826 research outputs found

    How to Allocate R&D (and Other) Subsidies: An Experimentally Tested Policy Recommendation

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    This paper evaluates how R&D subsidies to the business sector are typically awarded. We identify two sources of ine_ciency: the selection based on a ranking of individual projects, rather than complete allocations, and the failure to induce competition among applicants in order to extract and use information about the necessary funding. In order to correct these ine_- ciencies we propose mechanisms that include some form of an auction in which applicants bid for subsidies. Our proposals are tested in a simulation and in controlled lab experiments. The results suggest that adopting our proposals may considerably improve the allocation

    How to Allocate R&D (and Other) Subsidies: An Experimentally Tested Policy Recommendation

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    This paper evaluates how R&D subsidies to the business sector are typically awarded. We identify two sources of ine_ciency: the selection based on a ranking of individual projects, rather than complete allocations, and the failure to induce competition among applicants in order to extract and use information about the necessary funding. In order to correct these ine_- ciencies we propose mechanisms that include some form of an auction in which applicants bid for subsidies. Our proposals are tested in a simulation and in controlled lab experiments. The results suggest that adopting our proposals may considerably improve the allocation.Research; Subsidies; Experimental Economics

    VMÖ – A new strategic transport model for Austria

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    For the preparation of a new traffic forecast for several time horizons up to the year 2040 and beyond (Verkehrsprognose Österreich, VPÖ 2040+) an up-to-date transport model is necessary. Currently this new national transport model Austria (Verkehrsmodell Österreich, VMÖ) is developed. The passenger model will be disaggregated tour-based model with 5 basic steps and some extensions for special applications, like for instance tourist traffic. The number of zones will be approximately 6000. In the model a special focus is on incorporating recent trends in mode choice like “park and ride” and other multimodal chains. The freight part of the model will be an Aggregated - Disaggregated - Aggregated (ADA) model with three steps: (1) the results of an input-output-model are transformed into firm-to-firm flows, (2) the choice of shipment size and transport chain is modelled and (3) the OD relations are aggregated for the individual modes and assignment to the networks. For individual transport with passenger cars and road freight, a quasi-dynamic road transport assignment will be developed. Public transport assignment is based on timetables. For the forecasts of travel demand for future years a pivot-point approach (with the changes) on the base matrices will be applied

    Nanoparticle tethered antioxidant response element as a biosensor for oxygen induced toxicity in retinal endothelial cells

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    Purpose: A novel system, based on biosensor DNA tethered to a nanoparticle, was developed for the treatment of retinopathy of prematurity. Methods: The construction of a five-layered nanoparticle was visualized with gel electrophoresis. Transcriptionally active PCR products (TAP) containing the biosensor sequence, were bioconjugated to the surface of magnetic nanoparticles yielding biosensor tethered magnetic nanoparticles (MNP). The biosensor was based on an enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP) reporter gene driven by an enhanced antioxidant response element ( ARE). Image analysis and flow cytometry were used to characterize MNP delivery and biosensor activity. Results: The MNP penetrated dividing and migrating cells more often than quiescent endothelial cells in a wound-healing in vitro assay. Prussian blue staining demonstrated that more cells have nanoparticle cores than are transfected. When compared to naked TAP alone, MNP transfected more cells in a dose dependent manner. Both the biosensor alone and MNP induce gene expression in the presence of hyperoxia, greater than 1.5 fold over normoxic controls. These data also show that the MNP had a signal to noise ratio of 0.5 greater than the plasmid form of the biosensor as demonstrated by flow cytometry. Conclusions: This approach has the potential to allow the endothelial cells of the retinal vasculature to prevent or treat themselves after hyperoxic insult, rather than systemic treatment to protect or treat only the retina

    The Role of the PAX8/PPARγ Fusion Oncogene in Thyroid Cancer

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    Thyroid cancer is uncommon and exhibits relatively low mortality rates. However, a subset of patients experience inexorable growth, metastatic spread, and mortality. Unfortunately, for these patients, there have been few significant advances in treatment during the last 50 years. While substantial advances have been made in recent years about the molecular genetic events underlying papillary thyroid cancer, the more aggressive follicular thyroid cancer remains poorly understood. The recent discovery of the PAX8/PPARγ translocation in follicular thyroid carcinoma has promoted progress in the role of PPARγ as a tumor suppressor and potential therapeutic target. The PAX8/PPARγ fusion gene appears to be an oncogene. It is most often expressed in follicular carcinomas and exerts a dominant-negative effect on wild-type PPARγ, and stimulates transcription of PAX8-responsive promoters. PPARγ agonists have shown promising results in vitro, although very few studies have been conducted to assess the clinical impact of these agents

