176 research outputs found

    Analysis of fluid velocity inside an agricultural sprayer using generalized linear mixed models

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    The fluid velocity inside the tank of agricultural sprayers is an indicator of the quality of the mixture. This study aims to formulate the best generalized linear mixed model to infer the fluid velocity inside a tank under specific operational parameters of the agitation system, such as liquid level, circuit pressures, and number of active nozzles. A complex model was developed that included operational parameters as fixed eects (FE) and the section of the tank as the random eect. The goodness of fit of the model was evaluated by considering the lowest values of Akaike''s information criteria and Bayesian information criterion, and by estimating the residual variance. The gamma distribution and log-link function enhanced the goodness of fit of the best model. The Toeplitz structure was chosen as the structure of the covariance matrix. SPSS and SAS software were used to compute the model. The analysis showed that the greatest influence on the fluid velocity was exerted by the liquid level in the tank, followed by the circuit pressure and, finally, the number of active nozzles. The development presented here could serve as a guide for formulating models to evaluate the eciency of the agitation system of agricultural sprayers

    Fattening Commercial Zebu with Grazing and Low Supplementation on Small Farms.

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    The aim of this paper was to describe and group grazing commercial Zebu bulls, with low supplementation. Forty-four beef-producing farms from several cooperatives of credits and services were studied. Their members are private farmers from Sibanicu, Camaguey, Cuba. The farms were visited for three years,  and official records were made of each farmer for these variables: resources, animals, management, production, and economy. The main statigraph for the variables were calculated. The  average  initial weight, final weight, weight gain, and production per ha were, 202.6; 371.6; 501; and 326.2 kg, during 339.7 fattening days, respectively. The principal component  analysis (PCA) showed  a Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin coefficient higher than 0.66, and a significant Bartlett  sphericity  coefficient (P < 0.01), with self-values above 1. The two groups were made using a BIETAPIC cluster analysis

    Technical Efficiency of Dairy Farms in Sierra Andina Using Neural Network Modeling

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    The aim of this paper was to estimate the efficiency of milk production of 1 168 cases in Ecuadoran Sierra Sur Andina, with the implementation of a neural network model with multilayer perceptrons. These cases were collected from secondary samples provided by the Official Institute of National Statistics of Ecuador, in 2016. The variables chosen for the model were total milk production on the previous day (P), as dependent variable, and total cattle heads (CH), total laborers in the field (E), and total area attended by laborer (S), as independent variables. The data from individual cases and their impact on the dependent variable were used as the variable selection criteria. The average efficiency was 8.11%, from which the total efficient cases detected (>0.70) were 11 (0.9% of the sample). Later, the cases studied were classified into three groups, depending on the estimated efficiency: Group 1 (≤ 0.4 efficiency); Group 2 (>0.4-≤0.7 efficiency); and Group 3 (>0.7 efficiency). A comparison produced several statistical differences (P<0.01) for variables total milk production/year on the farm, total field laborers, farm size, total cows, total cattle heads, calvings, pregnant cows, and served cows.The aim of this paper was to estimate the efficiency of milk production of 1 168 cases in Ecuadoran Sierra Sur Andina, with the implementation of a neural network model with multilayer perceptrons. These cases were collected from secondary samples provided by the Official Institute of National Statistics of Ecuador, in 2016. The variables chosen for the model were total milk production on the previous day (P), as dependent variable, and total cattle heads (CH), total laborers in the field (E), and total area attended by laborer (S), as independent variables. The data from individual cases and their impact on the dependent variable were used as the variable selection criteria. The average efficiency was 8.11%, from which the total efficient cases detected (>0.70) were 11 (0.9% of the sample). Later, the cases studied were classified into three groups, depending on the estimated efficiency: Group 1 (≤ 0.4 efficiency); Group 2 (>0.4-≤0.7 efficiency); and Group 3 (>0.7 efficiency). A comparison produced several statistical differences (P<0.01) for variables total milk production/year on the farm, total field laborers, farm size, total cows, total cattle heads, calvings, pregnant cows, and served cows

    Hair regrowth treatment efficacy and resistance in androgenetic alopecia: A systematic review and continuous Bayesian network meta-analysis

