14 research outputs found

    Zebra chip spatial behavior and Bactericera cockerelli (Sulc) (Hemiptera: Triozidae) in Solanum tuberosum L. in valleys high of Mexico.

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    Comportamiento espacial de Zebra chip y Bactericera cockerelli, en cultivo de papa.En México la producción de papa es afectada por la enfermedad de Zebra chip causada por la bacteria Candidatus Liberibacter solanacearum que es transmitida por el psílido Bactericera cockerelli. El objetivo de esta investigación fue determinar el comportamiento espacial de Zebra chip y Bactericera cockerelli mediante técnicas geoestadísticas y la detección de la bacteria aplicando técnicas moleculares. En el año 2013 se seleccionó dos parcelas comerciales de papa de la variedad Fianna; un total de 121 puntos fueron muestreados cada 10 m con el método de cuadrícula por parcela, georreferenciando cada planta. La incidencia de la enfermedad se determinó en campo sobre la base de los síntomas observados; la detección molecular de la bacteria se realizó con los iniciadores Lp Frag 1-25F/427R. La incidencia de la enfermedad en la parcela 1 fue de 30% y de 25% en la parcela 2; la bacteria se detectó en el 27% de las plantas sintomáticas y en el 14% de las asintomáticas. La distribución espacial de la enfermedad, el patógeno y el vector se presentó en forma agregada, ajustándose a los modelos gaussiano y esférico; en la parcela 2, los centros de agregación del estadio adulto y la bacteria presentaron la misma ubicación.Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México CONACY

    Potential of Triticale (X Triticosecale Wittmack) Malts for Beer Wort Production

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    Artículo CientíficoTriticale grain, a wheat-rye hybrid mostly used for animal feed, has been recently reported to exhibit different trends when used as unmalted or malted grain in the brewing industry. The aim of this study was to evaluate the potential of four different triticale lines to evaluate their potential for malt production. The four studied triticale malts PM-1, PM-3, PM-6, and PM-8 lines yielded an extract content higher than 100% and a diastatic power similar to some barley malts (86.19–190.19 L). The produced worts showed a higher percentage of soluble protein, between 4.56% and 5.66%, with a large viscosity value ( 2.055cP) reported for this raw material. Two triticale malts were selected based on their performance, PM-1 and PM-3, and fermented at different percentage combinations with barley malt (0, 30, 50, 70, and 100%). The results revealed that the use of 100% triticale malt yielded an acceptable fermentation, with an Apparent Attenuation Limit (AAL) of 72%. The optimal triticale-barley malt ratio was 30/70, where supplementing triticale malt enriched the extract, enhancing the fermentation. These results support the suitability and possible establishment of triticale grain as a brewing crop.PCARN/UAEMe

    Detección de Ca Liberibacter solanacearum y fitoplasmas en cultivo de papa (Solanum tuberosum L.) en el Valle de Toluca

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    En México y Centro América se han detectado tubérculos de papa con manchado interno. Recientemente en Texas EUA a esta enfermedad se le ha denominado Zebra Chip (ZC) o rayado de la papa, los síntomas foliares se asemejan al síndrome denominado Punta Morada de la Papa (PMP) o enfermedad del amarillamiento por psilidos la cual es asocia - da con la presencia de Candidatus Liberibacter solanacearum. El objetivo de esta investigación fue detectar la presencia de esta bacteria y de fitoplasmas en plantas de papa que presentaban la coloración purpura de los foliolos. Durante el ciclo primavera verano 2011 y 2012 se hizo un muestreo en los municipios de Tenango del Valle, Zinacantepec, Villa de Allende y San José del Rincón, del Estado de México. La detección de ambos patógenos se realizó mediante la reacción en cadena de la polimerasa ( PCR ) con los iniciadores específicos para fitoplasmas: P1/P7, R16mF2/R16mR1 y para Ca Liberi - bacter solanacearum: OA2/Oi2c, resultando el 35,8% de las plantas positivas para fitoplasmas y el 11,6% para la bacteria. Los resultados indican que en algunas regiones productoras de papa del Estado de México, los dos presuntos agentes causales del síndrome de PMP, fitoplasmas y Ca. Liberibacter solanacearum, pueden estar asociados

    Evaluation of physico-chemical and microbiological quality of sheep meat in the central higlands of Mèxico

