74 research outputs found


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    Analogamente al pittore di cui scrive Bion (1965), anche il paziente effettua le sue trasformazioni secondo varianti stilistiche particolari che sono in rapporto con le modalità del suo funzionamento psichico profondo. Tali invarianti stilistiche sono altresì in rapporto con le teorie che ciascun soggetto sviluppa su se stesso. Tali teorie si rivelano come il prodotto della costruzione di false connessioni tra oggetti delle quali vengono indagati l'"uso" della relazione causale come "pseudocausalità" e le connotazioni rintracciabili nelle modalità dell'istanza superegoica

    [Heart ischemia and psychosomatics: the role of stressful events and lifestyles].

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    Objective: the aim of our study was to evaluate the role of stressful events, lifestyles and various socio-environmental factors in the beginning of ischemic cardiac diseases, together with cardiovascular factors. Materials and methods: 64 patients with recent cardiac ischemia and 64 controls matched 1:1, according to their sex and age, have been evaluated. The study required the filling in of clinico-anamnestic reports and the evaluation of stressful events, using the Holmes Rahe scale. Results: in the 44% of the patients who had a heart ischemia, an emotional striking event occurred few days before, with a 28% incidence of work and family problems. The mean score of the Holmes Rahe Social Readjustment Rating Scale was statistically significantly higher among cases (p<0,05). The percentage of the subjects who experienced a stressful event during the last year was significantly higher among those with an ischemic event even though the heart disease factors were similar in the 2 groups of cases and controls. Conclusions: although the known heart risk factors predispose to ischemic event, our results suggest that stressful and emotional factors play a fundamental role in increasing the risk
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