6,794 research outputs found

    Einfluss der SaatstÀrke auf Ertragsmerkmale bei Getreide

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    Zielstellung: Aussagen zu Ertragsmerkmalen bei Winterroggen und Sommergetreide in AbhĂ€ngigkeit von der SaatstĂ€rke Methode: Auswertung mehrjĂ€hriger einfaktorieller Parzellenversuche mit abgestuften SaatstĂ€rken und bei Roggen zusĂ€tzlich mit zwei Saatzeiten Auswertung mit der Statistiksoftware SAS (Statistical Analysis System) und der Prozedur MIXED nach Piepho und Michel (2001). Ergebnisse: Die SaatstĂ€rke hat bei allen einbezogenen Getreidearten einen gesicherten Einfluss auf die Ertrags- merkmale. Bei Winterroggen wurde bei Aussaat um den 15. September (1. Saatzeit) mit 300 kf. Körnern der höchste Ertrag erreicht. Bei spĂ€terer Aussaat sind höhere SaatstĂ€rken sinnvoll. UnabhĂ€ngig von der SaatstĂ€rke wird der Ertrag durch spĂ€tere Aussaat deutlich verringert. Bestockung und Bestandesdichte sowie die TKM wurden ebenfalls signifikant beeinflusst. Bei Sommergetreide fĂŒhrten innerhalb des untersuchten Bereiches steigende SaatstĂ€rken zu steigenden ErtrĂ€gen. Die damit in Verbindung stehenden höheren Saatgutkosten rechtfertigen nicht immer den höheren Saatguteinsatz. Bestockung und Bestandesdichte wurden durch höhere SaatstĂ€rken bei Hafer stĂ€rker als bei Sommergerste und Sommerweizen beeinflusst. Bei Sommergerste und Sommerweizen trat eine signifikante Verringerung der TKM durch steigende SaatstĂ€rken ein

    Creating New Ventures: A review and research agenda

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    Creating new ventures is one of the most central topics to entrepreneurship and is a critical step from which many theories of management, organizational behavior, and strategic management build. Therefore, this review and proposed research agenda is not only relevant to entrepreneurship scholars but also other management scholars who wish to challenge some of the implicit assumptions of their current streams of research and extend the boundaries of their current theories to earlier in the organization’s life. Given that the last systematic review of the topic was published 16 years ago, and that the topic has evolved rapidly over this time, an overview and research outlook are long overdue. From our review, we inductively generated ten sub-topics: (1) Lead founder, (2) Founding team, (3) Social relationships, (4) Cognitions, (5) Emergent organizing, (6) New venture strategy, (7) Organizational emergence, (8) New venture legitimacy, (9) Founder exit, and (10) Entrepreneurial environment. These sub-topics are then organized into three major stages of the entrepreneurial process—co-creating, organizing, and performing. Together, the framework provides a cohesive story of the past and a road map for future research on creating new ventures, focusing on the links connecting these sub-topics