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    In order to develop a microbiological starting point for sheep meat production from Central Highlands of Mexico, the aim of the current research was to evaluate their microbiological and physico-chemical quality from slaughterhouses. Carcasses, utensils and workers’ hands samples were taken according to NOM 092-SSA1-1994, Official Chilean Standard NCh-ISO 17025 of 2005, NF V08-060 Microbiology of food and animal feedings stuffs and European Union Council and Parliament Regulations. The microbiological quality was analyzed by Mesophilic Aerobic, Total Coliforms and Fecal Coliforms values. Most of the slaughterhouses were close to the Superior Limit Permitted (MLP) for Mesophilic Aerobic values (3, 59 log10 UFC/mL) on sheep carcasses. Even though there were no fecal coliforms found on sheep carcasses, they have been found on knives, tables and workers’ hands in most of the slaughterhouses. In the physico-chemical variables initial and ultimate pH (45 min and 24 h), initial and ultimate temperature (45 min and 24 h), lightness (L*), redness (a*), yellowness (b*) and tenderness were evaluated and there were significant differences among variables except for initial Temperature (p ≤ 0.05). In conclusion, although the physico-chemical characteristics were acceptable the Microbiological values overpass the MLP for Mesophilic Aerobic and Fecal Coliform haven’t been found any correlation between both of them at the analyst moment. However, because of the high sheep meat production in the Central Highlands of Mexico and these microbiological characteristics it has been concluded that is required a shared responsibility among the productive sector and from the government in order to regulate that production


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    El objetivo del presente estudio fue describir las características del Queso Tepeque de la Tierra Caliente del Estado de Michoacán en términos de su región de origen, proceso de manufactura, características fisicoquímicas y microbiológicas, y documentar los cambios atribuibles a la implementación de un sistema silvopastoril intensivo (SSPi) para la alimentación del ganado. La metodología consintió en visitar la zona de estudio para recolectar información sobre el territorio donde se produce el queso, se realizaron entrevistas semi- estructuradas a productores para conocer el sistema de producción de leche y el proceso de elaboración del queso. Se determinaron las características físicas (pH y densidad) y químicas (contenidos de proteína, grasa, lactosa, sólidos no grasos y agua adicionada) de la leche que se emplea en la elaboración del queso. En el queso se determinó su contenido de proteína, grasa, sal, humedad, cenizas y pH. Se determinaron las características sanitarias de ambos productos incluyendo conteo de microorganismos mesófilos aerobios, coliformes, hongos, levaduras y la presencia de Listeria spp y Staphylococcus aureus. El estudio se llevó a cabo en el año 2010, se dividió en dos períodos, época de lluvias y época de estiaje. Se estudiaron 15 productores, siete del SSPi y ocho del sistema tradicional de producción de leche. Se observó que el Queso Tepeque es un producto de excelente calidad desde el punto de vista de sus principales nutrientes, está elaborado con leche de buena calidad fisicoquímica, tiene una historia y tradición que supera los 300 años. El queso elaborado con leche de SSPi presenta características similares (P>0.05) e incluso superiores en el contenido de grasa (P0.05) atribuibles al SSPi en ninguno de los parámetros evaluados. Finalmente, la calidad sanitaria de la leche y el queso fue deficiente en ambos sistemas, aunque el proceso de maduración atenúa este problema, por lo que el consumo de queso madurado y añejado se recomienda en lugar del queso oreado

    Physicochemical characteristics that influence the meat pork quality in supermarkets in the central highlands of Mexico

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    Twenty-two supermarkets in the Central Highlands of Mexico were sampled in order to classify them and to compare their pork meat quality based on its physicochemical characteristics. The supermarkets were classified in three types in accordance with socioeconomic status of buyers as low, medium, and high. Methods: Samples were obtained from the Longissimus dorsi muscle from 10th to 12th ribs. Results: Objective color was L* 46.97, a* 6.22 and b* 5.1. Subjective color indicated that it was red with a value of 3.06, subjective marbling was 2.8 %, and objective value was 2.9 %. Moisture varied from 690 to 739.3 g/kg, protein varied from 205.5 g/kg to 229. 6 g/kg and shear force (SF) was 2.87 kg/cm2 . There were no significant differences (P≥0.05) between the variables besides subjective marbling. Tukey´s test indicated that the lowest average included low and medium socioeconomic status supermarkets, which means that the fat content found in the chop eye is less than in meat in high socioeconomic level supermarkets. Conclusions and recommendations: According to the results, pork sold in the supermarkets in the Central Highlands of Mexico was a tender meat with reddish pink color, firm texture and little exudation and with an appropriate protein and intramuscular fat contents

    Evaluación de la calidad fisicoquímica y bromatológica para la producción de trigos panaderos

