575 research outputs found

    Penser le nationalisme révolutionnaire au Viêt Nam : identités politiques et itinéraires singuliers à la recherche d'une hypothétique "Troisième voie"

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    Cette édition, publiée sous la forme d'un tiré à part électronique (pdf), est une version corrigée et complétée de l'article paru dans Moussons. Numéro spécial : Vietnam, histoire et perspectives contemporaines.International audienceThis article aims to briefly introduce the various non-communist political movements that marked the 20th century in Vietnam. More particularly, it focuses on the vitality of revolutionary nationalist movements mainly embodied by nationalist groups such as VNQDD, Dai Viet or Can Lao, to identify the founders (Truong Tu Anh, Ly Dong A, Ngo Dinh Diem) and actors; as well as to situate them in the historical process of the vietnamese revolution. The study of these political figures and movements, forgotten by official historiography, is crucial to the understanding of Vietnam's twentieth political history. The paper begins with a historiographical analysis, followed by a section focusing on the movements, their ideologies, founders and actors, and ends with an overview of a century of policical struggles from the 1920s until today. Indeed, current clandestine political movements clearly belong within a historical continuity. The conclusion examines the reasons behind this revolutionary elite's failure to promote a “Third way”, i.e. a progressive nationalist regime deeply rooted in Phan Boi Chau's revolutionary nationalism.Cet article se propose de présenter succinctement les différents courants politiques non communistes qui ont marqué le XXe siècle au Viêt-Nam. Plus particulièrement, il s'attache à rendre compte de la vigueur du courant nationaliste révolutionnaire incarné principalement par les mouvements nationalistes VNQDD, Dai Viêt ou Cân Lao, d'en identifier les fondateurs (Truong Tu Anh, Ly Dông A, Ngô Dinh Diêm) ou les acteurs et de les replacer dans le processus historique de la révolution vietnamienne. L'étude de ces personnages et mouvements oubliés de l'historiographie officielle est une des clés de compréhension majeure de l'histoire politique du Viêt-Nam au XXe siècle dans le contexte particulier de la décolonisation et de l'invention d'un nouvel Etat-nation. L'article présente un volet historiographique, un volet identificateur (mouvements, doctrines, fondateurs, acteurs) et se termine par une mise en perspective sur un siècle de luttes, des années vingt jusqu'à nos jours. Il apparaît ainsi nettement que les nouveaux mouvements politiques clandestins d'aujourd'hui s'inscrivent dans une certaine continuité historique. La conclusion interroge l'échec de cette élite révolutionnaire, l'échec de la promotion d'une « Troisième voie » de type national progressiste qui plonge ses racines dans le nationalisme révolutionnaire de Phan Bôi Châu

    Trực diện với cái chết và nỗi đau: Vấn đề thanh niên xung phong trong chiến tranh Việt Nam (1950-1975)

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    traduction vietnamienne de l'article paru dans Journal of Vietnamese Studies (Vol. 4, issue 3, fall 2009, pp. 17-60), traduit par Phương Hòa.Dù “chiến tranh Việt Nam” đã chính thức kết thúc vào ngày 30 tháng 4 năm 1975 với sự sụp đổ của chính quyền Sài Gòn cách đây 35 năm, nhưng sự xung đột tại Việt Nam vẫn còn là đề tài cho rất nhiều câu hỏi đang được nghiên cứu. Khi nêu lên vấn đề về bản chất của cuộc chiến, công trình nghiên cứu này nhằm mục đích nghiên cứu lịch sử của một lực lượng xã hội và quân sự có tên là “Thanh niên xung phong” trong thời kỳ chiến tranh Việt Nam giữa hai nước Việt Nam Dân chủ Cộng hòa (miền Bắc) và Việt Nam Cộng hòa (miền Nam) chủ yếu diễn ra từ năm 1965 đến 1975. Nụ cười rạng rỡ của các cô gái anh hùng trên nhật báo và phim ảnh tuyên truyền của Việt Nam Dân chủ Cộng hòa trong chiến tranh đã chu du khắp thế giới, nhưng số phận bi thảm của chính những người nữ anh hùng vô danh này vẫn chưa được mọi người biết đến đầy đủ. Được chia làm bốn phần, đề tài tôi sẽ đề cập đến là cuộc phiêu lưu đầy giông bão của những “Thanh niên xung phong” đắm chìm trong ngọn lửa chiến tranh. Trong phần đầu, điều quan trọng là đặt ra những cột mốc lịch sử cần thiết để người đọc hiểu được việc hình thành lực lượng tập thể phục vụ chiến tranh này và, trong phần thứ hai, nhận ra được cơ cấu của nó, cùng những nam nữ thanh niên đã tham gia trong cuộc. Trong phần thứ ba, tôi xem xét hiện thực khốc liệt đổ lên cơ thể thanh niên xung phong, những người trải qua bao gian khó chiến tranh; đây cũng là vấn đề trọng tâm của công trình nghiên cứu này. Tôi sẽ phác thảo bức tranh những cơ thể trong chiến tranh này, theo cả nghĩa đen lẫn nghĩa bóng; tôi sẽ xem xét quá trình sáng tạo, kết cấu, tan rã và cuối cùng là tái tạo những cơ thể đó. Trong phần cuối, tôi sẽ đề cập một cách ngắn gọn hậu quả của kinh nghiệm bi thảm này, và xem xét vai trò của các yếu tố tâm lý và hồi ức cá nhân, cũng như các nhân tố xã hội và lịch sử có liên quan. Những người chịu trách nhiệm và việc quản lý khó khăn thời hậu chiến sẽ được đề cập ngầm ẩn trong phần kết luận của công trình nghiên cứu bước đầu này

