18 research outputs found


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    The contribution analyses the increasing criticism, voiced by the younger generation of Slovenian intellectuals from the first post-war years until the end of the 1950s. The critical attitude towards the pressing social issues started developing in the beginning of the 1950s, as Mladinska revija – the first post-war literary magazine, published between 1946 and 1951 – was still subject to thorough scrutiny by the authorities. In the period of its successor – the Beseda magazine between 1951 and 1957 – certain more radical debates or critiques of the existing situation were already published. This publication stopped coming out in 1957. However, contrary to what the authorities had expected, a similar circle of the associates of this magazine\u27s successor, the Revija 57 magazine (published in 1957 and 1958), was even more critical of the situation in the state. This contribution thus follows two parallel processes: on the one hand the increasingly critical attitude of the younger-generation intellectuals towards the authorities; and on the other hand the mounting pressure that the authorities exerted against magazines that published critical texts. At first the publications were merely the focus of political disapproval, followed by the abolishment of subsidies and thus consequently the cancellation of the magazines; while towards the end of the 1950s we can already come across a judicial process against an author of socially-critical articles. The leading politicians at the end of the period under consideration already saw the younger generation of intellectuals as the (cultural) opposition

    Odnos slovenske politike prema “maspoku”

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    Autor analizira slovensko-hrvatske odnose na prijelazu šezdesetih u sedamdesete godine 20. stoljeća, u razdoblju kad su u političkom vodstvu obiju republika prevladali mlađi, manje ortodoksni komunistički političari. Slovenija i Hrvatska predstavljale su neformalni “blok razvijenih”, jer su zagovarale važniju ulogu tržišno-ekonomskih načela u državi. Slovensko je vodstvo 1971., kao i vodstva drugih republika, ocjenjivalo da hrvatsko vodstvo popušta nacionalističkim pritiscima “maspoka” i nije više kao u prethodnom razdoblju posve podupiralo Hrvatsku. Međutim, nije se htjelo miješati u obračun s hrvatskim vodstvom jer je Slovenija zagovarala stav da se ne miješa u unutarnje poslove drugih republika, naglašavajući da za prilike u svakoj republici odgovara njeno republičko političko vodstvo

    The Tito-Stalin Split 70 Years After

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    The goal of the Zagreb conference “The Tito-Stalin Split: 70 Years Later”, Zagreb-Goli Otok, 28-30 June 2018, as well as of the papers presented, was to show not only the new interpretations and takes on the subject, but to present the Yugoslav 1948 as a global event, one that touched lives of so many people around the world. It had a very significant impact not only on politics, international relations, prisoners, army cooperation and army relations, ideology, but also cultural life and production, especially in Yugoslavia and the Soviet Union. Most of the papers presented at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb, which co-organized the whole event with colleagues from the University of Ljubljana, Slovenia, are published in this volume. A few papers were presented but the authors did not contribute the text (those were: Mark Kramer, Peter Ruggenthaler, Ondřej Vojtěchovský, Klaus Buchenau, Andreii Edemskii, Boris Stamenić, and Marie-Janine Calic). Also, one paper on China was not presented, but the text is here. We hope this volume will be an important contribution to the continuous dialogue that should be not only regional, but global. It should also be ongoing, since there is hardly an event in the history of the Cold War whose consequences were as important and as global as this one’s. (from the Preface)The book is co-published by the University of Zagreb, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences – Department of History (Postgraduate Doctoral Studies “Modern and Contemporary Croatian History In European and World Context”) & the University of Ljubljana Faculty of Arts – Department of History, as a volume 31 in the Historia series. The goal of the Zagreb conference “The Tito-Stalin Split: 70 Years Later”, Zagreb-Goli Otok, 28-30 June 2018, as well as of the papers presented, was to show not only the new interpretations and takes on the subject, but to present the Yugoslav 1948 as a global event, one that touched lives of so many people around the world. It had a very significant impact not only on politics, international relations, prisoners, army cooperation and army relations, ideology, but also cultural life and production, especially in Yugoslavia and the Soviet Union.Most of the papers presented at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb, which co-organized the whole event with colleagues from the University of Ljubljana, Slovenia, are published in this volume. A few papers were presented but the authors did not contribute the text (those were: Mark Kramer, Peter Ruggenthaler, Ondřej Vojtěchovský, Klaus Buchenau, Andreii Edemskii, Boris Stamenić, and Marie-Janine Calic). Also, one paper on China was not presented, but the text is here. We hope this volume will be an important contribution to the continuous dialogue that should be not only regional, but global. It should also be ongoing, since there is hardly an event in the history of the Cold War whose consequences were as important and as global as this one’s. (from the Preface)The book is co-published by the University of Zagreb, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences – Department of History (Postgraduate Doctoral Studies “Modern and Contemporary Croatian History In European and World Context”) & the University of Ljubljana Faculty of Arts – Department of History, as a volume 31 in the Historia series.&nbsp