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    BackgroundAndrogenetic alopecia (AGA) affects almost half the population, and several treatments intending to regenerate a normal scalp hair phenotype are used. This is the first study comparing treatment efficacy response and resistance using standardized continuous outcomes.ObjectiveTo systematically compare the relative efficacy of treatments used for terminal hair (TH) regrowth in women and men with AGA.MethodsA systematic literature review was conducted (from inception to August 11, 2021) to identify randomized, Placebo-controlled trials with ≥ 20 patients and reporting changes in TH density after 24 weeks. Efficacy was analyzed by sex at 12 and 24 weeks using Bayesian network meta-analysis (B-NMA) and compared to frequentist and continuous outcomes profiles.ResultsThe search identified 2,314 unique articles. Ninety-eight were included for full-text review, and 17 articles met the inclusion criteria for data extraction and analyses. Eligible treatments included ALRV5XR, Dutasteride 0.5 mg/day, Finasteride 1 mg/day, low-level laser comb treatment (LLLT), Minoxidil 2% and 5%, Nutrafol, and Viviscal. At 24 weeks, the B-NMA regrowth efficacy in TH/cm2 and significance (**) in women were ALRV5XR: 30.09**, LLLT: 16.62**, Minoxidil 2%: 12.13**, Minoxidil 5%: 10.82**, and Nutrafol: 7.32**, and in men; ALRV5XR: 21.03**, LLLT: 18.75**, Dutasteride: 18.37**, Viviscal: 13.23, Minoxidil 5%: 13.13**, Finasteride: 12.38, and Minoxidil 2%: 10.54. Two distinct TH regrowth response profiles were found; Continuous: ALRV5XR regrowth rates were linear in men and accelerated in women; Resistant: after 12 weeks, LLLT, Nutrafol, and Viviscal regrowth rates attenuated while Dutasteride and Finasteride plateaued; Minoxidil 2% and 5% lost some regrowth. There were no statistical differences for the same treatment between women and men. B-NMA provided more accurate, statistically relevant, and conservative results than the frequentist-NMA.ConclusionSome TH regrowth can be expected from most AGA treatments with less variability in women than men. Responses to drug treatments were rapid, showing strong early efficacy followed by the greatest resistance effects from flatlining to loss of regrowth after 12–16 weeks. Finasteride, Minoxidil 2% and Viviscal in men were not statistically different from Placebo. LLLT appeared more efficacious than pharmaceuticals. The natural product formulation ALRV5XR showed better efficacy in all tested parameters without signs of treatment resistance (see Graphical abstract).Systematic review registrationwww.crd.york.ac.uk/PROSPERO/display_record.asp?ID=CRD42021268040, identifier CRD42021268040

    Acompañamiento remoto a padres de prematuros que asisten al programa canguro, Subred Sur, 2020

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    Con la llegada de la pandemia Covid 19, el gobierno y el ministerio de salud han presentado propuestas de reorganización del programa madre canguro. El Programa de Terapia Respiratoria en respuesta a ello genero una propuesta de seguimiento remoto a padres de prematuros para fortalecer los cuidados respiratorios en casa. Permite que el estudiante desarrolle habilidades en el uso de recursos tecnológicos digitales, y fortalezca la capacidad de resolver problemas.  El documento comienza con una introducción en donde se dan argumentos claros sobre la situación actual por COVID-19, se aborda el marco teórico, los objetivos y materiales, la descripción de actividades y las conclusiones. La contribución que se realizó da cuenta de una propuesta en conjunto con las estudiantes desde el ambiente retomo, y al mismo, un acompañamiento individualizado que se realizó a los estudiantes del curso

    Mano de obra, región y tamaño como factores de eficiencia técnica de sistemas lecheros

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    Antecedentes: La eficiencia técnica (ET) se refiere a la habilidad de obtener el máximo producto posible según los factores de producción y nivel de tecnología. Objetivo. El objetivo del artículo fue la revisión del efecto de factores como la mano de obra, ubicación geográfica y el tamaño de la granja, con la ET de sistemas lecheros. Desarrollo: Se realizó una revisión bibliográfica en relación a los factores de mano de obra, ubicación geográfica y tamaño de granja y como pueden afectar la eficiencia técnica (ET) en sistemas lecheros. En relación al nexo entre la región, la mano de obra y el tamaño de los rebaños se ha indicado incluso una evolución en incrementos en el total de vacas y del área con la ET en los sistemas lecheros. Los estudios que informan del tamaño de la granja y el total de vacas, mostraron relación positiva con la ET, esto hizo suponer que las granjas lecheras grandes tienen mayor ET que las más pequeñas, no obstante, la relación tamaño-eficiencia no se muestra muy robusta. Conclusiones: Se encontraron relaciones de la eficiencia técnica con la mano de obra, con la  preparación técnica y la extensión rural en modo diferencial, sin embargo no se encontró una relación significativa sostenida entre el tamaño de la granja y la eficiencia técnica en varios países y diferentes tipos de productores, con una relación negativa entre la eficiencia y el tamaño de la granja en algunos, lo que también podría reflejar la complejidad adicional de administrar un conjunto más amplio de recursos y lograr eficiencia técnica a diferentes escalas. Palabras clave: área, economía, eficiencia, ganadería, recursos humanos (Fuente: AIMS

