1,463 research outputs found

    Charged Dilatonic AdS Black Branes in Arbitrary Dimensions

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    We study electromagnetically charged dilatonic black brane solutions in arbitrary dimensions with flat transverse spaces, that are asymptotically AdS. This class of solutions includes spacetimes which possess a bulk region where the metric is approximately invariant under Lifshitz scalings. Given fixed asymptotic boundary conditions, we analyze how the behavior of the bulk up to the horizon varies with the charges and derive the extremality conditions for these spacetimes.Comment: References update

    Conductivity and quasinormal modes in holographic theories

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    We show that in field theories with a holographic dual the retarded Green's function of a conserved current can be represented as a convergent sum over the quasinormal modes. We find that the zero-frequency conductivity is related to the sum over quasinormal modes and their high-frequency asymptotics via a sum rule. We derive the asymptotics of the quasinormal mode frequencies and their residues using the phase-integral (WKB) approach and provide analytic insight into the existing numerical observations concerning the asymptotic behavior of the spectral densities.Comment: 24 pages, 3 figure

    Sum Rules from an Extra Dimension

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    Using the gravity side of the AdS/CFT correspondence, we investigate the analytic properties of thermal retarded Green's functions for scalars, conserved currents, the stress tensor, and massless fermions. We provide some results concerning their large and small frequency behavior and their pole structure. From these results, it is straightforward to prove the validity of various sum rules on the field theory side of the duality. We introduce a novel contraction mapping we use to study the large frequency behavior of the Green's functions.Comment: v2: 23 pages (plus appendix), revised presentation, discussion of branch cuts moved to appendix, and some minor changes; v1: 24 pages (plus appendix

    A holographic model for the fractional quantum Hall effect

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    Experimental data for fractional quantum Hall systems can to a large extent be explained by assuming the existence of a modular symmetry group commuting with the renormalization group flow and hence mapping different phases of two-dimensional electron gases into each other. Based on this insight, we construct a phenomenological holographic model which captures many features of the fractional quantum Hall effect. Using an SL(2,Z)-invariant Einstein-Maxwell-axio-dilaton theory capturing the important modular transformation properties of quantum Hall physics, we find dyonic diatonic black hole solutions which are gapped and have a Hall conductivity equal to the filling fraction, as expected for quantum Hall states. We also provide several technical results on the general behavior of the gauge field fluctuations around these dyonic dilatonic black hole solutions: We specify a sufficient criterion for IR normalizability of the fluctuations, demonstrate the preservation of the gap under the SL(2,Z) action, and prove that the singularity of the fluctuation problem in the presence of a magnetic field is an accessory singularity. We finish with a preliminary investigation of the possible IR scaling solutions of our model and some speculations on how they could be important for the observed universality of quantum Hall transitions.Comment: 86 pages, 16 figures; v.2 references added, typos fixed, improved discussion of ref. [39]; v.3 more references added and typos fixed, several statements clarified, v.4 version accepted for publication in JHE

    Entangled Dilaton Dyons

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    Einstein-Maxwell theory coupled to a dilaton is known to give rise to extremal solutions with hyperscaling violation. We study the behaviour of these solutions in the presence of a small magnetic field. We find that in a region of parameter space the magnetic field is relevant in the infra-red and completely changes the behaviour of the solution which now flows to an AdS2×R2AdS_2\times R^2 attractor. As a result there is an extensive ground state entropy and the entanglement entropy of a sufficiently big region on the boundary grows like the volume. In particular, this happens for values of parameters at which the purely electric theory has an entanglement entropy growing with the area, AA, like Alog(A)A \log(A) which is believed to be a characteristic feature of a Fermi surface. Some other thermodynamic properties are also analysed and a more detailed characterisation of the entanglement entropy is also carried out in the presence of a magnetic field. Other regions of parameter space not described by the AdS2×R2AdS_2\times R^2 end point are also discussed.Comment: Some comments regarding comparison with weakly coupled Fermi liquid changed, typos corrected and caption of a figure modifie

    Holographic Fermi and Non-Fermi Liquids with Transitions in Dilaton Gravity

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    We study the two-point function for fermionic operators in a class of strongly coupled systems using the gauge-gravity correspondence. The gravity description includes a gauge field and a dilaton which determines the gauge coupling and the potential energy. Extremal black brane solutions in this system typically have vanishing entropy. By analyzing a charged fermion in these extremal black brane backgrounds we calculate the two-point function of the corresponding boundary fermionic operator. We find that in some region of parameter space it is of Fermi liquid type. Outside this region no well-defined quasi-particles exist, with the excitations acquiring a non-vanishing width at zero frequency. At the transition, the two-point function can exhibit non-Fermi liquid behaviour.Comment: 52 pages, 6 figures. v3: Appendix F added showing numerical interpolation between the near-horizon region and AdS4. Additional minor comments also adde

    Effective Holographic Theories for low-temperature condensed matter systems

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    The IR dynamics of effective holographic theories capturing the interplay between charge density and the leading relevant scalar operator at strong coupling are analyzed. Such theories are parameterized by two real exponents (γ,δ)(\gamma,\delta) that control the IR dynamics. By studying the thermodynamics, spectra and conductivities of several classes of charged dilatonic black hole solutions that include the charge density back reaction fully, the landscape of such theories in view of condensed matter applications is characterized. Several regions of the (γ,δ)(\gamma,\delta) plane can be excluded as the extremal solutions have unacceptable singularities. The classical solutions have generically zero entropy at zero temperature, except when γ=δ\gamma=\delta where the entropy at extremality is finite. The general scaling of DC resistivity with temperature at low temperature, and AC conductivity at low frequency and temperature across the whole (γ,δ)(\gamma,\delta) plane, is found. There is a codimension-one region where the DC resistivity is linear in the temperature. For massive carriers, it is shown that when the scalar operator is not the dilaton, the DC resistivity scales as the heat capacity (and entropy) for planar (3d) systems. Regions are identified where the theory at finite density is a Mott-like insulator at T=0. We also find that at low enough temperatures the entropy due to the charge carriers is generically larger than at zero charge density.Comment: (v3): Added discussion on the UV completion of the solutions, and on extremal spectra in the charged case. Expanded discusion on insulating extremal solutions. Many other refinements and corrections. 126 pages. 48 figure