254 research outputs found

    Spin injection in Silicon at zero magnetic field

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    In this letter, we show efficient electrical spin injection into a SiGe based \textit{p-i-n} light emitting diode from the remanent state of a perpendicularly magnetized ferromagnetic contact. Electron spin injection is carried out through an alumina tunnel barrier from a Co/Pt thin film exhibiting a strong out-of-plane anisotropy. The electrons spin polarization is then analysed through the circular polarization of emitted light. All the light polarization measurements are performed without an external applied magnetic field \textit{i.e.} in remanent magnetic states. The light polarization as a function of the magnetic field closely traces the out-of-plane magnetization of the Co/Pt injector. We could achieve a circular polarization degree of the emitted light of 3 % at 5 K. Moreover this light polarization remains almost constant at least up to 200 K.Comment: accepted in AP

    Processing Succinct Matrices and Vectors

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    We study the complexity of algorithmic problems for matrices that are represented by multi-terminal decision diagrams (MTDD). These are a variant of ordered decision diagrams, where the terminal nodes are labeled with arbitrary elements of a semiring (instead of 0 and 1). A simple example shows that the product of two MTDD-represented matrices cannot be represented by an MTDD of polynomial size. To overcome this deficiency, we extended MTDDs to MTDD_+ by allowing componentwise symbolic addition of variables (of the same dimension) in rules. It is shown that accessing an entry, equality checking, matrix multiplication, and other basic matrix operations can be solved in polynomial time for MTDD_+-represented matrices. On the other hand, testing whether the determinant of a MTDD-represented matrix vanishes PSPACE$-complete, and the same problem is NP-complete for MTDD_+-represented diagonal matrices. Computing a specific entry in a product of MTDD-represented matrices is #P-complete.Comment: An extended abstract of this paper will appear in the Proceedings of CSR 201

    Growth of GaInTlAs layers on InP by molecular beam epitaxy

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    International audienceGrowth of GaInTlAs alloys on InP001 has been attempted by solid source molecular beam epitaxy. Thallium incorporation into Ga 1x In x As matrices was studied as a function of substrate temperature, arsenic overpressure, matrix composition, and growth rate. At high temperatures 350 °C thallium evaporates, whereas at intermediary temperatures 270-350 °C thallium segregates into droplets on the surface. Only in the low temperature range 180-260 °C can thallium be incorporated in some conditions, leading to mirror-like surfaces. Up to 18% Tl content was incorporated into a Ga 0.70 In 0.30 As matrix and up to 40% Tl into a GaAs matrix. For these high Tl concentrations, Tl droplets are avoided and Tl incorporation is achieved only when using high arsenic pressures. However, this limits surface adatom diffusion and leads to amorphous, polycrystalline, or twinned materials. Finally, a narrow window for single-crystal growth has been found for low Tl contents 4% using optimized growth conditions with low V/III pressure ratios and high growth rates

    Thermoelectric La-doped SrTiO3 epitaxial layers with single-crystal quality: from nanometer to micrometer and mosaicity effects

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    High-quality thermoelectric LaxSr1-xTiO3 (LSTO) layers (here with x = 0.2), with thicknesses ranging from 20 nm to 700 nm, have been epitaxially grown on SrTiO3(001) substrates by enhanced solid-source oxide molecular-beam epitaxy. All films are atomically flat (with rms roughness < 0.2 nm), with low mosaicity (<0.1{\deg}), and present very low electrical resistivity (<5 x 10-4 ohm.cm at room temperature), one order of magnitude lower than commercial Nb-doped SrTiO3 single-crystalline substrate. The conservation of transport properties within this thickness range has been confirmed by thermoelectric measurements where Seebeck coefficients of around -60 microV/K have been found for all films, accordingly. Finally, a correlation is given between the mosaicity and the (thermo)electric properties. These functional LSTO films can be integrated on Si in opto-microelectronic devices as transparent conductor, thermoelectric elements or in non-volatile memory structures

    Polarization sensitive silicon photodiodes using nanostructured metallic grids

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    In this paper, we present the design, fabrication, and characterization of wire grid polarizers. These polarizers show high extinction ratios and high transmission with structure dimensions that are compatible with current complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor (CMOS) technology. To design these wire grids, we first analyze the transmission properties of single apertures. From the understanding of a single aperture, we apply a modal expansion method to model wire grids. The most promising grids are fabricated on both a glass substrate and CMOS photodiode. An extinction ratio higher than 200 is measured

