7 research outputs found

    Sistemas conservacionistas de manejo do solo para amendoim cultivado em sucessão à cana crua Conservation tillage to peanut crop in rotation with green harvest sugarcane

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    Com o objetivo de avaliar o efeito de sistemas conservacionistas de manejo do solo sobre características agronômicas de cultivares de amendoim com hábitos de crescimento contrastantes, foram instalados sete ensaios de campo; seis em Latossolo Vermelho eutroférrico (Ribeirão Preto, SP) e um em Argissolo Vermelho-Amarelo (Pindorama, SP), todos em renovação de canaviais colhidos sem queima prévia. Utilizou-se o delineamento de blocos ao acaso, com os tratamentos arranjados em esquema de parcelas subdivididas e quatro repetições. Os tratamentos principais foram os sistemas de manejo - convencional, cultivo mínimo e plantio direto - e os secundários, as cultivares IAC-Tatu ST e IAC-Caiapó. Não há diferença estatística para produção de vagens e grãos e número de estruturas reprodutivas, entre manejos conservacionistas e convencional, porém pode haver redução no estande final de plantas. Em três dos sete ensaios houve interação significativa entre cultivar e sistema de manejo. A cultivar IAC-Caiapó é menos responsiva às diferenças de manejo do solo. O plantio direto pode proporcionar aumento de 6,5 a 9% no índice de rendimento de grãos e apresentar maior conteúdo de água no solo em período de seca.<br>Field studies were conducted from 2000 to 2005 to evaluate the effects of conservation tillage on agronomic characteristics of two peanut cultivars, cultivated in rotation with sugarcane harvested without burning. Tillage systems included reduced tillage, no-tillage, and conventional tillage, which were arranged in a split-plot randomized complete block design with four replications in two different types of soil, Oxisol and Ultisol, located in Ribeirão Preto and Pindorama cities, SP, Brazil. Tillage treatments were main plots while subplots were peanut genotypes (IAC-Tatu ST and IAC-Caiapó). Results of seven experiments showed no statistic difference on pod yield, kernel yield, number of pods and pegs, between the conservation tillage systems and the conventional tillage, but a decrease on stand of plants can occur. Three out of seven experiments showed a significant interaction between the cultivar and tillage system. The response of different tillage systems for cv. IAC-Caiapó was lower than for cv. IAC-Tatu ST. No-tillage system can show increase (between 6.5 and 9%) on mature kernel rate as well as good or better soil moisture during a dry period

    Imazethapyr persistence in sandy loam detected using white mustard bioassay

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    Field experiments were conducted during two years at Srem region to investigate the influence of meteorological conditions, time and rate of application on soil persistence of imazethapyr in sandy loam type of soil. Imazethapyr was applied PRE- and POST-EM and in both cases in three application rates: 80, 120 and 160g a.i./ha. Soil samples were collected from the day of herbicide application in predetermined intervals up to one year after application and residual concentrations were determined with a white mustard root bioassay. Imazetapyr persistence was significantly influenced by meteorological conditions with average half-life being 6days longer in season with lower precipitation level. Time of application induced slower imazethapyr dissipation resulting in higher average t(1/2) (seven and nine days in first and second year of examination, respectively). Application rates had no consistent effect on imazethapyr persistence. Imazethapyr residue level one year after application caused no visible injuries on white mustard shoots, while root growth reduction ranged from 4.6 to 27.7%. Obtained residue levels were further compared with known data on crop sensitivity in order to assess possibility of crop injuries one year after imazethapyr application

    Eficácia de uma nova formulação de glifosato para o controle de grama-seda (Cynodon dactylon), em pomar de citros. Efficacy of a new formulation of glyphosate to bermudagrass control (Cynodon dactylon) in citrus orchard

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    Avaliou-se a eficácia do herbicida glifosato potássico, comparado ao sulfosato e ao glifosato amínico, utilizados como padrões comerciais. Os herbicidas foram aplicados em um pomar de laranja da variedade Pêra-rio, infestado por grama-seda (Cynodon dactylon) com aproximadamente 25 cm de altura, em 70% da área. O experimento foi instalado no município de Taiúva-SP, em solo Podzólico Vermelho-Amarelo, distrófico, de textura arenosa, com relevo suave ondulado. Os tratamentos testados foram: glifosato potássico (ZAPP Qi) a 1,05; 2,10 e 2,50 kg e.a./ha, sulfosato (ZAPP) e glifosato amínico (ROUNDUP CS) a 1,98 e 2,16 kg e.a./ha, respectivamente, além da testemunha sem capina. Os herbicidas foram aplicados em pós-emergência da planta daninha, com pulverizador costal, à pressão constante (mantida por CO2 comprimido) de 2,5 kg/cm², munido de barra com seis bicos de jato plano ("leque") DG 11002, com um consumo de calda equivalente a 200 L/ha. Os melhores resultados de controle foram obtidos com 2,5 kg e.a./ha do glifosato potássico, que também garantiu menor brotação da grama-seda. No entanto, a dosagem de 2,10 kg e.a./ha deste mesmo herbicida não foi menos eficaz que o sulfosato e o glifosato, com 1,98 e 2,16 kg e.a./ha, respectivamente.<br>The aim of this experiment was to evaluate the performance of the potash glyphosate formulation, compared with sulphosate and aminic glyphosate formulation, used with commercial patterns, applied in orange orchard of Pera-rio variety, on the bermudagrass The experiment was conducted in Taiúva - SP, on ultisol. The treatments were: potash glyphosate (ZAPP Qi) at 1.05, 2.10 and 2.50 Kg a.e./ha, sulphosate (ZAPP) and aminic glyphosate formulation (ROUNDUP CS) at 1.98 and 2.16 Kg a.e./ha, respectively, along writh the control without weed. The herbicides were applied in postemergency with costal sprayer, constant pressure (2,5 kg/cm²), with six nozzles DG 11002. The equivalent spray volume was 200 L/ha. The best results were obtained with 2.50 kg a.e./ha rate of potash glyphosate guarantying smaller regrowth of the bermudagrass. However, the 2.10 kg a.e./ha rate guarantied as good control as sulphosate at 1.98 and glyphosate at 2.16 kg a.e./ha