1,484 research outputs found

    Inclusion in physical education for students with severe disabilities

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    This qualitative case study investigated the effectiveness of inclusive physical education for two third grade students with severe disabilities utilizing a social constructionist framework. In the first class, one student was identified as having significant language based challenges. The second class included a child with severe cerebral palsy. Four levels of relations were identified: systemic relations, group relations, conjoint relations and internal others. Each focused on specific areas within the school and the classroom that contributed to the construction of disability. Data were collected from three primary sources: interviews, participant-observer, and document review. Boyzaitis\u27s (1998) five-step process was utilized in the data analysis through the constant comparative method of coding the multiple data sources in developing the emerging theory (Merriam, 1998; Strauss & Corbin, 1998). At the systemic level, administrators expressed views of disability and displayed practices grounded in the legal changes of PL94-142 and ensuing processes that occurred as students with disabilities were integrated into the public schools. Teachers and paraprofessionals within the group relations of the classroom expressed social, environmental, and academic constructions of disability. Students\u27 constructions of disability were conditioned by group membership, adaptations and accommodations, and their ability to successfully complete the learning tasks. The physical education teacher\u27s construction of disability was grounded in her sensitivity to difference and an ability to make learning accessible for her students with disabilities. As a theoretical framework, social construction refocused disability in the inclusive setting as a process of active engagement through forms of teacher and classroom relatedness (Kozub, Sherblom, Perry, 1999). This perspective provided an alternative to the individualistic discourse of difference embedded in special education to accommodate the challenges of the inclusive classroom. In the physical education setting, this emerged as the students in relation to their peers and teachers, the curriculum, and instructional methods

    Quel avenir pour la filiĂšre porcine au lac Alaotra (Madagascar)?

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    Depuis l'introduction du virus de la Peste Porcine Africaine en 1997, l'Ă©levage porcin malgache traverse une pĂ©riode de crise, qui tarde Ă  ĂȘtre rĂ©solue. La relance de la filiĂšre est vivement souhaitĂ©e, notamment dans la rĂ©gion du lac Alaotra qui Ă©tait un important bassin de production avant l'Ă©pizootie. Un diagnostic de la situation y a donc Ă©tĂ© rĂ©alisĂ© afin d'Ă©valuer la pertinence de cette relance (analyse de la filiĂšre et enquĂȘte Ă©pidĂ©miologique sur les pestes porcines). Les rĂ©sultats obtenus mettent en Ă©vidence un faible taux de prĂ©valence de la Peste Porcine Classique (en dĂ©pit d'un faible taux d'immunisation), alors que celui de la PPA est en faveur d'une circulation importante du virus, accentuĂ©e par de nombreuses pratiques d'Ă©levage Ă  risque. MalgrĂ© l'absence de donnĂ©es nouvelles sur l'implication des deux rĂ©servoirs sauvages du virus (tique et potamochĂšre) dans l'Ă©pidĂ©miologie de la PPA au lac Alaotra, la relance de la filiĂšre ne paraĂźt pas envisageable Ă  l'heure actuelle

    Description technico-économique de procédés de production du carbure de silicium (SiC)

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    Description des céramiques -- Applications industrielles des céramiques -- Procédés de fabrication de la céramique -- La production du carbure de silicium par le procédé Acheson -- Production du carbure de silicium par de nouveaux procédés de synthÚse -- Avantages et recommandations propres à chacun des procédés

    Étude de l’immunitĂ© antivaricelleuse chez l’enfant transplantĂ© au moyen de moelle osseuse ou de sang de cordon ombilical

