954 research outputs found

    Ovarian stimulation and the endometrium

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    Stochastic Models for Order Picking Systems

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    Ovarian stimulation and the endometrium

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    Stochastic Models for Order Picking Systems

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    Spectroscopic Analysis and Xray Diffraction of Zinnwaldite

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    This paper describes an X-ray diffraction and spectroscopic study, including infrared, near-infrared and Raman spectroscopy of some selected zinnwaldites. In general, zinnwaldite forms a member of the trioctahedral true micas with characteristically Li in the octahedral positions and low iron contents. Although the infrared spectrum of zinnwaldite has been described before, near infrared and Raman spectroscopy have not been used so far to study this mineral. X-ray diffraction showed that all the samples reported in this study have the 1M structure. The Raman spectra are characterised by a strong band at 700-705 cm-1 plus a broad band associated with the SiO modes around 1100 cm-1. Less intense bands are observed around 560, 475, 403 and 305 cm-1. The corresponding IR spectra show strong overlapping SiO modes around 1020 cm-1 plus less intense bands around 790, 745, 530, 470-475 and 440 cm-1. Two overlapping OH-stretching modes can be observed around 3550-3650 cm-1, in agreement with a broad band in the IR around 3450 cm-1 and a complex band around 3630 cm-1. The near-IR spectra basically reflect combination and overtone bands associated with protons in the zinnwaldite structure. A very broad band observed around 5230 cm-1 is characteristic for adsorbed water while bands around 4530, 4435 and 4260 cm-1 can be ascribed to metal-hydroxyl groups

    Natte natuur is niet kansloos

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    Ook als de meest extreme klimaatscenario’s uitkomen, daalt de grondwaterspiegel in Nederland waarschijnlijk niet dramatisch. Naar verwachting hebben neerslagtekorten in droge zomers een veel grotere invloed op boeren en natuur. Dat is goed nieuws voor natte natuurgebiede

    A Local Search Algorithm for Clustering in Software as a Service Networks

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    In this paper we present and analyze a model for clustering in networks that offer Software as a Service (SaaS). In this problem, organizations requesting a set of applications have to be assigned to clusters such that the costs of opening clusters and installing the necessary applications in clusters are minimized. We prove that this problem is NP-hard, and model it as an Integer Program with symmetry breaking constraints. We then propose a Tabu search heuristic for situations where good solutions are desired in a short computation time. Extensive computational experiments are conducted for evaluating the quality of the solutions obtained by the IP model and the Tabu Search heuristic. Experimental results indicate that the proposed Tabu Search is promising.integer programming;complexity theory;Tabu Search;software as a service

    Ovarian Stimulation and the Endometrium: New Approaches and Insights

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    When one considers the recognized 'causes' of infertility, problems with gamete quality and availability rank highly, as does the means of their transport, whether it be through the fallopian tubes in the female or vas deferens in the male. Conception is seen as the primary goal, and fertility therapies are currently focused on helping couples achieve this. In around 25% of couples with fertility problems, medical investigation reveals no such clear cause. It is now understood however, that while a couple may succeed in conception, implantation failure may be the underlying reason for their difficulties in achieving a pregnancy (Macklon et al., 2002). Implantations depend on the succesful interaction between the embryo and the endometrium of the uterus. Since the earliest days of in vitro fertilization (IVF) the focus of attention has been the embryo. In order to obtain multiple embryos to allow selection for transfer to the uterus, complex ovarian stimulation regimens have been devised which result in many oocytes being harvested for fertilization. In most women, these stimulation regimens succefully achieve this aim. Yet despite the ability to produce large numbers of embryos for selection for transfer, pregnancy rates from IVF remain around 25% per started cycle (ESHRE 2008). Once the embryo is transferred into the uterus, it must interact with the endometrium, and in the majority of treatment cycles, this is the moment in which failure occurs. The role played by the endometrium as a determinant factor of fertility treatment, and in particular IVF outcomes remains unclear. Moreover, the impact of ovarian stimulation on endometrial quality is only now beginning to be elucidated. In this introductory chapter, the hormonal control of endometrial development is reviewed, and current approaches for assessing the receptivity of the endometrium to the embryo are critically assessed (Chapter 1.1.1). The concept of the 'implantation window' is introduced (Chapter 1.1.2) and the molecular regulation of endometrial maturation and implantation is reviewed (Chapter 1.2), with emphasis on the most important of the described markers of receptivity (Chapter 1.3). The challenges of studying the impact of ovarian stimulation on endometrium are described (Chapter 1.4) as a prelude to introducing a novel means of addressing these by studying endometrial secretion fluid (Chapter 1.5). These considerations lead to the defining of the objectives of the research described in this thesis (Chapter 1.6)

    Working together- scheduling operations in assisted order picking

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    Warehouse operations are becoming increasingly competitive due to the rise of e-commerce and same-day deliveries. To increase operational productivity, it is important to organize order picking as efficiently as possible. A new technology that is relatively cheap is assisted order picking (AOP). AOP involves human order pickers and pick robots working together to ensure customer orders are picked. It is easy to apply, does not require a major reconfiguration of the whole warehouse, and is scalable. In this paper, two variants of AOP are studied, and a mathematical optimization model is developed to minimize the makespan of picking a wave of customer orders. Results show that design choices, e.g., storage allocation, operating policy, can have a significant impact on the choice of variant
