomplete filling of the ND, whereas injection of 0.5 mmol/mL of gadolinium resulted in slightly better filling of the duct. The nondependent duct showed better distention compared to the dependent duct when scanning in lateral recumbency. No differences were observed between ducts in a dorsal recumbency. The degree of distention in dorsal recumbency was slightly less than the degree of distention observed in the nondependent ND in lateral recumbency. Conclusions: Magnetic resonance dacryocystography is a suitable technique for evaluating the nasolacrimal duct and can be performed during a normal magnetic resonance examination.Depto. de Medicina y Cirugía AnimalFac. de VeterinariaTRUEpu

    Treatments and Prognosis for Subchondral Cystic Lesions in the Distal Extremities in Thoroughbred Prospect Racehorses

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    2022 Descuento MDPISubchondral cystic lesions (SCLs) in equines and their treatments have been mainly studied in the medial femoral condyle of the femur. SCLs in the distal extremities affecting the fetlock or interphalangeal joints are frequent, but treatment or prognosis studies in horses are currently sparse. Our objective was to compare four treatments for SCLs in the distal extremities (intralesional injection of corticosteroids, transcortical drilling, cortical screw placement, and absorbable hydroxyapatite implant placement) and report the racing prognoses for affected thoroughbred yearlings. Data from 113 thoroughbred yearlings treated for SCLs in the distal extremities were collected from 2014 to 2020. Age at surgery, sex, bone affected, radiographic SCL measurements, SCL shape, and type of treatment were recorded. Sale data and racing performance were collected for the operated horses and for 109 maternal siblings that were free of SCLs. An analysis was conducted to assess if SCL size affected racing prognosis and to detect differences in sale value and selected racing parameters between the cases and controls. The outcomes for the different treatments, the different bones affected, and the SCL shape type were also analyzed. There was no difference in the ability to start in a race between the cases and controls (60.2% vs. 69.7%, respectively). The auction value of the treated horses was significantly lower than that of their siblings. The bone affected did not impact any of the racing variables studied, whereas the height of the SCLs negatively affected the number of wins and placed races. The type of treatment for the horses affected by SCLs did not have an impact on sale prices, ability to start a race, race starts, wins, and places, or age at the time of the first start. In conclusion, yearlings diagnosed with an SCL in the distal extremities had lower auction prices and decreased racing performances, with lower numbers of wins correlated with larger SCL heights compared to the siblings. Similar racing performance was found regardless of the treatment received.Depto. de Medicina y Cirugía AnimalFac. de VeterinariaTRUEpubDescuento UC