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    L’infection primaire au VZV et la rĂ©activation du VZV latent sont frĂ©quemment observĂ©es Ă  la suite d’une GMO ou d’une GSCO, ce qui cause de sĂ©rieuses complications chez le patient. Pour prĂ©venir ces infections, une prophylaxie antivirale est administrĂ©e systĂ©matiquement chez tous les greffĂ©s de MO ou de SCO, alors qu’il n’existe aucun consensus sur la durĂ©e optimale d’une telle prophylaxie. Pour rĂ©soudre ce problĂšme, notre objectif est de dĂ©velopper et valider une mĂ©thode ELISpot-VZV-IFN- qui permettra de suivre la reconstitution de l’immunitĂ© Ă  mĂ©diation cellulaire anti-VZV chez les receveurs de GMO ou de GSCO et ainsi dĂ©terminer le moment opportun pour rĂ©duire ou interrompe la prophylaxie chez les receveurs de greffes de CSH. Dans un premier temps, des valeurs-seuil de la rĂ©ponse Ă  mĂ©diation cellulaire anti-VZV chez la population pĂ©diatrique saine ont dĂ» ĂȘtre gĂ©nĂ©rĂ©es. À la lumiĂšre de nos rĂ©sultats, un enfant avec un rĂ©sultat ELISpot-VZV-IFN- > 190.0 SFU/106 PBMC devrait ĂȘtre protĂ©gĂ© contre une possible infection Ă  VZV. Pour valider cette Ă©tude, une Ă©tude prospective de la reconstitution immunitaire anti-VZV a Ă©tĂ© effectuĂ©e chez 9 enfants greffĂ©s de MO ou de SCO. Nos rĂ©sultats prĂ©liminaires ont montrĂ© qu’il n’y avait eu aucune reconstitution significative de l’immunitĂ© Ă  mĂ©diation cellulaire anti-VZV dans les 18 premiers mois post-transplantation chez 8 de ces 9 enfants. Les rĂ©sultats de ces expĂ©riences vont fournir d’importantes informations quant Ă  la reconstitution de l’immunitĂ© anti-VZV Ă  la suite d’une GMO ou d’une GSCO et pourraient permettre l’amĂ©lioration des soins apportĂ©s aux receveurs de GMO ou de GSCO.Primary infection with VZV and reactivation of latent VZV are commonly observed following BMT and UCBT, leading to serious complications in patients. As a result, antiviral prophylaxis is systematically administered to BMT and UCBT recipients, yet there is no consensus that defines its optimal duration. To resolve this problem, our objective was to develop and validate a VZV-IFN--ELISpot with which reconstitution of VZV immunity can be followed in BMT and UCBT recipients, providing clinicians a practical tool to gauge the need for and adjust antiviral prophylaxis in individual HSCT recipients. First of all, threshold values for anti-VZV immunity in healthy pediatric subjects were generated. Based on our results, a child exhibiting > 190.0 VZV-specific SFU /106 PBMC should be protected against a possible VZV infection. To validate these results, a prospective study on the recovery of VZV-specific T cell immunity was performed on 9 children following BMT or UCBT. Preliminary results demonstrated that there was no significant recovery of VZV-specific T cell immunity in the first 18 months post-transplantation in 8 of 9 cases. Results of these experiments will yield important new information regarding reconstitution of anti-VZV immunity following BMT and UCBT and could lead to improvements in clinical management of BMT and UCBT recipients

    Le couronnement des vierges : l'autobiographie épuisée par le motif décoratif narratif

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    La tapisserie narrative est le langage nouveau qui est nĂ© du besoin de poursuivre une dĂ©marche autobiographique. Mes tapisseries sont des actes d’amour Ă  distance du corps et de la tĂȘte pensante du sujet qui est reprĂ©sentĂ©. Elles sont le souvenir de celui qui n’est plus, le souvenir d’une vie terminĂ©e. La mort est passĂ©e, mais la mĂ©moire permet aux souvenirs de rester actifs Ă  travers une Ɠuvre. Dans le cas qui nous occupe, une couronne de motifs peints. J’ai voulu que l’exposition Le Couronnement des vierges soit une trace visuelle et sonore de mes souvenirs. J’en fais le rĂ©cit, celui de ce parcours de crĂ©ation nourri par le Moyen Âge, donc celui de l’autobiographie Ă©puisĂ©e jusqu’à en faire des couronnes de motifs dĂ©coratifs. Ce texte accompagne l’exposition Le Couronnement des vierges tout d’abord prĂ©sentĂ©e Ă  Espace Projet art contemporain + design Ă  MontrĂ©al du 5 octobre au 21 octobre 2012 et ensuite Ă  La Chambre blanche en janvier 2013

