13 research outputs found

    La primera urbanización de los «Abunás». Mamelucos, indios y jesuitas en las ciudades portuguesas de la amazonía, siglos XVII y XVIII

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    Entre els anys de 1650 i 1750 de l'època colonial, diverses «llogarets» d'indis, o reduccions indígenes, van ser creades a la vall de l'Amazones pels missioners jesuïtes. El pla dels seus llogarets va ser viable fins a la seva expulsió en 1759. Els llocs d'aquests llogarets variaven i podien desplaçar-se. L'anàlisi d'aquest moment de fundació subratlla els conflictes en la societat colonial, les seves fronteres i la seva vida quotidiana. Es posarà en dubte el paper jugat pels jesuïtes -pares «Abunás», o pares vestits de negre- en la creació del concepte de «urbà».From 1650 to 1750 in the colonial era, several Indian aldeas, or settlements, were founded in the Amazon valley by Jesuit missionaries. The plan for these settlements, established in varied and changing locations, remained viable until their expulsion in 1759. An analysis of this founding period emphasizes the internal contradictions of colonial society, its borders and everyday life. The role played by the Jesuits — the Abuná priests, or black robes — in the creation of the concept of “urban” will be examinedEntre los años de 1650 y 1750 de la época colonial, varias «aldeas» de indios, o reducciones indígenas, fueron creadas en el valle del Amazonas por los misionarios jesuitas. El plan de sus aldeas fue viable hasta su expulsión en 1759. Los sitios de estas aldeas variaban y podían desplazarse. El análisis de este momento de fundación subraya los conflictos en la sociedad colonial, sus fronteras y su vida cotidiana. Se va a poner en tela de juicio el papel jugado por los jesuitas —padres «Abunás», o padres vestidos de negro— en la creación del concepto de «urbano»

    Mission locale, vision globale : utopie et vie sociale dans les missions jésuites en Amazonie au XVIIe siècle

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    Thinking the Jesuit missions of the 17th century means studying the world of Antônio Vieira’s Fifth Empire Prophecies, but it also means studying the concrete missionary experience of this “universal man”. In fact, he projected his imagination of entirely new political realities into the future. In 1653, Antônio Vieira, who was the superior of the Jesuit Mission, arrived in Maranhão with great hopes of spreading the Gospel among the natives of the basin of the Amazon river. In this huge territory, he had a dream: “The Fifth World Empire” (O Quinto Império do Mundo). The objectives of this Empire are prophesized in his letters, sermons, books and manuscripts written while he was travelling on the rivers that cross the tropical forest. This article suggests that Vieira’s missionary experience gave birth to the dream of the Fifth Empire which is explained in his book História do Futuro and in a text never concluded, the Clavis Prophetarum

    Alencastro, Luiz Felipe de, O trato dos viventes: Formação do Brasil no Atlântico Sul, séculos XVI e XVII, (São Paulo: Companhia das Letras, 2000, 525 p.)

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    O Brasil no contexto do Atlântico Sul. Esta é a escala de análise do livro de Luiz Felipe de Alencastro, professor de História do Brasil na Universidade de Paris-Sorbonne. A tese paradoxal do livro é a de que "o Brasil formou-se fora do Brasil". Como explicar isto? A explicação do professor Alencastro para este paradoxo não parte da formação do território colonial português na América do Sul, tal como tem praticado a historiografia brasileira para explicar a história colonial do país. Ela par..

    La primera urbanización de los "Abunás". Mamelucos, indios y jesuitas en las ciudades portuguesas de la amazonía, siglos XVII y XVIII

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    From 1650 to 1750 in the colonial era, several Indian aldeas, or settlements, were founded in the Amazon valley by Jesuit missionaries. The plan for these settlements, established in varied and changing locations, remained viable until their expulsion in 1759. An analysis of this founding period emphasizes the internal contradictions of colonial society, its borders and everyday life. The role played by the Jesuits — the Abuná priests, or black robes — in the creation of the concept of “urban” will be examined.Entre los años de 1650 y 1750 de la época colonial, varias «aldeas» de indios, o reducciones indígenas, fueron creadas en el valle del Amazonas por los misionarios jesuitas. El plan de sus aldeas fue viable hasta su expulsión en 1759. Los sitios de estas aldeas variaban y podían desplazarse. El análisis de este momento de fundación subraya los conflictos en la sociedad colonial, sus fronteras y su vida cotidiana. Se va a poner en tela de juicio el papel jugado por los jesuitas —padres «Abunás», o padres vestidos de negro— en la creación del concepto de «urbano»

