691 research outputs found

    1922 年リオ・デ・ジャネイロにおける独立百年記念国際博覧会 : 植民地主義から「食人」まで

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    万国博覧会と人間の歴史, 国際日本文化研究センター, 2015年12月17日-20

    Artistic Exchange Between Japan and Brazil

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    サンパウロ大学, 2008年10月13日-15

    Culturally Responsive Pedagogy and Writing Achievement for Native High School Students

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    This study focuses on the effects of culturally responsive pedagogy as it is implemented in a high school classroom with Native American students. This mixed methods case study collects, analyzes and synthesizes both quantitative and qualitative data within an overall formative and experimental design approach to measure the effects of culturally responsive pedagogy on students’ writing and their attitudes about writing. The study identified specific approaches to literacy instruction that hold promise for engaging Native students. Furthermore, findings from the study reveal the use of visual art as a particularly powerful tool that extends students’ meaning-making skills, leading to more robust, substantive writing. This study also identifies an integrative approach to place-based education and art as a catalyst for student engagement in classroom writing tasks. The study concludes with a list of suggested instructional practices for engaging high school Native students in writing and for extending student thinking through writing tasks that utilize a culturally responsive and intertextual approach

    Challenge Patient Dispatching in Mass Casualty Incidents

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    Efficient management of mass casualty incidents is complex, since regular emergency medical services struc-tures have to be switched to a temporary “disaster mode” involving additional operational and tactical struc-tures. Most of the relevant decisions have to be taken on-site in a provisional and chaotic environment. Data gathering about affected persons is one side of the coin; the other side is on-site patient dispatching requiring information exchange with the regular emergency call center and destination hospitals. In this paper we extend a previous conference contribution about the research project e-Triage to the aspect of patient data and on-site patient dispatching. Our considerations reflect the situation in Germany, which deserves from our point of view substantial harmonization

    Colorectal Cancer Screening Behaviors among American Indians in the Midwest

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    Colorectal cancer is the second most diagnosed cancer among American Indians and is also the second leading cause of cancer death. We used a community-based participatory approach to conduct a mixed methods study to examine colorectal cancer screening behaviors. Here we report on the screening behaviors of our focus group participants (n=153). There were significant gender differences in the colorectal cancer screening rates for FOBT and colonoscopy. Although over 80% of participants reported having health insurance, only 35% of males over 50 years old and 57% of females reported ever having a colonoscopy. More research is needed to identify the causes of gender differences in colorectal cancer screening rates among American Indians. The results of the current study provide new information on the prevalence of colorectal cancer screening among American Indians living in the Midwestern (Kansas and Missouri) portion of the country


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    Este texto foi originalmente publicado como um dos capí­tulos do livro Performance na Esfera Pública(2017), organizado pela pesquisadora Ana Pais e publicado pela Editora Orfeu Negro (Lisboa). Dadoscatalográficos: ISBN: 9789898327963; idioma: Português (PT); 224 páginas; tradutor: Luis Leitao. A autora dopresente artigo – O Reenactment polí­tico da performance e seus microativismos de afetos – Christine Greiner,gentilmente o cedeu para ser publicado no dossiê Arte e Comunicação da Revista Cientí­fica FA

    IT-Supported Management of Mass Casualty Incidents: The e-Triage Project

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    Voice, analogue mobile radio, and paper have been successfully used for decades for coordination of emergencies and disasters, but although being simple and robust this approach cannot keep pace with today’s requirements any more. Emerging and established digital communication standards open the door to new applications and services, but the expected benefit needs to be carefully evaluated against robustness, interoperability, and user-friendliness. This paper describes a framework for IT-supported management of mass casualty incidents, which is currently under implementation and study. The four pillars of the concept are handheld devices for use both in daily rescue operations and in disasters, autonomous satellite-based communication infrastructure, a distributed database concept for maximal availability, and psychological acceptance research


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    Nos últimos cinco anos, tive a oportunidade de viajar pelo Brasil para dar palestras e pequenos cursos, conhecendo cidades das quais nunca sequer havia ouvido falar. Além disso, durante duas edições seguidas (2010 e 2012) fiz parte da comissão de seleção do Rumos Dança do Instituto Itaú Cultural, que costuma receber projetos (acompanhados de DVD) de todas as regiões do país; e da comissão referente ao edital de Fomento à Dança da Secretaria de Cultura do Estado de São Paulo. Essas experiências me mobilizaram a compartilhar algumas questões que têm me feito refletir sobre a pesquisa de criação em Dança, dentro e fora de São Paulo (a cidade onde vivo e trabalho) e a possibilidade de se pensar em uma ecologia dos saberes da dança, marcada pela ausência de teorias gerais e por uma economia das generosidades que desafiaria o paradigma dominante da imunização que marca a cultura narcísica gerencial

