126 research outputs found

    Magnetization Plateau of Classical Ising Model on Shastry-Sutherland Lattice

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    We study the magnetization for the classical antiferromagnetic Ising model on the Shastry-Sutherland lattice using the tensor renormalization group approach. With this method, one can probe large spin systems with little finite-size effect. For a range of temperature and coupling constant, a single magnetization plateau at one third of the saturation value is found. We investigate the dependence of the plateau width on temperature and on the strength of magnetic frustration. Furthermore, the spin configuration of the plateau state at zero temperature is determined.Comment: 6 pages, 8 figure

    Clinical outcomes and patterns of care in the treatment of carcinosarcoma of the breast

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    Purpose: Carcinosarcoma of the breast is a rare yet highly aggressive tumor accounting for \u3c1% of all breast cancers, for which guidance on optimal management and prognosis are sparse. The purpose of this study was to investigate population-based treatment patterns and overall survival (OS) outcomes in patients with this diagnosis. Materials and Methods: We queried the National Cancer Database for patients diagnosed with carcinosarcoma of the breast. All patients included were treated with surgery in the form of mastectomy or lumpectomy, with or without chemotherapy and/or radiation therapy. Patients with metastatic disease were excluded. Kaplan-Meier analysis was used to estimate OS. Univariate and multivariable Cox analyses were used to determine predictive factors of OS. Results: A total of 329 patients from 2004 to 2012 were identified. Median age at diagnosis was 58 years (range, 24-90). Patients had T1 (21%), T2 (44%), T3 (25%), or T4 disease (10%). Most patients were node-negative at diagnosis (77%). Breast conservation surgery was utilized in 33% of patients. Chemotherapy was used in 66% of patients. Less than half (44%) of patients received radiation therapy to a median dose of 50.4 Gy (range 35-56 Gy), with a median 10 Gy boost used in 76%. With a median follow-up of 40.0 months, 3- and 5-year OS for all patients was 74% and 60%, respectively. Kaplan-Meier estimates revealed the 3-yr OS was 80% in patients receiving chemotherapy vs 59% without chemotherapy (P \u3c 0.001). The 3-yr OS was 82% in patients receiving RT vs 66% without RT (P = 0.001). On multivariable analysis, OS was significantly influenced by Charlson-Deyo comorbidity index, insurance status, clinical T stage, surgical margin status, and treatment group, with trimodality therapy (HR: 0.45, 95% CI: 0.27-0.78; P = 0.004) and surgery plus CT (HR: 0.54, 95% CI: 0.33-0.90; P = 0.02) being associated with the greatest OS. Logistic regression revealed only younger patients were more likely to receive trimodality therapy. Conclusions: Carcinosarcoma of the breast is associated with relatively poor rates of OS. The addition of CT and RT to surgery improves OS. Trimodality therapy and surgery plus CT were associated with the greatest OS compared to surgery alone

    Основні елементи адвокатського самоврядування, як один із видів регулювання адвокатури в Україні

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    Стаття присвячена розгляду основних елементів адвокатського самоврядування в контексті регулювання адвокатури в Україні. Адвокатське самоврядування є важливим механізмом, який дозволяє адвокатам самостійно вирішувати питання організації та регулювання своєї професійної діяльності. Ключові елементи адвокатського самоврядування включають органи адвокатського самоврядування, ради адвокатів, збори адвокатів, комісії з дисциплінарних справ адвокатів та процес прийняття колегіальних рішень. Адвокатські органи самоврядування є ключовими структурами, які відповідають за регулювання та нагляд за адвокатською діяльністю. Ради адвокатів виконують важливі функції, забезпечуючи представництво і захист інтересів адвокатів, а також розглядаючи етичні питання та регулюючи дисциплінарні справи. Збори адвокатів є форумом для обговорення важливих питань адвокатської спільноти та вирішення колегіальних проблем. Важливим аспектом адвокатського самоврядування є саморегуляція адвокатської діяльності, яка забезпечує дотримання професійних етичних стандартів та забезпечення якості надання правової допомоги. Адвокатське самоврядування є важливим елементом регулювання адвокатури в Україні. Ефективна робота органів адвокатського самоврядування, таких як ради, збори та комісії, сприяє забезпеченню професійної етики, саморегуляції та якості адвокатської діяльності. Важливою складовою адвокатського самоврядування є прийняття колегіальних рішень, які відображають думку та інтереси адвокатської спільноти. Проте, існують певні виклики та аспекти, які потребують уваги в контексті адвокатського самоврядування в Україні. Наприклад, проблемою може бути питання фінансування адвокатури та залучення бюджетних коштів. Передача адвокатському самоврядуванню повноважень з адміністрування системи безоплатної правової допомоги може вплинути на його фінансову незалежність та порушити правовий статус адвокатури як незалежного самоврядного інституту

