10 research outputs found
Changes in mitochondrial volume in response to burn injury.
<p>Mitochondrial biogenesis was assayed using specific activity of citrate synthase in extract isolated from <b>(A)</b> liver, <b>(B)</b> lungs and <b>(C)</b> heart of mice subjected to burn injury. The results are based on n = 6 per group and represent mean±SD. ** p<0.01, relatively to sham animals.</p
Changes in circulating total and mitochondrial DNA in response to burn injury.
<p>The amount of <b>(A)</b> total DNA and <b>(B)</b> mitochondrial DNA fragments in plasma of mice subjected to burn injury was analyzed using qPCR. The results are based on n = 6 per group and represent mean±SD. *, ** p<0.05 and p<0.01 respectively, relatively to sham treated animals.</p
Changes in histopathology of lungs induced by burn.
<p>Lung sections of animals at 1 and 4 days post burn injury with there control shams were stained with (<b>A</b>) H&E; (<b>B</b>) MPO; (<b>C</b>) CD68; (<b>D</b>) neutrophil elastase. Representative pictures of n = 4 for each animal group are shown.</p
Changes in histopathology of liver induced by burn.
<p>Liver sections of animals at 1 and 4 days post burn injury with there control shams were stained with (<b>A</b>) H&E; (<b>B</b>) MPO; (<b>C</b>) CD68; (<b>D</b>) neutrophil elastase. Representative pictures of n = 4 for each animal group are shown.</p
Changes in MDA, an index of lipid peroxidation, in response to burn injury.
<p>MDA levels were measured in <b>(A)</b> liver, <b>(B)</b> lungs and <b>(C)</b> heart of mice subjected to burn injury. The results are based on n = 6 per group and represent mean±SD. *, ** p<0.05 and p<0.01 respectively, relatively to sham animals.</p
Changes in mitochondrial and nuclear DNA integrity in response to burn injury.
<p>Damage to nuclear and mitochondrial DNA was quantified using LA-PCR assay in <b>(A)</b> liver, <b>(B)</b> lungs and <b>(C)</b> heart of mice subjected to burn injury. The results are based on n = 6 per group and represent mean±SD. *, ** p<0.05 and p<0.01 respectively, relatively to sham animals.</p
Burn injury induces time-dependent changes in the mitochondrial bioenergetics in the lung.
<p>Bioenergetic parameters of the isolated mitochondria from lungs of mice subjected to burn injury were analyzed by Extracellular Flux Analysis. <b>(A)</b> Traces of oxygen consumption of mitochondria isolated from sham or burn injured animals at various time points post burn injury are shown. <b>(B)</b> Calculated bioenergetics parameters are shown. The results are based on n = 6 per group and represent mean±SD. *, ** p<0.05 and p<0.01 respectively, relative to sham animals.</p
The current model of burn injury does not induce wound infections or bacteremia.
<p>(<b>A</b>) Specificity of mitochondrial DNA primers were tested using total DNA isolated from three common found in bacteremia/would infection strains of bacteria, <i>E</i>. <i>coli</i>, <i>P</i>. <i>aeruginosa</i>, and <i>S</i>. <i>aureus</i>. Lack of amplification of 117bp fragments indicates primers specificity toward mitochondrial DNA. (<b>B</b>) Bacterial cultures were performed using blood and burn wounds or sham-injured skin from mice at 1 and 4 days post-burn or sham injury. Graphs show individual cfu/g (wound/skin) or cfu/ml (blood) values, and means ± SD. N = 4 mice/group.</p
Changes in various parameters in various organs after burn injury.
<p>A single arrow shows a statistically significant change; double arrows show statistically significant changes that are more than 100% increases (i.e. doubling of the parameter) or a more than 50% decrease in the given parameter. Horizontal arrows indicate no significant change in the parameter.</p
Changes in histopathology of heart induced by burn.
<p>Heart sections of animals at 1 and 4 days post burn injury with there control shams were stained with (<b>A</b>) H&E; (<b>B</b>) MPO; (<b>C</b>) CD68; (<b>D</b>) neutrophil elastase. Representative pictures of n = 4 for each animal group are shown.</p