    Nitrat-Stickstoff-Gehalte im Boden in einer 6-feldrigen Fruchtfolge

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    In ökologisch bewirtschafteten Systemen ist Stickstoff hĂ€ufig der begrenzende Wachstumsfaktor. Daher stehen BemĂŒhungen um seine effektive Nutzung innerhalb der Fruchtfolge im Mittelpunkt vieler Untersuchungen. Diese Problematik ist besonders auf humusschwachen Sandstandorten Nordostdeutschlands von Bedeutung. Je sandiger der Boden desto geringer ist sein Wasser- und NĂ€hrstoffspeichervermögen. In der Folge steigt die Gefahr der NĂ€hrstoffauswaschung, was insbesondere den Stickstoff betrifft. Einerseits geht dem Betriebskreislauf dadurch Stickstoff verloren, andererseits erfolgt ein verstĂ€rkter Eintrag in den Wasserkreislauf. Von 1993 bis 2002 wurden in einer 6-feldrigen Fruchtfolge am Standort GĂŒlzow in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern auf dem ökologisch bewirtschafteten Versuchsfeld und einer konventionellen Vergleichsvariante die Nitrat-Stickstoff-Gehalte im Boden in einer Tiefe von 0 bis 90 cm zu Vegetationsende und Vegetationsbeginn bestimmt. Die Probenahme wurde mit dem Bohrstock, die Nitratbestimmung durch Hydrazinreduktion im Analyseautomaten (SKALAR) vorgenommen. Die statistische Auswertung der mehrjĂ€hrigen Ergebnisse erfolgte mit der Statistiksoftware SAS (Statistical Analysis System) und der Prozedur MIXED nach PIEPHO und MICHEL (2001). Sowohl im Herbst als auch im FrĂŒhjahr wurden bei ökologischer Bewirtschaftung geringere NO3-N-Gehalte festgestellt als im konventionellen System. Bei ökologischer und bei konventioneller Bewirtschaftung waren Mittelwert und Streuung im Herbst grĂ¶ĂŸer als im FrĂŒhjahr. Die Nitrat-Stickstoff-Gehalte im Herbst wurden besonders durch die Bewirtschaftung (Fruchtfolge) beeinflusst. Hohe Gehalte von 113 kg/ha bei konventioneller bzw. 95 kg/ha bei ökologischer Bewirtschaftung traten im Mittel bei der Kombination Körnerfuttererbsen-Wintergetreide auf. Hohe Werte (ca. 80 kg/ha) ergaben sich auch bei Herbstfurche mit und ohne Dung nach unterschiedlichen Kulturen. Das im ökologischen Landbau weit verbreitete Fruchfolgepaar Kleegras-Wintergetreide wies zu Vegetationsende Nitrat-Stickstoff-Gehalte von 87 kg/ha auf. Geringe Gehalte wurden in erster Linie bei Bodenbedeckung ĂŒber Winter festgestellt, unabhĂ€ngig ob ökologisch oder konventionell gewirtschaftet wurde. So ergaben sich auf FlĂ€chen mit Kleegrasuntersaaten oder ZwischenfrĂŒchten Gehalte von ca. 25 kg/ha. Die Differenz aus den FrĂŒhjahrs- und Herbstwerten wurde als Gewinn bzw. Verlust bewertet (KURZER et. al., 1997; GRUBER et. al., 1998). Im Mittel der Fruchtfolge traten in beiden Systemen in fast allen Jahren Nitrat-Stickstoff-Verluste auf. Dabei waren diese im ökologischen System tendenziell geringer als im konventionellen Anbau. Der Einfluss der Bewirtschaftung/Fruchtfolgestellung war dagegen hoch signifikant. Die Betrachtung der Nitrat-Stickstoff-Differenzen FrĂŒhjahr-Herbst ergab hohe jahresbedingte Unterschiede. Die Betrachtung der Differenzen in AbhĂ€ngigkeit von der Fruchtart ergab hohe Verluste beim Anbau von Wintergetreide nach Körnererbsen und Kleegras. Deutlich geringere Differenzen ergaben sich bei der Kombination Herbstfurche – Dung bei ökologischer Bewirtschaftung sowie beim Anbau von Getreide nach Leguminosen-Getreide-Gemenge. Positive Effekte wurden beim Anbau von ZwischenfrĂŒchten und bei Kleegrasumbruch im FrĂŒhjahr festgestellt

    Does Medicare Part D Protect the Elderly from Financial Risk?

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    The Medicare Modernization Act of 2003 added the Part D prescription drug benefit to the Medicare program. This addition, which became effective in 2006, increased Medicare program costs by more than 10 percent in order to provide, for the first time, prescription drug coverage to enrollees. Part D has since enrolled a sizeable share of elders and now pays for a large percentage of their prescriptions. Despite the program’s size and importance, however, little is known about its effectiveness. One way to measure its success is to determine to what extent it provides financial security to elders. If Part D covers prescription drug spending that was putting older Americans at financial risk, it may result in large social gains. If it simply substitutes for – or “crowds out” – existing insurance arrangements, the social gains may be much smaller. Beyond a crowd-out analysis, a full evaluation of Part D also needs to consider other social benefits and costs, such as the potential health benefits and the efficiency costs of subsidizing drug coverage. The study summarized in this brief evaluates Part D’s impact using the 2002-5 and 2007 waves of the Medical Expenditure Panel Survey (MEPS) before and right after the program’s implementation. The brief is organized as follows. The first section presents background on Part D. The second section describes the MEPS data. The third section presents the results of Part D’s effect on prescription drug coverage and expenditures and offers a tentative assessment of the program’s overall social impact. The final section concludes that Part D has resulted in substantial crowd out of both coverage and expenditures and, as of 2007, has produced only modest benefits.

    Social Security and the Evolution of Elderly Poverty

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    We use data from the March 1968-2001 Current Population Surveys to document the evolution of elderly poverty over this time period, and to assess the causal role of the Social Security program in reducing poverty rates. We develop an instrumental variable approach that relies on the large increase in benefits for birth cohorts from 1885 through 1916, and the subsequent decline and flattening of real benefits growth due to the Social Securing 'notch', to estimate of Social Security on elderly poverty. Our findings suggest that over all elderly families the elasticity of poverty to benefits is roughly unitary. This suggests that reductions in Social Security benefits would significantly alter the poverty of the elderly.