    L'historiographie de Saigon/Ho Chi Minh-Ville depuis la réunification : Quelle mémoire pour quelle histoire ? (1975-2011)

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    A partir d'un état des lieux de la production livresque sur Saigon / Hô Chi Minh-Ville depuis la réunification du pays, une analyse des thèmes historiques récurrents peut être tentée. Comment aborder l'histoire de cette ville aux multiples visages ? Quelle place accorde l'histoire officielle aux événements majeurs que traversa cette ville qui échappait alors au nouveau pouvoir politique de 1975 ? Quels sont les moments-clés qui entrent en jeu pour la construction de la mémoire historique de Saigon ? L'histoire de Saigon pose-t-elle problème ? A travers l'identification d'un certain nombre de lieux d'histoire et la construction de lieux de mémoires, cette communication proposera un parcours historiographique visuel. Il permettra d'interroger l'histoire de Saigon élaborée depuis trente cinq ans

    Couches poreuses de silice structurées par des latex : structure, propriétés mécaniques et applications optiques

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    Thin films with low-refractive index are of great interest to adjust the optical properties of optical components, e.g. reflectivity. In this respect, mesoporous sol-gel silica films prepared by surfactant self-assembly have been extensively studied but show poor refractive index stability as capillary condensation of atmospheric water can occur in the pores. To tackle this issue, we successfully prepared sol-gel porous silica films, templated by custom-made latex, with pore size above 30 nm insensitive to capillary condensation. The absence of significant microporosity in the silica walls allows us to independently and accurately tailor pore size, volume fraction and surface chemistry. Pore structure as a function of pore size and porous fraction was assessed by ellipsometry-porosimetry and positron annihilation: a percolation transition of the pore network at decreasing volume fraction was shown. The position of the pore occlusion threshold is interpreted in the scope of a continuum percolation model. Mechanical properties were investigated with nanoindentation: Young's modulus and hardness were shown to follow a minimal area model with porous fraction while no effect of pore size was measured. The model behavior observed both for pore structure and mechanical properties opens the way to further optimization of the properties of the porous material. These new films show very stable low refractive index, especially when the porosity is closed. As their refractive index can be tuned in a large range (from 1.15 to 1.40 at 600 nm), they appear as very promising for optical applications.Les couches minces à bas indice de réfraction présentent un intérêt important pour ajuster les propriétés optiques de certains dispositifs, par exemple leur réflectivité. Les couches sol-gel mésoporeuses de silice préparées par auto-assemblage de tensioactif ont été l'objet de nombreuses études mais présentent un indice de réfraction très peu stable puisqu'elles peuvent être le lieu de condensation capillaire d'eau atmosphérique. Pour dépasser ce problème, nous avons préparé des couches sol-gel poreuses de silice, structurées par des latex synthétisés spécifiquement, avec des tailles de pores supérieures à 30 nm, pour lesquelles la condensation capillaire n'a pas lieu. Ces couches ne présentent pas de microporosité dans les murs de silice, ce qui permet d'ajuster indépendamment et précisément la taille des pores, leur fraction volumique ainsi que leur chimie de surface. L'accessibilité des pores en fonction de leur taille et de la fraction poreuse a été étudiée par ellipsométrie-porosimétrie et par annihilation de positons. Une transition de percolation entre une porosité ouverte et fermée a été observée lorsque l'on fait décroître la fraction poreuse. Les propriétés mécaniques des couches ont été étudiées par nanoindentation : nous avons montré que module d'Young et dureté suivent un modèle de surface solide minimale. Le caractère modèle des propriétés structurales et mécaniques des couches ainsi préparées nous permet d'envisager une optimisation des propriétés du matériau. Ces couches poreuses avec un indice de réfraction très stable et ajustable sur une large gamme (de 1,10 à 1,45) sont ainsi très prometteuses pour des applications optique

    Mammalian hairy and Enhancer of Split Homolog 1 Regulates Differentiation of Retinal Neurons and Is Essential for Eye Morphogenesis

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    AbstractMammalian hairy and Enhancer of split homolog 1 (HES1), a basic helix-loop-helix factor gene, is expressed in retinal progenitor cells, and its expression decreases as differentiation proceeds. Retinal progenitor cells infected with HES1-transducing retrovirus did not differentiate into mature retinal cells, suggesting that persistent expression of HES1 blocks retinal development. In contrast, in the retina of HES1-null mutant mice, differentiation was accelerated, and rod and horizontal cells appeared prematurely and formed abnormal rosette-like structures. Lens and cornea development was also severely disturbed. Furthermore, in the mutant retina, bipolar cells extensively died and finally disappeared. These studies provide evidence that HES1 regulates differentiation of retinal neurons and is essential for eye morphogenesis

