597 research outputs found

    Construction of Nth-order rogue wave solutions for Hirota equation by means of bilinear method

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    In this work, we focus on the construction of Nth-rouge wave solutions for the Hirota equation by utilizing the bilinear method. The formula can be represented in terms of determinants. In addition, some interesting dynamic patterns of rogue waves are exhibited.Comment: 10 pages, 2 figure

    Nucleon-antinucleon Interaction from the Modified Skyrme Model

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    We calculate the static nucleon-antinucleon interaction potential from the modified Skyrme model with additional BμBμB^{\mu}B_{\mu} term using the product ansatz. The static properties of single baryon are improved in the modified Skyrme model. State mixing is taken into account by perturbation theory, which substantially increases the strength of the central attraction. We obtain a long and mid range potential which is in qualitative agreement with some phenomenological potentials.Comment: 21 pages, 7 figur

    Exponential Attractor for Coupled Ginzburg-Landau Equations Describing Bose-Einstein Condensates and Nonlinear Optical Waveguides and Cavities

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    The existence of the exponential attractors for coupled Ginzburg-Landau equations describing Bose-Einstein condensates and nonlinear optical waveguides and cavities with periodic initial boundary is obtained by showing Lipschitz continuity and the squeezing property

    Lepton flavor violating μ→eγ\mu\to e\gamma and μ−e\mu-e conversion in unparticle physics

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    We have studied lepton flavor violation processes μ→eγ\mu\to e\gamma and μ−e\mu-e conversion in nuclei induced by unparticle. Both Br(μ→eγ){\rm Br}(\mu\to e\gamma) and μ−e\mu-e conversion rate CR(μ−e,Nuclei){\rm CR}(\mu-e,{\rm Nuclei}) strongly depend on the scale dimension dUd_{\cal U} and the unparticle coupling λKff′\lambda^{ff'}_{\rm K}(K=V, A, S, P). Present experimental upper bounds on Br(μ→eγ){\rm Br}(\mu\to e\gamma), CR(μ−e,Ti){\rm CR}(\mu-e,{\rm Ti}) and CR(μ−e,Au){\rm CR}(\mu-e,{\rm Au}) put stringent constraints on the parameters of unaprticle physics. The scale dimensions dUd_{\cal U} around 2 are favored for the unparticle scale ΛU\Lambda_{\cal U} of O(10TeV){\cal O}(10 {\rm TeV}) and the unparticle coupling of O(10−3){\cal O}(10^{-3}). CR(μ−e,Nuclei){\rm CR}(\mu-e,{\rm Nuclei}) is proportional to Zeff4A2/Z\rm{Z^4_{eff}A^2/Z} for the pure vector and scalar couplings between unparticle and SM fermions, this peculiar atomatic number dependence can be used to distinguish unparticle from other theoretical models.Comment: 16 pages, 5 figure

    Signals of Unparticles in Low Energy Parity Violation and NuTeV Experiment

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    We have studied the possible signals of unparticle in atomic parity violation(APV) along an isotope chain and in the NuTeV experiment. The effects of unparticle physics could be observed in APV, if the uncertainty in relative neutron/proton radius shift δ(ΔRNRP)\delta(\Delta\frac{R_N}{R_P}) is less than a few times 10−410^{-4} by measuring the parity violating electron scattering. The constraints imposed by NuTeV experiment on unparticle physics are discussed in detail. If the NuTeV results are confirmed by future experiments, we suggest that unparticle could account for a part of NuTeV anomaly. There exist certain regions for the unparticle parameters (ΛU\Lambda_{\cal U}, dUd_{\cal U}, cVUc_{V{\cal U}} and cAUc_{A{\cal U}}), where the NuTeV discrepancy could be completely explained by unparticle effects and the strange quark asymmetry, even with or without the contributions from the isoscalarity violation etc. It is remarkable that these parameter regions are consistent with the constraints from b→sγb\to s\gammaComment: 19 pages, 7 figure

    Diquark in Nona-quark States

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    We study the nonaquark states S0(3115)S^0(3115) and S+(3140)S^+(3140) which are reported by KEK-PS (Phys.Lett. B597 (2004) 236; nucl-ex/0310018) by means of the quark model with diquark correlation. The nonaquark states form 1,8,10,10ˉ,27,35ˉ\bf{1},\bf{8},\bf{10},\bar{\bf{10}},\bf{27},\bar{\bf{35}} SU(3) multiplets. The flavor wave functions of all the nonaquark states are constructed through the standard tensor technique. The mass spectrum is studied by using Gell-Mann-Okubo mass formula. Some nonaquark mass sum rules are obtained. We further investigate the decay of S0(3115)S^0(3115) and S+(3140)S^+(3140) under the assumption of "fall-apart" mechanism. It has been found that the main decay mode is ΣNN\Sigma NN rather than ΛNN\Lambda NN which is consistent with experiment. Also we have uniquely determine the flavor wave function of S0(3115)S^0(3115) which belong to 27\bf{27}-plet with the quantum number Y=2,I=1,Iz=−1Y=2,I=1,I_z=-1. Whereas the exotic states S+(3140)S^+(3140) can belong to either 27\bf{27}-plet or 35ˉ\bar{\bf{35}}-plet. In the exact SU(3)flavor×SU(3)color×SU(2)spinSU(3)^{flavor}\times SU(3)^{color}\times SU(2)^{spin} limit, both S0(3115)S^0(3115) and S+(3140)S^+(3140) belong to 27{\bf 27}-plet with negative parity. We predict that its flavor structure can be determined by measuring the branch fractions of its decay channels. The experiments to check this prediction are expected.Comment: 23 pages, 8 figures, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Linear stability analysis and homoclinic orbit for a generalized non-linear heat transfer

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    This paper studies the linear stability and dynamic structure for a generalized non-linear heat equation, and obtains novel analytic solutions such as homoclinc orbit and breather solitary solutions for the first time based on Hirota method
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