    « Much Ado about Nothing » : Le passage amazonien entre le Pacifique et l’Atlantique au XVIIe siècle

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    Aux XVIe et XVIIe siècles, les Espagnols et les Portugais ont cherché à créer un passage entre les océans Pacifique et Atlantique à travers l’Amazone. Ces différents projets ont rencontré des obstacles de toutes sortes: l'expansion maritime néerlandaise en Amérique du Sud et la crise militaire et économique de l'empire espagnol. L’idée d’un passage amazonien n’aboutira pas ; il restera un rêve qui sera poursuivi jusqu’à nos jours.In the Sixteenth and Seventeenth centuries, Spaniards and Portuguese sought to create a passage between the Pacific and Atlantic oceans through the Amazon region. These various projects encountered obstacles of all kinds: the Dutch maritime expansion in South America and the military and economic crisis of the Spanish empire. The project of an Amazon passage will not succeed; it will remain a dream that would be pursued until today

    « Much Ado about Nothing » : Le passage amazonien entre le Pacifique et l’Atlantique au XVIIe siècle

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    In the Sixteenth and Seventeenth centuries, Spaniards and Portuguese sought to create a passage between the Pacific and Atlantic oceans through the Amazon region. These various projects encountered obstacles of all kinds: the Dutch maritime expansion in South America and the military and economic crisis of the Spanish empire. The project of an Amazon passage will not succeed; it will remain a dream that would be pursued until today

    Carlos Fausto, Os índios antes do Brasil.,Rio de Janeiro, Jorge Zahar Editor, 2000. 94 pp. (Coleção "Descobrindo o Brasil")

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    Nas últimas décadas do século passado, a história dos índios no Brasil recebeu um impulso significativo. Nesses anos, uma série de publicações relativas a essa temática invadiu o mercado editorial do país. O livro de Carlos Fausto, professor de Antropologia na Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, contribui, de modo oportuno, para esta projeção do passado indígena da sociedade brasileira usando linguagem acessível e atualizada.  O autor apresenta vários aspectos da história pré-cabralina br..

    Del Priore, Mary, Revisão do Paraíso: os brasileiros e o Estado em 500 anos de história, Rio de Janeiro: Campus, 2000, 366 p.

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    Clientelismo e nepotismo tem sido palavras do vocabulário da ciência política para explicar as relações entre Estado e Sociedade existentes no Brasil. Por longo tempo estas formas de relação política foram analisadas através de cristalizações conceituais e, quando observadas com olhar concreto, através de configurações institucionais. Revisão do paraíso, livro organizado pela historiadora Mary Del Priore vem trazer outra abordagem para estes problemas. Com o intuito de refletir sobre o passad..

    Mission locale, vision globale : utopie et vie sociale dans les missions jésuites en Amazonie au XVIIe siècle

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    Thinking the Jesuit missions of the 17th century means studying the world of Antônio Vieira’s Fifth Empire Prophecies, but it also means studying the concrete missionary experience of this “universal man”. In fact, he projected his imagination of entirely new political realities into the future. In 1653, Antônio Vieira, who was the superior of the Jesuit Mission, arrived in Maranhão with great hopes of spreading the Gospel among the natives of the basin of the Amazon river. In this huge territory, he had a dream: “The Fifth World Empire” (O Quinto Império do Mundo). The objectives of this Empire are prophesized in his letters, sermons, books and manuscripts written while he was travelling on the rivers that cross the tropical forest. This article suggests that Vieira’s missionary experience gave birth to the dream of the Fifth Empire which is explained in his book História do Futuro and in a text never concluded, the Clavis Prophetarum