115 research outputs found

    An emerging role for NAADP-mediated Ca2+ signaling in the pancreatic beta-cell

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    Several recent reports, including one in this journal, have reignited the debate about whether the calcium-mobilizing messenger, nicotinic adenine nucleotide diphosphate (NAADP) plays a central role in the regulation of calcium signalling in pancreatic β-cell. These studies have highlighted a role for NAADP-induced Ca(2+) mobilization not only in mediating the effects of the incretin, GLP-1 and the autocrine proliferative effects of insulin, but also possibly a fundamental role in glucose-mediated insulin secretion in the pancreatic β-cell

    CD83 Modulates B Cell Function In Vitro: Increased IL-10 and Reduced Ig Secretion by CD83Tg B Cells

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    The murine transmembrane glycoprotein CD83 is an important regulator for both thymic T cell maturation and peripheral T cell responses. Recently, we reported that CD83 also has a function on B cells: Ubiquitous transgenic (Tg) expression of CD83 interfered with the immunoglobulin (Ig) response to infectious agents and to T cell dependent as well as T cell independent model antigen immunization. Here we compare the function of CD83Tg B cells that overexpress CD83 and CD83 mutant (CD83mu) B cells that display a drastically reduced CD83 expression. Correlating with CD83 expression, the basic as well as the lipopolysaccharide (LPS) induced expression of the activation markers CD86 and MHC-II are significantly increased in CD83Tg B cells and reciprocally decreased in CD83mu B cells. Wild-type B cells rapidly upregulate CD83 within three hours post BCR or TLR engagement by de novo protein synthesis. The forced premature overexpression of CD83 on the CD83Tg B cells results in reduced calcium signaling, reduced Ig secretion and a reciprocally increased IL-10 production upon in vitro activation. This altered phenotype is mediated by CD83 expressed on the B cells themselves, since it is observed in the absence of accessory cells. In line with this finding, purified CD83mu B cells displayed a reduced IL-10 production and slightly increased Ig secretion upon LPS stimulation in vitro. Taken together, our data strongly suggest that CD83 is expressed by B cells upon activation and contributes to the regulation of B cell function

    The two-pore channel TPCN2 mediates NAADP-dependent Ca2+-release from lysosomal stores

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    Second messenger-induced Ca2+-release from intracellular stores plays a key role in a multitude of physiological processes. In addition to 1,4,5-inositol trisphosphate (IP3), Ca2+, and cyclic ADP ribose (cADPR) that trigger Ca2+-release from the endoplasmatic reticulum (ER), nicotinic acid adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NAADP) has been identified as a cellular metabolite that mediates Ca2+-release from lysosomal stores. While NAADP-induced Ca2+-release has been found in many tissues and cell types, the molecular identity of the channel(s) conferring this release remained elusive so far. Here, we show that TPCN2, a novel member of the two-pore cation channel family, displays the basic properties of native NAADP-dependent Ca2+-release channels. TPCN2 transcripts are widely expressed in the body and encode a lysosomal protein forming homomers. TPCN2 mediates intracellular Ca2+-release after activation with low-nanomolar concentrations of NAADP while it is desensitized by micromolar concentrations of this second messenger and is insensitive to the NAADP analog nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NADP). Furthermore, TPCN2-mediated Ca2+-release is almost completely abolished when the capacity of lysosomes for storing Ca2+ is pharmacologically blocked. By contrast, TPCN2-specific Ca2+-release is unaffected by emptying ER-based Ca2+ stores. In conclusion, these findings indicate that TPCN2 is a major component of the long-sought lysosomal NAADP-dependent Ca2+-release channel

    The behaviour of inositol 1,3,4,5,6-pentakisphosphate in the presence of the major biological metal cations