    Functional Interchangeability of Nucleotide Sugar Transporters URGT1 and URGT2 Reveals That urgt1 and urgt2 Cell Wall Chemotypes Depend on Their Spatio-Temporal Expression

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    Indexación ScopusNucleotide sugar transporters (NSTs) are Golgi-localized proteins that play a role in polysaccharide biosynthesis by transporting substrates (nucleotide sugars) from the cytosol into the Golgi apparatus. In Arabidopsis, there is an NST subfamily of six members, called URGTs, which transport UDP-rhamnose and UDP-galactose in vitro. URGTs are very similar in protein sequences, and among them, URGT1 and URGT2 are highly conserved in protein sequence and also showed very similar kinetic parameters toward UDP-rhamnose and UDP-galactose in vitro. Despite the similarity in sequence and in vitro function, mutants in urgt1 led to a specific reduction in galactose in rosette leaves. In contrast, mutants in urgt2 showed a decrease in rhamnose content in soluble mucilage from seeds. Given these specific and quite different chemotypes, we wonder whether the differences in gene expression could explain the observed differences between the mutants. Toward that end, we analyzed whether URGT2 could rescue the urgt1 phenotype and vice versa by performing a promoter swapping experiment. We analyzed whether the expression of the URGT2 coding sequence, controlled by the URGT1 promoter, could rescue the urgt1 rosette phenotype. A similar strategy was used to determine whether URGT1 could rescue the urgt2 mucilage phenotype. Expression analysis of the swapped genes, using qRT-PCR, was similar to the native URGT1 and URGT2 genes in wild-type plants. To monitor the protein expression of the swapped genes, both URGTs were tagged with green fluorescent protein (GFP). Confocal microscopy analyses of the swapped lines containing URGT2-GFP showed fluorescence in motile dot-like structures in rosette leaves. Swapped lines containing URGT1-GFP showed fluorescence in dot-like structures in the seed coat. Finally, the expression of URGT2 in urgt1 mutants rescued galactose reduction in rosette leaves. In the same manner, the expression of URGT1 in urgt2 mutants recovered the content of rhamnose in soluble mucilage. Hence, our results showed that their expression in different organs modulates the role in vivo of URGT1 and URGT2. Likely, this is due to their presence in different cellular contexts, where other proteins, acting in partnership, may drive their functions toward different pathways. © Copyright © 2020 Celiz-Balboa, Largo-Gosens, Parra-Rojas, Arenas-Morales, Sepulveda-Orellana, Salinas-Grenet, Saez-Aguayo and Orellana.https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fpls.2020.594544/ful

    Analyses of apoptotic regulators CASP9 and DFFA at 1P36.2, reveal rare allele variants in human neuroblastoma tumours

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    The genes encoding Caspase-9 and DFF45 have both recently been mapped to chromosome region 1p36.2, that is a region alleged to involve one or several tumour suppressor genes in neuroblastoma tumours. This study presents an update contig of the ‘Smallest Region of Overlap of deletions’ in Scandinavian neuroblastoma tumours and suggests that DFF45 is localized in the region. The genomic organization of the human DFF45 gene, deduced by in-silico comparisons of DNA sequences, is described for the first time in this paper. In the present study 44 primary tumours were screened for mutation by analysis of the genomic sequences of the genes. In two out of the 44 tumours this detected in the DFFA gene one rare allele variant that caused a non-polar to a polar amino acid exchange in a preserved hydrophobic patch of DFF45. One case was hemizygous due to deletion of the more common allele of this polymorphism. Out of 194 normal control alleles only one was found to carry this variant allele, so in respect of it, no healthy control individual out of 97 was homozygous. Moreover, our RT–PCR expression studies showed that DFF45 is preferably expressed in low-stage neuroblastoma tumours and to a lesser degree in high-stage neuroblastomas. We conclude that although coding mutations of Caspase-9 and DFF45 are infrequent in neuroblastoma tumours, our discovery of a rare allele in two neuroblastoma cases should be taken to warrant further studies of the role of DFF45 in neuroblastoma genetics