105 research outputs found

    Teachers\u27 Experiences Implementing Evidence-Based Interventions With Fidelity for Preschool-Students With Disabilities

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    Challenging behaviors are common among preschool students with disabilities in educational settings. Evidence-based interventions (EBIs) when implemented with fidelity can be used to support these students. However, many teachers report having limited knowledge of EBIs and are unprepared to use them. The purpose of this exploratory qualitative case study was to observe and interview preschool teachers regarding the methods, procedures, and activities they use to implement EBIs with fidelity for preschool aged students with disabilities in inclusion settings. The conceptual framework was the implementation science framework, which is focused on implementation of EBIs to achieve their intended purpose. A purposeful sampling of 7 general education teachers from preschool inclusion settings in an urban area that includes 2 school districts participated in the study. Data were analyzed using precoding, first cycle coding, and axial coding to determine categories and themes. The key results in this study indicated that general education teachers need professional development training on appropriate use of EBIs with students, teachers need to engage in parent-teacher support/collaborative partnerships, and teachers need to review data regarding students’ behaviors that change as a result of EBI implementation. The results were used to provide recommendations for identifying the methods, procedures, and activities needed to improve preschool teachers’ implementation of EBIs. This study may contribute to positive social change by supporting general education teachers’ efforts to maximize preschool students with disabilities’ social-emotional and academic outcomes through the use of EBIs

    The Flowerings Project: A Library in Transformation

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    This final report from the JMU Libraries and Furious Flower Poetry Center to the Mellon Foundation describes in detail the activities undertaken as part of a 2020-2021 planning grant, “Furious Flowerings: Developing a Partnership Model for Digital Library Support of a Living Center for Black Poetry,” funded by the Mellon Foundation. The grant explored and developed a partnership model for integrated library support of a living, academic center for the arts with archival, scholarly, digital, educational, and performance components. Nine key areas were addressed, including three overarching areas: development of cultural competencies, exploring how an exemplar project can be used to manage organizational and cultural change, and fostering partners\u27 understanding of library processes, systems, expertise, and goals, as well as six domain and application areas: inclusive archival workflows, frameworks for multimedia preservation and performance capture, teaching-and-learning collaborations, and policies and platforms for sustainable digital publications. The report describes model development, activities, findings, recommendations, challenges, lessons learned, future goals, evaluations, publications, and the grant timeline and logistics

    Heart and kidney organoids maintain organ-specific function in a microfluidic system

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    Heart and kidney communicate with one another in an interdependent relationship and they influence each other's behavior reciprocally, as pathological changes in one organ can damage the other. Although independent human in vitro models for heart and kidney exist, they do not capture their dynamic crosstalk. We have developed a microfluidic system which can be used to study heart and kidney interaction in vitro. Cardiac microtissues (cMTs) and kidney organoids (kOs) derived from human induced pluripotent stem cells (hiPSCs) were generated and loaded into two separated communicating chambers of a perfusion chip. Static culture conditions were compared with dynamic culture under unidirectional flow. Tissue viability was maintained for minimally 72 h under both conditions, as indicated by the presence of sarcomeric structures coupled with beating activity in cMTs and the presence of nephron structures and albumin uptake in kOs. We concluded that this system enables the study of human cardiac and kidney organoid interaction in vitro while controlling parameters like fluidic flow speed and direction. Together, this “cardiorenal-unit” provides a new in vitro model to study the cardiorenal axis and it may be further developed to investigate diseases involving both two organs and their potential treatments.</p