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    The inositol phosphates are ubiquitous metabolites in eukaryotes, of which the most abundant are inositol hexakisphosphate (InsP6) and inositol 1,3,4,5,6-pentakisphosphate [Ins(1,3,4,5,6)P5)]. These two compounds, poorly understood functionally, have complicated complexation and solid formation behaviours with multivalent cations. For InsP6, we have previously described this chemistry and its biological implications (Veiga et al. in J Inorg Biochem 100:1800, 2006; Torres et al. in J Inorg Biochem 99:828, 2005). We now cover similar ground for Ins(1,3,4,5,6)P5, describing its interactions in solution with Na+, K+, Mg2+, Ca2+, Cu2+, Fe2+ and Fe3+, and its solid-formation equilibria with Ca2+ and Mg2+. Ins(1,3,4,5,6)P5 forms soluble complexes of 1:1 stoichiometry with all multivalent cations studied. The affinity for Fe3+ is similar to that of InsP6 and inositol 1,2,3-trisphosphate, indicating that the 1,2,3-trisphosphate motif, which Ins(1,3,4,5,6)P5 lacks, is not absolutely necessary for high-affinity Fe3+ complexation by inositol phosphates, even if it is necessary for their prevention of the Fenton reaction. With excess Ca2+ and Mg2+, Ins(1,3,4,5,6)P5 also forms the polymetallic complexes [M4(H2L)] [where L is fully deprotonated Ins(1,3,4,5,6)P5]. However, unlike InsP6, Ins(1,3,4,5,6)P5 is predicted not to be fully associated with Mg2+ under simulated cytosolic/nuclear conditions. The neutral Mg2+ and Ca2+ complexes have significant windows of solubility, but they precipitate as [Mg4(H2L)]·23H2O or [Ca4(H2L)]·16H2O whenever they exceed 135 and 56 μM in concentration, respectively. Nonetheless, the low stability of the [M4(H2L)] complexes means that the 1:1 species contribute to the overall solubility of Ins(1,3,4,5,6)P5 even under significant Mg2+ or Ca2+ excesses. We summarize the solubility behaviour of Ins(1,3,4,5,6)P5 in straightforward plots

    Molecular Characterization of a Novel Intracellular ADP-Ribosyl Cyclase

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    Background. ADP-ribosyl cyclases are remarkable enzymes capable of catalyzing multiple reactions including the synthesis of the novel and potent intracellular calcium mobilizing messengers, cyclic ADP-ribose and NAADP. Not all ADP-ribosyl cyclases however have been characterized at the molecular level. Moreover, those that have are located predominately at the outer cell surface and thus away from their cytosolic substrates. Methodology/Principal Findings. Here we report the molecular cloning of a novel expanded family of ADP-ribosyl cyclases from the sea urchin, an extensively used model organism for the study of inositol trisphosphate-independent calcium mobilization. We provide evidence that one of the isoforms (SpARC1) is a soluble protein that is targeted exclusively to the endoplasmic reticulum lumen when heterologously expressed. Catalytic activity of the recombinant protein was readily demonstrable in crude cell homogenates, even under conditions where luminal continuity was maintained. Conclusions/Significance. Our data reveal a new intracellular location for ADP-ribosyl cyclases and suggest that production of calcium mobilizing messengers may be compartmentalized

    Extracellular NAD and ATP: Partners in immune cell modulation

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    Extracellular NAD and ATP exert multiple, partially overlapping effects on immune cells. Catabolism of both nucleotides by extracellular enzymes keeps extracellular concentrations low under steady-state conditions and generates metabolites that are themselves signal transducers. ATP and its metabolites signal through purinergic P2 and P1 receptors, whereas extracellular NAD exerts its effects by serving as a substrate for ADP-ribosyltransferases (ARTs) and NAD glycohydrolases/ADPR cyclases like CD38 and CD157. Both nucleotides activate the P2X7 purinoceptor, although by different mechanisms and with different characteristics. While ATP activates P2X7 directly as a soluble ligand, activation via NAD occurs by ART-dependent ADP-ribosylation of cell surface proteins, providing an immobilised ligand. P2X7 activation by either route leads to phosphatidylserine exposure, shedding of CD62L, and ultimately to cell death. Activation by ATP requires high micromolar concentrations of nucleotide and is readily reversible, whereas NAD-dependent stimulation begins at low micromolar concentrations and is more stable. Under conditions of cell stress or inflammation, ATP and NAD are released into the extracellular space from intracellular stores by lytic and non-lytic mechanisms, and may serve as ‘danger signals–to alert the immune response to tissue damage. Since ART expression is limited to naïve/resting T cells, P2X7-mediated NAD-induced cell death (NICD) specifically targets this cell population. In inflamed tissue, NICD may inhibit bystander activation of unprimed T cells, reducing the risk of autoimmunity. In draining lymph nodes, NICD may eliminate regulatory T cells or provide space for the preferential expansion of primed cells, and thus help to augment an immune response

    Entwicklung des Integrierten Modellstudiengangs Medizin 2012 am Universitätsklinikum Hamburg-Eppendorf

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    Expanding a mentoring program from students to junior physicians

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