308 research outputs found

    Synthetic spectra of H Balmer and HeI absorption lines. I: Stellar library

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    We present a grid of synthetic profiles of stellar H Balmer and HeI lines at optical wavelengths with a sampling of 0.3 A. The grid spans a range of effective temperature 4000 K < Teff < 50000 K, and gravity 0.0 < log g < 5.0 at solar metallicity. For Teff > 25000 K, NLTE stellar atmosphere models are computed using the code TLUSTY (Hubeny 1988). For cooler stars, Kurucz (1993) LTE models are used to compute thesynthetic spectra. The grid includes the profiles of the high-order hydrogen Balmer series and HeI lines for effective temperatures and gravities that have not been previously synthesized. The behavior of H8 to H13 and HeI 3819 with effective temperature and gravity is very similar to that of the lower terms of the series (e.g. Hb) and the other HeI lines at longer wavelengths; therefore, they are suited for the determination of the atmospheric parameters of stars. These lines are potentially important to make predictions for these stellar absorption features in galaxies with active star formation. Evolutionary synthesis models of these lines for starburst and post-starburst galaxies are presented in a companion paper. The full set of the synthetic stellar spectra is available for retrieval at our website http://www.iaa.es/ae/e2.html and http://www.stsci.edu/science/starburst/ or on request from the authors at [email protected]: To be published in ApJS. 28 pages and 12 figure

    Possible Evidence of Disoriented Chiral Condensates from the Anomaly in Omega and AntiOmega Abundances at the SPS

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    No conventional picture of nucleus-nucleus collisions has yet been able to explain the abundance of Omega and AntiOmega in central collisions between Pb nuclei at 158 A GeV at the CERN SPS. We argue that such a deviation from predictions of statistical thermal models and numerical simulations is evidence that they are produced as topological defects in the form of skyrmions arising from the formation of disoriented chiral condensates. The estimated domain size falls in the right range to be consistent with the so far non-observation of DCC from the distribution of neutral pions.Comment: paper presented at the ICPAQGP-2001, Jaipur, Indi

    Selection of Food Patches by Sympatric Herbivores in Response to Concealment and Distance from a Refuge

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    Small herbivores face risks of predation while foraging and are often forced to trade off food quality for safety. Life history, behaviour, and habitat of predator and prey can influence these trade-offs. We compared how two sympatric rabbits (pygmy rabbit, Brachylagus idahoensis; mountain cottontail, Sylvilagus nuttallii) that differ in size, use of burrows, and habitat specialization in the sagebrush-steppe of western North America respond to amount and orientation of concealment cover and proximity to burrow refuges when selecting food patches. We predicted that both rabbit species would prefer food patches that offered greater concealment and food patches that were closer to burrow refuges. However, because pygmy rabbits are small, obligate burrowers that are restricted to sagebrush habitats, we predicted that they would show stronger preferences for greater cover, orientation of concealment, and patches closer to burrow refuges. We offered two food patches to individuals of each species during three experiments that either varied in the amount of concealment cover, orientation of concealment cover, or distance from a burrow refuge. Both species preferred food patches that offered greater concealment, but pygmy rabbits generally preferred terrestrial and mountain cottontails preferred aerial concealment. Only pygmy rabbits preferred food patches closer to their burrow refuge. Different responses to concealment and proximity to burrow refuges by the two species likely reflect differences in perceived predation risks. Because terrestrial predators are able to dig for prey in burrows, animals like pygmy rabbits that rely on burrow refuges might select food patches based more on terrestrial concealment. In contrast, larger habitat generalists that do not rely on burrow refuges, like mountain cottontails, might trade off terrestrial concealment for visibility to detect approaching terrestrial predators. This study suggests that body size and evolutionary adaptations for using habitat, even in closely related species, might influence anti-predator behaviors in prey species

    A Grid of NLTE Line-Blanketed Model Atmospheres of O-type Stars

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    We have constructed a comprehensive grid of 690 metal line-blanketed, NLTE, plane-parallel, hydrostatic model atmospheres for the basic parameters appropriate to O-type stars. The OSTAR2002 grid considers 12 values of effective temperatures, 27500K < Teff < 55000K with 2500K steps, 8 surface gravities, 3.0 < log g< 4.75 with 0.25 dex steps, and 10 chemical compositions, from metal-rich relative to the Sun to metal-free. The lower limit of log g for a given effective temperature is set by an approximate location of the Eddington limit. The selected chemical compositions have been chosen to cover a number of typical environments of massive stars: the galactic center, the Magellanic Clouds, Blue Compact Dwarf galaxies like I Zw 18, and galaxies at high redshifts. The paper contains a description of the OSTAR2002 grid and some illustrative examples and comparisons. The complete OSTAR2002 grid is available at our website at http://tlusty.gsfc.nasa.gov.Comment: 57 pages, 16 figures; minor additions and corrections; to appear in Astrophysical Journal Supplement, Vol. 146 (June 2003