    Influence of anisotropic next-nearest-neighbor hopping on diagonal charge-striped phases

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    We consider the model of strongly-correlated system of electrons described by an extended Falicov-Kimball Hamiltonian where the stability of some axial and diagonal striped phases was proved. Introducing a next-nearest-neighbor hopping, small enough not to destroy the striped structure, we examine rigorously how the presence of the next-nearest-neighbor hopping anisotropy reduces the π/2\pi/2-rotation degeneracy of the diagonal-striped phase. The effect appears to be similar to that in the case of anisotropy of the nearest-neighbor hopping: the stripes are oriented in the direction of the weaker next-nearest-neighbor hopping.Comment: 9 pages, 3 figures, 1 tabl

    Langevin equation for the extended Rayleigh model with an asymmetric bath

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    In this paper a one-dimensional model of two infinite gases separated by a movable heavy piston is considered. The non-linear Langevin equation for the motion of the piston is derived from first principles for the case when the thermodynamic parameters and/or the molecular masses of gas particles on left and right sides of the piston are different. Microscopic expressions involving time correlation functions of the force between bath particles and the piston are obtained for all parameters appearing in the non-linear Langevin equation. It is demonstrated that the equation has stationary solutions corresponding to directional fluctuation-induced drift in the absence of systematic forces. In the case of ideal gases interacting with the piston via a quadratic repulsive potential, the model is exactly solvable and explicit expressions for the kinetic coefficients in the non-linear Langevin equation are derived. The transient solution of the non-linear Langevin equation is analyzed perturbatively and it is demonstrated that previously obtained results for systems with the hard-wall interaction are recovered.Comment: 10 pages. To appear in Phys. Rev.

    Phase Separation and Charge-Ordered Phases of the d = 3 Falicov-Kimball Model at T>0: Temperature-Density-Chemical Potential Global Phase Diagram from Renormalization-Group Theory

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    The global phase diagram of the spinless Falicov-Kimball model in d = 3 spatial dimensions is obtained by renormalization-group theory. This global phase diagram exhibits five distinct phases. Four of these phases are charge-ordered (CO) phases, in which the system forms two sublattices with different electron densities. The CO phases occur at and near half filling of the conduction electrons for the entire range of localized electron densities. The phase boundaries are second order, except for the intermediate and large interaction regimes, where a first-order phase boundary occurs in the central region of the phase diagram, resulting in phase coexistence at and near half filling of both localized and conduction electrons. These two-phase or three-phase coexistence regions are between different charge-ordered phases, between charge-ordered and disordered phases, and between dense and dilute disordered phases. The second-order phase boundaries terminate on the first-order phase transitions via critical endpoints and double critical endpoints. The first-order phase boundary is delimited by critical points. The cross-sections of the global phase diagram with respect to the chemical potentials and densities of the localized and conduction electrons, at all representative interactions strengths, hopping strengths, and temperatures, are calculated and exhibit ten distinct topologies.Comment: Calculated density phase diagrams. Added discussions and references. 14 pages, 9 figures, 4 table

    Positive Measure Spectrum for Schroedinger Operators with Periodic Magnetic Fields

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    We study Schroedinger operators with periodic magnetic field in Euclidean 2-space, in the case of irrational magnetic flux. Positive measure Cantor spectrum is generically expected in the presence of an electric potential. We show that, even without electric potential, the spectrum has positive measure if the magnetic field is a perturbation of a constant one.Comment: 17 page

    Xenon ion propulsion for orbit transfer

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    For more than 30 years, NASA has conducted an ion propulsion program which has resulted in several experimental space flight demonstrations and the development of many supporting technologies. Technologies appropriate for geosynchronous stationkeeping, earth-orbit transfer missions, and interplanetary missions are defined and evaluated. The status of critical ion propulsion system elements is reviewed. Electron bombardment ion thrusters for primary propulsion have evolved to operate on xenon in the 5 to 10 kW power range. Thruster efficiencies of 0.7 and specific impulse values of 4000 s were documented. The baseline thruster currently under development by NASA LeRC includes ring-cusp magnetic field plasma containment and dished two-grid ion optics. Based on past experience and demonstrated simplifications, power processors for these thrusters should have approximately 500 parts, a mass of 40 kg, and an efficiency near 0.94. Thrust vector control, via individual thruster gimbals, is a mature technology. High pressure, gaseous xenon propellant storage and control schemes, using flight qualified hardware, result in propellant tankage fractions between 0.1 and 0.2. In-space and ground integration testing has demonstrated that ion propulsion systems can be successfully integrated with their host spacecraft. Ion propulsion system technologies are mature and can significantly enhance and/or enable a variety of missions in the nation's space propulsion program
