6 research outputs found

    Le developpement des regions montagneuses: l' etude de cas d' Arachova

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    L’objectif de cette these est l’analyse du role dont le tourisme peut avoir au developpement des regions montagneuses. A travers une approche horizontale, qui combine a la fois une dimension sectorielle et spatiale, sont examines les elements qui ont participe a la marginalisation de l’espace montagneux hellenique, ainsi que les mecanismes qui ont contribue a son developpement. Ils sont analyses les mutations que le tourisme peut provoquer aux structures spatiales d’une region montagneuse, ils sont identifies les parametres et les mecanismes qui conduisent a ces changements, et qui souvent contribuent au developpement de la montagne en mettant en valeur leurs particularites. Autant qu’etude de cas a ete choisi Arachova, a travers laquelle sont examines les changements que le developpement touristique a provoque sur elle meme et sur sa region avoisinante.Η διατριβή αυτή θέτει ως βασικό στόχο τη ανάλυση του ρόλου του τουρισμού στην ανάπτυξη του ορεινού χώρου. Εξετάζεται ο ελληνικός ορεινός χώρος υπό το πρίσμα μιας συνδυασμένης τομεακής και χωρικής προσέγγισης, ερευνώνται τα στοιχεία που συντέλεσαν στην περιθωριοποίησή του, αλλά και οι μηχανισμοί που χρησιμοποιήθηκαν για την ανάπτυξη του. Αναλύονται οι αλλαγές που ο τουρισμός προκαλεί στις χωρικές δομές μιας ορεινής περιοχής, εντοπίζονται οι παράμετροι και οι μηχανισμοί που οδηγούν στις αλλαγές αυτές και οι οποίοι, υπό προϋποθέσεις, συμβάλουν στην ανάπτυξη των ορεινών περιοχών αξιοποιώντας τις τυχόν ιδιαιτερότητες αυτών. Ως περίπτωση μελέτης επιλέγεται η Αράχωβα, όπου εξετάζονται οι αλλαγές που η τουριστική ανάπτυξη προκάλεσε στην ίδια και στην ευρύτερη περιοχής της

    Usages du sol et incendies dans la Zone urbaine élargie (ZUE) d’Athènes

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    La Zone urbaine élargie d’Athènes (ZUE) est affectée systématiquement par des incendies qui se développent dans les espaces périurbains avec un impact particulièrement dévastateur sur la qualité de vie des citoyens. Les incendies sont des phénomènes très complexes qui dépendent à la fois de variables physico-géographiques et socio‑économiques. Ce travail consiste à analyser comment l’expansion urbaine est associée aux incendies dans les espaces périurbains. Plus précisément, il s’agit d’examiner la répartition des incendies dans la ZUE d’Athènes et leur corrélation avec l’utilisation des sols. La ZUE d’Athènes a été choisie en se fondant sur la définition donnée par le projet européen « European Urban Atlas 2006 ». Le travail porte plus précisément sur la fiabilité et la pertinence des données disponibles à la fois sur l’utilisation des sols et sur l’enregistrement des incendies et, d’autre part, sur la possibilité d’interpréter les incendies à échelle macroscopique.The Large Urban Zone of Athens (LUZ) is systematically affected by fires, which have been proved particularly devastating for the quality of life of the citizens. Fires are very complex phenomena and depend on both physico-geographic and socio-economic variables. The issue of this paper is to highlight how the urban sprawl is associated with fires in peri-urban areas. More specifically, the hypothesis is focused on the investigation of the fires distribution in Athens LUZ and their correlation to peri-urban land uses. The LUZ of Athens was chosen as it was defined by the European project “European Urban Atlas 2006” as a pertinent area to investigate this hypothesis. The study focuses specifically on issues of the reliability and relevance of the available geospatial data on both land use and fire incidents registration and secondly, it searches to investigate the possibility of a macroscopic interpretation of fires in the Athens peri-urban areas

    Industrial Location in Greece: Fostering Green Transition and Synergies between Industrial and Spatial Planning Policies

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    Greece represents a very peculiar case of industrial development due to a series of historical evolutions. Hence, the present paper aims to discuss the shift from the unregulated and unplanned spatial development paradigm of productive activities to the one of modern “Business parks” (hereinafter BPs), expected to adapt to international standards the location and function of industrial activity, in the Greek territory. Inherent problems and constraints hampering the modernization of industrial development are presented and specific policy recommendations are formulated, with the aim of embedding the industrial parks in sustainable territorial development. This is done through a four-step methodology including (a) an inventory of BPs from the international milieu and the review of current trends in view of the green transition, (b) an analysis of the effects of Greek regulations on the development of the so-called “Organized Receptors of Manufacturing and Business Activities” (OYMEDs) and the suggestion of guiding principles as BPs become more attractive, and (c) the construction of a system of indicators that may govern the transformation of existing parks into eco-industrial parks (EIPs) and monitor their multiple performances. Lastly, an attempt to apply this system of indicators on a national and local level was carried out. Findings show that the regulatory and operational framework concerning BPs in Greece requires a comprehensive revision so as to (a) increase synergies of BPs with the implemented or planned territorial policies, (b) establish collaborative mechanisms acting as catalysts of creativity and innovation, (c) introduce a system of indicators to monitor the development of BPs on the basis of the international framework for eco-industrial parks (EIPs), and (d) pursue an evidence-based industrial policy on national and local levels. A critical outcome is also that strong coordination between spatial and industrial policy is needed, through a high-level inter-ministerial body

    Intrauterine growth restriction may not suppress bone formation at term, as indicated by circulating concentrations of undercarboxylated osteocalcin and Dickkopf-1

