12,471 research outputs found

    The Noncommutative Supersymmetric Nonlinear Sigma Model

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    We show that the noncommutativity of space-time destroys the renormalizability of the 1/N expansion of the O(N) Gross-Neveu model. A similar statement holds for the noncommutative nonlinear sigma model. However, we show that, up to the subleading order in 1/N expansion, the noncommutative supersymmetric O(N) nonlinear sigma model becomes renormalizable in D=3. We also show that dynamical mass generation is restored and there is no catastrophic UV/IR mixing. Unlike the commutative case, we find that the Lagrange multiplier fields, which enforce the supersymmetric constraints, are also renormalized. For D=2 the divergence of the four point function of the basic scalar field, which in D=3 is absent, cannot be eliminated by means of a counterterm having the structure of a Moyal product.Comment: 15 pages, 7 figures, revtex, minor modifications in the text, references adde

    Endogenous Cycles in Optimal Monetary Policy with a Nonlinear Phillips Curve

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    There is by now a large consensus in modern monetary policy. This consensus has been built upon a dynamic general equilibrium model of optimal monetary policy with sticky prices a la Calvo and forward looking behavior. In this paper we extend this standard model by introducing nonlinearity into the Phillips curve. As the linear Phillips curve may be questioned on theoretical grounds and seems not to be favoured by empirical evidence, a similar procedure has already been undertaken in a series papers over the last few years, e.g., Schaling (1999), Semmler and Zhang (2004), Nobay and Peel (2000), Tambakis (1999), and Dolado et al. (2004). However, these papers were mainly concerned with the analysis of the problem of inflation bias, by deriving an interest rate rule which is nonlinear, leaving the issues of stability and the possible existence of endogenous cycles in such a framework mostly overlooked. Under the specific form of nonlinearity proposed in our paper (which allows for both convexity and concavity and secures closed form solutions), we show that the introduction of a nonlinear Phillips curve into a fully deterministic structure of the standard model produces significant changes to the major conclusions regarding stability and the efficiency of monetary policy in the standard model. We should emphasize the following main results: (i) instead of a unique fixed point we end up with multiple equilibria; (ii) instead of saddle--path stability, for different sets of parameter values we may have saddle stability, totally unstable and chaotic fixed points (endogenous cycles); (iii) for certain degrees of convexity and/or concavity of the Phillips curve, where endogenous fluctuations arise, one is able to encounter various results that seem interesting. Firstly, when the Central Bank pays attention essentially to inflation targeting, the inflation rate may have a lower mean and is certainly less volatile; secondly, for changes in the degree of price stickiness the results are not are clear cut as in the previous case, however, we can also observe that when such stickiness is high the inflation rate tends to display a somewhat larger mean and also higher volatility; and thirdly, it shows that the target values for inflation and the output gap (π^,x^), both crucially affect the dynamics of the economy in terms of average values and volatility of the endogenous variables --- e.g., the higher the target value of the output gap chosen by the Central Bank, the higher is the inflation rate and its volatility --- while in the linear case only the π^ does so (obviously, only affecting in this case the level of the endogenous variables). Moreover, the existence of endogenous cycles due to chaotic motion may raise serious questions about whether the old dictum of monetary policy (that the Central Bank should conduct policy with discretion instead of commitment) is not still very much in the business of monetary policy.Optimal monetary policy, Interest Rate Rules, Nonlinear Phillips Curve, Endogenous Fluctuations and Stabilization

    Bloch Brane

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    We investigate a system described by two real scalar fields coupled with gravity in (4, 1) dimensions in warped spacetime involving one extra dimension. The results show that the parameter which controls the way the two scalar fields interact induces the appearence of thick brane which engenders internal structure, driving the energy density to localize inside the brane in a very specific way.Comment: 13 pages, 6 figures; some misprints corrected, to appear in JHE

    Ionization rates in a Bose-Einstein condensate of metastable Helium

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    We have studied ionizing collisions in a BEC of He*. Measurements of the ion production rate combined with measurements of the density and number of atoms for the same sample allow us to estimate both the 2 and 3-body contributions to this rate. A comparison with the decay of the number of condensed atoms in our magnetic trap, in the presence of an rf-shield, indicates that ionizing collisions are largely or wholly responsible for the loss. Quantum depletion makes a substantial correction to the 3-body rate constant.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Plastic Deformation of 2D Crumpled Wires

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    When a single long piece of elastic wire is injected trough channels into a confining two-dimensional cavity, a complex structure of hierarchical loops is formed. In the limit of maximum packing density, these structures are described by several scaling laws. In this paper it is investigated this packing process but using plastic wires which give origin to completely irreversible structures of different morphology. In particular, it is studied experimentally the plastic deformation from circular to oblate configurations of crumpled wires, obtained by the application of an axial strain. Among other things, it is shown that in spite of plasticity, irreversibility, and very large deformations, scaling is still observed.Comment: 5 pages, 6 figure

    Chaotic Dynamics in Optimal Monetary Policy

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    There is by now a large consensus in modern monetary policy. This consensus has been built upon a dynamic general equilibrium model of optimal monetary policy as developed by, e.g., Goodfriend and King (1997), Clarida et al. (1999), Svensson (1999) and Woodford (2003). In this paper we extend the standard optimal monetary policy model by introducing nonlinearity into the Phillips curve. Under the specific form of nonlinearity proposed in our paper (which allows for convexity and concavity and secures closed form solutions), we show that the introduction of a nonlinear Phillips curve into the structure of the standard model in a discrete time and deterministic framework produces radical changes to the major conclusions regarding stability and the efficiency of monetary policy. We emphasize the following main results: (i) instead of a unique fixed point we end up with multiple equilibria; (ii) instead of saddle--path stability, for different sets of parameter values we may have saddle stability, totally unstable equilibria and chaotic attractors; (iii) for certain degrees of convexity and/or concavity of the Phillips curve, where endogenous fluctuations arise, one is able to encounter various results that seem intuitively correct. Firstly, when the Central Bank pays attention essentially to inflation targeting, the inflation rate has a lower mean and is less volatile; secondly, when the degree of price stickiness is high, the inflation rate displays a larger mean and higher volatility (but this is sensitive to the values given to the parameters of the model); and thirdly, the higher the target value of the output gap chosen by the Central Bank, the higher is the inflation rate and its volatility.Comment: 11 page

    Nonrelativistic Limit of the Scalar Chern-Simons Theory and the Aharonov-Bohm Scattering

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    We study the nonrelativistic limit of the quantum theory of a Chern-Simons field minimally coupled to a scalar field with quartic self-interaction. The renormalization of the relativistic model, in the Coulomb gauge, is discussed. We employ a procedure to calculate scattering amplitudes for low momenta that generates their p/m|p|/m expansion and separates the contributions coming from high and low energy intermediary states. The two body scattering amplitude is calculated up to order p2/m2p^2/m^2. It is shown that the existence of a critical value of the self-interaction parameter for which the 2-particle scattering amplitude reduces to the Aharonov-Bohm one is a strictly nonrelativistic feature. The subdominant terms correspond to relativistic corrections to the Aharonov-Bohm scattering. A nonrelativistic reduction scheme and an effective nonrelativistic Lagrangian to account for the relativistic corrections are proposed.Comment: 22 pages, 8 figures, revtex, to be published in Int. J. Mod. Phys.