    Gender, land and the tension between african culture and constitution

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    The main purpose of this mini-dissertation is to understand the relationship between gender, land, culture and the tension between African culture and the constitution in the context of communities under traditional authorities in South Africa. South African has a number of communities residing in the former ‘homelands’ or Bantustan States created by the apartheid government and colonists. These communities have their own cultures and custom and their relationship is generally governed by indigenous law. However some of their cultures and customs have been adulterated by colonists who imposed Western imported laws which subjected indigenous law to a repugnancy clause, whereby sections of indigenous law that were considered to be in conflict with the Western principles of justice, equity and fairness were regarded as inferior and unenforceable. For communities under traditional authorities land is very important as it is used for building a home and for subsistence farming. However all land in these communities is held in trust by the Chief who allocates it to communities members in line with indigenous law. With the adulteration of African culture and the introduction of legislation to enforce patriarchy in South Africa by colonists, as an example, by the use of the Black Administration Act of 1927, the system currently used to allocate land in traditional communities is gender based and discriminates against women and this creates tension between the currently used custom of allocating land and the Bill of Rights. The mini-dissertation proposes that that tension between African culture and the Bill of Rights could possibly be mediated using the African philosophy of UbuntuMini Dissertation (LLM)--University of Pretoria, 2019.Public LawLLMUnrestricte

    La gestione delle donne vittime di violenza sessuale in ospedale alla luce del nuovo D.P.C.M. 24 Novembre 2017.

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    Il termine \u2018violenza sessuale\u2019 si riferisce ad un ampio spettro di attivit\ue0 di carattere sessuale non consensuali, che includono atti con e senza penetrazione vaginale e/o anale e/o orale e atti che implicano l\u2019uso della forza fisica o della coercizione psicologica. Trattandosi di un evento di natura acuta, i sanitari del Pronto Soccorso (PS) sono spesso i primi ad avere in cura le vittime. Va sottolineato che la valutazione ed il trattamento delle vittime di violenza sessuale sono diversi da quelli messi in atto per qualsiasi altra tipologia di paziente. Innanzitutto, il personale sanitario ha, in questo frangente, una doppia responsabilit\ue0: la prima consiste nell\u2019assicurare alla vittima un adeguato supporto sia medico che psicologico, mentre la seconda consiste nell\u2019assistere la persona nelle procedure di carattere medico-legale: effettuare un attento esame fisico, provvedere alla documentazione e repertazione di eventuali prove di interesse forense, garantire una corretta catena di custodia. Infatti, tutti i professionisti sanitari che entrano in contatto con donne vittime di violenza sessuale dovrebbero possedere un soddisfacente livello di preparazione e svolgere le proprie attivit\ue0 con rigore scientifico al fine di garantire un percorso adeguato e focalizzato oltre che sull\u2019aspetto clinico anche sulle implicazioni medico-legali. Nonostante siano state pubblicate in letteratura diverse linee guida per la gestione delle vittime di violenza in contesti ospedalieri, ancora oggi capita che queste non vengano correttamente applicate in alcuni centri e che le informazioni raccolte in PS dalla vittima siano inadeguate o incomplete per la ricostruzione della vicenda. Onde evitare discrepanze tra il verbale medico e la ricostruzione dell\u2019abuso sessuale, \ue8 cruciale impiegare strategie non soltanto inerenti agli aspetti tecnici della raccolta delle prove, ma anche alle modalit\ue0 con cui \ue8 raccolto il racconto della vittima. Questo potrebbe portare ad una migliore gestione delle vittime di violenza sessuale nonch\ue9 ad una maggiore garanzia di tutela dei loro diritti. A tale scopo, \ue8 cruciale che i professionisti sanitari siano adeguatamente formati in ambito medico legale per garantire una dettagliata documentazione delle lesivit\ue0 fisiche e un\u2019adeguata raccolta dei campioni biologici di interesse forense. Tali raccomandazioni trovano riscontro anche all\u2019interno delle \u201cLinee Guida Nazionali per le Aziende Sanitarie e le Aziende Ospedaliere in tema di soccorso e assistenza sociosanitaria alle donne vittime di violenza\u201d contenute nel Decreto del Presidente del Consiglio dei Ministri (D.P.C.M.) del 24 novembre 2017

    Criticit\ue0 operative in merito alla gestione della violenza sessuale alla luce del D.P.C.M. 24 Novembre 2017