    Evaluierung der entzündungshemmenden Wirkungen neuartiger Pirinixinsäurederivate

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    Leukotriene sind Arachidonsäure-Metabolite, welche eine wichtige Rolle bei Entzündungsreaktionen spielen. Die ersten beiden Schritte der Leukotrienbiosynthese aus Arachidonsäure werden durch das Enzym 5-Lipoxygenase katalysiert, so dass dessen pharmakologische Hemmung einen vielversprechenden Ansatz in der Behandlung zahlreicher entzündlicher Erkrankungen wie Asthma, rheumatoider Arthritis aber auch von Arteriosklerose und anderen kardiovaskulären Erkrankungen darstellt. Außerdem wird ein therapeutischer Effekt bei Osteoporose und verschiedenen Krebserkrankungen diskutiert. Durch Einführung von alpha-Alkyl- oder alpha-Arylresten sowie lipophilen Substituenten in Pirinixinsäure, einem Agonisten am Peroxisomen-Proliferator-aktivierten Rezeptor (PPAR) alpha, erhält man Derivate, welche nicht nur einen verstärkten PPARalpha- und PPARgamma-Agonismus ausüben, sondern auch potente Hemmstoffe der 5-Lipoxygenase darstellen. Die stärkste Hemmwirkung wird durch Hexyl- oder Naphtylreste in alpha-Position sowie biphenylische Reste am Pyrimidin-Kern der Pirinixinsäure erreicht. Die in dieser Arbeit durchgeführten molekularpharmakologische Untersuchungen in zellulären und zellfreien Assays deuten auf eine Wechselwirkung mit der N-terminalen regulatorischen Domäne des Enzyms oder mit einer zusätzlichen Arachidonsäure-Bindungsstelle außerhalb des katalytischen Zentrums hin. Interessanterweise üben Pirinixinsäurederivate zusätzlich eine sehr potente Hemmung auf die mikrosomale Prostaglandin E2 Synthase-1 aus, ohne dabei Cyxloogygenasen zu beeinflussen. Durch diese duale Hemmung der Leukotrien- und Prostaglandin-E2-Biosynthese, welche sich auch im Tierversuchsmodell bestätigt hat, ergibt sich möglicherweise ein synergistischer Effekt hinsichtlich der Entzündungshemmung ohne die gastrointestinalen bzw. kardiovaskulären Nebenwirkungen der Cyclooxygenase-Inhibitoren. Die Substanzen stellen somit sehr vielversprechende Kandidaten für weiterführende Studien zur Behandlung entzündlicher Erkrankungen dar.Leukotrienes are metabolites of arachidonic acid playing an important role in inflammatory diseases. The first two steps in leukotriene biosynthesis from arachidonic acid are catalyzed by the enzyme 5-lipoxygenase (5-LO). Therefore, pharmacological intervention with this enzyme is a promising strategy to treat diseases like asthma, rheumatoid arthritis, atherosclerosis and other cardiovascular diseases, osteoporosis and also certain types of cancer. Insertion of alpha-alkyl oralpha-aryl residues together with lipophilic substituents into pirinixic acid, an agonist of peroxisome proliferator activated receptor (PPAR)alpha, yielded derivatives with increased PPARalpha and PPARgamma agonism that additionally show a very potent inhibition of 5-LO. The strongest inhibitory effect was observed for compounds with hexyl- or napthyl groups in alpha-position and biphenylic residues at the pyrimdine core of pirinixic acid. Various molecularpharmacological investigations in cell-based and cell-free assays were performed in this work. The results indicate that pirinixic acid derivatives might interfere with a regulatory C2-like domain of 5-LO or with a second, stimulatory binding site for arachidonic acid. Interestingly, pirinixic acid derivatives also showed a very potent inhibition of microsomal prostaglandin E2 synthase-1 (mPGES-1) without significantly affecting cyclooxygenases (COXs). This dual inhibition of leukotriene- and prostaglandin E2 biosynthesis, which could be confirmed in animal models, might lead to a synergistic effect in the treatment of various inflammatory diseases without possessing the gastrointestinal or cardiovascular side effects of COX-inhibitors. These features confer the compounds a high potential for further preclinical assessment as pharmacological agents for treatment of LT-related disorders

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