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    The objective was to investigate circulating concentrations of bone formation markers (undercarboxylated osteocalcin [Glu-OC], an established marker of bone formation during fetal and early postnatal life), and Dickkopf-1 [DKK-1], a natural inhibitor of osteoblastogenesis during fetal development]) in intrauterine-growth restricted (IUGR; associated with impaired fetal skeletal development) and appropriate-for-gestational-age (AGA) pregnancies. Circulating concentrations of Glu-OC and DKK-1 were determined by enzyme immunoassay in 40 mothers and their 20 asymmetric IUGR and 20 AGA singleton full-term fetuses and neonates on postnatal day 1 (N1) and 4 (N4). Parametric tests were applied in the statistical analysis. No significant differences in Glu-OC concentrations were observed between IUGR and AGA groups, whereas fetal DKK-1 concentrations were lower in the IUGR group (P = .028). In both groups, maternal Glu-OC and DKK-1 concentrations were lower than fetal, N1, and N4 concentrations (P <= .012 in all cases), whereas fetal Glu-OC concentrations were higher than N1 and N4 ones (P <= .037 in all cases). In addition, N1 GluOC concentrations were higher than N4 concentrations (P = .047). Finally, maternal Glu-OC and DKK-1 concentrations positively correlated with fetal, N1, and N4 ones (r >= 0.404, P <= .01 in all cases). Fetal/neonatal bone formation may not be impaired in full-term asymmetric IUGR infants, as indicated by the similar Glu-OC concentrations in both groups. Fetal DDK-1 concentrations are lower in the IUGR group, representing probably a compensatory mechanism, favoring the formation of mineralized bone. Fetal/neonatal bone turnover is markedly enhanced compared with maternal one and seems to be associated with the latter in both late pregnancy and early postpartum. (C) 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved

    Perinatal collagen turnover markers in intrauterine growth restriction

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    Objective: To investigate bone and connective tissue collagen turnover in intrauterine growth restricted (IUGR) pregnancies, by determining circulating markers of type I collagen synthesis (carboxy-terminal propeptide of type I procollagen [PICP], representing bone formation) and degradation (cross-linked telopeptide of type I collagen [ICTP], representing bone resorption) as well as type III collagen synthesis (N-terminal propeptide of type-III procollagen [PIIINP], reflecting growth and tissue maturity). Methods: Plasma PICP, ICTP and PIIINP concentrations were measured in 40 mothers and their 20 asymmetric IUGR and 20 appropriate for gestational age (AGA) full-term fetuses and neonates on postnatal day 1-(N1) and 4-(N4). Results: Fetal PICP, fetal and N4 ICTP, as well as fetal, N1 and N4 PIIINP concentrations were higher in the IUGR group (p <= 0.038, in all cases). In both groups, maternal PICP, ICTP and PIIINP concentrations were lower than fetal, N1 and N4 ones (p < 0.001, in each case). Conclusions: Type I collagen turnover is enhanced in IUGR than AGA fetuses/neonates. Similarly, fetal/neonatal PIIINP concentrations are elevated in IUGR, probably due to stress, responsible for induction of tissue maturation, and/or to impaired excretory renal function, leading to reduced protein clearance. Fetal/neonatal PICP, ICTP and PIIINP concentrations are higher than maternal concentrations, possibly reflecting increased skeletal growth and collagen turnover in the former

    Les grands incendies de forêt en Méditerranée

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    Les incendies de forêt sont un phénomène récurrent en milieu méditerranéen. Chaque année, des milliers d’hectares de végétation partent en fumée dans l’indifférence quasi‑générale des riverains de la Grande Bleue. Lorsque des victimes sont enregistrées ou quand les flammes viennent lécher les faubourgs des plus grandes villes, la presse se saisit de l’information avant de basculer bientôt vers d’autres faits divers. La « banalité du mal » voudrait que le problème soit entièrement géré par des techniciens de l’aménagement, appuyés par des ingénieurs forestiers. Ce numéro de Méditerranée aborde la question des « grands » incendies par une approche géographique qui contraste avec les analyses écosystémiques ou climatologiques habituelles. La grille de lecture est volontairement anthropocentrée. Face à une urbanisation galopante, au développement de friches multiples, à une pression foncière et démographique accrue, et en dépit de la prolifération des zones de protection, les incendies apparaissent en effet comme une variable d’ajustement dans la régulation des rapports complexes entre territoires « anthropisés » et « naturels ». Ils révèlent des dysfonctionnements/déséquilibres chroniques en matière d’aménagement, de même qu’ils traduisent l’état des relations entre territoires centraux et marges « naturelles », proches ou lointaines. Indépendamment de leur emprise spatiale, les « grands » incendies sont ainsi considérés à hauteur de leur impact sur les sociétés méditerranéennes. Forest fires are a recurring phenomenon around the Mediterranean. Each year, thousands of square miles of vegetation burn without catching the attention of unconcerned populations neighboring the Big Blue. When victims are registered or when flames lick the outskirts of some major urban area, the information may temporarily make the headlines before other boring local news soon come back. The “banality of evil” implies that the problem is solved by planning technicians and other forest engineers. This issue of the Journal of Mediterranean Studies adopts a geographical approach of the “great” wildfires question, breaking with common analyses of ecosystems and climate change. The primary perspective is clearly anthropocentric. Beside the fast-paced urbanization, developing wastelands, heavy land and human pressure and despite the growing number of protection zones, wildfires serve as an adjustment variable regulating the complex relationship between anthropogenic and “natural” areas. They reveal chronic bugs/imbalances in land use planning and describe the state of relations between central places and “natural” margins, whatever close or far these might be. Independently from their spatial extent, wildfires shall be considered “great” relatively to their impact on Mediterranean societies