    Motives for choosing university and specialty applicants Ukraine (for example, students NTU "KPI")

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    Стаття присвячена аналізу портрета абітурієнта НТУ "ХПІ", де, крім визначення мотивів професійного вибору, самооцінки особистих здібностей, розглядаються і основні цілі навчання в НТУ "ХПІ". У статті підкреслюється, що проблема професійного самовизначення стояла перед молоддю завжди, а сьогодні вона особливо актуальна, тому що сучасні умови ринку праці ведуть до того, що більшість випускників не мають ясної життєвої перспективи. Аналізуються мотиви отримання абітурієнтами вищої освіти, мотивація вступу до НТУ "ХПІ", мотиви вибору спеціальності, період формування професійного інтересу. Проаналізовано мотиви професійного вибору абітурієнтів; період формування інтересу молодих людей до обраної спеціальності (процес самовизначення, коли здійснено вибір спеціальності, ВНЗ); специфіку вибору ВНЗ (яким за рахунком був ХПІ, хто допоміг визначитися з вибором); уявлення про процес навчання в університеті; відповідність уявлень про навчання в університеті реаліям університетського життя.This article analyzes portrait applicant NTU "KPI", where in addition to determining the reasons professional choice, self-personal skills, and discusses the main goals of training at NTU "KPI". The article highlights the problem of professional self -determination was always the youth, and today it is particularly urgent because the current labor market conditions lead to the fact that most graduates do not have a clear life perspective. Analyzed the motives of applicants receiving higher education, motivation admission to NTU "KPI" motives choice of specialty, during the formation of professional interest. Analyzed the motives of professional selection of applicants; during the formation of young people's interest to the chosen profession (the process of self-selection made when specialty Universities); the specific choice of university (how the account was HPI, who helped to choose); understanding of the learning process at the university; line ideas about university studies realities of university life

    Construction, gene delivery, and expression of DNA tethered nanoparticles

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    PURPOSE: Layered nanoparticles have the potential to deliver any number of substances to cells both in vitro and in vivo. The purpose of this study was to develop and test a relatively simple alternative to custom synthesized nanoparticles for use in multiple biological systems, with special focus on the eye. METHODS: The biotin-labeled transcriptionally active PCR products (TAP) were conjugated to gold, semiconductor nanocrystals, and magnetic nanoparticles (MNP) coated with streptavidin. The process of nanoparticle construction was monitored with gel electrophoresis. Fluorescence microscopy followed by image analysis was used to examine gene expression levels from DNA alone and tethered MNP in human hepatoma derived Huh-7 cells. Adult retinal endothelial cells from both dog (ADREC) and human (HREC) sources were transfected with nanoparticles and reporter gene expression evaluated with confocal and fluorescent microscopy. Transmission electron microscopy was used to quantify the concentration of nanoparticles in a stock solution. Nanoparticles were evaluated for transfection efficiency, determined by fluorescence microscopy cell counts. Cells treated with MNP were evaluated for increased reactive oxygen species (ROS) and necrosis with flow cytometry. RESULTS: Both 5' and 3' biotin-labeled TAP bound equally to MNP and there were no differences in functionality between the two tethering orientations. Free DNA was easily removed by the use of magnetic columns. These particles were also able to deliver genes to a human hepatoma cell line, Huh-7, but transfection efficiency was greater than TAP. The semiconductor nanocrystals and MNP had the highest transfection efficiencies. The MNP did not induce ROS formation or necrosis after 48 h of incubation. CONCLUSIONS: Once transfected, the MNP had reporter gene expression levels equivalent to TAP. The nanoparticles, however, had better transfection efficiencies than TAP. The magnetic nanoparticles were the most easily purified of all the nanoparticles tested. This strategy for bioconjugating TAP to nanoparticles is valuable because nanoparticle composition can be changed and the system optimized quickly. Since endothelial cells take up MNP, this strategy could be used to target neovascularization as occurs in proliferative retinopathies. Multiple cell types were used to test this technology and in each the nanoparticles were capable of transfection. In adult endothelial cells the MNP appeared innocuous, even at the highest doses tested with respect to ROS and necrosis. This technology has the potential to be used as more than just a vector for gene transfer, because each layer has the potential to perform its own unique function and then degrade to expose the next functional layer