    In-medium modifications of the ππ\pi\pi interaction in photon-induced reactions

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    Differential cross sections of the reactions (γ,ππ)(\gamma,\pi^\circ\pi^\circ) and (γ,ππ++ππ)(\gamma,\pi^\circ\pi^++\pi^\circ\pi^-) have been measured for several nuclei (1^1H,12^{12}C, and nat^{\rm nat}Pb) at an incident-photon energy of EγE_{\gamma}=400-460 MeV at the tagged-photon facility at MAMI-B using the TAPS spectrometer. A significant nuclear-mass dependence of the ππ\pi\pi invariant-mass distribution is found in the ππ\pi^\circ\pi^\circ channel. This dependence is not observed in the ππ+/\pi^\circ\pi^{+/-} channel and is consistent with an in-medium modification of the ππ\pi\pi interaction in the II=JJ=0 channel. The data are compared to π\pi-induced measurements and to calculations within a chiral-unitary approach

    The reaction γpπγp\gamma p \to \pi^\circ \gamma^\prime p and the magnetic dipole moment of the Δ+(1232)\Delta^+(1232) resonance

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    The reaction γpπγp\gamma p \to \pi^\circ \gamma^\prime p has been measured with the TAPS calorimeter at the Mainz Microtron accelerator facility MAMI for energies between s\sqrt{s} = 1221--1331 MeV. Cross sections differential in angle and energy have been determined for all particles in the final state in three bins of the excitation energy. This reaction channel provides access to the magnetic dipole moment of the Δ+(1232)\Delta^{+}(1232) resonance and, for the first time, a value of μΔ+=(2.71.3+1.0(stat.)±1.5(syst.)±3(theo.))μN\mu_{\Delta^+} = (2.7_{-1.3}^{+1.0}(stat.) \pm 1.5 (syst.) \pm 3(theo.)) \mu_N has been extracted

    Strange hyperon and antihyperon production from quark and string-rope matter

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    Hyperon and antihyperon production is investigated using two microscopical models: {\bf (1)} the fast hadronization of quark matter as given by the ALCOR model; {\bf (2)} string formation and fragmentation as in the HIJING/B model. We calculate the particle numbers and momentum distributions for Pb+Pb collisions at CERN SPS energies in order to compare the two models with each other and with the available experimental data. We show that these two theoretical approaches give similar yields for the hyperons, but strongly differ for antihyperons.Comment: 11 pages, Latex, 3 EPS figures, contribution to the Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Strangeness in Quark Matter (SQM'98), Padova, Italy, 20-24 July 199

    K^0 pi^0 Sigma^+ and K^*0 Sigma^+ photoproduction off the proton

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    The exclusive reactions γpK0Σ+(1189)\gamma p \to K^{*0} \Sigma^+(1189) and γpK0π0Σ+(1189)\gamma p \to K^{0} \pi^{0}\Sigma^+(1189), leading to the p 4π0\pi^{0} final state, have been measured with a tagged photon beam for incident energies from threshold up to 2.5 GeV. The experiment has been performed at the tagged photon facility of the ELSA accelerator (Bonn). The Crystal Barrel and TAPS detectors were combined to a photon detector system of almost 4π\pi geometrical acceptance. Differential and total cross sections are reported. At energies close to the threshold, a flat angular distribution has been observed for the reaction γpK0π0Σ+\gamma p\to K^{0} \pi^{0}\Sigma^+ suggesting dominant s-channel production. Σ(1385)\Sigma^*(1385) and higher lying hyperon states have been observed. An enhancement in the forward direction in the angular distributions of the reaction γpK0Σ+\gamma p \to K^{*0}\Sigma^+ indicates a tt-channel exchange contribution to the reaction mechanism. The experimental data are in reasonable agreement with recent theoretical predictions.Comment: 11 pages, 13 figures, submitted to EPJ

    Quasi-free photoproduction of η-mesons off 3He nuclei

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    Quasi-free photoproduction of η-mesons has been measured off nucleons bound in 3He nuclei for incident photon energies from the threshold region up to 1.4 GeV. The experiment was performed at the tagged photon facility of the Mainz MAMI accelerator with an almost 4π covering electromagnetic calorimeter, combining the TAPS and Crystal Ball detectors. The η-mesons were detected in coincidence with the recoil nucleons. This allowed a comparison of the production cross section off quasi-free protons and quasi-free neutrons and a full kinematic reconstruction of the final state, eliminating effects from nuclear Fermi motion. In the S11(1535) resonance peak, the data agree with the neutron/proton cross section ratio extracted from measurements with deuteron targets. More importantly, the prominent structure observed in photoproduction off quasi-free neutrons bound in the deuteron is also clearly observed. Its parameters (width, strength) are consistent with the expectations from the deuteron results. On an absolute scale the cross sections for both quasi-free protons and neutrons are suppressed with respect to the deuteron target pointing to significant nuclear final-state interaction effects

    Gravitational waves from single neutron stars: an advanced detector era survey

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    With the doors beginning to swing open on the new gravitational wave astronomy, this review provides an up-to-date survey of the most important physical mechanisms that could lead to emission of potentially detectable gravitational radiation from isolated and accreting neutron stars. In particular we discuss the gravitational wave-driven instability and asteroseismology formalism of the f- and r-modes, the different ways that a neutron star could form and sustain a non-axisymmetric quadrupolar "mountain" deformation, the excitation of oscillations during magnetar flares and the possible gravitational wave signature of pulsar glitches. We focus on progress made in the recent years in each topic, make a fresh assessment of the gravitational wave detectability of each mechanism and, finally, highlight key problems and desiderata for future work.Comment: 39 pages, 12 figures, 2 tables. Chapter of the book "Physics and Astrophysics of Neutron Stars", NewCompStar COST Action 1304. Minor corrections to match published versio