57 research outputs found

    Obese Patients in Medical Intensive Care Unit: Influence of Counseling on Weight Loss and Cardiovascular Parameters

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    A case series of 12 obese patients admitted to medical intensive care unit (ICU) due to life-threatening diseases and the influence of weight loss on cardiovascular parameters is presented. We assessed body weight, body mass index (BMI), blood pressure, pulse, and laboratory values on admission. At discharge from ICU patients were counseled on how to lose weight. They were examined one and six months later. Statistically significant (p<0.05) decrease of body weight (median at the beginning of a treatment 134 kg, after six months 127.5 kg), BMI (median 41.5 kg/m2 at the beginning of a treatment; 38.9 kg/m2 after six months), systolic blood pressure (medians 145 mmHg and 130 mmHg), diastolic blood pressure (medians 95 mmHg and 85 mmHg) and pulse (medians 104 beats per minute, 78 beats per minute) was found. The reduction of the waist circumference was not significant. One patient died due to severe acute pancreatitis. Patients reported feeling much better after losing weight

    Prospektivno istraživanje prevencije kontrastne nefropatije u Republici Hrvatskoj

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    Aim: To explore the protective role of hydration, urine alkalization (Na bicarbonate) and high doses of antioxidant (N-acetylcysteine) in the prevention of CIN. Material and methods: In a prospective, randomized, single-blinded study patients were divided into three groups: 1) peroral hydration, 2) Na bicarbonate infusion and 3) N-acetylcysteine (NAC) plus NaHCO3 infusion. Serum creatinine (SCr), blood urea nitrogen (BUN), and neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin (NGAL) were measured before and 48 hours after the angiography. Mehran score was calculated for each patient. Results: The study included 106 patients. Groups were comparable regarding the baseline characteristics. According to Mehran risk score 70 % of patients had a low risk, 24% medium and 6% high risk score for development of CIN. After the procedure renal function was preserved in all patients (SCr 103(87.0-121.5), BUN 5.8 (4.9-7.6), creatinine clearance 74.7(55.3-97.6), NGAL 11.4(5.4-19.9)) regardless of the Mehran risk score. The follow up was completed for 73 patients (68 %). Twenty two patients (32 %) developed chronic kidney disease, mostly classified as G3a and G3b according to KDIGO guidelines. Chronic kidney disease developed in patients with the positive history of diabetes and in patients who had higher Mehran score before the diagnostic procedure. Conclusion: The study showed that patients with preserved renal function are not prone to CIN. Regardless of the protocol used, no case of CIN was observed. Our results indicate that adequate hydration is a key component in maintaining the renal function. Higher Mehran score might be useful in predicting the development of chronic kidney disease.Cilj: Ispitati protektivnu ulogu hidracije, alkalizacije mokraće (natrijevim bikarbonatom) i visokih doza antioksidansa (N-acetilcistein) u prevenciji kontrastne nefropatije. Materijali i metode: U prospektivnom istraživanju pacijenti su bili podijeljeni u tri skupine: 1) peroralna hidracija, 2) infuzija natrijevog bikarbonata i 3) infuzija N-acetilcisteina (NAC) i NaHCO3. Serumska vrijednost kreatinina, ureje i neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin (NGAL) izmjerene su prije i 48 sati nakon angiografije. Svakom pacijentu izračunati su Mehran bodovi koji predstavljaju rizik razvoja kontrastne nefropatije. Rezultati: U istraživanje je uključeno 106 pacijenata. Sve tri skupine pacijenata imale su usporedive osnovne karakteristike. Prema bodovima po Mehranu, 70 % pacijenata imalo je niski rizik, 24 % srednji i 6 % visoki rizik razvoja kontrastne nefropatije. Nakon kontrastne pretrage bubrežna funkcija bila je očuvana u svih pacijenata (serumski kreatinin 103 (87.0 – 121.5), urea 5.8 (4.9 – 7.6), klirens kreatinina 74.7 (55.3 – 97.6), NGAL 11.4 (5.4 – 19.9)) neovisno o riziku procijenjenom bodovima po Mehranu. Praćenje je završeno za 73 pacijenta (68 %). Dvadeset i dva pacijenta (32 %) razvila su kroničnu bubrežnu insuficijenciju, klasificiranu prema KDIGO smjernicama kao G3a i G3b. Kronična bubrežna insuficijencija razvila se u pacijenata sa šećernom bolesti i u pacijenata koji su imali viši broj bodova prema Mehranu prije dijagnostičke pretrage. Zaključak: Istraživanje je pokazalo da pacijenti s normalnom bubrežnom funkcijom imaju mali rizik razvoja kontrastne nefropatije. U ispitivanoj skupini pacijenata nije zabilježen niti jedan slučaj kontrastne nefropatije bez obzira na vrstu protokola koji je korišten za hidraciju. Naši rezultati ukazuju na to da je adekvatna hidracija ključna u prevenciji kontrastne nefropatije. Nadalje, postoji mogućnost da viši broj bodova po Mehranu može poslužiti kao prediktor razvoja kronične bubrežne bolesti

    Obese Patients in Medical Intensive Care Unit: Influence of Counseling on Weight Loss and Cardiovascular Parameters

