12,420 research outputs found
An Objection to Naturalism and Atheism from Logic
I proffer a success argument for classical logical consequence. I articulate in what sense that notion of consequence should be regarded as the privileged notion for metaphysical inquiry aimed at uncovering the fundamental nature of the world. Classical logic breeds necessitism. I use necessitism to produce problems for both ontological naturalism and atheism
On the Argument from Physics and General Relativity
I argue that the best interpretation of the general theory of relativity has need of a causal entity, and causal structure that is not reducible to light cone structure. I suggest that this causal interpretation of GTR helps defeat a key premise in one of the most popular arguments for causal reductionism, viz., the argument from physics
Singularity theorems from weakened energy conditions
We establish analogues of the Hawking and Penrose singularity theorems based
on (a) averaged energy conditions with exponential damping; (b) conditions on
local stress-energy averages inspired by the Quantum Energy Inequalities
satisfied by a number of quantum field theories. As particular applications, we
establish singularity theorems for the Einstein equations coupled to a
classical scalar field, which violates the strong energy condition, and the
nonminimally coupled scalar field, which also violates the null energy
condition.Comment: v3 18 pages. Minor correction to the proof of Lemma 3.1; results are
unchanged. Final version to appear in Class Quantum Gra
An orbital window into the ancient Sun's mass
Models of the Sun's long-term evolution suggest that its luminosity was
substantially reduced 2-4 billion years ago, which is inconsistent with
substantial evidence for warm and wet conditions in the geological records of
both ancient Earth and Mars. Typical solutions to this so-called "faint young
Sun paradox" consider changes in the atmospheric composition of Earth and Mars,
and while attractive, geological verification of these ideas is generally
lacking-particularly for Mars. One possible underexplored solution to the faint
young Sun paradox is that the Sun has simply lost a few percent of its mass
during its lifetime. If correct, this would slow, or potentially even offset
the increase in luminosity expected from a constant-mass model. However, this
hypothesis is challenging to test. Here, we propose a novel observational proxy
of the Sun's ancient mass that may be readily measured from accumulation
patterns in sedimentary rocks on Earth and Mars. We show that the orbital
parameters of the Solar system planets undergo quasi-cyclic oscillations at a
frequency, given by secular mode g_2-g_5, that scales approximately linearly
with the Sun's mass. Thus by examining the cadence of sediment accumulation in
ancient basins, it is possible distinguish between the cases of a constant mass
Sun and a more massive ancient Sun to a precision of greater than about 1 per
cent. This approach provides an avenue toward verification, or of
falsification, of the massive early Sun hypothesis.Comment: 7 pages, 4 Figures. Accepted to The Astrophysical Journal Letter
Improved tangent-cone method for the Aerodynamic Preliminary Analysis System (APAS) version of the hypersonic arbitrary-body program
The Aerodynamic Preliminary Analysis System (APAS) utilizes a modified version of the Hypersonic Arbitrary-Body Program (HABP) Mark 3 code in its analysis rationale. Four methods are considered for incorporation into the code as the tangent-cone method. The combination of second-order slender body theory and the approximate solution of Hammitt and Murthy shows the best agreement with the exact numerical solutions and is thus included in the APAS production version of the HABP code
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