18 research outputs found

    Bifurcations of Limit Cycles in a Reduced Model of the Xenopus Tadpole Central Pattern Generator

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    This work was supported by the UK Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC, grant numbers BB/L002353/1; BB/L000814/1; BB/L00111X/1). AF was supported by a PhD studentship from Plymouth University.We present the study of a minimal microcircuit controlling locomotion in two-day-old Xenopus tadpoles. During swimming, neurons in the spinal central pattern generator (CPG) generate anti-phase oscillations between left and right half-centres. Experimental recordings show that the same CPG neurons can also generate transient bouts of long-lasting in-phase oscillations between left-right centres. These synchronous episodes are rarely recorded and have no identified behavioural purpose. However, metamorphosing tadpoles require both anti-phase and in-phase oscillations for swimming locomotion. Previous models have shown the ability to generate biologically realistic patterns of synchrony and swimming oscillations in tadpoles, but a mathematical description of how these oscillations appear is still missing. We define a simplified model that incorporates the key operating principles of tadpole locomotion. The model generates the various outputs seen in experimental recordings, including swimming and synchrony. To study the model, we perform detailed one- and two-parameter bifurcation analysis. This reveals the critical boundaries that separate different dynamical regimes and demonstrates the existence of parameter regions of bi-stable swimming and synchrony. We show that swimming is stable in a significantly larger range of parameters, and can be initiated more robustly, than synchrony. Our results can explain the appearance of long-lasting synchrony bouts seen in experiments at the start of a swimming episode.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    A database of computational models of a half-center oscillator for analyzing how neuronal parameters influence network activity

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    A half-center oscillator (HCO) is a common circuit building block of central pattern generator networks that produce rhythmic motor patterns in animals. Here we constructed an efficient relational database table with the resulting characteristics of the Hill et al.’s (J Comput Neurosci 10:281–302, 2001) HCO simple conductance-based model. The model consists of two reciprocally inhibitory neurons and replicates the electrical activity of the oscillator interneurons of the leech heartbeat central pattern generator under a variety of experimental conditions. Our long-range goal is to understand how this basic circuit building block produces functional activity under a variety of parameter regimes and how different parameter regimes influence stability and modulatability. By using the latest developments in computer technology, we simulated and stored large amounts of data (on the order of terabytes). We systematically explored the parameter space of the HCO and corresponding isolated neuron models using a brute-force approach. We varied a set of selected parameters (maximal conductance of intrinsic and synaptic currents) in all combinations, resulting in about 10 million simulations. We classified these HCO and isolated neuron model simulations by their activity characteristics into identifiable groups and quantified their prevalence. By querying the database, we compared the activity characteristics of the identified groups of our simulated HCO models with those of our simulated isolated neuron models and found that regularly bursting neurons compose only a small minority of functional HCO models; the vast majority was composed of spiking neurons

    Understanding Activity in Electrically Coupled Networks Using PRCs and the Theory of Weakly Coupled Oscillators

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    Abstract In this chapter, we describe in detail how phase-locking in electrically coupled networks of spiking neurons can be understood using the framework of phase response curves (PRCs) and weak coupling theory. We provide the necessary mathematical background and biological context to allow the reader to acquire an understanding of the network dynamics. We present the work using neuronal representations that include general integrate-and-fire and conductancebased models as well as spatially distributed, compartmental models.