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    A case series of 12 obese patients admitted to medical intensive care unit (ICU) due to life-threatening diseases and the influence of weight loss on cardiovascular parameters is presented. We assessed body weight, body mass index (BMI), blood pressure, pulse, and laboratory values on admission. At discharge from ICU patients were counseled on how to lose weight. They were examined one and six months later. Statistically significant (p<0.05) decrease of body weight (median at the beginning of a treatment 134 kg, after six months 127.5 kg), BMI (median 41.5 kg/m2 at the beginning of a treatment; 38.9 kg/m2 after six months), systolic blood pressure (medians 145 mmHg and 130 mmHg), diastolic blood pressure (medians 95 mmHg and 85 mmHg) and pulse (medians 104 beats per minute, 78 beats per minute) was found. The reduction of the waist circumference was not significant. One patient died due to severe acute pancreatitis. Patients reported feeling much better after losing weight

    Glycosylation Alterations in Multiple Sclerosis Show Increased Proinflammatory Potential

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    Multiple sclerosis (MS) is an inflammatory autoimmune disorder affecting the central nervous system (CNS), with unresolved aetiology. Previous studies have implicated N-glycosylation, a highly regulated enzymatic attachment of complex sugars to targeted proteins, in MS pathogenesis. We investigated individual variation in N-glycosylation of the total plasma proteome and of IgG in MS. Both plasma protein and IgG N-glycans were chromatographically profiled and quantified in 83 MS cases and 88 age- and sex-matched controls. Comparing levels of glycosylation features between MS cases and controls revealed that core fucosylation (p = 6.96 × 10−3) and abundance of high-mannose structures (p = 1.48 × 10−2) were the most prominently altered IgG glycosylation traits. Significant changes in plasma protein N-glycome composition were observed for antennary fucosylated, tri- and tetrasialylated, tri- and tetragalactosylated, high-branched N-glycans (p-value range 1.66 × 10−2–4.28 × 10−2). Classification performance of N-glycans was examined by ROC curve analysis, resulting in an AUC of 0.852 for the total plasma N-glycome and 0.798 for IgG N-glycome prediction models. Our results indicate that multiple aspects of protein glycosylation are altered in MS, showing increased proinflammatory potential. N-glycan alterations showed substantial value in classification of the disease status, nonetheless, additional studies are warranted to explore their exact role in MS development and utility as biomarkers

    Genome-wide association study identifies _FUT8_ and _ESR2_ as co-regulators of a bi-antennary N-linked glycan A2 (GlcNAc~2~Man~3~GlcNAc~2~) in human plasma proteins

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    HPLC analysis of N-glycans quantified levels of the biantennary glycan (A2) in plasma proteins of 924 individuals. Subsequent genome-wide association study (GWAS) using 317,503 single nucleotide polymorphysms (SNP) identified two genetic loci influencing variation in A2: FUT 8 and ESR2. We demonstrate that human glycans are amenable to GWAS and their genetic regulation shows sex-specific effects with _FUT 8_ variants explaining 17.3% of the variance in pre-menopausal women, while _ESR2_ variants explained 6.0% of the variance in post-menopausal women

    Multiple myeloma presenting with lower extremity gangrene and hyperviscosity syndrome

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    Hyperviscosity syndrome and cryoblobulinemia associated with lymphoproliferative disorder is a rare but life threatening condition. The delay of diagnosis can lead to severe mutilation and multiple organ damage. The plasma exchange therapy and the targeted treatment of the underlying disorder can lead to significant improvement. We present a patient who developed extensive soft tissue necroses, mimicking the peripheral artery disease. Despite surgical treatment, the skin lesions progressed involving fingers, earlobes and scrotum. Finally, the patient was diagnosed with multiple myeloma and hyperviscosity syndrome. The clinical condition improved after plasma exchange and myeloma treatment with thalidomide and dexamethasone

    Glycomics meets lipidomics - associations of N-glycans with classical lipids, glycerophospholipids, and sphingolipids in three European populations

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    Recently, high-throughput technologies have been made available which allow the measurement of a broad spectrum of glycomics and lipidomics parameters in many samples. The aim of this study was to apply these methods and investigate associations between 46 glycan and 183 lipid traits measured in blood of 2041 Europeans from three different local populations (Croatia - VIS cohort; Sweden - NSPHS cohort; Great Britain - ORCADES cohort). N-glycans have been analyzed with High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) and lipids with Electrospray Ionization Tandem Mass Spectrometry (ESI-MS/MS) covering sterol lipids, glycerolipids, glycerophospholipids and sphingolipids in eight subclasses. Overall, 8418 associations were calculated using linear mixed effect models adjusted for pedigree, sex, age and multiple testing. We found 330 significant correlations in VIS. Pearson's correlation coefficient r ranged from −0.27 to 0.34 with corresponding p-values between 1.45 × 10−19 and 4.83 × 10−6, indicating statistical significance. A total of 71 correlations in VIS could be replicated in NSPHS (r = [−0.19; 0.35], p = [4.16 × 10−18; 9.38 × 10−5]) and 31 correlations in VIS were also found in ORCADES (r = [−0.20; 0.24], p = [2.69 × 10−10; 7.55 × 10−5]). However, in total only 10 correlations between a subset of triantennary glycans and unsaturated phosphatidylcholine, saturated ceramide, and sphingomyelin lipids in VIS (r = [0.18; 0.34], p = [2.98 × 10−21; 1.69 × 10−06]) could be replicated in both NSPHS and ORCADES. In summary, the results show strong and consistent associations between certain glycans and lipids in all populations, but also population-specific correlations which may be caused by environmental and genetic differences. These associations point towards potential interactive metabolic pathways