    The low intestinal and hepatic toxicity of hydrolyzed fumonisin B1 correlates with its inability to alter the metabolism of sphingolipids

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    Fumonisins are mycotoxins frequently found as natural contaminants in maize, where they are produced by the plant pathogen Fusarium verticillioides. They are toxic to animals and exert their effects through mechanisms involving disruption of sphingolipid metabolism.Fumonisin B1 (FB1) is the predominant fumonisins in this family. FB1 is converted to its hydrolyzed analogs HFB1, by alkaline cooking (nixtamalization) or through enzymatic degradation. The toxicity of HFB1 is poorly documented especially at the intestinal level. The objectives of this study were to compare the toxicity of HFB1 and FB1 and to assess the ability of these toxins to disrupt sphingolipids biosynthesis. HFB1 was obtained by a deesterification of FB1, with a carboxylesterase. Piglets, animals highly sensitive to FB1, were exposed by gavage for 2 weeks to 2.8 ”mol FB1 or HFB1/kg body weight/day. FB1 induced hepatotoxicity as indicated by the lesion score, the level of several biochemical analytes and the expression of inflammatory cytokines. Similarly, FB1 impaired the morphology of the different section of the small intestine, reduced villi height and modified intestinal cytokine expression. By contrast, HFB1 did not trigger hepatotoxicity, did not impair intestinal morphology and slightly modified the intestinal immune response. This low toxicity of HFB1 correlates with a weak alteration of the sphinganine/sphingosine ratio in the liver and in the plasma. Taken together, these data demonstrate that HFB1 does not cause intestinal or hepatic toxicity in the sensitive pig model, and slightly disrupts sphingolipids metabolism. This finding suggests that conversion to HFB1 could be a good strategy to reduce FB1 exposure

    Omental adipocyte hypertrophy relates to coenzyme Q10 redox state and lipid peroxidation in obese women

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    Occurrence of oxidative stress in white adipose tissues contributes to its dysfunction and the development of obesity-related metabolic complications. Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) is the single lipophilic antioxidant synthesized in humans and is essential for electron transport during mitochondrial respiration. To understand the role of CoQ10 in adipose tissue physiology and dysfunction, the abundance of the oxidized and reduced (CoQ10red) isoforms of the CoQ10 were quantified in subcutaneous and omental adipose tissues of women covering the full range of BMI (from 21.5 to 53.2 kg/m2). Lean women displayed regional variations of CoQ10 redox state between the omental and subcutaneous depot, despite similar total content. Obese women had reduced CoQ10red concentrations in the omental depot, leading to increased CoQ10 redox state and higher levels of lipid hydroperoxide. Women with low omental CoQ10 content had greater visceral and subcutaneous adiposity, increased omental adipocyte diameter, and higher circulating interleukin-6 and C-reactive protein levels and were more insulin resistant. The associations between abdominal obesity-related cardiometabolic risk factors and CoQ10 content in the omental depot were abolished after adjustment for omental adipocyte diameter. This study shows that hypertrophic remodeling of visceral fat closely relates to depletion of CoQ10, lipid peroxidation, and inflammation

    Strain driven monoclinic distortion of ultrathin CoO films in the exchange-coupled CoO/FePt/Pt(001) system

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    International audienceThe structure and strain of ultrathin CoO films grown on a Pt(001) substrate and on a ferro-magnetic FePt pseudomorphic layer on Pt(001) have been determined with insitu and real time surface x-ray diffraction. The films grow epitaxially on both surfaces with an in-plane hexagonal pattern that yields a pseudo-cubic CoO(111) surface. A refined x-ray diffraction analysis reveals a slight monoclinic distortion at RT induced by the anisotropic stress at the interface. The tetrag-onal contribution to the distortion results in a ratio c a > 1, opposite to that found in the low temperature bulk CoO phase. This distortion leads to a stable Co 2+ spin configuration within the plane of the film
