26 research outputs found

    Um militar no Império

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    The promotion to Navy Patron of Admiral Tamandaré suggests a professional and profile trajectory investigation about him. Participating of almost all internal and external militaries actions since Brazilian independence untill the Triple Alliance War, he has not envolved himself with politics or party issues, assuming any tasks outside Navy. A long military career besides the predominance of a thecnical and professional profile have been some of the outstanding predicates mentioned by his biographers, that contributed to the construction of a patron image

    Instituições militares e a ordem da “boa sociedade”: a Guarda Nacional na região cafeeira fluminense

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    The Army General Staff School was created in 1905, and its main function was provide Brazilian Army officers to a higher military education that qualified them to serve on the General Staff of the Army. This study aims to analyze the initial operation of the Army General Staff School, and the first determinations of education regulations (1905, 1913-14). This analysis aim identify what type of training was provided to official students, between 1905 to 1919. The study of the Army General Staff School and its regulations, will allow better understand the early formation of the official student of the Brazilian Army

    “Deve produzir abalo” e afetar o “sossego dos povos”: as sesmarias no Brasil e os dilemas do reformismo ilustrado

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    A ocupação das terras do Brasil e a regulação de sua propriedade foram objeto de inúmeras regulações culminando no Alvara de 5 de outubro de 1795 regulando e sistematizando as disposições sobre o “melindroso objeto” das sesmarias. Suspenso no ano seguinte, sem que tenha tido qualquer aplicação, para evitar os “muitos processos, e causas que poderão excitar-se”, o mesmo ato previa a manifestação dos Governadores com a “maior prontidão sobre o modo, com que mais fácil, e comodamente” pudesses ser a nova legislação aplicada.Palavras-Chave – Brasil Colonial; Sesmarias; Propriedade. "Deve Produzir Abalo” and to affect the “Sossego dos Povos": the dilemma of Illustrated Reformism in the Colonization Crisis. Abstract AbstractThe occupation of land in Brazil and the regulation of its property were object of various regulations that culminated on the October 5th of 1795 Alvara, which systematizes the dispositions about the “melindroso objeto” (difficult object) of the sesmarias. Suspended on the next year, without having any application, in order to avoid “many lawsuits, and court cases that might be motivated”, the same act included orders to the Governors to demonstrate “with maximum urgency, the most easily way” the new legislation could be applied.Keywords: Colonial Brazil; Sesmarias; Property

    Protein expression in human cumulus cells as an indicator of blastocyst formation and pregnancy success

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    Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)The goal for the present study was to implement a technique for protein extraction and identification in human cumulus cells (CCs). Forty samples of CCs were collected after ovum pick-up from patients undergoing intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI). Samples were split into the blastocyst group (n = 10), including patients in which all embryos converted into blastocysts, and the non-blastocyst group (n = 10), including patients in which none of the embryos reached the blastocyst stage or the positive-pregnancy (n = 10) and negative-pregnancy group (n = 10). Proteins were extracted and injected into a liquid chromatography system coupled to a mass spectrometer. The spectra were processed and used to search a database. There were 87 different proteins in samples from the blastocyst and non-blastocyst groups, in which 30 were exclusively expressed in the blastocyst group and 17 in the non-blastocyst group. Among the 72 proteins detected in the pregnancy groups, 19 were exclusively expressed in the positive, and 16 were exclusively expressed in the negative-pregnancy group. CC proteomics may be useful for predicting pregnancy success and the identification of patients that should be included in extended embryo culture programs.The goal for the present study was to implement a technique for protein extraction and identification in human cumulus cells (CCs). Methods. Forty samples of CCs were collected after ovum pick-up from patients undergoing intracytoplasmic sperm injection (3315711583FAPESP - FUNDAÇÃO DE AMPARO À PESQUISA DO ESTADO DE SÃO PAULOFundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)2013/50052-7This study was supported by Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo, FAPESP, a Brazilian founding agency: 2013/50052-