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    Wheat is one of the most important protein sources for human beings. Several food products are elaborated from this cereal, such as bread. Mexican wheat breeding programs are focused on to identify those genotypes with high yields and bread quality. Therefore, the aim of this study was to evaluate the environmental effects over the Physicochemical and Bromatological quality parameters of Cal Blanco F2011, Matchett F2011 and RSM-Norman F2008 wheats sown at the experimental fields at Mexicali, Baja California, Querendaro, Michoacán and Tarimoro, Guanajuato, Mexico during the autumn-winter growing cycle for two consecutive years (2014-2016) under irrigation conditions. Grain Hectolitric weight (GHW); Weight of 1,000 grains (WTG), Grain Length, Width and Thickness; Flour Colour (L, a* and b*), the Percentages of Protein, Starch and Ashes, and Zeleny sedimentation tests (IZ) were determined. Wheat genotypes showed significant differences in most of the study variables and all the values were related to good bakery quality. GHW, WTG and most of the physicochemical quality values were strongly affected by the environmental factors over the genotype. The three genotypes showed acceptable ZI values, especially RSM-Norman F2008 grains from all the localities studied. Finally, these genotypes presented suitable Physicochemical and Bromatological qualities, and are recommended for irrigation conditions.This research was funded by the project “Molecular studies research project for quality of bread wheat genotypes (Triticum aestivum L.) grown in the state of Mexico” from Support Programme for incorporating new full-time teachers by PRODEP, SEP

    Effect of organic selenium-enriched yeast supplementation in finishing sheep diet on carcasses microbiological contamination and meat physical characteristics

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    The aim of the current study was to evaluate the effect of feeding Pelibuey sheep on diet supplemented with different doses of organic selenium (Se)-enriched yeast on carcasses microbiological contamination and meat physical characteristics. The experiment was conducted during the finishing stage of 18 female sheep and lasted for 60 days. In a complete randomized design, sheep were distributed to one of three treatments: the control without Se-yeast (T1), the control supplemented with Se-yeast at 0.35 mg Se/kg DM (T2), and control supplemented with Se-yeast at 0.60 mg Se/kg DM (T3). The yeast product used was Selyeast 3000TM yeast (LFA Lesaffre, Toluca, Mexico) with a Se concentration of 3000 ppm (mg/kg). Lambs were slaughtered at the end of the experiment at an average weight of 39.5±4.41 kg and samples were taken for microbiological analysis. There were no differences between treatments (P>0.05) and the aerobic plate counts for T1, T2 and T3 had indexes of 0.10, 0.08 and 0.08 log10 CFU/cm2 , respectively. Total coliform counts obtained were 0.13, 0.10 and 0.09 log10 CFU/cm2 for T1, T2 and T3, respectively, and the faecal coliform counts were 0.09 log10 CFU/cm2 for T1, 0.06 log10 CFU/cm2 for T2 and 0.07 log10 CFU/cm2 for T3. No significant effects (P>0.05) were observed for carcasses physical characteristics of microbial growth, initial and ultimate pH and temperature, colour values and water holding capacity. It can therefore be concluded that organic Se-enriched yeast did not affect carcasses bacterial proliferation or meat physical characteristics.The authors wish to acknowledge the financial support to Mexican National Council for Science and Technology (CONACYT) Key Project 00000000011623

    La vid silvestre en México. Actualidades y potencial

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    En ocho capítulos se aborda el estado del arte de la vid silvestre en MéxicoEl estudio de las especies vegetales nativas de México representa un reto que cada día más investigadores mexicanos asumen. Durante muchos años, el apoyo a la investigación pública ha sido mínimo; desde el punto de vista agronómico es insuficiente para avanzar a la velocidad que requiere nuestro país para afrontar problemas de producción y distribución de alimentos. Por esa razón, entre otras, me es grato presentar esta obra que compila parte de los trabajos de la Red de Vid Silvestre patrocinada por el Sistema Nacional de Recursos Fitogenéticos (sinarefi) dependiente de la sagarpa; trabajos apuntalados por investigadores que sin pertenecer a la red han colaborado en el estudio de las plantas del género Vitis. En este libro se muestra el potencial del país para aprovechar el recurso vid, empleado desde antes de la conquista española por nativos mexicanos que conocían sus bondades. Es necesario continuar el avance en el conocimiento de este recurso, por ello el presente libro pretende invitar a toda persona interesada en contribuir con el rescate y conservación de las vides mexicanas. Los autores y editores, así como las instituciones en donde laboramos y aquellas que patrocinan estas investigaciones, esperamos se cumpla este objetivo y que el lector, alumno, profesor, investigador, público en general, disfrute esta lectura y, sobre todo, se interese en el recurso VitisSEP, SINAREFI, UAEME