5 research outputs found

    Optical Tweezers For Studying Taxis In Parasites

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    In this work we present a methodology to measure force strengths and directions of living parasites with an optical tweezers setup. These measurements were used to study the parasites chemotaxis in real time. We observed behavior and measured the force of: (i)Leishmania amazonensis in the presence of two glucose gradients; (ii)Trypanosoma cruzi in the vicinity of the digestive system walls, and (iii)Trypanosoma rangeli in the vicinity of salivary glands as a function of distance. Our results clearly show a chemotactic behavior in every case. This methodology can be used to study any type of taxis, such as chemotaxis, osmotaxis, thermotaxis, phototaxis, of any kind of living microorganisms. These studies can help us to understand the microorganism sensory systems and their response function to these gradients. © 2011 IOP Publishing Ltd.134DPDx-Trypanosomiasis, American. Fact Sheet. Centers for Disease Control (CDC). 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