11 research outputs found
The Second Euler-Lagrange Equation of Variational Calculus on Time Scales
The fundamental problem of the calculus of variations on time scales concerns
the minimization of a delta-integral over all trajectories satisfying given
boundary conditions. In this paper we prove the second Euler-Lagrange necessary
optimality condition for optimal trajectories of variational problems on time
scales. As an example of application of the main result, we give an alternative
and simpler proof to the Noether theorem on time scales recently obtained in
[J. Math. Anal. Appl. 342 (2008), no. 2, 1220-1226].Comment: This work was partially presented at the Workshop in Control,
Nonsmooth Analysis and Optimization, celebrating Francis Clarke's and Richard
Vinter's 60th birthday, Porto, May 4-8, 2009. Submitted 26-May-2009; Revised
12-Jan-2010; Accepted 29-March-2010 in revised form; for publication in the
European Journal of Contro
Behavior of solutions of a third-order dynamic equation on time scales
In this paper, we will establish some sufficient conditions which guarantee that every solution of the third-order nonlinear dynamic equatio