680 research outputs found

    Multi-mode TES bolometer optimization for the LSPE-SWIPE instrument

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    In this paper we explore the possibility of using transition edge sensor (TES) detectors in multi-mode configuration in the focal plane of the Short Wavelength Instrument for the Polarization Explorer (SWIPE) of the balloon-borne polarimeter Large Scale Polarization Explorer (LSPE) for the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) polarization. This study is motivated by the fact that maximizing the sensitivity of TES bolometers, under the augmented background due to the multi-mode design, requires a non trivial choice of detector parameters. We evaluate the best parameter combination taking into account scanning strategy, noise constraints, saturation power and operating temperature of the cryostat during the flight.Comment: in Journal of Low Temperature Physics, 05 January 201

    Generalized structures of N=1 vacua

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    We characterize N=1 vacua of type II theories in terms of generalized complex structure on the internal manifold M. The structure group of T(M) + T*(M) being SU(3) x SU(3) implies the existence of two pure spinors Phi_1 and Phi_2. The conditions for preserving N=1 supersymmetry turn out to be simple generalizations of equations that have appeared in the context of N=2 and topological strings. They are (d + H wedge) Phi_1=0 and (d + H wedge) Phi_2 = F_RR. The equation for the first pure spinor implies that the internal space is a twisted generalized Calabi-Yau manifold of a hybrid complex-symplectic type, while the RR-fields serve as an integrability defect for the second.Comment: 21 pages. v2, v3: minor changes and correction

    SPS-assisted Synthesis of SICp reinforced high entropy alloys: reactivity of SIC and effects of pre-mechanical alloying and post-annealing treatment

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    In this work a traditional high entropy alloy (FeCoNiCrAl) was reinforced by uniformly distributed reactive silicon carbide (SiC) particles by a powder metallurgy synthetic route, using as precursors simply mixed powders or mechanically prealloyed ones. The reactive sintering produced a single isomorphic BCC structure. The sample microstructure resulted equiassic, more homogenous in samples based on prealloyed powders. The instability of SiC in the presence of metal precursors resulted in the formation of more stable carbides and silicides, as well as in carbon diffusion in the high entropy alloy matrix and partially unreacted SiC particles. The formation of these newly formed fine precipitates, as well as the presence of residual SiC were useful to increase the hardness of the alloy

    Topological twisted sigma model with H-flux revisited

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    In this paper we revisit the topological twisted sigma model with H-flux. We explicitly expand and then twist the worldsheet Lagrangian for bi-Hermitian geometry. we show that the resulting action consists of a BRST exact term and pullback terms, which only depend on one of the two generalized complex structures and the B-field. We then discuss the topological feature of the model.Comment: 16 pages. Appendix adde

    Numerical relativity in higher dimensions

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    We give a status report on our project targeted at performing numerical simulations of a head-on collision of non-spinning black holes in higher dimensional non-compact space-times. These simulations should help us understand black objects in higher dimensions and their stability properties. They are also relevant for the problem of black hole formation and evaporation in particle accelerators and cosmic rays. We use the symmetries of the system to reduce the problem to an effective 3+1 problem, allowing the use of existing numerical codes. As a simple application of the formalism, we present the results for the evolution of a five dimensional single black hole space-time. © 2010 IOP Publishing Ltd

    Radiation-dominated area metric cosmology

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    We provide further crucial support for a refined, area metric structure of spacetime. Based on the solution of conceptual issues, such as the consistent coupling of fermions and the covariant identification of radiation fields on area metric backgrounds, we show that the radiation-dominated epoch of area metric cosmology is equivalent to that epoch in standard Einstein cosmology. This ensures, in particular, successful nucleosynthesis. This surprising result complements the previously derived prediction of a small late-time acceleration of an area metric universe.Comment: 23 pages, no figures; references adde

    Projected free energies for polydisperse phase equilibria

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    A `polydisperse' system has an infinite number of conserved densities. We give a rational procedure for projecting its infinite-dimensional free energy surface onto a subspace comprising a finite number of linear combinations of densities (`moments'), in which the phase behavior is then found as usual. If the excess free energy of the system depends only on the moments used, exact cloud, shadow and spinodal curves result; two- and multi-phase regions are approximate, but refinable indefinitely by adding extra moments. The approach is computationally robust and gives new geometrical insights into the thermodynamics of polydispersity.Comment: 4 pages, REVTeX, uses multicol.sty and epsf.sty, 1 postscript figure include

    Non-Linear N-Parameter Spacetime Perturbations: Gauge Transformations

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    We introduce N-parameter perturbation theory as a new tool for the study of non-linear relativistic phenomena. The main ingredient in this formulation is the use of the Baker-Campbell-Hausdorff formula. The associated machinery allows us to prove the main results concerning the consistency of the scheme to any perturbative order. Gauge transformations and conditions for gauge invariance at any required order can then be derived from a generating exponential formula via a simple Taylor expansion. We outline the relation between our novel formulation and previous developments.Comment: 7 pages, no figures, RevTeX 4.0. Revised version to match version published in PR

    From ten to four and back again: how to generalize the geometry

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    We discuss the four-dimensional N=1 effective approach in the study of warped type II flux compactifications with SU(3)x SU(3)-structure to AdS_4 or flat Minkowski space-time. The non-trivial warping makes it natural to use a supergravity formulation invariant under local complexified Weyl transformations. We obtain the classical superpotential from a standard argument involving domain walls and generalized calibrations and show how the resulting F-flatness and D-flatness equations exactly reproduce the full ten-dimensional supersymmetry equations. Furthermore, we consider the effect of non-perturbative corrections to this superpotential arising from gaugino condensation or Euclidean D-brane instantons. For the latter we derive the supersymmetry conditions in N=1 flux vacua in full generality. We find that the non-perturbative corrections induce a quantum deformation of the internal generalized geometry. Smeared instantons allow to understand KKLT-like AdS vacua from a ten-dimensional point of view. On the other hand, non-smeared instantons in IIB warped Calabi-Yau compactifications 'destabilize' the Calabi-Yau complex structure into a genuine generalized complex one. This deformation gives a geometrical explanation of the non-trivial superpotential for mobile D3-branes induced by the non-perturbative corrections.Comment: LaTeX, 47 pages, v2, references, hyperref added, v3, correcting small inaccuracies in eqs. (2.6a) and (5.16

    Deformations of calibrated D-branes in flux generalized complex manifolds

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    We study massless deformations of generalized calibrated cycles, which describe, in the language of generalized complex geometry, supersymmetric D-branes in N=1 supersymmetric compactifications with fluxes. We find that the deformations are classified by the first cohomology group of a Lie algebroid canonically associated to the generalized calibrated cycle, seen as a generalized complex submanifold with respect to the integrable generalized complex structure of the bulk. We provide examples in the SU(3) structure case and in a `genuine' generalized complex structure case. We discuss cases of lifting of massless modes due to world-volume fluxes, background fluxes and a generalized complex structure that changes type.Comment: 52 pages, added references, added comment on ellipticity in appendix B, made minor changes according to instructions referee JHE
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