37 research outputs found


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    By intensifying the digital activity of organisations, the cybersecurity has been placed in special lights when decision-making processes are carried out. Cyber risks are considered extremely important for digital organisations development and special recommendations are highly demanded. Aiming to research new opportunities for this context, the authors promote the circumstances of cybersecurity research field by performing qualitative research. The method used was represented by visual network analysis with Java technology, an innotive tool for analysing and interpreting the network of the knowledge field. The bibliometrics such as reference, cited reference, author and institution were used to group 5,287 relevant resources from Web of Science database and mean silhouette, modularity, or betweeness centrality metrics were interpreted to validate the quality of the network. The result present the importance of human factor in cybersecurity politics, the significant topic of cybersecurity governance and regulations, and the relevance of cybersecurity culture development for employees. The study enriches the literature by introducing the most recent connections from the pandemic year, presenting the increasing awareness of the risks involved in carrying out the activity of digital organisations

    Approaching the Bioeconomy in Terms of Increasing the Energy Efficiency of Households in Romania

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    This paper approaches the transition process to the bioeconomy from consumers’ perspective and their attitudes to decision-making process regarding the use of renewable energy systems in households. The article contributes to the literature by introducing a new challenge: identifying and analyzing the Romanians’ opinion on increasing the energy efficiency in their households and their intention in using energy obtained from renewable resources. For the purpose, a quantitative marketing research was conducted by interviewing 1123 persons from Romania’s eight development regions. Data were collected using an electronic questionnaire. The research results underline that Romanians have invested in increasing the energy efficiency of their household, the main improvements being energy saving by purchasing low-power home appliances or thermal insulation of the dwelling. These investments were made based on economic considerations, being considered as a long-term benefit for the entire household. The authors propose to the Romanian economic environment to carry out information and promotional campaigns in order to raise awareness of Romanians on the importance of using energy obtained from renewable resources for sustainable development. To the academic environment, the authors recommend including bioeconomics in the curriculum of study programs offered to the education services marke

    The sensory brand of the destination. Case study: Transylvania

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    Destinations can be considered a predominantly experiential tourism product in the context of sensory marketing, which would be the best instrument for creating, communicating and delivering the experiential values of the tourism product, and for developing the sensory brand of a destination. Given that, generally speaking, the geographic area of a destination is difficult to market (because of the multitude of component entities that must have the same vision, although competing at the same time), the unitary character of a destination is reinforced in the identity of the sensory brand, regarded as a collection of sensory experiences, i.e. a collection of contact points between the tourist and the destination. This study identifies the sensory experiences of tourists in the microdestination Transylvania, thus being a starting point in the development of the sensory brand of the destination

    Statistical analysis regarding energy supply and demand in the EU and Romania between 1990 and 2014

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    Climate changes and mankind’s unlimited needs in term of energy, in opposition with the limited nature of our planet energy sources, impose an all new approach regarding the way in which we produce our energy and how efficient we are using it. The European Union is a world leader in promoting sustainability in this field, and Romania, as part of this multi-state organization, follows the same path. We will see further in this paper the evolution of the main statistical indicators regarding energy, with a particular emphasis on electricity, for both the EU and Romania. The starting point will be primary energy production and demand, continuing with the sources of energy, and finishing with electricity and its relevant indicators regarding production and renewable sources. Finally, the relevant conclusions will be drawn

    Acquisition of Electric Vehicles—A Step towards Green Consumption. Empirical Research among Romanian Students

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    The paper analyzes particular aspects of a competitive economy based on low carbon emissions, which requires a fundamental change in consumer behavior, by focusing mainly on green acquisitions. The article contributes to the literature by the novelty of the researched problem: identification and analysis of the attitude and behavior of Romanian students regarding the electric vehicles acquisition. Thus, a quantitative marketing research was conducted, using a sample of 1221 students from 11 Romanian university centers. Also, the paper includes an overview regarding the costs and financial benefits provided by the Romanian Government to the electric vehicles owners, such as acquisition price reductions or tax reductions. The research results show that only half of the students are familiar with the concept of green consumption, and 37.8% of them are interested in buying an electric vehicle, the main reason being the fuel consumption. The authors recommend to the state’s institutions to develop special programs, by offering attractive facilities to the young people with higher education, as potential buyers, for the purchase of electric vehicles, this way diminishing the barrier effect generated by the high price. The academic environment should initiate research, both at the micro and macroeconomic level, to quantify the economic-social implications of green acquisitions in general and electric vehicles in particular

    Local basic food producer facing the challenge of working with multinational supermarket chains

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    This article wants to outline the challenges faced by a local basic food producer in his battle to stay on the market. We will reveal the challenges he’s facing in his own production lines and also the way he has to adapt to the changing world of the multinational companies. We will present a short history of the founding and evolution of the company on the Romanian pastry food market pointing out the relevant events which have marked the company life during the years. We will also make a short review of the competition on the market of the pastry food products and we will present the marketing strategy and policies the company is using to be able to face the new challenges

    Local IT company facing the challenge to develop on medium-term

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    This article intends to outline the challenges faced by a local IT company in his battle to stay on the market on medium-term. There will be revealed the challenges the company is facing and also the ways to adapt to the changing world of the internet sells and e-commerce. There will be presented a short history of the founding and the evolution of the company on the local IT market in Covasna county pointing out the relevant events which have marked the life of the company during the years. There will be presented a short review of the competition on the market and the marketing strategy and policies which the company is using to be able to face the new challenges