38 research outputs found

    State decentralisation and local politics in Mali

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    No Mali, a descentralização concretizada pelas eleições municipais de 1999 era suposta constituir o ponto de chegada do processo de democratização no país e de permitir uma acrescida autonomia regional e local. Porém, um estudo da realidade efectiva da descentralização numa municipalidade dominantemente Tuareg revelou que esta reforma serviu para diminuir as despesas do Estado, transferindo funções para os municípios e limitando-lhes a atribuição de verbas. Dada a sua economia extrovertida, a municipalidade começou a depender do apoio da parte de ONGs. A apropriação de fundos oriundos do Estado e das ONGs, por parte de notáveis locais apostados em desenvolver áreas habitadas pelos seus seguidores, redundou em rivalidades locais. Esta situação favorece conflitos violentos entre grupos populacionais bem como a corrupção no seio da administração e entre as forças armadas.In Mali, the decentralisation as manifested in the municipal elections of 1999 was to be the end-point of the country's process of democratisation and also allow for increased regional and local autonomy. However, an inquiry into the reality of decentralisation in a Tuareg-dominated municipality revealed that the reform served to diminish state expenditure by transferring tasks rather than funds to the municipalities. In a strongly extroverted local economy, the municipality came to depend on NGO support. Diversion of funds from the state and NGOs by local notables anxious to develop «sites» inhabited by followers fed into local rivalries. The situation fosters violent conflicts among population groups and corruption in the administration and among the military.Au Mali, la décentralisation concrétisée par les élections municipales de 1990 était censée constituer le point final du processus de démocratisation du pays, tout en permettant une autonomie régionale et locale accrue. Une étude de la réalitée effective qui a résultée dans une localité à domination Touareg révèle cependant que cette réforme a servi à diminuer les dépenses de l'État qui a transféré certaines tâches aux municipalités tout en limitant les subsides qui leur sont attribués. Étant donnée son économie extrovertie, la municipalité a par conséquent commencé à dépendre de l'appui d'ONGs. L'appropriation de fonds provenant de l'État et des ONGs par des notables locaux cherchant à développes des «sites» habités par leurs clients est alors à l'origine - ou renforce - des rivalités locales. Cette situation conduit à des conflits violents entre groupes sociaux et augmente la corruption au sein de l'administration et des forces armées

    State decentralisation and local politics in Mali

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    No Mali, a descentralização concretizada pelas eleições municipais de 1999 era suposta constituir o ponto de chegada do processo de democratização no país e de permitir uma acrescida autonomia regional e local. Porém, um estudo da realidade efectiva da descentralização numa municipalidade dominantemente Tuareg revelou que esta reforma serviu para diminuir as despesas do Estado, transferindo funções para os municípios e limitando-lhes a atribuição de verbas. Dada a sua economia extrovertida, a municipalidade começou a depender do apoio da parte de ONGs. A apropriação de fundos oriundos do Estado e das ONGs, por parte de notáveis locais apostados em desenvolver áreas habitadas pelos seus seguidores, redundou em rivalidades locais. Esta situação favorece conflitos violentos entre grupos populacionais bem como a corrupção no seio da administração e entre as forças armadas.In Mali, the decentralisation as manifested in the municipal elections of 1999 was to be the end-point of the country's process of democratisation and also allow for increased regional and local autonomy. However, an inquiry into the reality of decentralisation in a Tuareg-dominated municipality revealed that the reform served to diminish state expenditure by transferring tasks rather than funds to the municipalities. In a strongly extroverted local economy, the municipality came to depend on NGO support. Diversion of funds from the state and NGOs by local notables anxious to develop «sites» inhabited by followers fed into local rivalries. The situation fosters violent conflicts among population groups and corruption in the administration and among the military.Au Mali, la décentralisation concrétisée par les élections municipales de 1990 était censée constituer le point final du processus de démocratisation du pays, tout en permettant une autonomie régionale et locale accrue. Une étude de la réalitée effective qui a résultée dans une localité à domination Touareg révèle cependant que cette réforme a servi à diminuer les dépenses de l'État qui a transféré certaines tâches aux municipalités tout en limitant les subsides qui leur sont attribués. Étant donnée son économie extrovertie, la municipalité a par conséquent commencé à dépendre de l'appui d'ONGs. L'appropriation de fonds provenant de l'État et des ONGs par des notables locaux cherchant à développes des «sites» habités par leurs clients est alors à l'origine - ou renforce - des rivalités locales. Cette situation conduit à des conflits violents entre groupes sociaux et augmente la corruption au sein de l'administration et des forces armées


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    State decentralisation and local politics in Mali

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    In Mali, the decentralisation as manifested in the municipal elections of 1999 was to be the end-point of the country's process of democratisation and also allow for increased regional and local autonomy. However, an inquiry into the reality of decentralisation in a Tuareg-dominated municipality revealed that the reform served to diminish state expenditure by transferring tasks rather than funds to the municipalities. In a strongly extroverted local economy, the municipality came to depend on NGO support. Diversion of funds from the state and NGOs by local notables anxious to develop «sites» inhabited by followers fed into local rivalries. The situation fosters violent conflicts among population groups and corruption in the administration and among the military

    The Theoretical Underpinnings of the Study of Political Behavior: An Overview

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