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    Nel presente articolo vengono discusse alcune criticit\ue0 relative alla gestione delle donne vittime di violenza sessuale alla luce delle nuove linee guida nazionali contenute nel D.P.C.M. 24 novembre 2017. La violenza sessuale \ue8 un evento traumatico assai complesso, che richiede un approccio multidisciplinare al fine di far fronte alle necessit\ue0 della donna. Tali necessit\ue0 non si limitano alla sfera fisica, ma \ue8 opportuno considerare anche gli aspetti psicologici che il trauma porta con s\ue9, ed infine, non meno importanti, quelli relativi alla sfera giuridica. Nonostante le linee guida inerenti alla gestione delle vittime di violenza nei reparti di Pronto Soccorso (PS) siano oggigiorno numerose, non sempre esse vengono rispettate nello svolgimento della pratica assistenziale quotidiana. \uc8, tuttavia, dall\u2019osservanza di tali protocolli standardizzati che si potrebbe ottenere un miglioramento in termini di outcome per la vittima sia in termici medici che in termini di tutela dei suoi diritti legali. Affinch\ue9 le linee guida vengano effettivamente rispettate, sono necessari una adeguata preparazione ed il continuo aggiornamento del Personale Sanitario a cui tali linee guida sono dirette. Per quanto concerne gli aspetti medici si parler\ue0 della possibile introduzione di un Codice Rosa da assegnare al momento del triage in PS e della necessit\ue0 di istituire una \u201carea protetta\u201d come luogo di accoglienza ove effettuare, in un unico momento, sia le cure mediche che la valutazione medico-legale. Nel rapportarsi con una donna vittima di violenza \ue8 poi necessario prestare particolare attenzione agli aspetti psicologici dell\u2019evento: l\u2019atteggiamento dalle varie figure professionali (Personale Sanitario e Forze dell\u2019Ordine) dovrebbero indurre nella vittima una percezione di sicurezza, ascolto e comprensione. Per quanto concerne gli aspetti giuridici, ci si soffermer\ue0 sulla tema della privacy, sull\u2019importanza di una corretta catena di custodia dei reperti acquisiti, sulla problematica del consenso e sulla questione della procedibilit\ue0 d\u2019ufficio o a querela del reato di violenza sessuale Violence against women is a violation of human rights. In this article, we discussed some critical issues related to the management of women victims of sexual violence considering the New Italian National Guidelines contained in the D.P.C.M. of the 24th of November 2017. Sexual violence is a very complicate traumatic event, which requires a multidisciplinary approach in order to meet the needs of women, which are not limited to the physical sphere; it is also opportune to consider the psychological aspects that the trauma brings with itself and, finally, those relating to the legal sphere. Despite the existence of numerous guidelines concerning the management of victims of violence in the emergency departments, protocols are not always respected. The observance of these protocols would allow an improvement in the management of cases of sexual violence, which would also be reflected in a better outcome of the victim, both in medical and in legal terms. In order to be effectively observed, the Guidelines need an adequate preparation and continuous updating of the health personnel to whom these guidelines are addressed. The medical aspects we discuss in this article are the possible introduction, in the Emergency Department, of a Pink Code and the need to establish a "protected area" as a place of welcome where to perform, in a single moment, both medical treatment and forensic evaluation. In dealing with a woman victim of violence it is also necessary to pay attention to the psychological aspects of the event: the attitude of the various professional figures who deal with the woman (health personnel and police officers) should induce in the victim a perception of safety, listening and understanding. About the legal aspects we focus on the following issues: the privacy question, the importance of a correct chain of custody for the forensic findings, the woman consent and the judicial prosecution of the crime of sexual violence

    External visible characteristics prediction through SNPs analysis in the forensic setting: a review

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    Numerous major advances have been made in forensic genetics over the past decade. One recent field of research has been focused on the analysis of External Visible Characteristics (EVC) such as eye colour, hair colour (including hair greying), hair morphology, skin colour, freckles, facial morphology, high myopia, obesity, and adult height, with important repercussions in the forensic field. Its use could be especially useful in investigative cases where there are no potential suspects and no match between the evidence DNA sample under investigation and any genetic profiles entered into criminal databases. The present review represents the current state of knowledge of SNPs (Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms) regarding visible characteristics, including the latest research progress in identifying new genetic markers, their most promising applications in the forensic field and the implications for police investigations. The applicability of these techniques to concrete cases has stoked a heated debate in the literature on the ethical implications of using these predictive tools for visible traits
