2,315 research outputs found

    Magnetic properties of Hydrogenated Li and Co doped ZnO nanoparticles

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    The effect of hydrogenation on magnetic properties of Zn0.85Co0.05Li0.10O nanoparticles is presented. It was found that the sample hydrided at room temperature (RT) showed weak ferromagnetism (FM) while that hydrided at 400oC showed robust ferromagnetism at room temperature. In both cases reheating the sample at 400oC in air converts it back into paramagnetic state (P) completely. The characterization of samples by X-ray and electron diffraction (ED) showed that room temperature ferromagnetism observed in the samples hydrogenated at RT is intrinsic in nature whereas that observed in the samples hydrogenated at 400oC is partly due to the cobalt metal clusters.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figure

    A Good Catch

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    The Ashtamudi estuary, covering an area of 61.4 sq km, is tlie second largest wetland ecosystem in Kerala. Paphia malabarica, the short-necked or yellow-foot clam, is the dominant clam species exploited in the Ashtamudi estuary. It is a benthic filter feeding, bivalve mollusc found in estuarine habitats on the east and west coasts of India. Up to 1,000 fishers in the area rely on this clam resource for livelihood. They paddle dug-out canoes from nearby villages to the shellfish beds. Divers dislodge the clams from the seabed with their hands and feet or a team of two or three fishermen use a hand-dredge from the canoe. On a good day a fisherman can gather as much as 200kg over four-five hours. Another 3,000-4,000 people are involved in cleaning, processing and trading the clams. The fishery has sustained catches of around 10,000 tonnes a year for the past decade. The value of the clam fishery in the Ashtamudi estuary is close to US$1 million, with the catch being in good demand in Southeast Asia and Japan

    Dicke quantum spin glass of atoms and photons

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    Recent studies of strongly interacting atoms and photons in optical cavities have rekindled interest in the Dicke model of atomic qubits coupled to discrete photon cavity modes. We study the multimode Dicke model with variable atom-photon couplings. We argue that a quantum spin glass phase can appear, with a random linear combination of the cavity modes superradiant. We compute atomic and photon spectral response functions across this quantum phase transition, both of which should be accessible in experiment.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, v2: described quantum optics set-up in more detail; extended discussion on photon correlation functions and experimental signatures; added reference

    History of Indian Journal of Fisheries in a Science Communication Perspective

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    Scientific journals are the most prominent channels to communicate research findings. In academic publishing, a scientific journal is a periodical publication intended to further progress science, usually by reporting new research findings. These journals publish articles after a peer review process, in order to confirm scientific validity of the content and also to ensure that the articles meet the journal's standard. When research ouputs are published in scholarly journals, the new findings are shared with a larger peer group. It serves as the main gateway for rapid reach of the outputs of scientific investigations to the intended audience in a well-edited version

    Study on drug utilization pattern in conservative management of patients with pancreatitis in a tertiary care teaching hospital

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    Background: Drug utilization plays a key role in helping the healthcare system to understand, interpret and improve the prescribing, administration and use of medications. The objective of the study was to assess the drug utilization pattern of drugs prescribed in conservative management of pancreatitis patients in a tertiary care teaching hospital.Methods: This prospective observational study was conducted in department of surgery, Rajah Muthiah Medical College and Hospital, Annamalai University. The study period was six months from November 2019 to April 2020. A total of 115 patients were selected based on inclusion and exclusion criteria.Results: The study population containing of 90% (n=104) males and 10% (n=11) females were included in the study. Most of the patients between age group of 25-44 years (48%). The most common etiology was alcoholic 68% (n=78). 7% of population with comorbidities (5% hypertension, 2% diabetes mellitus). In analgesics, tramadol (28%) and in antibiotics cefotaxime 21% was most prescribed. Lactated ringer solution (36%) was prescribed most as intravenous hydration. 7% (n=8) and 3% (n=4) of patients receiving enteral nutrition and parenteral nutrition. The average number of drugs per prescription was 8.5. Out of 1205 drugs, 61% of drugs prescribed in generic form, 39% were prescribed in brand name. The study analyzed that 69% of drugs were prescribed from essential drugs list (EDL) 2019 and 84% drugs prescribed from national list of essential medicines (NLEM) 2015. Number of prescriptions with injection were 79.07%. The overall antibiotic encounter rate 15%. Prescribed daily dose/defined daily dose (PDD/DDD) ratio of folic acid was 5.Conclusions: Drug utilization study can help in evaluating the quality of care given to the pancreatitis patients and promote rational use of medicines

    Effectiveness of an Individualised Sensory Stimulation Program for High Risk Infants Less than Three Months of Age

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    AIM: To find out the effectiveness of an individualized sensory stimulation program for high risk infant less than 3 months of age. METHODS: Twenty two high risk infants were selected for the study and were randomly assigned to the control and experimental group. Each group had 11 infants of which 4 were female and 7 were male. The “sensory profile” was used to evaluated the infants development in the five (ie) visual auditory, tactile, vestibular and proprioceptive. RESULTS: Sensory stimulation in the first 3 months of life is beneficial in facilitating the development of high risk infants

    Use of Cone-Beam Computed Tomography in the Diagnosis and Treatment of an Unusual Canine Abnormality

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    Diagnosis and treatment planning are important for successful endodontic treatment. We report a 24-year old male who presented to the Government Dental College in Kozhikode, Kerala, India, in 2015 with pain in his right upper canine. A digital periapical radiograph indicated the presence of a supernumerary tooth superimposing the root of the canine. However, cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) confirmed that the supernumerary tooth was an illusion and that the canine root had a sharp invagination involving the labial and pulpal dentin surfaces, with evidence of periapical bone destruction. A blunt resection was performed at the level of the invagination and the resected end was filled with a dentin substitute. At a one-year follow-up, the patient was asymptomatic and the periapical region appeared to be healing well. This report highlights the importance of CBCT in visualising abnormal canine morphology, thus allowing appropriate endodontic treatment

    Thermodynamic evidence for phase transition in MoO<SUB>2-&#948;</SUB>

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    The standard Gibbs free energy of formation of MoO2-&#948;, &#916;fG(MoO2-&#948;), has been measured over a wide temperature range (925 to 1925) K using an advanced version of bi-electrolyte solid-state electrochemical cell incorporating a buffer electrode: Pt|Mo + MoO2-&#948;||(Y2O3)ThO2||(CaO)ZrO2||O2(0.1MPa)|Pt The Gibbs free energy of formation of MoO2-&#948;, which is directly related to the measured cell e.m.f., can be represented by two linear segments: &#916;fG&#176;(MoO2-&#948;)&#177;570(Jmol-1)=-579,821+170.003(T/K) in the temperature range(925 to 1533)K, and &#916;fG&#176;(MoO2-&#948;)&#177;510(Jmol-1)=-564,634+160.096(T/K) in the temperature range (1533 to 1925) K. The change in slope at T = 1533 K is probably related to the phase transition of MoO2 from monoclinic structure with space group P21/c to tetragonal structure characteristic of rutile with space group P42/mnm. The enthalpy and entropy change for the phase transition are: &#916;Htr = (15.19 &#177; 2.1) kJ &#183; mol-1; &#916;Str = (9.91 &#177; 1.27) J &#183; mol-1&#183; K-1. The standard enthalpy of formation of MoO2-&#948; at T = 298.15 K assessed by the third-law method is: &#948;fH(M&#177;O2-&#948;) = (-592.28 &#177; 0.33) kJ&#183; mol-1. The new measurements refine thermodynamic data for MoO2