623 research outputs found

    Adaptability and Stability of Alfalfa Cultivars

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    Yield adaptability and stability of thirty five alfalfa genotypes (Medicago sativa L.) were evaluated at Sertãozinho, SP, Brazil, considering different environments (seasons of year) from 1996 to 1999. A randomized complete block design with three replications was used. Scott-Knott’s test was performed to compare genotypes averages. Adaptability and stability were determined by Eberhart and Russell\u27s procedures. Two diverse groups of genotypes with mean dry matter yield were identified: Araucana, F686, MH4 e BR2 were more responsive under favorable environments, but SW 8210, Alto, Monarca SP, Victoria SP, Florida 77, P5888, MH15, BR1, BR3, SW 9210A presented broad adaptability and high predictive stability for diverse environments. It was concluded that several studied genotypes compared to cv. ‘Crioula’, which is traditionally used in Brazil, and these genotypes can be grown in these environments, showing high yielding and broad adaptability associated to phenotypic stability

    Proteasome-Dependent Disruption of the E3 Ubiquitin Ligase Anaphase-Promoting Complex by HCMV Protein pUL21a

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    This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.The anaphase-promoting complex (APC) is an E3 ubiquitin ligase which controls ubiquitination and degradation of multiple cell cycle regulatory proteins. During infection, human cytomegalovirus (HCMV), a widespread pathogen, not only phosphorylates the APC coactivator Cdh1 via the multifunctional viral kinase pUL97, it also promotes degradation of APC subunits via an unknown mechanism. Using a proteomics approach, we found that a recently identified HCMV protein, pUL21a, interacted with the APC. Importantly, we determined that expression of pUL21a was necessary and sufficient for proteasome-dependent degradation of APC subunits APC4 and APC5. This resulted in APC disruption and required pUL21a binding to the APC. We have identified the proline-arginine amino acid pair at residues 109–110 in pUL21a to be critical for its ability to bind and regulate the APC. A point mutant virus in which proline-arginine were mutated to alanines (PR-AA) grew at wild-type levels. However, a double mutant virus in which the viral ability to regulate the APC was abrogated by both PR-AA point mutation and UL97 deletion was markedly more attenuated compared to the UL97 deletion virus alone. This suggests that these mutations are synthetically lethal, and that HCMV exploits two viral factors to ensure successful disruption of the APC to overcome its restriction on virus infection. This study reveals the HCMV protein pUL21a as a novel APC regulator and uncovers a unique viral mechanism to subvert APC activity

    ITS (Intergenic Transcribed Spacer) e Íntron-RFLP para caracterização de Colletotrichum spp. isolado de guaranazeiro.

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    O objetivo do trabalho foi utilizar as regiões ITS e o íntron do gene GS (Glutamine Synthetase) na caracterização de Colletotrichum spp., obtidos a partir de isolamento direto das lesões foliares típicas de antracnose em guaranazeiro

    Structure-function analysis of the curli accessory protein CsgE defines surfaces essential for coordinating amyloid fiber formation

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    Curli amyloid fibers are produced as part of the extracellular biofilm matrix and are composed primarily of the major structural subunit CsgA. The CsgE chaperone facilitates the secretion of CsgA through CsgG by forming a cap at the base of the nonameric CsgG outer membrane pore. We elucidated a series of finely tuned nonpolar and charge-charge interactions that facilitate the oligomerization of CsgE and its ability to transport unfolded CsgA to CsgG for translocation. CsgE oligomerization in vitro is temperature dependent and is disrupted by mutations in the W48 and F79 residues. Using nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), we identified two regions of CsgE involved in the CsgE-CsgA interaction: a head comprising a positively charged patch centered around R47 and a stem comprising a negatively charged patch containing E31 and E85. Negatively charged residues in the intrinsically disordered N- and C-terminal “tails” were not implicated in this interaction. Head and stem residues were mutated and interrogated using in vivo measurements of curli production and in vitro amyloid polymerization assays. The R47 head residue of CsgE is required for stabilization of CsgA- and CsgE-mediated curli fiber formation. Mutation of the E31 and E85 stem residues to positively charged side chains decreased CsgE-mediated curli fiber formation but increased CsgE-mediated stabilization of CsgA. No single-amino-acid substitutions in the head, stem, or tail regions affected the ability of CsgE to cap the CsgG pore as determined by a bile salt sensitivity assay. These mechanistic insights into the directed assembly of functional amyloids in extracellular biofilms elucidate possible targets for biofilm-associated bacterial infections.Curli represent a class of functional amyloid fibers produced by Escherichia coli and other Gram-negative bacteria that serve as protein scaffolds in the extracellular biofilm matrix. Despite the lack of sequence conservation among different amyloidogenic proteins, the structural and biophysical properties of functional amyloids such as curli closely resemble those of amyloids associated with several common neurodegenerative diseases. These parallels are underscored by the observation that certain proteins and chemicals can prevent amyloid formation by the major curli subunit CsgA and by alpha-synuclein, the amyloid-forming protein found in Lewy bodies during Parkinson’s disease. CsgA subunits are targeted to the CsgG outer membrane pore by CsgE prior to secretion and assembly into fibers. Here, we use biophysical, biochemical, and genetic approaches to elucidate a mechanistic understanding of CsgE function in curli biogenesis