    Percolation transition in the porous structure of latex-templated silica monoliths

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    International audiencePorous sol-gel silica monoliths are prepared using PMMA nanoparticles, 60 nm in diameter, as sacrificial templates. The pore-structure of the calcined pellets is investigated through nitrogen adsorption to assess the evolution of the porosity when varying the amount of porogen. The latex templated monoliths present a well defined spherical extrinsic porosity and an intrinsic microporosity due to preparation process. As a result of a careful analysis of the adsorption hysteresis, we identify a percolation threshold of the spherical porosity around 30% volume fraction. This phenomenon, similar to the percolation previously observed in latex-templated silica films, opens the way to the use of latex-templated porous silica monoliths with a tailorable and reliable pore structure

    Regulation of neuroD2 expression in mouse brain

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    AbstractThe basic helix–loop–helix (bHLH) transcription factor, neuroD2, induces neuronal differentiation and promotes neuronal survival. Reduced levels of neuroD2 were previously shown to cause motor deficits, ataxia, and seizure propensity. Because neuroD2 levels may be critical for brain function, we studied the regulation of neuroD2 gene in cell culture and transgenic mouse models. In transgenic mice, a 10-kb fragment of the neuroD2 promoter fully recapitulated the endogenous neuroD2 staining pattern. A 1-kb fragment of the neuroD2 promoter drove reporter gene expression in most, but not all neuroD2-positive neuronal populations. Mutation of two critical E-boxes, E4 and E5 (E4 and E5 situated 149 and 305 bp upstream of the transcriptional start site) eliminated gene expression. NeuroD2 expression was diminished in mice lacking neurogenin1 demonstrating that neurogenin1 regulates neuroD2 during murine brain development. These studies demonstrate that neuroD2 expression is highly dependent on bHLH-responsive E-boxes in the proximal promoter region, that additional distal regulatory elements are important for neuroD2 expression in a subset of cortical neurons, and that neurogenin1 regulates neuroD2 expression during mouse brain development

    A screen for downstream effectors of Neurogenin2 in the embryonic neocortex

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    Neurogenin (Ngn) 1 and Ngn2 encode basic-helix-loop-helix transcription factors expressed in the developing neocortex. Like other proneural genes, Ngns participate in the specification of neural fates and neuronal identities, but downstream effectors remain poorly defined. We set out to identify Ngn2 effectors in the cortex using a subtractive hybridization screen and identified several regionally expressed genes that were misregulated in Ngn2 and Ngn1; Ngn2 mutants. Included were genes down-regulated in germinal zone progenitors (e.g., Nlgn1, Unc5H4, and Dcc) and in postmitotic neurons in the cortical plate (e.g., Bhlhb5 and NFIB) and subplate (e.g., Mef2c, srGAP3, and protocadherin 9). Further analysis revealed that Ngn2 mutant subplate neurons were misspecified and that thalamocortical afferents (TCAs) that normally target this layer instead inappropriately projected towards the germinal zone. Strikingly, EphA5 and Sema3c, which encode repulsive guidance cues, were down-regulated in the Ngn2 and Ngn1; Ngn2 mutant germinal zones, providing a possible molecular basis for axonal targeting defects. Thus, we identified several new components of the differentiation cascade(s) activated downstream of Ngn1 and Ngn2 and provided novel insights into a new developmental process controlled by these proneural genes. Further analysis of the genes isolated in our screen should provide a fertile basis for understanding the molecular mechanisms underlying corticogenesis

    Characterization of the proneural gene regulatory network during mouse telencephalon development

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    BACKGROUND: The proneural proteins Mash1 and Ngn2 are key cell autonomous regulators of neurogenesis in the mammalian central nervous system, yet little is known about the molecular pathways regulated by these transcription factors. RESULTS: Here we identify the downstream effectors of proneural genes in the telencephalon using a genomic approach to analyze the transcriptome of mice that are either lacking or overexpressing proneural genes. Novel targets of Ngn2 and/or Mash1 were identified, such as members of the Notch and Wnt pathways, and proteins involved in adhesion and signal transduction. Next, we searched the non-coding sequence surrounding the predicted proneural downstream effector genes for evolutionarily conserved transcription factor binding sites associated with newly defined consensus binding sites for Ngn2 and Mash1. This allowed us to identify potential novel co-factors and co-regulators for proneural proteins, including Creb, Tcf/Lef, Pou-domain containing transcription factors, Sox9, and Mef2a. Finally, a gene regulatory network was delineated using a novel Bayesian-based algorithm that can incorporate information from diverse datasets. CONCLUSION: Together, these data shed light on the molecular pathways regulated by proneural genes and demonstrate that the integration of experimentation with bioinformatics can guide both hypothesis testing and hypothesis generation