    Magnetic structure and phase diagram of TmB4

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    Magnetic structure of single crystalline TmB4 has been studied by magnetization, magnetoresistivity and specific heat measurements. A complex phase diagram with different antiferromagnetic (AF) phases was observed below TN1 = 11.7 K. Besides the plateau at half-saturated magnetization (1/2 MS), also plateaus at 1/9, 1/8 and 1/7 of MS were observed as function of applied magnetic field B//c. From additional neutron scattering experiments on TmB4, we suppose that those plateaus arise from a stripe structure which appears to be coherent domain boundaries between AF ordered blocks of 7 or 9 lattice constants. The received results suggest that the frustration among the Tm3+ magnetic ions, which maps to a geometrically frustrated Shastry-Sutherland lattice lead to strong competition between AF and ferromagnetic (FM) order. Thus, stripe structures in intermediate field appear to be the best way to minimize the magnetostatic energy against other magnetic interactions between the Tm ions combined with very strong Ising anisotropy.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, conference contribution - CSMAG 0

    Surface and bulk components of electrical conductivity in the (presumably special topological) Kondo insulator SmB6 at lowest temperatures

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    Samarium hexaboride (SmB6) has recently been considered to be a topological Kondo insulator (TKI), the first strongly correlated electron system to exhibit topological surface conduction states. In this contribution, results of electrical resistivity measurements between 80 K and 0.08 K of various SmB6 single crystalline samples are presented, analyzed and discussed. The received results imply that the residual conductivity of SmB6 below about 4 K is of non-activated (metallic-like) nature. It is shown that this metallic-like behavior can be attributed both to surface (2D) conduction states, as may be expected in case of a topological insulator, as well as to the highly correlated many-body (3D) bulk ground state which is formed within the gap of this compound. From this it follows that in SmB6, where surface conductivity states are clearly present, there is in parallel also a bulk contribution to residual electrical conductivity originating from the strongly correlated electron system with valence fluctuations. This raises the question whether SmB6 does not form a new / special type of topological insulator in which in the energy gap besides the surface conduction states, there is also a conducting narrow in-gap band originating from the bulk strongly correlated electron system.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figure

    "Este Dibuq também assombrava os Ashkenazim": solidariedade intercultural através das lentes da performance e da animação em "Ana Min Al-Yahud" de Almog Behar

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    A tropo do dybbuk está amplamente presente na narrativa judaica moderna, e sua versão secularizada oferece um sem-fim de possibilidades: desde resistência feminista ao olhar masculino até um local onde pertencimento e estranhamento são negociados no contexto de migração e exílio. O presente artigo discute os usos da figura do dybbuk no conto “Ana min al-Yahud”, de Almog Behar atráves das lentes da animação enquanto lugar de análise, segundo teorizado por Teri Silvio, nos estudos de performance. Argumenta-se que o tropo do dybbuk não é apenas um elemento intradiegético à disposição das personagens para a compreensão do fenômeno que experienciam, mas também uma força extradiegética que insere o conto de Behar em uma ampla tradição, delineando um contínuo na história da narrativa judaica e abrindo, com o texto, um caminho de solidariedade entre as leitoras. Ainda, os trabalhos de tradução pelo qual “Ana min al-Yahud” passou, para diversas línguas e em diferentes contextos, expande o tropo do dybbuk também para audiências não familiarizadas com as narrativas judaicas. The trope of the dybbuk is ubiquitous in modern Jewish storytelling, and its secular renditions offer myriad of possibilities: from feminist resistance to the male gaze to a place where belonging and estrangement are negotiated in the context of immigration and exile. This article discusses the uses of the dybbuk in Almog Behar’s short story “Ana Min Al-Yahud” through the lenses of animation as a trope of analysis, as theorized by Teri Silvio, in performance studies. It argues that the trope of the dybbuk is not only an intradiegetic element that helps the characters to make sense of the phenomenon they are experiencing, but also an extradiegetic force that inserts Behar’s story in a much wider tradition, drawing a continuum in the history of Jewish storytelling and opening, with the text, a path for solidarity among readers. Furthermore, the work of translation through which “Ana Min Al-Yahud” went, in several contexts and to so many languages, expands the trope of the dybbuk also to non-Jewish audiences