    Desempenho agronômico de grupos de cultivares de alface sistema orgânico no Distrito Federal.

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    Este trabalho teve com objetivo avaliar o desempenho agronômico de cultivares de alface crespa, lisa e americana cultivadas em sistema orgãnico.Trabalho apresentado no 4. Seminário de Agroecologia do Distrito Federal e Entorno, Brasília, DF

    Thermographic inspection of impact damage in carbon fiber-reinforcing polymer matrix laminates

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    Laminados compósitos com matrizes poliméricas, respectivamente termorrígida e termoplástica, fortalecidas com fibras contínuas de carbono foram submetidos a impacto único transversal com diferentes níveis de energia. Os danos impingidos aos materiais estruturais foram avaliados por termografia ativa infravermelha na modalidade transmissão. Em geral, os termogramas do laminado termoplástico apresentaram indicações mais claras e bem definidas dos danos causados por impacto, se comparados aos do compósito termorrígido. O aquecimento convectivo das amostras por fluxo controlado de ar quente se mostrou mais eficaz que o realizado por irradiação, empregando-se lâmpada de filamento. Observou-se também que tempos mais longos de aquecimento favoreceram a visualização dos danos. O posicionamento da face impactada do espécime, relativamente à câmera infravermelha e à fonte de calor, não afetou a qualidade dos termogramas no caso do laminado termorrígido, enquanto que influenciou significativamente os termogramas do compósito termoplástico. Os resultados permitiram concluir que a termografia infravermelha é um método de ensaio não-destrutivo simples, robusto e confiável para a detecção de danos por impacto tão leve quanto 5 J em laminados compósitos poliméricos reforçados com fibras de carbono.Continuous carbon fiber reinforced thermoset and thermoplastic composite laminates were exposed to single transversal impact with different energy levels. The damages impinged to the structural materials were evaluated by active infrared thermography in the transmission mode. In general, the thermoplastic laminate thermograms showed clearer damage indications than those from the thermosetting composite. The convective heating of the samples by controlled hot air flow was more efficient than via irradiation using a filament lamp. It was also observed that longer heating times improved the damage visualization. The positioning of the specimen's impacted face regarding the infrared camera and the heating source did not affect the thermo-imaging of thermosetting specimens, whereas it substantially influenced the thermograms of thermoplastic laminates. The results obtained allow concluding that infrared thermography is a simple, robust and trustworthy methodology for detecting impact damages as slight as 5 J in carbon fiber composite laminates.Coordenacao de Aperfeicoamento de Pessoal de Nivel Superior (CAPES)CNPqMaterials Institute of Brazi

    Coronavirus Optimization Algorithm: A Bioinspired Metaheuristic Based on the COVID-19 Propagation Model

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    This study proposes a novel bioinspired metaheuristic simulating how the coronavirus spreads and infects healthy people. From a primary infected individual (patient zero), the coronavirus rapidly infects new victims, creating large populations of infected people who will either die or spread infection. Relevant terms such as reinfection probability, super-spreading rate, social distancing measures, or traveling rate are introduced into the model to simulate the coronavirus activity as accurately as possible. The infected population initially grows exponentially over time, but taking into consideration social isolation measures, the mortality rate, and number of recoveries, the infected population gradually decreases. The coronavirus optimization algorithm has two major advantages when compared with other similar strategies. First, the input parameters are already set according to the disease statistics, preventing researchers from initializing them with arbitrary values. Second, the approach has the ability to end after several iterations, without setting this value either. Furthermore, a parallel multivirus version is proposed, where several coronavirus strains evolve over time and explore wider search space areas in less iterations. Finally, the metaheuristic has been combined with deep learning models, to find optimal hyperparameters during the training phase. As application case, the problem of electricity load time series forecasting has been addressed, showing quite remarkable performance.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad TIN2017-88209-C

    Carbono e nitrogênio microbiano em solos sob diferentes manejos agrícolas no Cerrado do leste maranhense.

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o carbono e o nitrogênio microbiano em áreas de diferentes usos e manejo do solo no Cerrado do leste maranhense