    Pequeñas unidades de ceba de Cebú comercial en pastoreo con baja suplementación.

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    El objetivo del trabajo fue describir y agrupar unidades de ceba de toros Cebú comerciales en pastoreo con baja suplementación. Se estudiaron 44 unidades de producción de carne bovina pertenecientes a cooperativas de crédito y servicio integradas por campesinos privados, del municipio Sibanicú, provincia Camagüey, Cuba. Se realizaron visitas a cada una de las unidades durante tres años y se tomaron los registros oficiales de cada productor para las variables: recursos, animales, manejo, producción y economía. Se calcularon los estadígrafos principales para estas variables. Los promedios de peso inicial, el peso final, la ganancia en peso y la producción por hectárea fueron: 202,6; 371,6; ,501 y 326,2 kg durante 339,7 días de ceba. Se obtuvieron 5 componentes principales rotados (Varimax). El análisis de componentes principales (ACP) mostró un coeficiente de Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin superior a 0,66 y un coeficiente de esfericidad de Bartlett significativo (P < 0,01) y autovalores mayores de 1. Se agruparon las unidades en dos grupos mediante un análisis de clúster bietápico.Small Fattening Units of Grazing Commercial Zebu with Low SupplementationABSTRACTThe objective of the work was to describe and group units of fattening of commercial Zebu bulls grazing with low supplementation. We studied 44 bovine meat production units  belonging to credit and service cooperatives by private farmers, in the municipality Sibanicú, Camagüey province, Cuba. Visits to each of the units were carried out for three years and took the official records of each producer for the variables: the resources, animals, management, production and economics. The major statisticians for this variables were calculated. The average initial weight, final weight, the weight gain and the production by hectare were 202,6; 371,6; 0,501 and 326,2 kg 339,7 days of fattening. Five principal components rotated (Varimax) were obtained. The Principal Analysis Components (PCA) showed a higher than 0,66 Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin coefficient, a coefficient of sphericity of significant Bartlett (P < 0,01) and eigenvalues greater than 1. Pooled units in two groups using two cluster analysis

    Eficiencia técnica en granjas lecheras de la Sierra Andina mediante modelación con redes neuronales

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    Aim: The aim of this work was to estimate the efficiency of milk production in 1 168 cases in Ecuadoran Sierra Sur Andina, with the implementation of neural networks with multilayer perceptrons. Materials and Methods: These cases were collected from secondary samples provided by the Official Institute of National Statistics of Ecuador, in 2016. The variables chosen for the model were total milk production on the previous day (P), as dependent variable; and total cattle heads (CH), total laborers in the field (E), and total surface attended by laborer (S), as independent variables. The selection criteria were the existence of data from individual cases, and their impact on the dependent variable. Results:  The average efficiency was 8.11 %, from which the total cases detected efficiently (> 0.70) accounted for 11 (0.9 % of the sample). Later, the cases studied were classified into three groups, depending on the efficiency calculated: Group 1 (≤ 0.4 efficiency); Group 2 (> 0.4 - ≤ 0.7 efficiency); and Group 3 (> 0.7 efficiency). Conclusion: A comparison produced several statistical differences (P < 0.01) for variables total milk production/year on the farm, total field laborers, farm size, total cows, total cattle heads, calvings, pregnant cows, and served cows.Antecedentes: El objetivo del trabajo fue estimar la eficiencia en la producción lechera de 1 168 casos en la Sierra Sur Andina Ecuatoriana, mediante la aplicación de un modelo de redes neuronales con perceptrón multicapa. Métodos: Los casos fueron tomados de fuentes secundarias provistas por el instituto oficial de estadísticas nacionales del Ecuador para el año 2016. Las variables seleccionadas para el modelo fueron: producción total de leche el día de ayer (P) como variable dependiente y número total de ganado vacuno (GV), el total de trabajadores en el terreno (E) además de la superficie total a cargo de la persona productora (S) como variables independientes. Los criterios de selección de las variables fueron: la existencia de datos por cada caso y el impacto de ellas en la variable dependiente. Resultados: La eficiencia promedio fue del 8,11 %, donde la cantidad de casos detectados con eficiencia > 0,70 fueron en total 11 (0,9 % de la muestra). Posteriormente, los casos estudiados se clasificaron en tres grupos en función de la eficiencia calculada: Grupo 1 (eficiencia ≤ 0,4), Grupo 2 (eficiencia > 0,4 hasta ≤ 0,7) y Grupo 3 (eficiencia > 0,7). Conclusiones: Al compararlos se encontraron diferencias estadísticas (P < 0,01) para las variables producción total de leche al año de la granja, y además de otras variables como: total de trabajadores en el terreno, área de la granja, total de vacas, total de unidades de ganado vacuno, partos, vacas preñadas y vacas servidas

    Safety of growth hormone replacement in survivors of cancer and intracranial and pituitary tumours: a consensus statement

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    Growth hormone (GH) has been used for over 35 years, and its safety and efficacy has been studied extensively. Experimental studies showing the permissive role of GH/insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-I) in carcinogenesis have raised concerns regarding the safety of GH replacement in children and adults who have received treatment for cancer and those with intracranial and pituitary tumours. A consensus statement was produced to guide decision-making on GH replacement in children and adult survivors of cancer, in those treated for intracranial and pituitary tumours and in patients with increased cancer risk. With the support of the European Society of Endocrinology, the Growth Hormone Research Society convened a Workshop, where 55 international key opinion leaders representing 10 professional societies were invited to participate. This consensus statement utilized: (1) a critical review paper produced before the Workshop, (2) five plenary talks, (3) evidence-based comments from four breakout groups, and (4) discussions during report-back sessions. Current evidence reviewed from the proceedings from the Workshop does not support an association between GH replacement and primary tumour or cancer recurrence. The effect of GH replacement on secondary neoplasia risk is minor compared to host- and tumour treatment-related factors. There is no evidence for an association between GH replacement and increased mortality from cancer amongst GH-deficient childhood cancer survivors. Patients with pituitary tumour or craniopharyngioma remnants receiving GH replacement do not need to be treated or monitored differently than those not receiving GH. GH replacement might be considered in GH-deficient adult cancer survivors in remission after careful individual risk/benefit analysis. In children with cancer predisposition syndromes, GH treatment is generally contraindicated but may be considered cautiously in select patients

    Cause of Death and Predictors of All-Cause Mortality in Anticoagulated Patients With Nonvalvular Atrial Fibrillation : Data From ROCKET AF

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    M. Kaste on työryhmän ROCKET AF Steering Comm jäsen.Background-Atrial fibrillation is associated with higher mortality. Identification of causes of death and contemporary risk factors for all-cause mortality may guide interventions. Methods and Results-In the Rivaroxaban Once Daily Oral Direct Factor Xa Inhibition Compared with Vitamin K Antagonism for Prevention of Stroke and Embolism Trial in Atrial Fibrillation (ROCKET AF) study, patients with nonvalvular atrial fibrillation were randomized to rivaroxaban or dose-adjusted warfarin. Cox proportional hazards regression with backward elimination identified factors at randomization that were independently associated with all-cause mortality in the 14 171 participants in the intention-to-treat population. The median age was 73 years, and the mean CHADS(2) score was 3.5. Over 1.9 years of median follow-up, 1214 (8.6%) patients died. Kaplan-Meier mortality rates were 4.2% at 1 year and 8.9% at 2 years. The majority of classified deaths (1081) were cardiovascular (72%), whereas only 6% were nonhemorrhagic stroke or systemic embolism. No significant difference in all-cause mortality was observed between the rivaroxaban and warfarin arms (P=0.15). Heart failure (hazard ratio 1.51, 95% CI 1.33-1.70, P= 75 years (hazard ratio 1.69, 95% CI 1.51-1.90, P Conclusions-In a large population of patients anticoagulated for nonvalvular atrial fibrillation, approximate to 7 in 10 deaths were cardiovascular, whereasPeer reviewe